PAGE B12 — THURSDAY. APRIL «, 1998 UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED AUTO FOR SALE AUTO WANTED JEEP. 1988 GRAND OwrokM UradD, 6 The Q45 offers infinite possibilities AUTOMOTIVE cytMar. Wack. 4 «hta| (MM. anttock bnkat. ABLE PAYS TOP $$$ IN CASH a two-setting exit and entry memory trolled 4-speed automatic overdrive - l^loda»*i(Jo«r«iinl»do"««*' Serving Rahway and Clark The Q45 flagship luxury perfor- Cara, Trucks and Vana transmission with DUET-II shift man- condhtonino, cruiM. ontMa). CO. Mnt cond- mance sedan continues Infiniti's system that enables the seat, as well as bon. 21.0M milM. 122.000 or ban offar. Ml renowned tradition of offering cus- the poweT-assist telescopic and agement produces smooth, controlled 978-301-0223. and AI 4 Wharf Drtvsa height-adjustable steering column, to shifts that are responsive to driver AUTO FOR SALE tomers vehicles thit are well JEEP GRAND Chan**. Umrtad, 1995.49.000 FREE PICK UP 7 DAYS appointed, providing nearly ill fea- move to fully "relaxed" positions for input via the throttle. Both Q45 mod- ANY MIKE. An/ Modal. Any Prior.. Th* milM, aw»fl«nt condMon. Sariout buyari only. ^ (Mot It youml No Paymant Onw $100.00 par C«ll John 973-783-9674. tures as standard equipment. eased driver entry and exit when the els also feature standard traction con- month. G« PiM B irnw off your rww vahid*. 1-800-953-9328 front door is opened. The seat and trol system and viscus limited-slip Cal BO8-245-2S00. JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE UNITED 1998 Two models of the luxury sedin are 80,000 nata, mM eondMen. $15,000 steering column return to one of two rear differential. AUTO SPECIAL -«1 M tor lOwMkt prtpaid. Ca« Jute t73-7«3-«674 908-688-2929 available, the Q4S and a performance- Cal C^uttml tor dtlato. 800-584-6811. oriented Q45 Touring Model. The pre-programmed positions when the Stopping power for the flagship MA0ZA 828, LX Touring Hatchback. 1988.89k AUT06/ SEIZED Can From $150. Jacquar, WANTED: Junks. Wrecks. Autos, driver's door has been closed. mHa». 5 tpatd. Air. poaw Muring, wMoat. Trucks^toraign or domas»c). Cash paid. Same Janusz to challenge Kennedy for ma Q4S was designed to appeal to the Q45 models is provided by 4-wheel CorvtOi, MaxadH, BMW. Porteha, Honda. locks. PriOSd $2950. Can 973-379-3985 day pickup. Days, Evenings. 908-687-2271. premium luxury buyer, with a refined Once seated, occupants will find a disc brakes with large ventilated front 4xVi, Trucks and mora. LocaJ SaaH ittJngt. Tol frm 1-800-888-2292 aaantton A 4000. Beeper w 973-281-2000. custom-design eight-speaker Base When asked what the campaign After the primary, though, they will ride and elegant dish-style alloy and rear brake rotors and a standard MERCEDES BENZ 240-D. 1981. Dwsrf. $$$WE PAY TOP DOLLARS^ wheels. The sportier Q4St is equipped audio system with AM/FM/cassette/ BUCK REGAL, 1BJ8. Ona ownar. VMM with baiga, sick shift, nasr brakas. Unad. daan. No challenges offered for council seats would be like, Fulcomer said, "Frank face Republicans Gene Andre, Dirk 3-charme]/4 sensor anti-lock braking navrv»irllDp,2-d00r,AI*FMc»i»tO»,7S500 CD player, a two-way power operated $2.999 nagotabla. 908-810-7589. Janusz always runs a very truthful, Weber and A. Alan GilcresL The with i sport-tuned suspension, system. man. AtWng K.700. C«B 808-404-0389 For Your Junk Car By Sean Dally of a new city recreiDon oemcr. performance-cist iluminum alloy sunioof with tilt feature, an Integrated MERCURY TOPAZ. 1988 4, door. whrftV red. Chairman James Fulcomer said Jan- honest campaign. He sticks to the Republican candidates are also run- The elegant styling of Q45 features BUCK SKYHAWX, Sport, 1987.2 door hatch. automatic transmission, powar brakas. slaar- 24 Hour Service. Can: Staff Writer He added thai he wants to continue Air, poaar MMnnQ, ilurnifiufn wnMls. Naw Ffnldo honored usz was picked u the party's miayoral facts and, whatever he can say, you ning unopposed in the June primary. wheel!! and an attractive rear spoiler HomeLmk Transmitter for remote ^^^Maa^^B^eK^^^^yrafna^^^Aa^B^^^^Qljt^akak-funft-ajaF^^^^^B^BL— irei tk condrtenlnQ,81,000 mites. $2.150. ^^7CS^^^^^^^^lrtB^v1aoV^nBaK^^^v4*na1eB**aWenSaT^^^Sa"#a^^ RURI QIMU. 11900. PtO 973-763-1901, aflar 6pm. in nonor ot iuE'lUlBuCUHU- Know to be true, which is more than I designed to add a hint of athleticism opening of gates and garage doors, which runs from the slanted aerody- 908488-7420 going to be i hot one, with Mayor he nid bat kepi Uxa it or below their Even if the Republicans win all and an automatic climate control sys- NISSAN. ALTWA GLE. 1903. automatic Wuar didate possible to ran for mayor. He's can say about his opponent" to the vehicle's styling. BUCK SKYLARK 1988. VW». rag lop, S9K his lifelong James Kennedy facing one of his most 1990 levels, when he was first elected three seats, they will not hold a major- namic front of the car to the distinc- grasn. Baigt lauhar. auo locks/ windows. the best possible mayoral candidate at tem with CFC-free air conditioning 4-door. air-conditioning, powar staffing/ Kenendy said of his opponent, "Mr. Both models of Q45 are equipped tively styled inverse curve of the C- „ suraoof. 67.000 nilas. &tc»lant condrtion. TRDCKS FOR SALE dedication to ardent critic* in me miyond race. mayor. ity of seats on the City Council. The brmkM. cruiM. automatic, «R whaa!. AUfM, this time in Rabway's history." with a long list of standard euipment system. loadad. $11^00. 973-226-0191. Janusz has been around for eight years pillar. The Q4St takes the look a step Asldnfl $3200. 90f>984-3078. CHEVBOLET SUBURBAN. 4X4 hall Km, 1985. education, Kennedy, a Democrat, will be run- But Janus, pledging to "Pui Rah- Democrats have an 8-1 majority there, Also standard arc rear seat heating "Janusz is the suuugest candidate and I haven't seen anything positive and features, surrounding the driver further, adding a unique grill with NISSAN ALTMA. 1994. Must sas. Uka na». 130K mias. Naw rear/ transmissorv bras. former Roselle | ning against Republican Councilman way First," called Kennedy's admi- with Janusz as the lone Republican. GARS FOR $100 or Bast Off*. Saiad and Seats 10. Asking $5,200. Cal 732-815-1022 we have fielded in 30 years," said Ful- come from him. I know what he's and passengers with comfort, conve- and air conditioning vents, an innova- aucsonad by DEA. FBI. IRS. AT modds. 4wds. WM mantansd. Dcalsnt condrtion. Auto. blacked-out r-rrmr brightwaik ai the powar staaring. brakas. Whils. $6800 nagoD- after 7pm. Park Bank Janusz for the mayor's office. If nistration "awboritarian, wasteful and nience and security. tive three-way opening center con- boats, oomputars snd mora. Your aras nowt comer. " As evidence of his appeal to* against, but I don't know what he's Still, the Republicans can do some front and a body-color rear decklid 1-B0Q-941-8777 tnantion C199. abla. CaB 973-275-5088. Kennedy wins, this will be his third unsuccessful." sole, full complement of analog t CHEVY 1 Ton Rack Custom Deluxe 30.1986. Superintendent | Democrats and Independents, he was for. You can't run a city on what damage if they capture all the seats. Leather seating surfaces, available spoiler with integrated center high Dual rear wheels. Good condniun. ideal lor term as mayor, if Janusz wins, it will CHEVY VAN 1979, sunomabc transmission.* OLDSMOBIE CUTLASS Ciwa, 1988. Air- of Schools Ernie Finizio will be "Not one thing that the mayor will gauges, and wood-tone accents condbon, all powar, cruise control, 6-cylindsf. landscape*. $1,850. Can 908-522-0745. the only Republican to be elected to you're against." This will give the Democrats only a in Beige, Stone Beige and Black, and mounted stop lamp at the rear of the am-fm radio, ht«t*r. only $600. Call be his first. cassane. automatic 4-door. Excrflent condi- allege to be a hlarnark of his admi- 10-way power front seats invite driver throughout the inierior. Days: law* massao* 732-382-1618; Evsninos honored by the Union County public office in the 20th Legislative The councilman-al-large seats are slim 5-4 majority. car. Unique "V badging further dis- tion. 87,600 miles. Asking $2,250. Kennedy said he is running again to nistration has occured without the sig- and passengers alike into Q45's eleg- The Q45t Touring Model adds as 732-382-0053. Educational Services District." also up for election this year. The tinguishes the sporty Touring Model 973-748-3893. Do-It-Yourself Ideas complete • number of projects, nificant investment of public funds DOOGE CARAVAN. 1987. 7-passangar 4-cy- He added that Kennedy "threw incumbents — Democrats Sal Mione, If the Republicans vote together, ant interior. The driver's seal includes standard interior equipment two- PLYMOUTH LASER-RS. 1991. 2.0 tlBf. auto- A Reader Scrrict Fran Your Newspaper Foundation. from its Q4S stablemate. tndsr. Alarm, mag wharfs, op scoop, all powar including the economic restoration of taken from the pockets of current and matic air. AM/FUCO. sun root. 16" wheels. everything that he could at him, Nancy Saliga and Jim Jones — will be they can block increases to the munic- setting heated front seats and a spor- Cruise, sir. $1,500/ bast onar. Grail carl See Page Bl. 98500 mbs.
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