SRILA PRABHUPADA TRIBUTES 2010 SRILA PRABHUPADA TRIBUTES 2010 Celebrating the appearance day of our beloved spiritual master Oà Viñëupäda Paramahaàsa Parivräjakäcärya Añöottara-çata Çré Çrémad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda, Founder-Äcärya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness First printing: 2010, 320 copies The copyrights for the offerings in this book remain with their respective authors. CONTENTS BBT material © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc. INTRODUCTION 1 All rights reserved TRIBUTES by DISCIPLES 3 www.sptributes.com ALPHABETICAL LIST of CONTRIBUTORS 405 Printed in England Design and layout by Janak Rajani www.inajardesign.com INTRODUCTION In 1969, ISKCON published the first collection of Vyäsa- Prabhu has so well said, it represents “each of us offering an püjä offerings to Çréla Prabhupäda, in the form of a booklet, expression of our personal relationship with Çréla Prabhupäda. stapled and printed in small numbers. Each disciple had the A record of where we all are thirty-three years on.” opportunity to contribute an offering, and so too in 1970. By Ranchor Prabhu and Satyaräja Prabhu, both independently 1971, however, his disciples had become so many that the thoughtful, served with me to form the senior board for the publishers decided to print only one offering per temple, each book. But since I made final decisions, they deserve only followed by the names of the devotees who served there. credit, and I whatever blame. In 1973, a section was added for offerings by GBC members and in 1984 sannyäsés. But after 1991 the lists of devotees no Two editorial decisions deserve explaining: longer appeared. And the last time all of Çréla Prabhupäda’s disciples were each able to contribute an offering was forty First, Why no pictures? Including pictures would no doubt years ago. have made the book more attractive. But pictures of Çréla Prabhupäda are now profusely available, and I had my eye on This book, therefore, revives the opportunity for each of our deadline. Our production team was on a tight deadline, Çréla Prabhupäda’s disciples — at least, those still living — to and sticking to “text only” made the book simpler and swifter publish an offering in honor of His Divine Grace. to produce. Moreover, the essence of the book resides in the realizations and devotion expressed in the offerings. In the years since Çréla Prabhupäda’s physical departure, his disciples have gone in various directions, geographically and Second, why not have all the offerings simply in in other ways as well. But although we may differ in how alphabetical order? Why in order of initiation? And why we apply Çréla Prabhupäda’s teachings in our lives, we stand special precedence for sannyäsés? After all, some of Çréla united in acknowledging our indebtedness to His Divine Grace Prabhupäda’s householder disciples may be as good as any and desiring to honor and praise him. This book, therefore, sannyäsé. And some devotees initiated last might stand first in also provides an opportunity for us to come together for spiritual advancement. service at his divine lotus feet. As Satyaräja Prabhu recently wrote me, “We are all bound together by our affection I remembered, however, from personal experience, that in and appreciation for Çréla Prabhupäda. This book is tangible August of 1972 in New Vrindaban, when Çréla Prabhupäda evidence of that.” was personally present for his Vyäsa-püjä, this was the order he had specified: sannyäsés first, then the other devotees, in This book is a non-institutional offering. Though we hope order of seniority. that devotees serving as institutional leaders will be among those who find it pleasing, it has not been planned, financed, And so, after much discussion with the other members of our endorsed, or guided by any institutional authority. As Ranchor board, I chose to stick with this order. I add, also, that the 1 SRILA PRABHUPADA TRIBUTES book includes as a sannyäsé any devotee who has accepted Thanks to everyone who spread word of the book. the renounced order, regardless of institutional considerations. Finally, special thanks to Puñkar Räja Däsa Adhikäré and Harä I now have the happy duty of thanking the various devotees Devé Däsé, Nayan Ruparelia, Caitanya Nitäi Däsa Adhikäré, TRIBUTES whose dedicated service has gone into this book. Madhupati Däsa, and two anonymous devotees, who generously bore the entire cost of this book, thus making it Foremost, the devotees whose offerings — realizations, available, without charge, for every disciple who wrote an remembrances, and expressions of devotion and praise — offering. BY are the substance of the book. Second, our all-volunteer production team: Pradyumna Däsa Adhikäré, production Our apologies to those disciples of Çréla Prabhupäda whom manager; Rüpa Sanätana Däsa Adhikäré, senior editor; word of the book didn’t reach. We intend this book to be DISCIPLES Nimäi Devé Däsé, editor and proofreader; Jähnavé Harrison annual, and we hope they will write for the book next year. (daughter of Guru Caraëa Padma Devé Däsé and Kåpämoya Your suggestions for improving next year’s book are most Däsa Adhikäré), editor and proofreader; Matsyävatära Däsa welcome. (Write to [email protected].) Adhikäré, who helped with Sanskrit spellings; Jagannätha Çaraëa Däsa Adhikäré (www.inajardesign.com), who so Please forgive our mistakes and shortcomings. tastefully designed the book and put it into final pages; and Chandni Kathrani, who rendered administrative support. May the glories of Çréla Prabhupäda, who spread the glories of Lord Kåñëa throughout the world, be ever-increasingly Thanks to Mahä-mäyä Devé Däsé, whose diligently kept proclaimed, may Çréla Prabhupäda’s words and deeds always database of Çréla Prabhupäda disciples helped guide us on illuminate our hearts, and may we all be blessed to serve his names and dates and who helped with these personally also. lotus feet forever. Your servant, Jayädvaita Swami 2 SRILA PRABHUPADA TRIBUTES Bhakti Caitanya Swami Dhrstadyumna: Çré-guru-caraëa-padma, kevala-bhakti-sadma, vando mui sävadhäna mate. My dear lord and master, Çréla Prabhupäda, Prabhupäda: So this is the beginning, that if you want to be devotee, then you must approach the spiritual master who has Please accept my humble obeisances at your divine lotus feet. got the power. Çré-guru-caraëa-padma, kevala-bhakti-sadma, vando mui sävadhäna mate. Sävadhäna means very carefully, not All glories to you, the savior of the whole world! whimsically. Your sincere followers know nobody but you. I wish to be It is self-evident that you had that power of attorney, Çréla counted as one of them in due course. I’m convinced there is Prabhupäda, received from your spiritual master, Çréla no higher aspiration than this, and it is foremost in my mind, Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura. You single-handedly spread despite many lifetimes of material activity in this sick material Kåñëa consciousness all over the world despite seemingly world. insurmountable odds. You didn’t wait for anyone to make comfortable arrangements for you, but boldly stepped forward Çréla Narottama Däsa Öhäkura sings: alone. As you said, when you stepped off the ship in New York çré-guru-caraëa-padma, kevala-bhakati-sadma, “I did not know whether to turn left or right.” bando mui sävadhäna mate Anyone who wants to achieve that power of attorney to preach “The lotus feet of the spiritual master are the only way to attain Kåñëa consciousness in this age must be very careful to receive pure devotional service. I bow down to his lotus feet with great it from you. It is not really available elsewhere. Certainly not to awe and reverence.” the same degree. The word sävadhäna is something like a word of warning. We are struggling to continue your mission, Çréla Prabhupäda. When one travels by car in north India, if one comes across It is not easy. Kali-yuga is an extremely difficult time, and we some roadwork, the standard sign in Hindi to alert drivers of don’t have the qualifications that you have. the need for special care says “Sävadhäna.” One has to watch Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé quotes Çréla Sanätana Gosvämé in the out, or else there can easily be a calamity. Bhakti-rasamåta-sindhu (1.3.35): Çréla Prabhupäda, in one lecture you said: na premä çravaëädi-bhaktir api vä yogo ’tha vä vaiñëavo So our business is... Because we are preparing ourselves to preach jïänaà vä çubha-karma vä kiyad aho saj-jätir apy asti vä Kåñëa consciousness, we must be qualified to get the power of attorney. Sometimes we speak that “I’ll preach.” What you hénärthädhika-sädhake tvayi tathäpy acchedya-mülä saté will preach? First of all get the power of attorney; then preach. Preaching is not so easy that anyone and everyone can preach he gopé-jana-vallabha vyathayate hä hä mad-äçaiva mäm without... kåñëa-çakti vinä nahe näma pracäraëa. So to get that power of attorney one has to qualify himself; not that the power of In your Nectar of Devotion you translate this verse, Çréla attorney is hanging in the tree and you can take it. No. So how this Prabhupäda: “I have no love for Kåñëa, nor for the causes of power of attorney can be achieved? That is stated in the Çrémad- Bhägavatam... Now, today is guru-pürëimä. Especially we should developing love of Kåñëa — namely, hearing and chanting. And understand what is the power of attorney. Anyone can recite this the process of bhakti-yoga, by which one is always thinking verse, çré-guru-caraëa? 5 SRILA PRABHUPADA TRIBUTES SRILA PRABHUPADA TRIBUTES of Kåñëa and fixing His lotus feet in the heart, is also lacking fatigue (the steady quality in the Lord, or His sva-niñöhä) — Bhakti Chäru Swami You mentioned that after an äcärya leaves the planet there in me.
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