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I'm having a great deal of difficulty the final analysis other events that they The Dynamo Sports Club exists ex- B'nal B'rlth Mr. " 10 Pin, for getting, started on my -'column today Mrs~ experienced seemed to have made a , c1usively for the' training of young Dec. 26&27. Mitch Schacter ,563 (206); Is,aeli Elections becal:lseof a faint suspicion lurklns in more lasting impression upon them. athletes who are deemed to be superior Paul Silver, 560, (2IS-200);' Lou , the back of my mind that I don't reaDy A Jew on tour in Russia perceives and SHIMON PERES have a sport story at all. from as early an age as six. Perhaps this Fingerote, SSS; Harry Rosenberg, 55 I; feels differently than a non-Jew. , is why the Russian system produces Dave Silver, 544; Terry Robinson, S39; Iset, out to interview Dr. Fred Shane ,While behind' the iron curtain Fred Rabin, Peres May 17 Likely Date and his wife Lois since they liad recently' highly competitive hockey teams and Dan Waterman, S37 (207); Dave Shif- , met with family. He spoke with his . '., . Olympic class athletes. fman,537; Mickey Rosenberg, S36 grandmother's sister in Moscow, their Want Leadership Tel Aviv, - plections to the 9th caretaker government is now backed 'We Should Help' (211). Single - Sam Binder, '214. Erla , The President will next receive an son an engineer, his ~ife and an eighteen Knesset will probably be held on May only by a minority in the Knesset and NRP delegation, year old daughter. One doesn't visit Russia to shop for Chernick, SS6 (209); Maxine Benditt, The battle for the top spot in the clothes since the styles are out-dated. S22 (2OS); Maxine Gilman, 495; Susan Labour Party began to shape up as 17, a compromise date. although they feared the Alignment will take ad- . ,Fred's grandparents had been negotiations between the parties have vantage of the offices it controls to in­ The NRP has decided to recommend a ,~ I \ Consumer good~ ].1),.&l!!er..a!,Ne~lJotjn ,·-·Bind«, 469; Marsha Singer, 442; BeclCy):,~,iIN!IIJ Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin 'and corresponding with the family since ROSEN' large supply. :;" Rosenberg, 437; Carole Wolfe, 431. " Defence Minister Shimon Peres engaged not yet been concluded, Knesset faction fluence election results (because people government of national unity, including World War Two when the Red Cross leaders said, may be made econon\ically dependent representatives of all Zionist factions, to had been instrumental in locating them. Owning YO~Jr own home i~ a ~ipe-:, From B'nal B'rlth Men~ Teo Pin in consultations with prospective sup­ on them.) , porters dnd opponents, President 'Ephraim Katzir, Sunday replace the caretaker government until Communicating with the "mishpucha" dream. ~ractlcally everyone h~es m a BoWling, bOWled at Empress Lanes. began a series of meetings in Jerusalem Therefore, the Likud recommended the May elections, if Rabin would not A source close to Peres said that the proved to be a difficult tas~ since they state deslgnated'~Partment d~elhng. Jack Buchalter, S7S; Harvey Appelle, with party leaders about the possibility that the President ask Begin to try and D,efence Minister definitely had decided want to head it, the President should ask spoke mainly Russian. The son spoke Fred a~d LoiS .had o~vl~uslY, f~r- SS9; Nate Dana, S34; Dave Faber, S2S; of forming a new government after form a new cabinet. The Likud's Begin or Yosef Burg. the outgoing their .educatlon !n. Mickey Lachter, S23; Norman Wolk, to make the race for the premiership, German and Fred~s Yiddish was ther~ whll~ R~sSla. Prime Minister Rabin's resignation last Knesset whip, Moshe Nissim, said he Minister of Interior, to try and form I ' returned from the Izvestia Cup hockey Meetmg With fam~lr, vlsltmg. !he S19' Sam Posner SI6·Dr. Izzie Shwar- and would announce his decisiolJ within i I therefore somewhat helpful. The youns week. had no illusions Begin's chanceS were one. tournattllmtin Moscow. ' ' synagogue, ~d perfelvmg,thecondltlon tz,514. " a few days. Reprinled with prrmi~!Oion from The JerulQIll'II1 PUPIl girl spoke a limited amount of English. These talks are viewed as only a anv hetter than Rabin's, My seol8J host answered the usual of ~he RU,sslan Je~ seemes to have had B' al 'B'ri'h M "M 10 Pi ~ Rabin; who told reporters that he was an Impact on them,. n. r. rs. lor teachnicality as the Knesset this week sport-tYJ»-questions, while au the while -Apprehension Evident n confident that he would gain the support Hockey tournaments .and sport in Jan. 2&3177. M!,n: Mickey Rosenberg, begins debating legislation to set the date I sensed that the iam~ themselves were Dr. Shane felt that the family seemed of a majorify of party members, invited gen~ral paleby' such' comparisons,' and S91 (22S); Lou FI?gerote, S79 (203); Ke~ for a general election and Rabin would notforCJrlostin·hismind"'d' ' to be kind of reluctant to ,discuss all wings of the Labour Party to infor­ that's why I didn't promise you a sport Sasley, S76 (23l),.ltz Jacob, S59 (204): then continue to head his present Archaeologist's Finds' :'Sports Issues Judaism in Russia, however this may mal· talks to plan organization and caretaker government. ',,' Yes, he felt that the Winnipeg Jets story today:' Bob Handler, 523, Joe Worb, SI7 (206), strategy for the election campaign, have been due to the language barrier. The Alignment is this Week expected witli thei .. internation!ll style hockey had Dr. Shane, as the president of the Among those attending were Finance The daughter would not accept a Mogen to table a bill calling for elections on beena,credit to the tournament, despite Jewish "Medical. Society, st~ted em- Minister Yehoshus Rabinowitz, Foreign Support Bible Stories David from the Shanes. May 31 but its Knesset whip, Moshe the pr:o.te~~ations of Alan Easleson who phatically: "We should help." Minister Yigal Allon, Minister Without After, first accepting a hotel dinner in­ Wertman, said "I believe we can com­ Rome (JCNS) - rDfurmation whdch or 3rohiaeo]ogists from. the univerSity who felt that "the club' was "'a." second POsIPatter Portfolio Yisrael Galili, party Secretary­ " lOcal vitation from'. the Shanes, the Russian 'i,' ,'. ,.. ~.' ,;1" ,-"",.;'-, ./.,!~,,' "'" ':,:',', 'J:';' \', promise on May 17," The Likud's bill is "SIIlPPorts a ,great deal af the ()ldTesItIa· have been exc3W1ting BIt Ebla since 1964. -II rate,qtIt41t.,,·. c;;"':''i;;,,';,,,j'''''''' .' ",", ,c','!': ' • 1n AZA ~~ketbal1 aC,tion 011. Jan. 3, General Meir Zarmi and Golda , , ~~Wst~lephonediilater;to exciise, them­ expected to call for elections on May 3 ment st1lI"Y," bas been deciphered 1n- Ebla, He bias found tbatthe names of WbII!ieal ;Against'thec;:zechs,our Jets were Alophim defeafedEsks.No. 1 by a score Meir - as well as Peres. selves.' Fred sensed a sort of apprehen­ but MK Menahem Begin told Herut's in N'ol'bhern Syria; by Professor Giov8ll1l1ll ' Pa;tl'iarchs such IlS Abrabtam, li&hmael, edged 3 ..2 .... redw~<ittJi.e(jpinion that a of 50-23. Calvin Weinfeld led the attack The presence of Mrs, Meir at the siveness on their part to meet to dine Central Committee Sunday evening that Pebl;iooto of Rome University, who has Saul and David TOOUr frequently in the tie would nbt!fuve'bci:1l a rtliscarriage of together. with 30 while Marshall Morris dunked meeting, the first of many, was seen by been emmining 20,000 clay iUrblets found tablets, justice. "',,', ,. , " " . ,," 12 points. Th,eJ;lsks No.2 team took it he would settle "for n'o later than May Fred's grandparents had sent a tape some observers as setting the seal on in the remadns of what was once a pDWer­ .one of the 1JaIb1ets, he disclooed, proved out on Nagid by a 4()-19 count. Moishe , Neil Benditt, 513; Terry Robinson, S13. Rabin's own personal autho'Tity, . 17." fLl! envpi!'e. .•He, intimated,.-j, . that-while, the Russians that the cities of Sooom IIIJId Gomorrah re­ recorded message to their Russian President Katzir Sunday morning were fuIlvaluefortheir6-4 victory, the MargOlis with 16 and'leff Wasserman Women: Maxine Gilman, S06; Sophie In this meeting and others, Rabin Professor Pellbinaoo believes that those alty existed and met 'a tragic end, and relatives and theY responded in kind. opened his round of consultations by WHAcllampswere far from being'out- with 12 led tJleway and Steve BrodovskY Jacob, SOl; Erla Chernick, 493: Becky' stressed that party members must con­ who lived in Eblll about 2,500 80E might anatner to,ld thestOf)' aboUt the Creation Luckily there was to prO.blem in bringing Rosenberg, 479; Joyce Fingerote, 468; receiving the Alignment delegation, classed.','::."", " the recorded message back to Winnipeg. replied with 9 points' for the loosers. centrate on fighting the election, and not ,have been the ancestors of the Jews. , Which corresponded '8!lmost identically Geri, Work, 467: Debra Berenhaut,465; The delegation told him the Align­ They spoke a ]an~ge very akm to A4-4tie with Sweden ,and a narrow 2- ViSiting the synagogue which .
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