![1886-04-17, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
found the-objections to the^placing of IN the matter of circulation THE He Is With Us. THE IRISH STANDARD. this power in the hands of the Irish IRISH STANDARD does not propose to "David M. Carley, well known in this Parliament too strong to be overcome. be outnumbered by any other publica­ city, started last summer to visit rela­ A LITTLE DISFIGURED! iraffSJ: BDWARD O'BRIEN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR tion in the State. v > ^- ."V f, plete yet; but in the ring bigger than ever; JOHN O'BRIEN, JR., - - - MANAGER As the debate on the bill proceeds it ; tives in Canada, and while there the becomes more and more apparent that services of the Canadian boatmen were Ray's Tea Store is now back in the old quarter, Entered at the Post Office at Minneapolis as THE Archbishop of Paris has written secured by John Bull to guide his Second Class Matter. whatever may be the outcome of the 32 Washington avenue south, where you can vote in the present House of Commons, 'a letter to Pre ident Grevy in which hie troops up the cataracts of the Nile to expresses grief at the Government's at­ get all grades, shades and kinds of TEAS, COF­ OTFKIOE, 42 THIRD STREET SOUTH, ROOM 28. the measure cannot be talked down. rescue Geh. Gordon from the hands of tack on relistfm. denies FEES, SPICES, BAKING POWDER, and EX­ None of the speeches yet delivered on He that the the Philistines. David jumped at the TERMS OB* SUBSCRIPTION: clergy are hostile to the State, and ap­ chance for this boss tramp, aud was at­ TRACTS, fresh and direct from importers. We the subject present a very formidable peals to the President on behalf of One Year, - $2-00 breastwork against the passage of the tached to the expedition as war cor­ will suit any and everybody, both in price and Six Months, - •• - - - 1 00 Christianity to judge between the Gov­ respondent of several Canadian news­ bill. Both Lord Hartington and Mr. kind. Don't take our word for it, but come in ernment and the Church. papers. His experiences were mani­ Copies of this paper will be on sale at all the Chamberlain have evaded the point ar and T-ea RAY & Co-ffee. news stands and by news boys. fold and interesting, aud he distin­ see. Advertising rates made known by applying issue. Lord Randolph Churchill has M. SARRIBN, Minister of the In­ guished himself by publishing the first at the office. merely succeeded in drawing attention When writing to the paper matter for publi­ terior, has ordered all the mayors and newspaper in the Soudan. And now cation sign your proper name. to his hypocrisy and double-dealing Allan & Anderson's Second Addition Subscriber" will confer a lavor by being1 care­ prefects of the country to do their ut­ he is back again in our midst setting ful in giving us their perfect address, and thU3 with the Irish National party, which he type as though nothing had occurred, T avoid any complaint through failure to receive most to persuade1 renchmen from emi­ CHOICE nr- -n ^ 3 raSTin-m ALL ON TIME the paper. will never have an opportunity of re grating. The officials are instructed to but it is uncertain how long it will be ~sr~ r~ 27 r1 hi' r e _ it, ID changing your place of residence, you peating. It should be remembered that until he is off again." WITH who are subscribers, uotify us of .the fact at expatiate on the obstacles and disap­ LOTS! once and forward your correct number and ad- nearly all the political record Lord Ran­ pointments that await new-comers in The above paragraph was clipped .||j Material Furnished dCMatters of interest will be kindly received by dolph ever achieved has been all parts of, the world, particularly in from the Inland Printer, the leading In this the editor, and if worthy of publication will paper of the craft xu this country, pub­ -£ At LOW PRICES receive the same. Address all loiters to through his alleged friendliness to the America. BEAUTIFUL g l,y THE . TORTKWKSTERN STANDARD, Irish cause, aud now that he has an op­ lished at Chicago. The supposition jsiB 42 Third Street South, Room 23. that Dave would not stay long in the portunity of materializing his profes­ IN the French Chamber of Deputies ADDITION. —it Allan & "Garden City" was well grounded. He s] Anderson SAT CRD AY, APRIL 17, 1836. sions he has once more shrank to his Gen. Boulanger, Minister of War, natural dimensions. Not one of the promised that Government would in­ is now in the great metropolis of the Near street car line. Northwest, whither he lias come to Inside Lake St. LAKE (Thirtieth).STREET. 242 Hennepin Av. members who were elected as Liberals troduce a military bill in May, which, THE IRISH STAND ABB. stay—for a time, at least. He is a thor­ opposes Home Rule altogether. All it was expected, would effect a saving We -would be deliberately prevari- of 12,000,000f. annually, and reduce the ough union man, and it is to his credit admit that the circumstances of Ireland, that through all his travels he has never oafciug were -we to assert that when THE the circumstances of the Empire, the term of service in the army to the mini­ KAYSER & Co., WA|*! PAPFRS mum necessary for the safety of the failed to carry the regulation traveling 612 Mcollet Avenue, NORTHWESTERN STANDARD (now IRISH state of things in the Imperial Parlia­ f I fllwlw I #11 country. card of the International union. STANDABD) was established some five ment, which finds itself unable to per­ As a war correspondent in the Soudan JOBBERS & EETAILEES OF INTERIOR DECORATIONS inontks ago tlie management liad no form all that is expected of it, impera­ Mr. Carley made an excellent record We would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Minneapolis and vicinity to our tively demand that the Irish people IN reality the bill proposed by Mr. for himself, as the Canadian press has enormous stock, which wili be sold at bottom prices. Our retail deportment is under the: super­ misgivings as to its success, from a vision of one of the most eminent designers. All work will be done in an artistic ana Htiris- should hereafter be allowed to manage Gladstone is a downright repeal of the testified. During a period of two years fftetory manner. ... • financial point of view, or otherwise. It their own affairs, and the sooner this Act of Union carried by Pitt at the be­ he has traveled over more ground, per­ •was asserted by some that the Irish great question is settled thoroughly at ginning > the century. It invokes no haps, than any other young man in sweeping changes of the British Con­ America or anywhere else, there being fee! lug toward anything partaking of ». once and forev r the better it mil be stitution ; it does not copy the political for the Empire as well as for Ireland. placed to his credit up to the present HOUSEKEEPERS! national Irish character was dormant, system of the United States, and has date a score of 31,000 miles. Previous and they wou ld support any paper but but few features of the scheme con­ to 1884 he had traveled throughout the Who want to see a Fine Line of Kitchen Furniture at Lowest Rates, structed for the Canadian Dominion. one advocating their interests. The HISTQBY SEPEATS ITSELF. length and breadtli of the American should call on The Newcastle Chronicle in criticizing continent. He has occupied every extraordinary success of THE STANDARD position in a printing office from devil the vindictive opposition manifested to­ THE regular monthly meeting of the is the best evidence which can be of­ to editor-in-ebief of a daily newspaper; ward the endeavor of the Liberal party directors of the Orphan board occured John T. Lucas* fered that such predictions lacked veri­ at the residence of Rev. James MeGol- we use no flattery in saying that he is a to better the condition of Ireland very thorough printer, an excellent writer— Manufacturer of and Dealer in fication ; on the contrary, the Irishmen truthfully remarks that the opposition rick on Tuesday evening. Ifc is the ex­ pressed intention of the board to have a newspaper man through and through. of the Northwest have proved loyal to to Mr. Gladstone's Home Rule bill is Dave is now in the employ of THE the same which the American colonists the corner-stone of the new orphan asy­ their organ. lum laid before the month of May shall STANDARD, and bets are being freely met in 1782. It basely smuggled the close. No pains will be spared to made by old-time typos that his tourist Their:. differences in American poli­ union with Ireland into existence eigh­ days are numbered. Wait and see. tics does not divide them in the great the event an imposing one. All the teen years after this, and it allowed the Catholic societies in the city will un­ cause they liave at heart—the extending bitterness of emancipation trouble to doubtedly take part in the impressive Davitt Branch. Meeting. AND KITCHEN HARI/WAME. of Home Rale to Ireland—which THE ferment towards rebellion for an entire ceremonies. The board will again meet There was a very fair attendance at generation. It is an opposition which the regular meeting of the Davitt STAJTRARD has earnestly championed in at the same place to-morrow at 2 p.
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