Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-21-2000 The BG News March 21, 2000 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 21, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6626. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6626 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. WEATHER TUESDAY Cloudy March 21, 2000 High, 49 WORLD NEWS 2 Low, 40 OPINION CAMPUS The BG News SPORTS www.bgnews.com Volume 88. Issue 43 -A daily independem snidetrr pness Organizations go to all lengths for fund raising Tampered CRAIG GIFFORD Residence halls have also gotten According to Missy Licause, spe- "It's gone very well this year," signs infuriate STAFF WKITT-.R into the Dance Marathon fund-rais cial promotions chair, the commit- she said. "I've been very pleased ing act. tee's responsibilit) was not with people coming oul they've From pizza parties to raffles to Dunhar. which i- a par! to raise money for the candidates been ver) receptive " of the Ilarshman quad, n f CI I" L, kids, but I.ii the eveni This time of year is known to getting a pie thrown in one's lace. Dance Marathon fund-raisers will has done severa ilselt The group will he sponsoring a college basketball fans as March fund-raisers such as This commit- spaghetti dinner in the Cow Room at "Do not do anything Madness, bill Bowling Green stop at no cost for the kids. Each organization involved with offering pizzas tee has been NU Donald, tin. I riday al 4 p.m. to slander someone students know it to be Marathon from Domino's. sponsoring Madness. This is the second in Dance Marathon has held fund-rais- " I his is kind of a tradition." ing activities to raise money for the for $4 on St cial events else. If we have to, we what will be a week-long series Patrick's Da) throughout the Licause -aid "We always do this the of stories pertaining to Dance child they are sponsoring. will call elections off, One organization that has spon- It also did a course of the I rida) before Dance Marathon We Marathon. Today's story is coin war. in semester and had over 800 people lasl year and and we won't have about the various fund raisers sored several fund-raisers is the which the HA will continue hope in get nisi .is man> this yeai for Dance Marathon. Tomorrow Kappa Alpha Order. campaigning, we'll According to Chris Decker, a with the most doing so up Each organization feels good that focuses on how Dance amount of dol- until the start just vote." Marathon has evolved since it dance group representative for the) have been able to raise money Kappa Alpha Order, his fraternity lar bills in his of Dance Kelly Madger first began. The rest of the week- milk canon -A.is Marathon. tor the children being sponsoi will include a profile on a fami- has done things such as allowing its Speaker membcis to dress down at chapter to have a pie Some ol "It's absolute!) worth it. Alter it's ly, and how the dancers prepare thrown in Ins lace these events ha> e all over, and when I get older. I'll he for the event. meetings for $3. which went toward its family. "One of the RAs included the 5K able to realize all I really did." brought in S17 dollars run and walk, special SARA GRAZIANO Kappa Alpha also did another Licause said snu Wnn-.K alone," said Jonathan promotion T shirts .\\\^ fund-raiser, which they called the "This help- us view the big pic Kappa Alpha Meat Market. Goldsmith, DOR for Dunbai Pap,i John's Thursday "We auctioned off our gentlemen One group that has been bus) nights tine." Deckei said "There's families Some ol the candidates for to the highest bidder for tasks such doing fundraisers lor Dance According to Licause, the com who have children with terminal ill Undergraduate Student Oovernment as cleaning a room or doing home- Marathon is the special projects mittee's promotions have been suc- nesses and n helps us notice the lit- presideAt are reporting damage work." Decker said. committee for Dance Marathon. cessful tle people. being done to their siuns One o! the signs lor the Greg l/Nick (iresko presidential ticket was toiind at an oil-campus location hearing the message "F*** Women's History Month the (iieeks " Amend and Oresko are members ol (ireek organizations. They were ottended by the message. Nancy Iieberman-Cline "This is very unacceptable for a University that tries to be diverse." (iiesko said. "I will not put up with this at all It's very unacceptable that we have to take down our own sign because somebody made it look like we hale (ireeks ' Amend agreed the sign with graf- fiti on rl was unfortunate and dis- turbing "As a member of USU. I am dis- heartened." Amend said. "When negative campaigning starts, the organization as a whole sutlers I'm not going to stand lor it." Ashley Flder. a USG presidential candidate, said he had also been having trouble with his campaign signs Elder s campaign posted a large sign on a sheet in the Union Oval. The sign was found cut into pieces. "It was pretty shredded, and this MIKE LEHMKUHLE/ The BG News wasn't caused by the weather." Flder said. "All I ask is civility. If SUCCESS — (top) Nancy Lieberman-Cline, Women's Basketball Hall of Fame inductee and former someone has a grudge against me. player on the U.S.A. Women's Olympic Basketball Team, spoke at the University yesterday about thev should |ust come talk to me." the challenges of being a female athlete. (Left) The women's basketball team listens to Lieberman- flder added that one of the radio Cline tell them that her mom once said that women shouldn't be athletes. She urged the women stations has been attempting to post to not let others hold them back from achieving their dreams. its livers over lop of Elder's signs (hit Sweinhagen, USG presiden- tial candidate, -aid he had not expe rienced any problems with his cam- paign signs Sweinhagen s.ud a lew ol hi. signs had been laken down, SRC air conditioning proposal accepted but no graffiti or slashing has occurred Rebecca Nieio. USG vice presi STEFANIESIZEMORE board ol trustees who approved the "We finally decided to do tins dential candidate, said the Marcos Si MI WKITFR engineering portion of the plan this because the rec is being used more Popovich/Nieto campaign had also past October. and moie by the community and sin not experienced -^\ problems other dents during the summer," I said This sumniei the Student Recre- "We had the engineering of the than missing signs plan approved in October and the "In the past tew years we have also I "si Is Flections and Opinions ation Center will he starting the had several days of extreme!;, dan installation of an estimated S2 4 mil- entire project was officially Board has the responsibilit) to lion air conditioning system that will approved this month at the Firelands gerous heat." investigate all incidents of negative* be ready for the summer of 2001. Board of Trustees meeting." Levin Levin said the addition of an an campaigning. conditioning system should make According to Scott Levin, direc- said. At yesterday night's USG meet- tor of the SRC. the idea of adding air The engineering portion of the the SRC a lot more enjoyable in the ing, the members of the FOB talked conditioning to the SRC started long project, which entails all the draw summer. io candidates about what action ago. ings and plans, began last October "With this addition, the tec is would be taken regarding the inci- dents with the -igns "In June 1996 we hired a consul and the actual work will begin soon. going to he a comfortable enjoyable Kelly Madger. USG speaker and tant to do a feasibility study." he 'The labor portion of the project place for everyone to enjov at all times ol the year," he said member of the FOB. warned candi- said. "We needed to determine if it will begin this summer." Levin said. dates of the consequences ol nega- would be possible to install an air Elisa llalon. a freshman recre- "We are hoping to have minimal dis- ioe campaigning. conditioning system and how much ation and tourism, and human move turbance at the rec throughout the "Do noi do anything to slandei it would cost." entire project." ment major, uses the SR(' even da) and thinks that an an conditioning someone else." Madger said '"If we The consultant told the SRC (hat Besides the work done at the have to. we will call elections oil. system is a good idea. it would be feasible, and in June actual SRC. a building to house all and we won't have campaigning. 1999 the same company returned to the major components of the system "It does get hot in the rec, hut not we'll |ii.I vole " do an updated studs will be built between the SRC and unbearable." she said "1 think it's a Lindse) Nicwierski is also a Once again [he) found it would the pond.
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