ANNUAL REPORT ON THE DEPARTEMENT OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES FOR THE YEAR 1988-89 (1.4.88 TO 31.3.1989) D05291 ANNUAL REl-QRT ON THE DEPARTHENT OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES l-UH THE 7EAT{^1988-8g (1.4.88 TO 31 ,3.1989) ooooo The Department of Public libraries started functioning from 1,11.1966 as pet the provisions of theKarnataka Public Libraries Act, 1965, uith the following different kinds of Libraries:- 1 , State Central Library uhich shall be maintained as reservoir of books and other materials for the proper functioning of the-State Library system and declared as “ Reference Library*’ recently, 2, A City Central Library far each 'of the principle Cities in the State, At present there are 11 City Central Libraries- in the State, 3, The District Central Library for each of the ^0 EBUenue Districts are functioning. So far this Department has opened 327 Branches, 216 Flandal Libraries, 272 Book Delivery Stations, '1 Btl "Seruice Stations, In addition, 8 Mobile Libraries are functioning at Mysore, Dharuar, DangalorBT-B^tgnaiam-j-'K-ar.uarx-G-ulbarga, Wercara and tflang.alatjEu The State Central Library is hauing the follouing Sections: 1, A State Bureau of Copy Right Eollectionis; 2, A State Library for'the Blind; 3., A State Oibliographi'cal Bureau; A, A State Bureau of I'nt er-Librar.y Loan' and 5, A Bureau of Technical Service, LIBRARY CESS; Cess collected in the Cities and “Districts--as -per Section 30 of the Karnataka Public Librari'^B Act, 1965 as on December 1988-89 uas Rs,36 ,78 ,933.22 . The grants sanctioned by Government as per Section 31 of Karnataka Public Libraries Ap^, 1965 to D istrict Library Authorities for the year .1988-89 (1.4.88 to 31.3,69) uas fe.20,63,3-87,00. NIEPA DC STAFF; The total 'strength of tbe'^'staff is 1,121 out of ,uhich 1,100" i.' » . ■ ^ po^t.s have been fille d up. fh^e remainihg 2 1 are \/acant. FINANCE?,, ' Go\/ernfnent has sanctioned the folloulng’ Budget for the year ^1988-89 , * ' ' Under consolidated Budget (Non-Plan) Rs.2,76, 44,OOO/r^ Plan Budget. Rs<51,76,000/- Octroi Gd/mpensation Rs.55,00,00'0'/-, NON-PLAM.; ' ^ Undfer the Head ”2-205-105-01 the following Budget is sanctioned,' ' f Si^ - Expenditure [\jo* Allotment 1.4,88 to * ' . 31,3.89. = * 1, Salari'es: Officers. 6 8 , 0 0 d=»0 0 - 73,347=00 ■ Staff 9,22,000=00 6,86,422=00 D,A 1,39,000=00 1,02,722=00 T \V # ' ' -^--^tJber^aXXQaaiices 15,000^=00. j^Ai,.aa5=r00 2 , T,'A* Expenses 26,000=00. is,232=00 3’, Office Expenses 66,000=00 59,225=00 4, Other Charges 4,73,000=00 4,24,605=00• 5, Rents, Taxes etc 1 ; 2 0 .,0 0 0 = 0 0 1 ,08,745=00. TOTAL - 01 20,30,000=00 16,16-, 183=00. 105 - 03 Expansion of Li-brary .Services; (105-02 Library Traitiing School .has been closed, So All-totment" and Expenditure has been included- in this Head) Expenditure SI, I I lotment No, |(Non-Plan) (1 ,'4.88 to ■ 31'.3.89) ' ■ ■' fe. ' 1 Salaries (Officers) 11,54,000=00 10,‘39, 671=0.0 , Staff 1 ,52v62,0D0=60 1 ,42,-94,.715=pD D>-,A , ; 23 ,.05,-00 0 = 0 0 27,i6,797=t)0’ Other Allouan'ces ' 37,13,000=00 24,48,-883=CMD 2 , T.A, Expenses i i,oa,ooo=oo" 91,819=00 3, Office Expenses . , 1 ,30,000=00-' 98,738=00 4, Other Charges 3Q,000=00 23,325=00 5, Rent sf T.axes etc * 5,00,000=00 4,48,-268=00 TOTAL - 03 2,3i'75^~ob=ab f7ii'.6?.2TCTTT Contd— .-3— - NQ|^»PLaM. BUDGET Allotment ■Expenditujra (RoDf^Plan) 1.4,88- td- S'l'iSiSg fe. Rsi 105~04 Grant-in-aid td Dist^Library Authority 18,90,0Q0»D0 20,63,387*00 105-05 Grant-in-aid to State Library Authority 1 ,b5»000=00 ' i»d5,ooofcdo 105-06 Grant-in-aid ' in the State . ■ . i,.oj:)i,d.oo=op ‘ -50,000=00 ^1p5-07 Raja Rammohun Rdy "Library Foundation ^cheme 4yp0,000s=0p 4,00,000==00 105-08 TibetiSn Culture Readih^ Room at nundgod 1 , 0 0 »DOOjiOO 1 ,0D,’G003s00 •PLAN! “ Allotment Expenditure Plan ^ « ^ * 8 8 to _ ^ ^ . 31.3,89 ^ ffe. fe* " ~ K 1 D.5-Public'• Libtari es 10 Library houemeht i , c40,-QO,ODD=OD‘ Bulk Purchase, - R^an 39,99,503=00 2, 105-03 Expansion of Library Seruice6 4,00,000=00 > 3 ,7 5 ,3-36=00 3, Construction of City <- ' C.entral Library at ^ 1,76,000=00 Belgaum, . 1,76,qoo=ffo 4i Cotvstruction of City ‘'t Cen’^ral .Library at " ‘ .i5,(jb,ddo=db Dhatwer '■ .... - - .-"TOTAL' ■•'"•^sivfefo^bFisb 2^5;5o;'8ni=oo BUILDINGS: { •/ . 1 , During the year 1.98B-89V amount of Rs.l ,7^,000/- 'h^s been allowed to the Ci1:-y Centr-al Library Building, Belgaum and the 4onstructi'on*"of the building 1 b in progress. 2; .Raja-Rannnohun.Roy library Ixteftsidn, Bangaiore-27, const^'uctiorii of Branch Library- bgil-ding of City Centrai ^ Librg^y is ip progress; , < " Cerrtd*^4- . .5 3, Administrative approval is receiyed to the Rian and Gstimates for construction of City Central Library Branch,^ building, nallesuar^m, Bangalore, ^ 4 ,-Proposals has been sent to prep^are the Plan and- estimates for the construction of Ramanagar Building (for' extension) • 5, Extension of Building of D istrict C,entral .Library at TiJf^kur has been taken- up at the cost of Rs,2,00,000/- by the D istrict Library .Authority, Tumkur, This amount "'includes contribution from District Library -Authorities Funds, Zilla Parishat and Public, . ‘ 6 >, Eonstruction of Building of City Central Library, Dharuar is taken up. 7, Adminis'trative approval is received for the Plan and Estimates towards the construction of City Central Library, Branch at Hubli, STATISTICS; ‘ , The total number of Boo-ks added from 1,4,88'to 31,3,89 ,.yas ;4^26,'444 (including bulk^ii)urchase l^oks) and the number of -members enrolled Uas 3‘,24,847. Daily 2,37,260 visitors or an average vis it to the Library and 70,212 books are issued daily. „ NEUSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS: ' - During the year 1988-89,. 17,128 periodicals and neuspapers are subscribed, out of -which 860 are for'eign V. ' and remaining are Indian, RAJA RAnnOHUN ROY LIBRARY FOUNDATION SCHEI^E.; -According to the<Raja Rammohua Roy Library Foundation Scheme 1,922 villages and 175 Taluka Centres have been supplied uith reading materials, X ■ LIBRARY t r a in ing SCHOOL? ’ In addition to above statutory service, there is Library Training School conducted by this Directorate which give Library Training for a period of 3 months, so far 74 batches have been completed. During the year‘ l9S7-88 this Library Training School uas closed due to economy orders of Government, Re~opening of the School is under conside­ ration o f the Government- nou, Contd-— 5- — -5 - - LMRARY PEEN'YA. 'BmALORE*. S * sT' *™' 'T- '• ,11 ' '■ Public Technical Library' uas 'e‘fei;ablished for spreading of Science arid Technical knouledge for the benefit of indu"stri/rist- and Industrial Uorkers at the Iha'ustrial area of Peenya, Bangalore which reDdered spacial servdces tQ-thenr, ' RURAL lib rari es AT m m h L P^NCHaYAT head QUARTERS; ' " . V For the 'year 1988-89 te,40,DO ,000,00- has b,een allotted in the Budget mannupi Book to riahdal Libratiesi During the ye^ar 1987-8R (1.4,88 to '31,3,89) for the m'aintenance oflj?6 'Sandals a sum of Rs.7,07 ,'BOC .00 has been released foT tjne expen'ditu-re of honorarium to Care taker. Newspaper and Periodicals, Furniture" and Contingency, Upto March 19B9 Rs, 1>7,00,000.00 has been allotted to open 150 Mandal Libr^iries for 'the year 1988-89. So far the 'expend-iture incurred for this purpose amounts to Rs,39 ,99,503.00. A ll the- Mandals uiill be cov/.ered in 5 years i-o a phased manner. The Books purchased under Bulk purcTias? scheme are -being- supplied 'If- to these Libraries*. *■ BULK PURCHASE OF KANNADA BOOKS: ^ The scheme encourages" ind-ivldgal Kannada Uritens, Small Pu'blishers and N eo-literates This ^schejt© .;C'am^“ into foj-cq -from the year 't9b7-^6"._•'Dtiring year ^1 988-8,9., 95,000 book§ uiorth> of Rs.15 laKhs uere purchased. .. ■» It is proposed to make eypry effort to f u l f i l l the pblig'ation of Kannada Urite-rs and PublijSher«'. The successful and effective impiemenfcation of the scheme of Ex'pan-sib^ of Library SerOice depends much on sound Administrat'iue machinery, Cov/ernment therefore, requested to supply adequatie Fincnce and staff as per-'norms, DIRECTOR, Department of Public Libraries B:angalbre, DEPARTf^ENT OF PUDLIC LIDRARIES Office of th.e Director of Public Libraries, Visveswaraiah Rain Touer, 4th Floor, Dr.Ambedkar Road, • 0ANGALQRE-l,Dt,lB.10.89 List shouing the name of City/Distric,t Central Libraries and their branchss, Ssrvics Stations, Lcok Delivery Stations, i'lo.bile Libraries and Aided Libraries in the Department of public Libraries in Karnataka' as on 19G3-G9, . 1. C.ITY CENTRAL LIuRARY, DANGALORE AND LIST OF DRANCHES: Head office; • ‘ The Chief Librarian, 5 , Hahumanthanagar Dranch City Central Lii?.rary, 1MO.1690, DSK 1st Stage, South End Circle, O?ngalore- 56005d" Jayanagar, OangaJ.ore-5600ffil Date of Estd.
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