STATE OF MICHIGAN CENTRAL PROCUREMENT SERVICES Department of Technology, Management, and Budget 525 W. ALLEGAN ST., LANSING, MICHIGAN 48913 P.O. BOX 30026 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 CONTRACT CHANGE NOTICE Change Notice Number 4 to Contract Number 071B7700027 LOGOFIT LLC Program Various MULTI Manager CONTRACTOR 3202 Lapeer Road STATE Flint, MI 48503 Administrator Jon Kraut Contract Valerie Hiltz DTMB 800-778-8948 (517) 249-0459 [email protected] [email protected] CV0042264 CONTRACT SUMMARY UNIFORMS AND WORK APPAREL - STATEWIDE INITIAL EFFECTIVE DATE INITIAL EXPIRATION DATE INITIAL AVAILABLE OPTIONS EXPIRATION DATE BEFORE November 1, 2016 October 31, 2019 3 - 1 Year June 30, 2020 PAYMENT TERMS DELIVERY TIMEFRAME 3% 10 N 30 Days Varies. See Schedule A, Section 6.2. Delivery Timeframe ALTERNATE PAYMENT OPTIONS EXTENDED PURCHASING ☒ P-Card ☐ PRC ☐ Other ☒ Yes ☐ No MINIMUM DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS N/A, however, for free delivery 12 of any items must be ordered. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE NOTICE OPTION LENGTH OF OPTION EXTENSION LENGTH OF EXTENSION REVISED EXP. DATE ☒ 1 year, four months ☐ October 31, 2021 CURRENT VALUE VALUE OF CHANGE NOTICE ESTIMATED AGGREGATE CONTRACT VALUE $1,255,775.00 $0.00 $1,255,775.00 DESCRIPTION Effective July 1, 2020 the remainder of the first option year and the second option year are hereby exercised. The new expiration date is October 31, 2021. Schedule B is revised as attached. All item pricing which is shown as TBD (To Be Determined) is in the process of being reviewed with the intention of having those prices finalized in July of 2020. The Contractor will offer all currently held inventory, as listed and attached in this Change Notice, at the Change Notice #3 pricing until such time as the in stock inventory has been depleted. All other terms, conditions, specifications and pricing remains the same. Per Contrator and agency agreement and DTMB Central Procurement Services approval. CHANGE NOTICE NO. 4 TO CONTRACT NO. 071B7700027 Program Managers for Multi-Agency and Statewide Contracts AGENCY NAME PHONE EMAIL DNR Lisa Crozier-Green 517-284-5938 [email protected] EGLE Lisa VanOstran 517-284-5012 [email protected] DTMB Brad LaMacchia 517-636-4891 [email protected] Revised via Change Notice #4, Effective 7/1/2020 Replaces Sheets 23 - 30 CONTRACT #071B7700027 (Additions and price revisions are denoted in red lettering. Discontinued items are crossed off) SCHEDULE B- PRICING Please Note, Prices are for article items only without embelishement. Cost of embelishment must be added for total pricing. T-SHIRTS Standard Item # Part # Item Description Brand 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X 9X 10X Sizes 1 2000 T-Shirt, Men's Ultra Cotton Gildan $2.35 $4.11 $4.48 $4.48 $4.48 - - - - - 2 2300 T-Shirt, 100% Cotton w/ Pocket Gildan $8.21 $11.52 $12.80 - - - - - - - 3 8000 T-Shirt DryBlend, Classic Fit, Unisex Gildan $4.88 $7.82 $9.36 $9.36 $9.44 - - - - - 4 M320W T-Shirt, Athletic-Sporty Unisex V-Neck Harrington $6.59 $7.74 - - - - - - - - 5 29M T-Shirt, Unisex Jerzeez $4.88 $7.81 $9.36 $9.39 $9.39 - - - - - 6 29LS T-Shirt, Long Sleeve Jerzeez $7.47 $9.70 $9.95 - - - - - - - 7 1790 T-Shirt, Women's V-Neck Augusta $4.59 $5.74 - - - - - - - - 8 4820 T-Shirt, Performance Hanes $11.24 $15.92 $16.34 - - - - - - - 9 CS401 T-Shirt, High Visibility CornerStone TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - 10 CS401LS T-Shirt, High Visibility Long Sleeve CornerStone TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - SWEATSHIRTS Standard Item # Part # Item Description Brand 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X 9X 10X Sizes 1 18000 Sweatshirt, Heavy Blend Crewneck Gildan $8.33 $10.34 $10.34 $10.58 $10.89 - - - - - 2 562M Sweatshirt, Crew Neck Jerzeez TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - 3 993M Sweatshirt, Full Zip Hoodie, Cuffed at Sleeve and Waist Jerzeez TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - - 4 996M Sweatshirt, Hooded and Cuffed at Sleeve and Waist Jerzeez TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - 5 G186FL Sweatshirt, Women's Full Zip Hoodie Gildan $19.06 $22.11 $22.71 - - - - - - - 6 18600 Sweatshirt, Men's Full Zip Hoodie Gildan $19.06 $22.11 $22.71 $24.06 $24.38 - - - - - POLO SHIRT Standard Item # Part # Item Description Brand 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X 9X 10X Sizes 1 BG-6207 Polo Shirt, Women's Long Sleeve Blue Generation TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - 2 BG-6500 Polo Shirt, Women's Short Sleeve Blue Generation TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - 3 BG-7207 Polo Shirt, Men's Long Sleeve Blue Generation TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - 4 BG-7204 Polo Shirt, Men's Short Sleeve Blue Generation TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 5 D100 Polo Shirt, Men's Pima Pique Devon & Jones TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - 6 D100T Polo Shirt, Men's Tall Pima Pique Devon & Jones $22.22 $31.48 $33.33 - - - - - - - 7 D100W Polo Shirt, Women's Pima Pique Devon & Jones $22.22 $25.93 $27.78 - - - - - - - 8 BG-7204T Polo Shirt, Men's Tall Blue Generation $23.61 $25.46 $29.17 - - - - - - - 9 K100 Polo Shirt, Men'ss Port Authority $9.58 $10.38 $11.98 $12.78 - - - - - - 10 K100P Polo Shirt, Men's Pocket Port Authority $11.18 $12.18 $14.18 $15.18 - - - - - - 11 K110 Polo Shirt, Men's Dry Zone UV Micro-Mesh Port Authority $14.13 $15.74 $18.97 - - - - - - - 12 L100 Polo Shirt, Women's Port Authority $9.58 $11.98 $11.98 $12.78 - - - - - - 13 LK110 Polo Shirt, Women's Dry Zone UV Micro-Mesh Port Authority $14.13 $15.74 $18.97 - - - - - - - 14 LK8000 Polo Shirt, Women's EZCotton Port Authority $17.25 $18.75 $21.73 - - - - - - - WOVEN SHIRTS Standard Item # Part # Item Description Brand 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X 9X 10X Sizes 1 BG-6217 Oxford Shirt, Women's Long Sleeve Blue Generation TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - 2 BG-6217S Oxford Shirt, Women's Short Sleeve Blue Generation TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - 3 BG-7217 Oxford Shirt, Men's Long Sleeve Blue Generation TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - 4 BG-7217S Oxford Shirt, Men's Short Sleeve Blue Generation TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - 5 BG8213S Button Up Shirt, Men's Short Sleeve, Fine Twill, 100% Cotton Blue Generation $12.09 $13.24 $15.54 $16.69 $17.84 $18.99 $20.24 - - - 6 D610 Button Up Shirt, Men's Long Sleeve, 100% Cotton Pima Advantage Twill Devon & Jones $21.44 $23.74 $24.89 $26.04 $27.19 $28.34 - - - - 7 M550 Denim Shirt, Men's Long Sleeve Harrington $15.30 $16.55 $17.80 $19.05 $21.55 $22.80 - - - - 8 BG8213 Button Up Shirt, Men's Long Sleeve, Fine Twill, 100% Cotton Blue Generation $17.09 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - 9 BG8213T Button Up Shirt, Men's Tall Long Sleeve, Fine Twill, 100% Cotton Blue Generation $22.56 TBD TBD - - - - - - - 10 DG530 Button Up Shirt, Men's Long Sleeve Devon & Jones TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - 11 DG530T Button Up Shirt, Men's Tall Long Sleeve Devon & Jones TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - - 12 L608 Button Up Shirt, Women's Long Sleeve, Easy Care Port Authority $18.75 $20.24 $23.22 - - - - - - - 13 L640 Button Up Shirt, Women's Long Sleeve, Twill Port Authority TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - - 14 RH370 Button Up Shirt, Men's Long Sleeve Non-Iron RedHouse $39.20 $40.78 $43.95 $45.57 - - - - - - 15 S608 Button Up Shirt, Men's Long Sleeve Easy Care S Port Authority $18.75 $20.24 $23.22 $24.72 - - - - - - 16 TLRH370 Button Up Shirt, Mens Tall Long Sleeve Non-Iron RedHouse $43.16 $44.75 $47.92 $49.50 - - - - - - BG-7217T Oxford Shirt, Men's Long Sleeve, Tall Blue Generation TBD TBD TBD SWEATERS & PULLOVERS Standard Item # Part # Item Description Brand 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X 9X 10X Sizes Sweater Set, Women's, Two piece set: Cardigan shell with tonal buttons & 1 038 Andrew Rohan TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - - lightweight crew neck sweater. 2 7090 Sweater, Women's V-Neck Andrew Rohan TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - - 3 351 Cardigan Sweater, Men's V-Neck, with No Pockets Andrew Rohan TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - 4 565 Sweater, Men's V-Neck Andrew Rohan TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - 5 LSW280 Cardigan Sweater, Women's Port Authority $21.99 $23.14 $25.44 $26.59 - - - - - - 6 LSW280 Sweater, V-Neck Long Sleeved, Low-pill, Unisex Port Authority $15.39 $16.54 $16.54 $16.54 - - - - - - 7 PC61M Mock Turtle Neck Port Authority $10.45 $12.82 $17.01 $19.04 - - - - - - 8 LSW285 Sweater, Women's V-Neck Port Authority $29.19 $30.69 $33.67 - - - - - - - 9 LSW287 Cardigan Sweater, Women's Port Authority $32.18 $33.67 $36.66 - - - - - - - 10 M415 Sweater Vest, Men's V-Neck Harrington $17.25 $18.75 $20.24 $21.73 - - - - - - 11 M415W Sweater Vest, Women's V-Neck Harrington $17.25 $18.75 $20.24 - - - - - - - 12 40 Sweater, Women's, Cardigan, Jewel Neck, Fine Guage Edwards TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - - COATS, JACKETS AND VESTS Standard Item # Part # Item Description Brand 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X 9X 10X Sizes 1 C26 Jacket, Carhartt, Quilt Lined, Zipper Front Carhartt $86.25 $86.25 $92.00 $92.00 $92.00 $92.00 - - - - 2 C55 Jacket, Carhartt, Heavy Quilt Lined, Zipper Front Carhartt $93.75 $93.75 $99.50 $99.50 $99.50 $99.50 - - - - 3 J14 Jacket, Carhartt, Sandstone, Sherpa Lined, Zipper Front Carhartt $67.50 $67.50 $70.95 $70.95 $70.95 $70.95 - - - - 4 J22 Jacket Carhartt, Jacket, Quilt Lined, Zipper Front Carhartt $73.50 $73.50 $82.13 $82.13 $82.13 $82.13 - - - - 5 J97 Jacket, Carhartt, Detroit Jacket, Sandstone, Blanket Lined Carhartt $59.38 $59.38 $62.26 $62.26 $62.26 $62.26 - - - - 6 J130 Jacket, Carhartt, Sandstone, Quilt Lined Flannel, Zipper Front Carhartt $67.50 $67.50 $73.25 $73.25 $73.25 $73.25 - - - - 7 V33 Vest, Carhart Carhartt $47.50 $47.50 $49.80 $49.80 $49.80 $49.80 - - - - 8 M750 Jacket, Packable Nylon Harrington $15.30 $16.55 $17.80 $19.05 - - - - - - Jacket, Heavy Winter Two-in-One: Fully seam-sealed parka, water & wind resistant, 9 J799-J323 polyfill-lined body & sleeves, removable hood, sits below the hip, double zip, to -35 Port Authority TBD TBD TBD TBD - - - - - - degrees, storm cuffs.
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