Odonatological Abstracts 1998 (16267) [DAIGLE, J.J.], 1998. EcoSwnmary Deep 1 - Creek at US Hwy 441. p. (Author: 2067 Little River (16265) ANDREEV, A.V., 1998. O faune Odona- Lane, Tallahassee, FL 32311, USA). ta Moldovy i strekozah Talmaszkogo uchastka A concise BioReconnaissnce Report. The Deep — Creek is Dnestra. [On the odonate fauna of Moldavia a tributary of the Suwannee R., Flori- da. Adults and dragonflies of the Talmaz section of the Dni- and larvae of Hagenius brevistylus and ester Progomphus are river], Problemy sohraneniya bioraznoobraziya obscurus common. They are con- sidered indicators Srednego i Nizhnego Dnestra (Mater, mezhdunar. asvery good ofclean water in an — undisturbed Florida Konf.), pp. 14-16, ANM, Kishinev. (Russ.). (Ecol. stream ecosystem. Environ- Soc. “Biotika”, Inst. Zook, Moldavian Acad. Sci,, mental parameters are stated. Kishinev, Moldavia). Based on literature and on own (1998) collections, (16268) GITT, W. & K.-H. VANHEIDEN, 1998. Si a commented list is of los animalre hablar Christliche Liter- presented 41 spp. from the pudieran ... Prut-Dniester in Moldavia and the Bielefeld. 124 ISBN 3-89397- region adjacent atur-Verbreitung, pp. -412-1. - (Publishers: territories. 7 of these were notas yetrecorded from Postfach 110135, D-33661 the Republic of Moldavia (= Moldova). Bielefeld). Spanish edn of the book listed in OA 12203. The (16266) CANNINGS, R.J., D. St. JOHN & G. odon. chapterappears on pp. 63-78. HUTCHINGS, 1998. A survey of rare dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) in the Okanagan and (16269) RICHARDS, S., M. KAWANAMO & G. Similkameen valleys. Brit. Columbia Consent Data TORR, 1998. Odonata (dragonflies and dam- - selflies). A Centre, Victoria/BC. (Conserv. Data Cent., P.O. In: A. Mack, [Ed.], biological assess- the Box 9344, Stn Prov. Govt, Victoria, BC, V8W 9M1, ment of Lakekamu Basin, Papua New Guinea. CA). Rapid Assessment Program Working Paper No. [Not available for abstracting] — An updated, 9, pp. 47-49, 144-148. Conservation International, abridged edn, titled “Rare Odoanta of the Okana- Washington. — (First Author: Vert. Dept, South and Similkameen Austral. North gan valleys, British Columbia”, Mus., Terrace, Adelaide,SA 5000, appears athttpdlwww.livinglandscapes. be. calthomp- AU). — 34 spp. incl. 1 undescribed okldragonfileslrareodonata.hlml [sic!] Treated are: are listed, sp. and several others Lestes forcipatus, Argia emma, A. vivida, Enallag- almost certainly so. Habitat preferences of each ma hageni, Aeshna constricta, Gomphusgraslinel- sp. are summarized. lus, Stylurus olivaceus, Macromia magnifica (inch 1999 M.rickeri), Somatochlora cingulata, Erythemis col- locata, Libellula pulchella and Sympetrum vicinum. A tab,, showing the characteristics of sites where (16270) CANNINGS, R.A., S.G. CANNINGS & L.R. they were seen or collected, is appended. RAMSAY, 1999. The dragonflies (Insecta: Odoanta) of the Columbia Basin, British Colum- 96 OdonatologicalAbstracts bia: collections and html — Brit. Columbia field surveys, development public onfileslodonata. [sic!] (Roy. education. R. Br. Columb. Mus. [Living Landscapes Mus., 675 Belleville St„ Victoria, BC, V8W 9W2, Victor!a7BC, 287 ISBN 0-7726-4008-4. Project], pp. CA). Available 67 and the character at http:lllivinglandscapes.bc.calwww_drag- spp. are listed, biogeographic onltoc.html — (First Author: Roy. Brit. Columbia of each is stated. Mus., 675 Belleville St., Victoria, BC, V8W 9W2, CA). (16272) CANNINGS, R.A. & S.G. CANNINGS, This is amonumental review of all what is known on 2000. The Odonata (damselflies and dragonflies) the odon. fauna of the Columbia R. Basin in British of the Montane Cordillera Ecozone. Available at Columbia,Canada, exclusive of the Okanagan R. http:!Hivinglandscapes.be. cal thomp-okldragonflies! drainage (commonly called the Kootenay Region odonala.html [sic!] - (First Author: Roy. Brit. Co- or The Kootenays). It is based on a 2-yr survey lumbia Mus., 675 Belleville St., Victoria, BC, V8W (1998-1999)and all previously (since 1905)known 9W2, CA), Zone records are also considered. In all, 366 Columbia The extends from the eastern Rocky Mts in Basin sites and 5060 specimens, referable to 66 spp. Alberta to the western slopeof the Cascades in Brit- are now on record. For the first time recorded are ish Columbia, and from the latitude of the Skeena Calopteryx aequabilis, Lestes forcipatus, Coena- Mts in northern British Columbia to the United grion interrogatum, Stylurus olivaceus, Somato- States border. Covering morethan 49 million ha, it chlora cingulata, S. forcipata, S. minor, S. walshii is Canada’s sixth largest ecozone, with an exception- Leucorrhinia A well-balanced of climate. and glacialis. concise, al diversity topography and 77 spp. are and very informative “Introduction” to the Odon., listed, those of managementconcernareasterisked, the descriptions of the 10 types of odon. habitats in and the fauna is biogeographically analysed. the region, and the section on regional odon. bio- geography(withdefinitions offaunal elements and (16273) HELB, H.-W, 2000. Insekten als Bioindika- list of referable each followed der dffentlicher Baumassnahmen. spp. to element) are toren Planung the review of the fauna dt. 12: 295-298. by systematic (pp. 23-268). Mitt. Ges. allg. angew. Ent. (With For each sp., the information on its provincialstatus, Engl. s.). - (AG Biol. & Okol,, FB Architektur-, the Columbia-Kootenay and global distribution, Raum- und Umweltplanung,Univ. Kaiserslautern, and on its biology (habitat, habits, phenologyetc.) Postfach 3049, D-67633 Kaiserslautern). is and distribution and In with the construction scheme for the presented, aregional map a agreement detailed list of records are provided.The concluding Kaiserslautern Univ. Campus, several region-spe- chapters deal with the effectsof human activity on cific biotopes were created. As it became apparent dragonfly populations,and with recommendations duringa 4-yr systematic monitoring, this has trig- for future inventory, research and monitoring. — gered a biodiversity increase in plants, odon. (21 is butterflies Among the “colateral products” of this survey the spp.), grasshoppers, ants, and birds, but of slide shows of 2 video carabid The production types (slides on not in land-bugs and in beetles. project with voice-over and shows made the Rhineland-Palatinate commentary, up was designedby govern- of individual slides and associated hardcopy text), ment (Germany) asa pilot trial for the measures to which were distributed to parks and naturalists be applied in the planning of public construction for in — works. organizations use interpretive programs. The authors have to be congratulated and admired for the enormous amount of excellent work they 2001 have produced within an incredibly short period of time. (16274) BROOKS, S.J.. 2001. Dragonflies and dam- selflies. In. D.L. Hawksworth, [Ed.], The changing 2000 wildlife in Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 340-354, Taylor & Francis, London-New York. ISBN 0-415- (16271) CANNINGS, R.A., 2000. Checklist of -32681-8. — (Author: Dept Ent., Nat. Hist. Mus. dragonflies (Odonata) of the Thompson-Okana- Lend.,Cromwell Rd, London, SW7 5BD, UK). British Canada. Available The distribution and of the 52 odon. gan Region, Columbia, status spp. be. recorded from the British Isles the athltp:llwww. livinglandscapes. calthomp-okldrag- are among OdonatologicalAbstracts 97 best known of invertebrate 1990 schlands Mdrkische any group. By (Odonata: Libellulidae). enl. the Odonata Mapping Scheme had received more Nachr. 3(1): 29-31. (With Engl. s.). - (Waldstr. 4, than 160,000 UK records, from over 2000 recorders D-16278 Steinhofel). and achieved of about 87% of the Brit- The 2 recorded from the of a coverage spp. are vicinity Lychen, ish Isles. — Between 1945 and became N where observed 1960,3 spp. Brandenburg, they were as pio- extinct in Britain, while Coenagrionlunulatum was neer colonizers in a rehabilitated spring swamp; — discovered in 1981 for the first time in the British NE Germany. Isles. Other spp. have suffered declines, althougha few have increased their range. - The activities of 2002 extractive industries the creation of and many new have increase the and 2002. invertebrates gardenponds helped to range (16278) BRATTON, J.H., Aquatic abundance of several spp. Additionally,in the last recorded in the Gwent Levels: introduction,check- few in climate list and Council Wales years, perhaps respone to change, bibliography. Countryside have their northwards Sci. No. ii+23 — Sci. some spp. expanded ranges nat. Rep. 02/5/2, pp. (Nat. Gr., to Maes and there appears have been an increase in the Countryside Council for Wales, y Ffynnon, to abundance and numbers of spp. migrating Brit- Ffordd Penrhos, Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales, LL57 of these has established ain, although none per- 2DN, UK). manent breeding populations, - In the future, it The Gwent Levels are an area of flat, low-lying that will continue farmland the N side of the Severn seems likely pressure to grow on on Estuary, wetlands further contractions in the UK. This document summarises the site’s causing range Wales, of many odon. spp. However, if the number of origins, the reasonsforits protection and its aquatic A wetland reserves and quality of land management invertebrate interest. checklist ofaquatic inver- tebrates continue to improve this may help to slow the de- (inch 15 odon. spp.) and the bibliography cline. - Global increase in for the site’s invertebrates included. warming may causean are the numbers of migrant spp. Some of these may
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