Three grad assistants regain theater positions By KAREN MEYER t allege to alleviate 'a problem in Zoologv.' tora .1. t ant e% 1p5 w;ou Id be restored Hock quarter because the four assistants he had Allgater Staff Write, He said that problem then worked itself out said. "Ut coirse. that's all they're doing or werr 'pendmig more time teaching studeis Three ol tour graduate assistanceships cut and McQuown was able to apply those fund, ansbodi. I guess." ho'. to build than building, 'and he needed from UF's theater division of che Speech to the theater assistanceships. He said the rest(,rationT 0 t three would adidititunal help. Department last Friday were restored RON STEGER, (Gerrard IDuffin and C(ndx probably allow the theater to go on with it' THE GRADUATE assistants train about Thursday afternoon. Dutlin were reinstated to the three cheduled season this quarter-. MX) students each quarter in building and Director of theater Dr. James Hooks had assistanceships "Undoubtedly. we're going to have to cut a tearing down sets. lighting, sound and all said the loss of the assistants would mean rhe fourth assistant. Orville Starnes. was few corners." Hooks said. 'But we're going to major technical work involved in theater curtailment or elimination of UF's theater not reappointed. try to meet our obligations fur the rest of the prOgram. quarter." Duflin said he was grateful to those people "THAT'S TIlE last thing we wanted to do. Hooks said the decision of which three to who got us back. but we have no where else to go'" said UF reinstate was based on academic' progress. TECHNICAL director of theater Dr. "But it still means one of us In essence gets Executive Vice President Harold Hanson financial need and area of expertise. A.F.C. Wehlburg said they were' going to hurt and that will still hurt what we the referring to the jour students hit by the cut. Speech Department Chairman Ed Hut- have to cut back on the complexity of the theater division can do."' he said. Vice President for Academic Affairs Robert chtnson said Wednesday he had not made a shows. Starties, who was not reinstated, said he Bryan said it was through the juggling efforts recommendation to restore the assistan- "And probably -- I'll have to see -- control was 'trying to figure out what to do, right of Asst. Dean Ruth MeQuown of the College ceships because he had not received any the number of people who comc in to work."' now" of Arts and Sceinces that funds were found to funds from the otlice of academic affairs to he continued. "I really have no idea what ll do. Find a restore three assistanceships. allocate. Wehlburg said he requested an increase of job, quit school, maybe go hack to Missouri. I Bryan said funds had been sent to the ALTHOUGH the division had hoped all two graduate assistants at the end of last don't know," he said. The Independent FRIDAY Florida 'gator JAN. 10,1975 VOL. 67, NO. 57 PubIshed by COmnpu. Comnmunkoflons Inc. Golnasvill., Florida Not offIcIally osoccacnd welt t. Ucivertity of Flonida L. Florida Cri'net chops regents funds By GAMY BALANOFF Maut, expressed concern about I he latk of Alligator Staff Writer 'tate funds which will be available next year "The problem is that this will extend ito The Florida Cabinet cut $8 5 million trom Har Tme s the next tSeal year.'' he said 'There is no the Board ot Regents tBOR) budget Thiur- relief in sighi for next year." sda5., "WHAT WE'RE likely to have is the same [he reduction was part of an austerity amount (of nioney) as this year or less," he program '.hitch includes a total of 1120 AtUF Jsaid. million cut from the amount already Mautr I istedt new schools and programs allocated to 'tale agencies for this fiscal year. such as the LIF dental school'\ program. as State Budget Director Joe Cresse said the the most likely targets of the cut-backs. Most of our money is in salaries, Mlautz Florida Adnimistrative Commission. con- State University System Chancellor Robert State Fducation commissionerr Ralph 'aid 'We'll have to see what we can do. sisling of the governor and his cabinet, made Mauti said somic cut-backs i'ere imposed in "INDIVIDUALS will he hurt," Mauw, the cut-backs on his office's recoin- early December so the expected cut-backs .aid. But he added it will not be arn expensive miendat ions. imposed Thursday would not come in one VSec 'Regents page Iburi large segment. reduction m~ itself. THE CUT-BACKS are part of an austerity MAUTZ7 SAID the BOR is short $2.5 move which will atiect all state agencies. million in funds plus about S500.0 mn utility Revenues will be at least $232 million less rate increases. than originally planned and budgeted. This "We do not yet have guidelines" deter- Fall dorm rent may rise year's budget has had to be cut to match that mining where the cuts would come and who affect specifically, he said. figure. they would with electricity rate hike By GLORIA AKEL for non-air conditioned. Algtor Staff Wrr Hennessey said a four per cent salary in- crease for housing employes must also be An increase in dorm rates for next fall will reflected in a rent increase, be proposed to UF President Robert 0. The salary increase is the result of housing Marston by Director of Housing James T. paying an eight per cent pension for em- Henunessey to meet the rising cost of elec- ploycs. tricity. EMPLOYES formerly paid half the "l don't know right now how mueh of an pension, and housing paid the remaining four increase we will be proposing," Hennessey per cent. said. "It could be 55 to 510." "We're following in the footsteps of the SFlorida Power Corp. UF's energy supplier. university and paying the entire eight per cent was granted a $33.3 million rate hike Monday now." Hennessey said. by the Public Service Commission. All money used to pay housing enmployes HENNESSEY said the cost of electricity for comes from rents since no money is given to dorms and outside lighting for campus and housing from the university, he said. married housing projects jumped almost 300 A SPECIFIC price increase should be per cent since last year. proposed to Marston within 10 days. he said. Housing currently has a budget at $4650 I approved by Marston, the new rate wduld and Hennessey estimates costs will be almost then go to the Board of Regents tor approval- S585.O(E nexT year. Calvin Greene, director of the Physical Approximately 1220.000 "as spent a year Plant Division, said he did not know how ago. much UF's 125.000-a-month electric bill will Before a definite figure is proposed, increase because at the flerdda Power price photo by ondv newmn Hennessey said he will also have to consider hike. price hikes that are likely to occur between "We're still in thedark asto what effect the TOO BUMPY n'. and next 'ear for .ater and sewage. He Increase will have on the university," Greene 'aid air conditioning in the drm hallways will said, after talking with Florida Power officials Heovy equipment has already mode temporary pt follows Archer Rood ,lsc. be figured in the new dornm rate. Thursday. *iatS of the newly established rnm the UF campus acuth to 34th Street, DORM RATES increased 110 a year for Ur faces an approximate 51.5 million Sw Archer unusable The and was opened earlier this week. .,iv-cinditioned dorms this tall, and 56 to $7 deficit in electric bills itr this ypar. Pg 2, Th. ndependent Flo.-do Alliqotor Frdoy Jonuory 0o 1975 r-ECRN -1 CIA asked companies Layoffs work at deepening to secretly a le s study U.S. recession WASHINGTON IUIPII -- The CIA, In a conFidential Ietter ftore~gn countries miight challenge America's tec hn. I 'gy by UPI I housands of American workers Thursda disclosed Thursday. began soliciting U.S. companies las the late l9&)'s. It invited an unspecified number of U . received Iayofl notices, a Cabnet member urged comn- to conduct a secret study of transportation systems b companies in effect to spy upon these nation' by secretly passion ftr the jobless and the next chairman of the House developed by some of America's major NATO allies as wi helping to assess their efforts. Ways and Means Committee promised a multi-billion the Soviet Union. DOUGHERTY'S letter named Britamn. France. West dollar tax cut for low and middle income groups. Ihe disclosure exposed the agency to yet another pos Germany. Japan and Canada. as well a' the Soviet Union. Tfhe deepening recession prompted Rep. AL Uliman to area of controversy and investigation, and Sen. Richai' among the nation s targeted for study, and said in part.: predict that the committee would approve the tax cut by Schweiker. R-PA . said he would push for a watergate' "It is the purpose of this study to assess foreign Senate investigation to determine whether the CIA technological research and development efforts and policies March I to get more money to the people who will spendi "established an invisible government of its own. which may lead to developed systems having a competitive it. put 'I back into the economy and build it up." C HRYSLER CORP., with a l3-day backlog of cars, IN AN earlier development Thursday. Justice Departi impact on the international transportation field through the cofficiat James Devine disclosed that the Justice Departi mid-to-late 19S0's said Thursday that tour of its assembly plants will be idled.
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