: 1 pimnrial 0mni£rna xmiti Qijotation Supplement (Monthly) Street Kailwai|5uppIement4iTiiAnnuaiii> Investors Supplement (Quarterly) Stale and C% Supplement ^xnnuai^ [Entered aooordlng to Act of Oongress, In the ye&t 1900, by the Wiu.iAi( B. Daha Ookpaht, in the office of the Librarian of GongreBs.] VOL. 72 SATURDAY. MARCH A 1901. NO. 18^)2 Week ending February 83 Clearings at— 1901. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. 1901. 1900. P. Cent. 1899. 1898. Termg of Subscription—Payable In Adyance 00 Boston 108 8S7,g38 98.628.086 --10-4 183 933.530 89.814.679 For One Year $10 -1-8 Six Months 6 00 Providence 5,560.500 5,662,100 5.861,500: 4,&S0.7C0 For Hartford 2,815,634, -22 2,424,045 Subscription (Including postage) 13 00 1,802.744 8 2,0^4.670 Bnropeau New HaT^en 1,165,021 1,570 513 -268 1,305.623 1.342.597 European Subsoriptlon Six Montne (Including postage) 7 50 SprlDKfleld l,li!4.2>!B 1,018.802! -HO-9 1.691,450 1,302,586 Annual Subscription In London (Including postage) M2 148 Worcester 1.255,455 1,034.874 -1-213 1,507.598] 1 202,0ilfl Portland 973.619 798,888 -<-22-8 1,287,453 BlxMos. do. do. do. Al lis. 1 081,248 Fall River 651,081 874,863 —24-9 1.88^,358 772.001 Above subscription Includes— Lowell 4B0.780 469.177 -H'8 731,133 540,861 New 374,589 869.429 -I-I-4 401,124 Thb Quotation bupplkment | stbeet Railway StrppLBMEirr Bedford 883,436 Holyoke 283 855 273,940 -|-3'4 270,000 The Investoks' Supplement | State and City Supplement 1 Total New Bnif.. 188,573,561 113,989.815' +H-'b 140,801,725 103,S95177 Terms of Advertising—(Per Inch Space.) Transient matter. $4 20 Three Months (13 times).. $29 00 Chicago 116656171 116.298 806 -H)8 105, 996,594 89,708,064 13,630,050 +28-2 11 8TANDINO BUSINESS OAROS. Six Months (26 " ).. 50 00 Cincinnati 17,473,760 146,620 10,778,450 Detroit 7,1)00,716 6,785,011 -(-3 2 6 .442.815 5,779,387 Two Months (8 times).. 22 00 Twelve Months (52 " ).. 87 00 Cleveland 10,22«,480 8.849.217 -I-15-6 8 ,656.329 6.185.085 London Agents: Milwaukee. 6.420,973 5.166.681 -fSl 4 5D3,77a 4,802.057 Columbus 4,988 400 4,615.500 -(-105 3 ,355,600 8, 31 800 Messrs. Edwabds & Smith, 1 Drapers' Gardens, E. O., will take sub- Indianapolis 2 784,476 2,870.807 -f-17 2 ,073.059 1,931,608 Peoria 2,280,110 1.614.998 J-40 4 1 ,676910 scriptions and advertisements, and supply single copies of the paper 1.569.583 Toledo 1,881.715 1,551.698 -i-ai-3 1 ,564.409 1,367354 at Is. each. Qrand Rapids 1,085,855 1,035.582 -(-0 03 842,438 765,248 WII<I<IAni B. DANA CORIPANY, Pabllsbers, iJayton 1,111,826 967,658 -1-14 e43,3h5 685,852 Bvansvllle 816,056 951.688 -14 2 520,456 Pine Street, Corner of Pearl Street, Youn(?stown 280,000 236.606 -|-li8 233 154 259,168 Post Office Box 958. NEW YORK. Sprlngtleld, 111 460,000 209110 -»-lI52 884,903 828,368 Lexington 432.519 318.291 -(-3H-0 329,704 841,614 Akron 475,(100 869,700 -(-28-6 280,000 889.100 Kalamazoo 372,024 388.800 -4-3 286,578 810 807 CLEARING HOUSE RETURNS. Rookford 272,875 274,885 -0 5 ii54 073 8.39,064 Sprinirfleld, Ohio.. 382,736 858,917 -f-6'7 284 640 281.738 Canton 266,106 299,583 -11-0 187,296 178 997 The following table, made up by telegraph, etc., indicates that the Jacksonville, 111... 181,061 131,728 -05 110,000 total bank clearings of all the clearing houses of the United States for Oulncy 208,531 200.000 -t-4-3 Bloomintrton. 326.826 177,576 -f83> ending to-day, March 2, have been the week $2,090,515,916, against Ann Arbor 67,718 Not include 1 in tot al. $1,829,577,351 last week and $1,707,692,418 the corresponding week Tot. Mid. West'n 176,861.646 168,692,768 -(-5 149.820,685 198 067 014 last year. San Franolsoo. 16,606,687 14.817.639 13086,459 18 714.263 Salt Lake City. 1,972,686 1,973,041 2 045.077 1.854.828 OLBABINGS. Week Bndina March 2. Portland 1,727.061 1,714 606 1,238.381 1,785.688 Ijos Angeles... 2.879.594 1,763.944 1,427.419 1,158.609 Returns by Telegraph. 1901. 1900. P. Cent Seattle 1.973.549 1,489,117 886.340 1,237,410 Spokane 717.621 1,047,631 653,3?8 787.014 831905 714,489 661.858 New York 11,114,285,840 $934,667,860 -I-38-5 Tacoma. 892,980 Helena 649,610 477,617 531,587 500,000 -^4•0 Boston. 104,814.674 100,788,347 FarKO 584,^31 349.700 180.070 246.016 Philadelphia 95,816,87S 86,094.913 -H0"7 Slouz Falls 140,000 100,983 107.451 104,775 Baltimore 19,601,812 21,483 893 -8-8 Total Paollio. 87,481,963 23,867,660 81,018,013 80 615,178 Chloaero • 126,816,691 183.730,685 +28-4 City 10,714.868 -(-23-3 0.827,890 St. Lonls 32,068,^16 88,673,838 -(-12-2 Kansas 18.807.886 9,066,118 Minneapolis 7.680,070 7,800 462 -8 6 6 615.060 6,150,284 New Orleans 18,591,883 9,988,415 -h86-8 Omaha 6.885.576 4,938,487 -f7-8 5,336 013 4.760,660 St. Paul 3,661,803 3 446.765 -(-6 2 S,4S5,570 3 026.100 Seven oltles, 6 days «1 ,604,890,696 $1,204,269 887 -f36-0 Denver 8,818,030 3,521.734 -(-8-4 2.50<!.230 8,911040 Other oltiea, 6 dara 286,018,946 201,079,943 +1«'9 St. Joseph 3,61'3,«59 3,204,841 -1-12 1 1,965 073 1,430.454 Des Moines 1.306,137 l,13e,484 -(-154 1,052,361 887 184 Davenport.. 646,719 667,620 4-13 9 666.779 694,168 Total all oltles, 6 days $1,789,909,648 $1,406,349,839 -h33'8 Sioux City 1,074,686 927,834 -f-15-9 867,919 664 404 All oltles, 1 day 850,606,374 802,342,589 -H5-9 Topeka 1,287,066 590,679 -(-117'9 661.088 490.684 Wichita 499,3H2 471412 -(-5 9 443.474 433311 Total all oltles for week.. t2.090,B19,9ia $1,707,692,418 -I-33-4 Fremont. 120.000 101.820 -fl6 1 117 692 94,454 Hastings 135.000 167.387 —19^ 90.377 110 760 Tot. other West. 42.155,791 43,908.899 +121 88.781,411 81,617,410 The full details for the week covered by the above will be given next Saturday. We cannot furnish them to-day, clearings-being made up St. Lonls 86.157 521 86,648.850 -(-31-9 80.898 384 84.958 4a6 by the clearing houses at noon on Saturday, and hence in the above New Orleans 10,358 281 11.544.440 -10 3 8,693201 9,878 398 -(-170 18S the last day of the has to in all Louisville 8,015,118 6.848,617 7.446 6,482.894 week be oases estimated, as we go to 800 press Friday night. Qalveston 8,600,000 3.158.000 -l-llO 8.621 a,713C00 Houston 3,09U 544 4,1S«,124 -4 6 2,488 443 2,650.081 We present below our usual detailed figures for the previous week, Savannah 3 885 426 6,307,148 -86-8 8 187 465 2.198.046 covering the returns for the period ending with Saturday noon, Feb. Richmond 3,031 1^93 3.100.000 —22 8,024.807 3 079.577 23, and the results for the corresponklng week in 1900. 1899 and 1898 Memphis e.637.779 8.023.470 -12^ 1.958,803 2,188 697 -(18-6 1851,h78 are also given. Contrasted with tlie week of 1900 tlie total for tlie Atlanta 1.973,378 l,6t14 846 1.840 553 1,299,"45 1.119 617 +16 1 1,081.281 i 984.840 whole country shows a gain of 290 per cent. Outside of New York NasbvlUe. Norfolk l.aflO 987 1,338.679 -«-9 9 988 466 81^ 834 the increase over 1900 is 11-2 per cent. Augusta 1,186,017 1,686 068 -89 7 649.8 <:9 783,61^7 Kuorvllle 446.824 616,282 -27 6 65t<.324 416 163 Fort Worth 938.299 751,520 +24 1 751,530 7i'08l8 Week ending February 23. Birmingham 800.000 700.000 +14 4 585 584 419 695 Clearings at— Macon 707,000 657,000 +88-9; 526.000 670,000 1901. Little Rook 694.721 612,815 +355 273 550 893 819 leoi. 190O. P. Cent. 1899. 1898. Chattanooga 627.149 820.617 +64*4 277.907 2T9.848 JaokBonvlUe 871,267 270.974 +01 814 3K0 207 459 317 542 773 $ $ Total Southern.
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