Dr. B. SRIKANTH Senior Superintendent of Police P (Crime & Intelligence) U E D IC UC OL Puducherry HERRY P PREFACE Criminals, as an old saying goes, do not respect principles and boundaries. However, law enforcement agencies, especially State Police forces, have always been handicapped by adhering to them. Hence, as a sequel, criminals have been operating with impunity using these boundaries skillfully to extend their areas of influence and activity. In a bid to nullify this advantage, it was always felt that the Police forces of Villupuram, Cuddalore and Puducherry should operate in tandem. As a part of the new initiative taken by our Police Leadership, especially Shri K.Radhakrishnan, IPS., Inspector General of Police, North Zone, Chennai and Shri Kishan Kumar, IPS., Inspector General of Police, Puducherry, a Border Crime Meet was organized on 12.07.2007 at Hotel Dune, whereat the need for a compendium on all the trans-border criminals was raised. Hence, this exercise was undertaken, which, as with all records needs regular updating. It is desired that this record would serve as a valuable tool for our sleuths. (Dr. B. SRIKANTH) (i) PUDUCHERRY POLICE OFFICERS PHONE NUMBERS Phone numbers Sl. No. Name and Designation Office/ PBX Residence Cell Thiru/Tmt./Selvi 1. Kishan kumar, IPS 2334006 2334002 94432-54841 Inspector General of Police 301 2442828 2. S. Vasudeva Rao, IPS 2224030 2275949 94422-11922 Deputy Inspector General of Police 302 3. VivekKishore, IPS 2337106 2339468 98944-78010 AIGP (Headquarters) & 304 Commandant/ IRBn, Puducherry 4. Chhaya Sharma, IPS 2334696 2339468 94432-62005 Senior Superintendent of Police (L&O) 305 365/391 5. Sindhu Pillai, IPS 04368- 04368- 9443254843 Senior Supdt. of Police, Karaikal 223238 223238 6. B. Srikanth, PPS 2334368 2256776 94432-40290 Senior Superintendent of Police (C&I) 306 Puducherry 7. V. J. Chandran, PPS 2334535 2337111 94433-49409 Senior Superintendent of Police 2333838 98940-78956 ADC to LG, Puducherry 8. Shivaji Sinha, PPS 011-24191495 09868374324 (On deputation to IB of Delhi) (ii) NORTH REGION SOUTH REGION RURAL REGION 1. Grand Bazaar PS 2338876 1. D’ Nagar PS 2272121 1. Ariyankuppam PS 2600477 2. Muthialpet PS 2336066 2. Mettupalayam PS 2271031 2. Thavalakuppam PS 2618066 3. Solai Nagar OP 2337646 3. Mudaliarpet PS 2358065 3. Bahour PS 2633431 4. Lawspet PS 2234097 4. Rediarpalayam PS 2292284 4. Karayamputhoor OP 2699452 5. Govt. Qts. OP 2252398 5. Villianur PS 2666321 5. Kirumampakkam PS 2611143 6. Kalapet PS 2655142 6. Mangalam OP 2666356 6. Nettapakkam PS 2699426 7. Orleanpet PS 2241310 7. Korkadu OP 2666348 7. Maducarai OP 2699463 8. Odiansalai PS 2228067 8. PCR Cell 2274944 8. Thirubuvanai PS 2640132 9. Traffic PS 2336087 9. VAC 2238016 9. Thirukkanur PS 2688435 10. All Women PS Pdy 2336178 10. Food Cell 2292277 10. Katterikuppam PS 2674313 1091 11. Excise 2253462 11. Sedarapet PS 2677404 11. C.I.D. PS 2224058 12. AWPS Villianur 13. Traffic Villianur 2661246 KARAIKAL REGION (04368) MAHE REGION (0490) YANAM REGION (0884) 1. Town PS 222402 1. Mahe PS 2332323 1. Yanam PS 2321233 2. Kottucherry PS 265100 2. Paloor PS 2332313 2. Darialtippa PS 3. T. R. Pattinam PS 233480 3. Pandakkal PS 2358200 3. PCR Cell 2321256 4. Neravy PS 238376 5. Thirunallar PS 236465 6. Nedungadu PS 261100 7. Traffic PS 223299 8. Ambagarathur OP 251100 9. Control Room 223100 + SP (Office) 10. PCR Cell 222067 11. Food Cell 222494 12. AWPS Karaikal 13. Coastal PS (iii) Superintendent of Police Sl. No. Name and Unit Office Phone / PBX Res. Phone Mobile/FAX Thiru/Tmt./Selvi : 1. K. Arumugam 2338684 2248654/ 94432-09101 CID 311 2240952 Puducherry 2. M. Balaramulu 2274944 2275089 PCR Cell Puducherry 3. Balla Hanumallaya 314 2222398 94421-83831 Home Guards Unit Puducherry 4. V. Deivasigamani 2227383 2290085 94434-46470 Wireless Puducherry 5. Felix Didier St. Hubert 2338684 2202522/ 94432-34392 Headquarters 2202963 Puducherry 6. A. Kandanathan 2201181/ 2253577 94432-15860 South Sub-Division 2206584 Puducherry 7. S. Kuppusamy 2336701 2235018/ 94432-87640/ Traffic 2333800/ 09447488994 Puducherry 2275975 8. I.R.C. Mohan 0490-2332513 2200299 9894065024/ Mahe Sub-Division Puducherry 9. K. Mohanraj 2601474/ 2200367 094474-88994 Rural Sub-Division 2619074 94432-10538 Puducherry 10. A. Nandagopal 2654253 2344500 94866-64551 OSD, Puducherry University Puducherry 11. G.P. Palanivelu 04368-228007 2358614 94432-66916 Karaikal Sub-Division Puducherry 12. N. Ramachandran 2292277 2224687 954368-222256 Food Cell 98944-64295 Puducherry 13. S. Ramaraju 2337700 2274171 94432-11172 Special Branch Puducherry 14. B. Ramaskandan 2330940 2240216 2337700 SIGMA-Security 94434-68208 Puducherry 15. N.T. Sivadassan 2272733/ 2253044 Police Training School 2277609 Puducherry (iv) Sl. No. Name and Unit Office Phone / PBX Res. Phone Mobile/FAX Thiru/Tmt./Selvi : 16. P. Tamilarasi 2272182 2254059 98940-65054 PAP Puducherry 17. V. Vijayakumar 2338756 2221249/ 94433-71993 North Sub-Division 2228783 Puducherry 18. G. Vijayasundaram 2238017 2212322 94432-84941 Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Puducherry Inspector of Police Sl. No. Name and Unit Office Phone / PBX Res. Phone Mobile/FAX Thiru/Tmt./Selvi : 1. V.T. Abdul Raheem 2274378 94430-59899 Sigma (Security) Puducherry 2. V.K. Achudam 2272733 94430-66440 Welfare Puducherry 3. M. Angappan 2276417 2340357 94438-82018 D’ Nagar Circle Puducherry 4. S. Anjammal 2660385 2252710 94438-42944 AWPS Villianur 5. B. Arumugam 2335530 2272300 94432-56767/ S.O. to Hon’ble Chief Minister 94432-34565 Puducherry 6. T. Bairavasamy 22458857 94423-97074 Orleanpet Circle Puducherry 7. R. Bakthvachalam 2602788 2273534 94432-74792 Ariankuppam Circle Puducherry 8. P. Balachandran 2202851 94431-79123 STF (D/d from SIGMA-SEC) Puducherry 9. V. Balakrishnan 0884-2321210 2346364 94434-81802 Yanam Circle Puducherry 10. P. Baskaradasse 2238016 2273893 94424-86394 VAC Puducherry 11. S. Bascarane 2229666 94435-60717 Special Branch Puducherry 12. C. Cabilagourou 321 2200582 99944-75698 PAP (Attached with CCR) 2336790 Puducherry (v) Sl. No. Name and Unit Office Phone / PBX Res. Phone Mobile/FAX Thiru/Tmt./Selvi : 13. Ch. Radhakrishnan 2224144 94423-96969 Traffic Engineering Cell Puducherry 14. R. Chandrasekaran 2272082 2271692 94431-58674 Cipher Cell Puducherry 15. Chintha Kothandaraman 2228323 2241067 94433-63739 Grand Bazar Circle Puducherry 16. R.K. Deivanayagam 04368-233014 2210515 94432-31800 T.R. Pattinam Circle Karaikal 17. Emile Ranjit 94432-10912/ OSD to Hon’ble CM 09811065002 New Delhi 18. K.D. George 2337243 2251414 94436-49107 Chief Stores 2220326 Puducherry 19. A. Gunasegaran 2334536/ 2330082 98941-34981 Addl. ADC to LG (SIGMA-Security) 2335546 Puducherry 20. K. Gunasegaran 2224058 2250200/ 9345452123 CID PS 2250587 Puducherry 21. S. Jayabalan 2655281 2276860 94431-01216 Pondicherry Engineering College Puducherry 22. V. Kaliamurthy 2238016 2699543 94437-99701 VAC Puducherry 23. G. Karunakaran 2272733 2252517 94421-87871 PTS (D/D from (SIGMA-Security) Puducherry 24. Konda V. Rao 2291563 98941-52607/ SIGMA-Security 9441814110 Puducherry 25. R. Kumar 2661246 2221591 94434-34652 Traffic PS Villianur 26. Manjan Prasad Rao 2279620 94434-52620 PAP (Attached as Secy. to DIG) Puducherry 27. C. Maran 2336371 2203030 94435-60719 S.O.to Hon’ble Speaker Puducherry 28. D. Marimuthu 2338876 94430-71121 Special Branch Puducherry (vi) Sl. No. Name and Unit Office Phone / PBX Res. Phone Mobile/FAX Thiru/Tmt./Selvi : 29. R. Marimuthu 2224058 5501774 94432-74774 Crime Records Bureau Puducherry 30. R. Mohankumar 2680452/ 2201258 94436-58844 Thirukkanur Circle 2680400 Puducherry 31. V. Mohanraj 04368-237020 2357050/ 94432-14745 Thirunallar Circle (D/d from SIGMA-Sec.) 3295070 Karaikal 32. K. Murugavel 327 2277995 94432-32851 FRRO Puducherry 33. N. Periyasamy 2272082 5502079 94431-16710 PAP Puducherry 34. P. Purushothaman 2245607 94434-34252 SIGMA-Security Puducherry 35. Radjou Kousalavan 2238016 2210915 94432-21095 Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Unit Puducherry 36. R. Ragunayagam 2600127 93459-97242 SIGMA-Intelligence Puducherry 37. Rajakirubakaran 334 94432-16795 SIGMA-Security Puducherry 38. Rajasankar Vellat 2323223 2275150 094952-60564 Mahe Circle Puducherry 39. P. Rajendiran 2253462 2273897 98423-73897 Excise Puducherry 40. T. Raman 2272733 2253323 PAP (D/d at PTS) Puducherry 41. B. Ranganathan 2633804/ 2358516 98430-59100 Bahour Circle 2634900 Puducherry 42. N. Ravikumar 2357135/ 2335555 94432-69068 Mudaliarpet Circle 2355855 Puducherry 43. D. Ravindran 04368-222494 2210538 94434-60538 Food Cell Karaikal 44. G. Saravanan 04368-224750 2291746 99945-31704 Coastal PS (D/D from SIGMA-Security) Karaikal (vii) Sl. No. Name and Unit Office Phone / PBX Res. Phone Mobile/FAX Thiru/Tmt./Selvi : 45. D. Sathiyanarayanan 2274944 2338627 94434-13683 PCR Cell Puducherry 46. N. Selvam 2224144 2274232 94432-93555 Traffic PS Puducherry 47. V. Shanmugam 2334006 2243352/ 94434-59835 Sec. to IGP 2245796 Puducherry 48. K. Sivaraj 2337243 2600382 94432-23358 Home Guards Unit Puducherry 49. A. Subramanian 04368-222437 2275386 94434-34117 Tower Circle Karaikal 50. S. Tamilmani 2674604/ 2357779 94427-87972 Co-op. Sugar Mill 2674683 Puducherry 51. S. Venkatasamy 2228323 2200633 98430-73731 Villianur Circle Puducherry 52. K.L. Viravallabane 2235314 2274686 93454-57745 Lawspet Circle Puducherry 53. V. Yuvaraj 2699999 2358884 98423-11450 Nettapakkam Circle Puducherry Sub-Inspector of Police Sl. No. Name and Unit Office Phone / PBX Res. Phone Mobile/FAX Thiru/Tmt./Selvi : 1. S. Adalarasan 2236766 94434-90999 Special Branch Karaikal 2. Anil Kumar Parambath Aduvatil
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