University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln DOD Military Intelligence U.S. Department of Defense 6-1951 Foreign Firing Table FT-F-50, Soviet Gun, Tank, 100mm, Model 1944, (Д-10); Gun, Tank, 85mm, Model 1944 (ZIS-S53); Gun, Tank, 76mm, Model 1941, (ZIS-5) firing 100mm fragmentation high explosive shell OФ-412; 100mm armor piercing tracer shell БP-412; 85mm fragmentation shell O-365 and 0-365К; 85mm armor piercing tracer shell БP-365 and БP-365К; 76mm fragmentation shell O-350; [and] 76mm armor piercing tracer shell БP-350; June 1951 Ordnance Intelligence, Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army FRooblloewrt thiBolins and , dep addosititionor al works at: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/dodmilintel University of Nebraska - Lincoln, [email protected] Part of the Defense and Security Studies Commons, Military and Veterans Studies Commons, Other Engineering Commons, Peace and Conflict Studies Commons, and the Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies Commons Ordnance Intelligence, Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army and Bolin, Robert , depositor, "Foreign Firing Table FT-F-50, Soviet Gun, Tank, 100mm, Model 1944, (Д-10); Gun, Tank, 85mm, Model 1944 (ZIS-S53); Gun, Tank, 76mm, Model 1941, (ZIS-5) firing 100mm fragmentation high explosive shell OФ-412; 100mm armor piercing tracer shell БP-412; 85mm fragmentation shell O-365 and 0-365К; 85mm armor piercing tracer shell БP-365 and БP-365К; 76mm fragmentation shell O-350; [and] 76mm armor piercing tracer shell БP-350; June 1951" (1951). DOD Military Intelligence. 66. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/dodmilintel/66 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the U.S. Department of Defense at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in DOD Military Intelligence by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. .·FT-FsC> Fi' F l00 =85 16 FOREIGN FIRING TABLES for SOVIET Gun, Tank, lOOmm, Model 1944, ( ,U -10) Gun, Ta.nk, 85mm, Model 1944, (ZIS..S53) Gl.Ul, Tank, 76nnn, Model 1941, (ZIB-5) firing lOOmm Fragmentation High Explosive Shell 00:?-412 lOOmm Armor Piercing Tracer Shell BP-412 85mm Fragmentation Shell 0-365 and 0-365H 85mm Amor Piercing Tracer Shell BP-365and BP-3651{ 76mm Fragmentation Shell 0-350 76mm Armor Piercing Tracer Shell BP-350 WARNJNG! DO Na.r USE THESE TABIES BEFORE READJNG NCf.I!ES JNSIDE THIS COVER Prepared by ORDNANCE 'lNTELLIGENCE ORDNANCE CGRPS, DEJ?ARrMENT QF TEE ARMY June 1951 R E S T R~-C..T~ ,., ":·' dZ:J'-if-... ~··: ··'' :RESTRICTED l'~ 0 T E S _;_" T'he follo1~in.g rw'tes apply to tl1is firiI'...g table only·~ 3:/stem in t:tzt the c:L1-"'>cle 1s divided ::o:to 6000 'Qai~ts in.stead 8±~ 6400 ~ ,('..,, ,_,.._. 'J ~- cnarg~s as :follcyws ~ ;Sc-:1:~.et F;.J..l"l ClJa.. 1...,ge eq_1:a.ls :::~)·~~j~e·i_~, ~Beduced Cba,rge 4. These tables are a t:'13..I?El&:-t/;..~::n f::-c'D1 ti-Le a::.~:Lg~:"la 1 SG1iet f irln.g ts_bles; t1cYWf.:~ ve:~ tl1e ds.:ca ~ia.s :o.ct -been cl1ecked by 1Jnited S·t-3.tes P·•.. rrr;Jr Cr~dn::i.:~:0-:2'~ Cc:·:rnS :Fi:rin..g Tests ~ RESTRICTED TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. BAS IC INFOBMAT ION • • • III 2. WEA.Prns CHA.BACTERIST res III 3. SIGHTS IV 4. A-MMUNITION VI 5 . FIRING TA:BIES FOR 1001\lli GUN • 1 6. TABLE OF CORRECTIONS FOR MEAN DEVIATION lOOMM GUN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 7. TABI.ES OF INCREASE IN MAXIMUM ORDINATE lOOMM GUN • • • • • • • • • • 9 8. FIBING TABIES FOR 85.MM GUN • • • • • • 15 9. TABLE QF CORRECTIOl'S FOR MEAN DEVIATION 85MM GUN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 23 10. TABU:S OF INCREASE Ili 1&\.XIML1M ORDINATE 85MM GUN • • • • • •••• 25 11. FIRING TAJ3IES FOR 76MM GUN 33 12. TABLE OF CORRECTIONS FOR MEAN DEVIATION 76m:m GUN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 37 13. TABLES OF INCREASE IN M.t\XIMUM ORDINATE 76MM GUN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 39 II 1. BAB IC INFORMA.TI ON a. This publication contains firing tables for the following weapons: ( 1) The Model 1944 (,U -10) lOOmrn gun mounted in the Model SU-100 self-propelled gun. This gun is ballistically identical to the Model 1944, lOOmm anti-tank gun, and uses the same ammunition. However, the AT gun has a maximum elevation of plus 4o degrees whereas the self-propelled gun is 11mited to a ms.ximum elevation of plus 17 degrees. (2) The Model 1944 ( 311C -C 53) 85mm gun mounted in the T34/85 and the T-44 medium tanks. This gun is ballistically identi­ cal to the Model 1939, 85mm AA gun, and uses the same a.mnmni ti on. However, the M gun has a ma.:x:imum elevation of plus 82 degrees, whereas both the T34/85 and the T-44 tank guns have a maximum eleva­ tion of plus 25 degrees. (3) The Model 1941 ( 3V1C -5) 76 .2:mm gun mounted in the T34/76 medium tank and the KB-76 heavy tank. This gun is the same ballist ically as the Model 1939, 76.2mm field gun. 2" -WEAPONS CRA.RACTERISTICS a. The weapons covered in this publication have the following characteristics: III lOOmm 85mm 76mm Characteristics Gun Gun Gun Max. Range (yds) 15,316 17, 716 14,545 Normal Range (yds) 4,ooo 5,200 4,ooo Tube Length ( Cals) I 53 49 39 Muzzle Vel. (fps) I 2,953 2,625 2,231 Ammunition HE, AP-T, BE, AP-T, HE, AP-T, HVAP-T HVAP-T HVAP-T, BF.AT Rate of fire (rpm) 6 8 12 Elevation (deg.) I 17 /. 25 /. 30 Depression (deg.) - 2 ? ? T:ra verse (deg.) 16 360 360 Proj. Wt. (EE) 35.1 lbs 21.2 lbs 13.7 lbs Proj. Wt. (AP-T) 34.6 lbs 20.3 lbs 14.3 lbs Mod Sight Used TIIl-19 I TilI-15 ? b. The maximum ranges listed above are the maximum I ranges of whict the weapons are ballistically capable, I however in firing from tanks and self-propelled guns the I maximum range cannot be a~tained due to the limited eleva- j tion :~ t::.w::::~ ~t:::; :~~::~iles listed above are I not covered in these tables; these rounds are used at 1 short ranges, and visual sighting is used. 'lj,. 3. SIGHI'S a. The sights used in firing the weapons covered in I TI these tables are direct fire telescopic sights. They are mounted on brackets attached to the non-recoiling part of the gun mount. These sights contain a reticle on which is shown the scales used with the different types of pro­ jectiles. These scales are in the form. of a series of graduations, each main graduation being numbered with the range at which used, a..71.d sub-divisions of the main gradua­ tion being properly indicated. The following table lists the model of sight used, projectile used, and the sight scale to be used with that projectile. On the sight reticle proper, the identifying sight scale s;ymbol will be shown directly over the scale to be used, while the firing table lists the sight scale to be used with each projec­ tile. This scale is sh~Nil in the upper left corner of the first page cf each table. I Model Sight Projectile Cbarge Weapon of Scale Used Used Sight to be Used ___@__ lOCMm TIII-19 ill!-412 Full IIEJIH lOCmm TlII-19 o~-412 Reduced ~ YM lOOmm TIIl-19 BP-412 Full BP 85mm TilI-15 BP-365R Full BPOr 85mm Tiil-15 BP-365 Full BP Or 85mm Till-15 0-365 Full BPor I 85mm l TIII-15 0-365R Full BP Or 76mm * BP-350 Full BP.Dr 76nm * 0-350 Full BP.nI1 *The model number' of the sight used with the 76mm gun is unknown. The sight scale listed is shown in the original Soviet firing table for this gun. v 4 • AMMON IT ION a. The ammunition listed in these tables is of the fixed type. A full criarge weighing 12.04 pounds and a reduced charge weighing 8 .1 7 pounds are used with the lOOmm gun. The 85rnm and the 76mm,guns use only a full cba.rge weighL-ig 5.70 pounds and 2.38 pounds respectively. b. The propellant powders are composed of tubular grains of the progressive ,b1.Lrning t;;roe, and the grabs range in size from h/l, 7/1, 7/7; 9fr 5 12/7 to 14/7. The numerator gives the grain web size in O.J. of e. mil­ limeter' and the denominator indicates the nu.mbe:r of per- f orav1ons,-'- · e.g.J hj•. .L ma.· "1 cai:.ee· a grain, -w-i,_,n._,_, a u." L~mm 'd"Sb- size a.11d a single perforation while 12/7 means a L2mm web size and seven perforations. c. Soviet complete rou...--ids are identified by an in­ dex made up of figures and letters of the Soviet alphabet. Below is a table listing the complete rounds covered in these taoles. VI .
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