Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus USPS 680020 Published Every Thursday OUR 111th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 20-111 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, January 25, 2001 Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Rec. Commission Approves Field Maintenance Program By DEBORAH MADISON High School, the Policeman’s Be- explained. “Every user group had an Specially Written for The Westfield Leader nevolent Association, Union County opportunity to present their concerns The Westfield Recreation Com- Senior Softball, PAL Football, and and suggestions.” mission approved a comprehensive Holy Trinity Interparochial School. “This is not just Keith Hertell’s field maintenance plan at a special The purpose of the meeting, Mr. plan; it has been devised with input meeting held on Tuesday, January Hertell told The Westfield Leader, from everyone,” he said. 23. was to gather input from the field Although the four-man dedicated Recreation Commission Chair- users as well as to determine the crew will be a DPW-funded budget man, Keith Hertell said that the plan level of responsibility that each user item, the accountability of the crew’s will now be submitted to the Town group will contribute to a compre- responsibilities will rest with the Council at their January 30 confer- hensive field maintenance plan. Recreation Department, Mr. Hertell ence meeting for Town Council ap- The deteriorating condition of explained. proval. Westfield’s fields and the lack of an Additionally, almost every league An integral part of formulating the organized field maintenance plan, as has volunteered to adopt a field in plan, according to Mr. Hertell, in- well as lack of dedicated field main- order to enhance the field mainte- cluded a special meeting held on tenance workers has been an ongo- nance, which will be carried out by Tuesday, January 16, between him- ing issue in Westfield and the subject the DPW. self, Recreation Department Direc- of numerous Recreation Commis- Only one or two field adoptions tor Glenn Burrell and all of the field sion meetings in the past few years. will be initially implemented to see users in order to gather input and The proposed plan being devised how this adoption process works out, assess their concerns regarding field by the Recreation Commission will Mr. Hertell related. maintenance. hire a dedicated four-man work crew “The enthusiasm shown by all of Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader Present at the meeting were repre- ‘ED’ PAYS A VISIT…On Tuesday, January 16, members of the cast of NBC’s comedy/drama “Ed” filmed some scenes for field maintenance, which will be the users was very gratifying,” Mr. at First Baptist Church in Westfield after filming in Mindowaskin Park and the Municipal Building. Extra actors for the sentatives from: baseball, girl’s soft- employed by the Department of Pub- Hertell said. scene at the church were drawn from the congregation, which includes local residents. Pictured, above, Tom Cavanaugh, ball, older women’s softball, lacrosse, lic Works (DPW), but which will be The DPW has some very knowl- who plays Ed Stevens, has his microphone removed by a crew member before getting a bite for lunch. soccer, Union Catholic Regional under the direction of the Recreation edgeable and experienced workers Commission. in the area of field maintenance, Mr. The four new DPW employees Hertell remarked. “We have DPW will not necessarily be the only crew crew members with over 25 years of Council Finance Committee Begins Budget Talks members trained to do field mainte- experience in this area, and three nance, but they will alleviate the members currently enrolled in field problem of under-staffing, enabling maintenance courses at Rutgers.” On $5.16 Mil. Municipal Capital Spending Plan the DPW to dedicate four crew mem- Mr. Hertell said that the town does bers to the plan. not need to hire outside consulting to By PAUL J. PEYTON for 2001. A total of $439,000 of that budget sessions Tuesday night by warrants and to conduct criminal The plan will involve the cross- maintain the fields, as has been dis- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader amount would be funded through meeting with Fire Chief John background checks. training of many of the DPW work- cussed and suggested at previous A new fire pumper and mobile state aid or assessments on property Castellano, Police Chief Bernard When responding to a domestic ers in the area of field maintenance, Recreation Commission meetings. data terminals in police cars are owners. Tracy and Town Engineer and Direc- call, Chief Tracy said the MDTs so that there will always be a dedi- The reason why the fields are in their among projects being considered by The council’s Finance Commit- tor of Public Works Kenneth B. would eliminate the need for the cated crew available in the event of present state has not been the fault of the Town Council as part of a pro- tee, chaired by Second Ward Coun- Marsh. officers to return to headquarters to vacations or absences, he added. the DPW, he added. It is because posed $5.16 million capital budget cilman Matthew P. Albano, began its Chief Castellano said a new file reports. This information would “This proposal will necessitate a there was no organized plan in place. pumper, with an estimated purchase be sent via the terminal to police tremendous amount of commitment “This plan will require a tremen- price of $360,000, is a priority for his headquarters. Currently, they are to communication between the two dous amount of coordination, com- department this year. The new hand-written and typed by a secre- departments,” Mr. Hertell admitted. munication and commitment,” Mr. pumper would replace a 1976 model tary. “The best plans can only be de- Hertell said. “Additionally, we will year pumper, which the Chief said is Chief Tracy said calls to police vised by having all of the informa- do quarterly re-evaluations of how only used sparingly due to its poor have dramatically increased since tion and facts. That is why all of the the plan is fairing.” condition. the implementation of the town’s 9- user’s input was a crucial element in “The plan will not start out perfect The town, which has four pump- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 formulating this plan,” Mr. Hertell CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 ers, purchased a pumper two years ago through the Union County Im- provement Authority’s lease pro- gram. The department put in for two Super Bowl XXXV Fever Infects pumpers that year, but the council opted for only one. The governing body rejected a request last year for another pumper. Westfield, Scotch Plains Area “We are putting more mileage and wear and tear on the other pumpers,” the Chief said, in explaining why a fourth new pumper is needed. The Chief said that if the council agrees to the purchase, the town will not buy another engine for 15 years. The Fire Department has also put in for a $60,000 repair to a 1995 model year engine in order to up- grade the truck and make it safer for firefighters to unload ladders at fire Wende Gates Pat Elliott Marlene Shovlin scenes. Chief Castellano explained Debbie Schmidt that this repair would not be needed By DAVID B. CORBIN while others have been in more son Sehorn and Jessie Armstead this year if the new pumper is in- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader detail. Below are how many local and the Giants’ balance was just cluded in the budget. An epidemic of Super Bowl residents displayed their symp- too much for them. I think that The Chief has also put in for a XXXV fever has been spreading toms. Baltimore is going to be surprised $180,000 expenditure over the next throughout the Westfield, Scotch Mike Sbarro (Owner of when they run up against the mo- three years for replacement of equip- Plains, Fanwood and Mountainside Hershey’s Deli of Westfield) Low mentum of the New York Giants. ment, including fire hose nozzles area. Some of the symptoms are scoring game: Giants by 6 The Giants are the underdogs and and extrication equipment. daily wearing of Giants football “I’m going to have a Tony Siragusa that is a big factor because Balti- In terms of the police budget, Chief jerseys and hats, and a highly con- sub and the Giants are going to eat more will become overconfident. Tracy said the new mobile data ter- tagious outbreak of bold predic- them up. The Giants will win by six. (Giants’ quarterback Kerry) Collins minals (MDTs), which have been tions. Baltimore’s offense is not powerful is going to shock them with some THANK YOU, MR. FRANKLIN…Students at Franklin Elementary School in proposed for five patrol cars at a cost Early in the football season, very at all. Their defense is tough but the short passes. Baltimore will key on Westfield celebrated the 295th anniversary of Benjamin Franklin’s birthday on of $99,000, would enable officers to few residents would have thought Giants will get to them.” the ends, then ‘Thunder and Light- January 17. Students dressed up as Ben Franklin and learned all about his access the National Crime Informa- that this epidemic could hit so close Vinnie Losavio (John’s Meat ning’ will open up. Baltimore will career as a statesman, inventor and scientist. tion Center to check for outstanding to home. Very few thought that the Market in Scotch Plains) Giants adjust, then Collins will open up Giants – New Jersey or New York, by a touchdown with the passing game. I’m so sorry, you make the call – would be vying “I was a 99-lb.
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