1/ / 1,\ } 1 Only Anglo-Jewis_h Rhode Island's Newspaper Greatest In Independent Rhade Island Weekly THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL. XUII, NO. 15 FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 196-l 2.f PAGES !Sc PER COPY Complete Jewish Population Study GJC Sponsored Survey l , Covers Intermarriage, Educaf ion, AFf i I iaf ions By Celia Zuckerberg Reaching the conclusion that the Jewish population of Greater Providence has stabilized at about 20.000 persons and is unlikely to depart drastica ll y from th at particular level in the next several de­ cades. the Jewish Populatio n Study. sponsored by the General Jewish Committee. has just been published. D r. Sidney Goldstein. Professor of Sociology and C hairman of the Depart ment of Sociology and An­ thropologv at Brown Un iversi ty was consult ant for the survey which took approximately a yea r and a half to complete. The study confirmed many facts which we re already obvious to most Jewish leaders of l hc Greater Providence community, and focused attention on a few new conclusions whi ch were reached on the basis of the figures. The first such study made in th is area. the survey fo llowed the lead of several which have been made in recent years in cities such as Worcester, Mass. and Canton. Ohio. T he area whic h was included in the study designated as the G reater Providence area included PRESENTS COPY OF POPULATION snJDY - · Professor Sidney Goldstein, consultant for the Jewish Providence ( East Side. North End and South Side) , Pawtucket, P,apulation Study, presents a first copy of the book to Joseph W. Ress, president of the General Jewish East Providence, Barringto n. Bristol, Warren, Cransto n, Warwick, I Committee. Looking on are Judge Frank Licht, chairman of the Population Study Committee: Joseph Galkin, West Warwick and East G reenwich. The fig ure of approximately r dJC executive director, and Arthur J. Levy, chairman of the Community Planning Committee. 19.600 does not. of course. include the relatively substantial Jewish communities of Woonsocket and Newport. 111111111111111111111111111 'The only other s rudles which Premier Levi Eshkol Denies That Israel had been made were the two studies Series Of Article-s of the Jewish community spon­ sored by the General Jewish Com­ To Follow Weekly mittee In 1951; the first, a study Desires To Acquire More Territory The 256 pages of the final of Jewish education In Providence: and the second, a s tudy of group Arab cotmtrles and Israel. Here, r eport contain a great deal of NEW YORK - Premier Levi In Its Industrial and agricultural work and leisure time needs In expansion, which does not call Mr. Eshkol Indicated his nation's material which cannot be treat­ Eshkol said last week that ls­ the city's Jewish community. rael' s economic development and for territorial acquisition but willingness to meet Arab leaders , ed In one article. A series of without conditions , to help resolve articles will appear weekly tak­ "Despite Its recognition of the growth would be "within the "for know-how and scientific and need for good population data, the problems In the area. ing up Individual sections of the empty spaces of our own territory technical Inventiveness." Jewish education study was forced Approaches Suggested • A search for ways to uphold survey which deal with Re- and within our present frontiers." to rely upon popular estimates of The lsraell leader, spealclng Mr. Eshkol said It was "Im­ and strengthen the terr! tori al In­ 11 g Io u s Education. l~te r - · tegrity and political Independence marriage, Religious Identifi­ the size of the Jewish community ... at the Overseas Press Chm, 5.f perative" that the great powers The only definitive statistics on the West .fOth Street, criticized Arab al. the East and West adopt a con­ of the cotmtrles In the region. cation, etc., as well as some •A guarantee by "International Info rm a ti on concernlng Dr. Jewish population which It used spokesmen who "often raise the certed program for the relaxation were those rel a ting to actual en­ specter ol Israeli expansion be­ al. tension In the Middle East. He statesmanship" that all aid to Goldschelder' s analysis of Jew­ cotmtrles of the area "Is applied ish fertility patterns. rollment In Jewish schools In yond our frontiers." suggested the following lines of Providence," states the present "Paradoxically enough," he approach: for constructive economic de­ velopment, and not for a barren .. ,, ................. ,,,,,, study. 'The population figure which went on "It Is they who refuse u, • Application of the United the study arrived at In 1951 was guarantee the existing frontiers." Nations Charter provision for the arms race." Arms Flow Deplored 19,700. Mr. Eshkol said Israel wanted settlement of disputes by peace­ Accuse Soviets The general move of the Jewish "nothing that belongs to our· ful means. Both In his address and In a question-and-answer period, Mr. people lo the suburbs of Cranston, neighbors." The major emphasis • Encouragement by all nations Of Approving Warwick and Barrington followed In Israel's economy, he said, Is of direct negotiations between the Eshkol deplored the heavy arms he said were being received by the general trend of the other the Arab cotmtrles from Eastern Anti-Jewish Book population of Rhode Island and other states. The movement In the Europe. He did not mention the NEW YORK - The Soviet Com­ Soviet Union, as he did In a pre­ ct ty from the South Side and the munist Party was accused today North End was confirmed, as was ·J' vious speech. of approving 8\1 anti-Semitic book Mr. Eshkol said that "desplte the large percentage of the Jewish w.eek6 · as a "useful publication" for pro­ population In the East Side of disappointments of the past" his moting atheism. country had not given up the hope Providence and nearby areas of Columnists B'nal B'rtth said that the Party Pawtucket. that "a more realistic attitude gave Its endorsement to "Cate­ will eventually develop In the Among the cone! ustons which Leonard Lyons ~ Sylvia Porter chism Without Embellishment," Arab cotmtrles" that will result may be questioned Is that, "First Barney Glazer a volume fllled with Nazi-style and foremost, perhaps, Is the con­ In peace. statements about Jews, at the very Page 24 At a meeting with leaders of clusion that the Jewish population Classified time It was denotmclng another of Greater Providence has the Zionist Cotmcll In the morn­ anti-religious book that had been Crossword Page 24 ing, Mr. Eshkol praised the stabilized at about 20,000 persons exposed In the West for Its crudely and Is unlikely to depart drastically Zionist movement for Its spread­ anti-Jewish content. Ing of the Hebrew I anguage and from this particular level In the Disclosure of the Party's con­ next several decades In the absence culture and Its programs "which tradiction came from Label A. The have led some of your members of any large movement Into or out In Herald's Katz, president of B'nal B'rlth. of the community. Assuming that to come to Israel to participate" Mr. Katz reported that an analysts In the nation's growth. the current fertility and mortality Magazine Section of recent books and articles on patterns continue, the population Dr. Max Nussbaum, chairman u d a I s m published In the USSR ol the cotmcll, who presided, said l will Increase from Its current level 'shows that anti-Jewish stereo­ of 19,600 to approximately 20,500 A Trip To Latin America . .. .. ... .. .. Page the movement was "committed to typing continues to be used on a th! s concept of Jewish peoplehood by 1980 .... As Important, perhaps, Car Wash And Teen-Agers .. .... .. Page 12, wide sc;ale In Soviet publications." as the changing distribution of the and to the centrality of the State He said that the Ideological of Israel within the spectrum of population geographically are the Campus View . Page Commission of the Soviet Com­ changes which are likely to occur that peoplehood." munist Party's Central Com­ Mr, Eshkol also met with Dr. In Its age structure. Again mittee, which met early In April assuming that the population Is not Columnists Nahum Goldman, president of the specifically to take up the anti­ World Zionist Organization, and affected by migration, It ls possible R. Foster - Beryl Segal Semitic and widely-condemned to anticipate what the age strueture Mrs. Rose Halprin and Dr. Eman­ 1 uel Neuman, Zionist leaders. (Continued on Page 10) (Continued on Page 10) l ( .. , , TO HEAD MEMORIAL NEW YORK -- PhlllpM. ICJutz­ nlck, noted Jewish leader, has as­ Sephardic Jews Seek Recognition Slllned the chairmanship of the National Committee for the Jabo­ tlnslty Memorial, comprised of Of S.000 Jews In Franco Spain leaders of the American Jewish MADRIJJ - The leader of Ma­ as opposed to the Ashkenazim - drid's Jewish community said last the Jews of middle and northern !:f ~=============::::c::::om=:m::unl::::::ty:::==::.:====::; week that he would seek an lnter­ Europe. In the north, Yiddish Is v I ew with Generalissimo spoken, but the Sephardic language Francisco Franco to press for Is Ladlno - Spanish and Hebrew English Cut Roasts legal recognition for Spain's 5,000 mixed. Jews. The fact that the Sephardic Delmonico Minute Steaks Max Mazin Indicated In an In­ symposium was held In Spain ap­ terview that It was now a more parently gave Mr. Mazin great auspicious time to ask for legal hopes for success In speaking tc Delmonico Roasts rights than at any time since General Franco.
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