#153 JAN/FEB02. £2.25 - THEMATRIXNEWS MAGAZINE OF THE BRITISH SCIENCE FICTiON ASSOCIATION· HARRY POTTER -MATRIX-------------------- Issue #153 JanlFeb 02 Deadline for submissions for next issue: 30 Jan 02 The bi·monthly news magazine of the British Science Fiction Association Editor: Gary Wilkinson BSFA OFFICERS 18 Water Lane. South Wflham, Grantham. Uncs., NG33 5PH President: Sir Arthur C. Clarke, CBE garyOquirkalleeg.freeserve.co_uk <NEW> Vice President: Stephen Baxter Contributing Editors: Treasurer: Elizabeth Billinger Books: Janet Barron tlong Row Close. Everdon. OaventJy, 3 Ullswater Road, Bames, london. Northants NN11 3BE SW139PL billingerOenterprise.net ullswaterOcompuserve.com Membership Services: Paul Bllllnger Fandom: Steve Green 1 long Row Close, Everdon, Daventry. 33 Scat! Road, Olton, Solihull. 6927LQ Northants. NN11 3BE sfcheckpointOyahoo.com blllinge,Oenterprise.net UK membership: £21 pa or £14 pa (unwaged). life membership £190, Magazines: Glenda Prlngle Europe: £26 pa. Rest 01 World: £26 pa surface mail, £32 pa air mail. 22 Mead Way. Kidlington, Oxon.. OXS Cheques payable to: BSFA lid. 2BJ chrisOkidlinglon66.lreeserve.co.uk US Agent: Cy Chauvln 14248 Will,ed Street, Detroit, MI48213, WeMnternet news: Martin Sketchley USA 232 Alvechurch Road. West Heath, Binnngtlam, 831 3PS US subscription: $37 surface or $47 air mail. Cheques payable 10: Cy msketchleyOblueyonde,.co.uk Ghauvin (BSFA) Individual copyrights are the property of the contributors and editors. VIeWS The BSFA was founded in 1958 and is a non-profit making Ofganisation. expressed herein are nol necessarily those of the BSFA or BSFA staffed entirely by unpaid volunteers. Committee merrbers. Errors and OfT'IIssions are the responsibility cl the Editorial Team. Registered in England, Umiled by Guarantee, Company Number. 921500 Printed by: POC Copyprint. 11 Jeffries Passage, Guildford, GUl 4AP Registered Address: 1 long Row Close, Everdon. Davenlfy. NN 11 3BE ISSN: 0143 7909C BSFA 2001 BSFA SERVICES BSFA PUBLICATIONS Web SIte: www.bsfa.co.uk VECTOR BSFA Awards & BSFA Web Site: The Critical Journal of the BSFA Tanya Brown Production: Tony Cullen Flat 8, Century House, Armoury Road. 16 Weaver's Way, CarTlden, London, London. SE8 4lH NW10XE amaranthOavnel.co.uk tony.cullenOdfes.gsi.gov.uk London Meetings: Paul Hood 112 Meadowside, Eltham,london. SE9 Features: Andrew M Butler OB" clo Depl. cl Arts & Media, 028 • ASSH pauIOaudeo.demon.co.uk Faculty, Buckinghamshire Chillems lJriversity College, High Wycotrbe. Orblter Writing Groups: Bucks.. HPt1 UZ Carol Ann Kerry-Green ambutlefOenle1prise.ne1 278 Victoria Avenue. Hull, HUS 30Z Book Reviews: Steve Jeffery metaphorOmetaphor.karoo.co.uk 44 While Way. Kidlington, Oxon, OXS 2XA Publicity & Promotions: Claire Brlaley Focus 26 Northampton Road, Croydon, Surrey. CR07HA The Writers' Magazine of the BSFA cbslaOlragic.demon.oo.uk Mark Plummer Editor: Simon Morden 13 Egremont Drive, Sheriff Hill, 14 Nofthway Road, Croydon, Surrey, CRO Gateshead, NE9 SSE 6JE locus.ediforOblueyonder.oo.uk Publications Manager: Kathy Taylor kathyandlanOcableinel.oo.uk 02 MATRIX #153 Coke magic-up Final Adams 011 Publishing Book Token deal book recovered Probe Book Tokens has signed a deal with Coca­ A major part of the last, unlinished. book in the Cola to be part of an 'instant win' promotion on Hifch Hiker sequence has been discovered on The Department of Trade and Industry has 25 million cans of the sot! drink in Ireland. Douglas Adam's personal computer. Adams launched an investigation into the Book Tokens hopes the promotion, which had been working oft and on the project, competitiveness of publishing in the UK. The forms part 01 Coca-Cola's sponsorship of the entilled The Salmon of Doubt. for the eleven study, apparently the largest analysis ever Warner Brothers' film Harry Poner and the years up to his death earlier this year. There conducted on any sector of British industry, will Philosopher's Stone, will lead to the are now plans 10 publish the novel in ils examine the "current and future competitive redemption 01 up 10 forty thousand £5 or IR£5 unfinished state. The script was located by posrtion" of the sector. The invesHgation is to tokens, The Booksellers Association-owned Adam's personal assistant and his widow, be co-managed by UK Publishing Media, an company reported an increase of 8.8% in Jane Balson industry body set up by the Publishers sales to the RepubHcol Ireland since last year. Association, the Newspaper Society, the Newspaper Publishers Association and the Periodical Publishers Association. The study will be carried out by consultancy firm Pira International, with the lindings and an action Online door ...But another plan due to be published in June 2002 closes... opens Contentville.com closed its online doors on The infinite Matrix, the SF webzine edited by September 26". A note posted to the site by Eileen Gunn, has re-launched alter receiving Steve Brill said. "We appreciate your business, funding from an anonymous benefactor but unfortunately we simply were unable to Described as "a iOurnal for people who love -EDITORIAL - entice enough people for us to see our way to science fiction asa literature 01 ideas". lt1e a viable enterprise. All items previously webzine was announced in late 2000, then lost THE EARTH MOVED ordered and paid for will be shipped as lunding, though a one-shot issue eventually scheduled," Contentville sold boolIs, online went online in August 2001 The day alter I sent my first issue of Matrix to reprints of many magazines, e-books and The webzine leatures daily columns from the printers the East Midlands was struck with ClittsNotes. Bruce Sterling and Terry Bisson, a novel its worst earthquake since 1750 - 4.1 on the The site received brief notoriety in the excerpt by Kathleen Ann Goonan, and Richter scale (I don't think the two events are summer of 2000, when authors learned that cOfltributions trom Richard Kadrey, and Simon related, but you never can tell...)I wasn', far their articles were being reprinted without their Ings plus Ansible links from David Langford from the epicentre and given the current knowledge, That situation was resolved with You can lind it at htlp://www.infinrtematriX.net political climate my first thought when the an agreement between Brill and The National rumbling and shaking started was 'Oh my Writers Union (NWU), which resulted in God, they've nuked the airbase1' .. it being authors receiving compensation through the only three miles away NWU's Publication Rights Clearinghouse I'm writing this a couple of weeks before Christmas and no-doubt when you read this you'll be fully sated by the celebrations: the run·up seems to have gone 0fI for ever this The price of The OED needs time around - my gran's old prediction seems to be coming true: they really will be putling the tinsel out with the Easter Eggs ne)(\. At immortality you! least this year we have some festive films at Ken Folleltwill be making a guest appearance The Oxford English Dictionary have set up a the cinema - of course by now you will know in a forthcoming Terry Pratchetl novel, and web page at which fantasy is king - Lord of the Rings has donated over £2000 to charity lor the sCcitatlons.shtml as part ofa pilot project that review will have to wait for the next issue but privilege. At the charity Immortality Auction on will allow "knowledgeable aficionados" to help later you'll see what I thought ot Harry Potter. OCtober 16" , run by the Medk:al Founoation the QEO with words associated with a special This issue welcomes Steve Green and his for the Care 01 Victims of Torture, when tield ot interest. Their first subject is science 'Checkpoint' column covering the world of bidding was too sluggish for Folletl's liking he liction literature fandom, including locai groups and began bidding against himsell. He is now The idea started when Sue Surova, a conventions. He starts with a look at the latest hoping to appear as a giant and, less freelance researcher for the OED, posted a Novacon and the build up to the possible optimistically,todieduringadrunkenor9Y,but message on a discussion group looking for Glasgow Worldcon in 2005. We also have the Pratchetl was making no promises. early examples of the sf usage of the word lirst 'tweenie 'Out of Focus' column from "I don't write that sort of material so he'll 'mutant' as "a person with Ireakish appearance Simon Morden for when the mailing does not just have to wait and see," said Pratchetl, or abnormal abilities as a result 01 a genetic inclUde a Focus. Plus atomic physicists, Star eyeing Folletl's t>ouffantlocks with a gleam in mutatiOfl". The earliest example the OEO had Wars costumes, a cognitive science journal, a his eye and hiS hat firmly in place over his own for this sense was 1954 -- but the dietionary's French convention, Rice and 58lt and loads lack 01 curls. editors knew the word must have been used more, but unfortunately no partridge in a pear This year the amount raised by each earlier. A 1938 example was quickly found, tree~maybenextyear... author was Margaret Atwood £200, Pat Barker and a plan for further research wastormed. Remember Matrix always needs your £200, Ken Follelt £350, Robert Harris £220, They are seeking evidence lorthe earliest lelters for its, now, prile-giving letler column David Lodge £1,000, lan McEwan £280. citation of each of their list 01 terms used within and remember the NoHceboord is free for Raymond Senson £180, Zadie Smith £300 the genre as well as sf criticism andfandom, announcements, lorsales, want adds, or even andTerryPratchetl£2,200 Plus they are open to suggestions toany other kmely hearts! So make it your New Year's This was the SQCond Immortality Auction common terms they may have missed but not re~utiontogetwriting run by the Medical Foundation, with a similar words only used by one author or In one Apart from ail that a Merry Christmas and event last year featuring authors Sebastian sub-genre.
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