4 th State Treasurer — Pranoiaoo L Borgaa — Marla Harbat State Comptrollar — J. Edward Calciwall Edith Q. F>ragua Attorney Qanaral Jo# Uabarman All real estate advertised SS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Oovornor — William A. 0*N*IH —-'Oonald F>| Hartford County Sheriff — Alfred J. Rkxix K Mart help wanted. [ In the Manchester Herald Is sublecf to the Fair Uautanant Qovamor Joaaph J JamaeR.'' Tolland County Sheriff — Theodora R. Satkowakl Merchandise Em­ Housino Act of 19M, which U.8. Sanata — Chrlatophar J. Ood^" m t Jishn W. thorhpiKm MancHaatar Charter* Ravlalon — “No" ployees, Cashiers, mokes It llleflol to adver­ MnCEUJOIEOUS Stock. Full time and tise any preference, lim­ Icm LO C A K SERVICES Oongraaa. 1 at District — Barbara B. Kanheily; ’ et — J. Patar Euaaoaa Mancheatar Elderly Houaing "Yea" part-time positions itation or discrimination Congraaa. 2nd District — Sam OajdaruK>n EMata -r. Julia h : tashjlan r Manchaatar School Ranovatlona — “Yea" available experience based on race, color, reli­ PeoartV’ Brothof* — Bo- your nelohbarhood Odd lobs, Trucklna. Hodl* gion, sex or national not necessary, many IhrePm remofilrtlnR; In- Iwndy. nwni Honest fom- repairs. You name If; saafi origin, or an Intention to' traHotton water heaters, lly man, will estimate any do It, Free estimates^ employee benefits. make any such prefer­ Mother of one will sit In ocHlNMae disposals; faucet lob you create, lawns, Insured. 6434B04: Apply in person daily ence, limitation or dis­ her home days, full time, repolri. 6494S39. Visa/M- houllne, cleaning, paint­ Mon-Sat Manchester K crimination. The Herald and pert time. Coll after cKterCard accepted. ing, and minor repairs. Mart 23’9 Spencer will not knowingly accept 6pm . 64B4W13. Residentlal/Business. Street EOE. any advertisement which For the highest ouollty at plotlon of the law. the lowest prices call, Tune Up Time - Leaf m tm / MlSCEUAilBNIS John 643-<^, Blowers, snow blowers, 30 Locust Street. 2 Family i S v i R r ^ lawn ond garden egulp- 4 rooms each, $139,900. f i m m Art's Light Trucking- ment. Also offering a com­ TELEMARKETING Principals only. Call 646- cellars,attlcs,garages plete sharpening service. Full and part time posi­ 2426. Weekdays 9-5. Name vour own price — * cleaned. Junk houled.Fur- Q u a lity sharpening, 104 anrlipstpr HrralJi nlture and appliances tion available Immedia­ Father and son. Fast, Hilliard Street (203) 649- dependable service, moved. Odd lobs, very 2111. ) Manchester — A City ol Village Charm tely. Flexible hours. No Nestled among the tre ^ l Relax In the great lucuzzi Polntina, Foperhonalno B Top Soil. Clean, rich, honest dependable experience necessary, bath that comes with this R em oval. O itl 873-8237. stone free loom. Any worker. 25 years expe­ For electrical repair^ or as we provide complete rambling 9 room Ranch In amount dellvaredi Also rience In m oving. 646-9669 hemdyman, call -649-2254 fill, orovel, stone ond anytim e. evenings. Free estimates. training. Potential to Boltoh. 3 bedrooms, full Wednesday. Nov. 5,1986 30 Cents basement, 2 car garage, Bark mulch. Call Dovis Licensed and insured. i< $8.00 per hour to start. Construction 872-1400 Bobcat, bockhoe looder N lots of glass, acre plus lot. ELKTMGAL Concrete Wark- Call Br ROSS $148,900. Jackson & Jack- an ytim e. rental, trucking drainage, IMI8CELLANEDU8 CARD son Real Estate. 647-8400 sight work, .top soil, bark Excovotlon, foundation,^ 1-203-525-7274 Dumas Electric->Hovlna Horse boordlno-Complete mulch, decorative stone. floor,........ pdttg. Fully Indured. I fdb d ale FOR DALE or 646-8646.0 ------- 27. RIchord Caron.* 1-800-842-5048 Electrical Problems? care Including turnout. C oll D avis Construction 875-3827. Those who hesitate are Need o loraw or 0 sm all $175 per month. W ndfail 872-1400 anytim e. Robottx R-2000 like new. losti Don't let this 3 family Repair? We Specialize in Farm Is conveniently lo­ GIVE YOUR budget a Ages 7 plus, motorized $25. Residential Work. J«»eph cated In Andover near Phil’s Lawn Care. Fall break ... shop the classi­ Eighth District, governor big winners In Manchester slip by. 643-2339.n. Bolton, Hebron line. Coll fied columns for bargain YOUR PHONE WILL 6-3-3 room units, porches, Dumas. Fully Licensed. Cleon up and light londs- 1 ^ Rambler-The Clos- modern Improvements, Free Estimates. 646-5253. 646-5735. caplng. C a ll P h il 742-7476. buys! valc! From when they mo- BE R I N W O P E separate utilities, nice m: K . .________ WANTED TO de'em like they Used to. yard. Great Income! BUY/TRAOE Only 85,000 miles! Solid Democrats Manchester 0 THE HOOK WHEN $164,900. Jackson & Jack- runner. 742-7686 evenings. son Real Estate. 647-8400 YOU PLACE A or 646-8646.0 ^CLASSIFIEDADll HOMES APARTMENTS ■WANTED {MUSICAL ride wave voters nix New listing! Condo- HDFOR SALE FOR RENT TO RENT ITEMS $89,900. Spacious town- Wonted. Leather bound Autos. 2 cars for sole. house In desirable area. Government Homes from 3 and 4 room apartments, Wanted to rent. Clean 3-4 Mognovox Portable ste­ books. Heritage, Howard Ports Only. 1972 Olds 455 for 0 ’Neill Question 4 Plenty of storage. Fin­ SI (U repair). Delinquent no appliances,no pets,se- room apartment In Mon- reo, needs speaker wire. classics, etc. Call 649-4800 Engine $200, 1970 Ply­ ished basement. All ap­ fox property. Reposses­ curlty.call 646:2426. Week­ chester/Eost Hartford. $15. 649-1807b and ask for Tom. mouth 318 Engine $200. Bv^udd Everhart V pliances to stay. Including By George Layng sions. Call 805-687-6000 ext days 9-5. Responsible adult. Please Coll 646-6649 after 3:00pm. Thmssoclofed Press washer and dryer. Furni­ GH 9965 for current repos­ coll 649-8389. Plano Upright. Rose­ American Flyer- Trolns Herald Reporter ture Is negotiable. Call us session list. and occessorlres. Please Two bedroom apartment wood. Carved front de­ HARTFORD — While Republi- and let us show It to you!! for rent. DIshwosher, dis­ sign. $300 649-1819. coll 627-9848. As eight whistles sounded from cans^f^Oa-sort out where guberna­ Realty World Frechette Manchester. By Owner. 6 posal, pool, tennis courts. the Eighth Utilities District fire Assoclatlon.o 646-7709. torial challenger Julie D. Belaga room Dormered Cape, 1 Near 84. Call 282-7908after 1980 Subaru 2 door hatch­ house at 9Tuesday night, a jubilant car garage with patio. Merchandise {PET8 AND back. Very good condi­ went wrong, Dennocratic Gov. 7:00 pm. or (617) 864-5770 crowd in the second-floor meeting Vinyl slded,8room Ranch, Full basement. Excellent tion, asking $2200. Call William A. O'Neill says there was a X4204 days. 8UPPLIE8 Automotive room threw "Vote No” leaflets in 3 bedrooms, I'/p baths, location 8, condition. Coll evenings 646-7393. simple reason he beat her by more the air and roared, ” We stay, we DIAL^ family room with carpet­ ' owner for appointment. than 150,000 votes. ing, bar and sink, garage 6 4 9 -:^ . $100,500. CLOTHING 1979 T-BIrd Automatic, stay, we stay ...” and flat, open, rear yard. El {CARD “ We worked hard. We had a good Air conditioning, stereo. The celebration erupted after 643-2711 Don't nilss out on this one! Manchester. 3 bedroom, FOR DALE Original owner. $1200. Coll record. Just as simple as that,” 4 room apartment. Mor- Black Borgazja fur coat. Free to good home, 4 O’Neill said after the results were Eighth District supporters learned Asking, $119,900. Strano with garage, fenced yard, rled Adults preferred. No 649-4471. Real Estate 647-7653.D enclosed front porch, Size 8-10, perfect condi­ month old mole kitten, In Tuesday night. "The people of that Question 4 on the Manchester pets. No appliances. Se­ tion. $50 coll 646-3907.O white with unusuol mark­ Dotsun B-510 Wagon— SOCIAL WORKER lorge eot-ln country kit­ curity, references, 1 cor. Connecticut have spoken very, ballot had been defeated 10,045 to Check out this paying chen, nicely decorated. ings. All shots, call 643- I960. Excellent condition. very clearly. 7.535. The vote meant the Town We are a progressive 649-1265. WANT ADS are the 2711 between 8:00 to 5:00 Investment. See this fan­ Move In condition. Must Cleon car. Only 67,000 "They said it couldn’t be done, Charter would not be changed to- multi-level nursing tastic three family with See! $119,900. By owner friendly wav of finding a ask for Mary. miles. $2400. Doys Mon.- Manchester - 2nd floor 2 cash buyer for applian­ 1973 Buick Century, auto­ but you didn’t listen,” O’Neill told remove the power of Eighth home speclalzing In re­ large private yard, oper­ 646-9715. Frl. 627-4866. After 5 and matic, 2 door, excellent bedroom, heat and ap­ ces, musical Instruments, Golden Retriever AKC cheering supporters. He promised District voters to veto consolida­ habilitation and we are ate utilities, modern Inte­ weekends 644-1889. condition, $1200. 646-2446. pliances, no pets. $575 plus cars and a host of other registered 10 month old four years of “ progressive; tion with the town of Manchester. seeking to expand our rior, low maintenance ex­ Manchester-New Mstlngs- security 646-3979. Social Service Depart­ terior and garages for 3 bedroom aluminum Items. female. Excellent family 77 Mustang, 4 cylinder, forward-looking government.” Despite the triumph, one of the ment. If you are Inter­ four cars. Priced to sell at sided Ranch, great starter dog. All shots and spayed. standard, new tires, and Meanwhile, the Democrats ap-. chief architects of the sweeping Mofiche^fer-Luxuarv Dog house and supplies exhaust, om/tm cassette,- victory — Eighth District Fire ested In case manage­ $145,500.
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