REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND TOURISM GENERAL DIRECTORATE FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE AND MUSEUMS 37th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF EXCAVATIONS, SURVEYS AND ARCHAEOMETRY 11-15 MAY 2015 Atatürk University Atatürk Culture and Exhibition Center ERZURUM Atatürk Culture 11 May 2015 12 May 2015 13 May 2015 14 May 2015 15 May 2015 16 May 2015 and Exhibition Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Center Main Hall Results of Results of Results of Results of Results of Excavations Excavations Excavations Excavations Excavations 11:00-12:15 09:00-12:25 09:00-12:25 09:00-12:25 09:00-12:25 14:00-17:45 14:00-17:45 14:00-17:45 14:00-17:45 14:00-17:45 C Hall Results of Results of Results of Results of Results of Excavations Excavations Excavations Excavations Excavations 14:00-17:55 09:00-12:45 09:00-12:25 09:00-12:45 09:00-12:45 14:00-17:45 14:00-17:45 14:00-17:45 14:00-16:05 Excursion of Erzurum B Hall Results of Surveys Results of Surveys Results of Surveys Results of Surveys Results of Surveys 14:00-17:55 09:00-13:00 09:00-13:00 09:00-13:00 09:00-13:00 14:00-17:55 14:00-17:55 14:00-17:55 14:00-15:35 Results of Surveys Results of Surveys Results of Results of 09:00-13:00 09:00-13:00 A Hall Archaeometry Archaeometry Results of Results of 14:00-17:55 09:00-13:00 Archaeometry Archaeometry 14:00-17:55 14:00-17:55 14:00-17:55 11 MAY 2015 MONDAY MEETINGS ON THE RESULTS OF EXCAVATIONS MAIN HALL 10.00 OPENING CEREMONY CHAIRPERSON: Mehmet ÖZDO ĞAN 11.00-11.15 Excavations and Restorations at Altıntepe 2014 Mehmet KARAOSMANO ĞLU 11.20-11.35 Excavation of Perge-2014 Mustafa DEM İREL 11.40-11.55 Ephesus 2014 Sabine LADSTÄTTER 12.00-12.15 Recent Results and Insights from the Early Neolithic Site of Göbekli Tepe (Spring and Autumn 2014) Lee CLARE 12.15-14.00 INTERVAL CHAIRPERSON: Necmi KARUL 14.00-14.15 Aşıklı Höyük 2014 Güne ş DURU 14.20-14.35 Boncuklu and the Antecedents of Çatalhöyük Douglas BAIRD 14.40-14.55 Çatalhöyük Excavations 2014 Ian HODDER 15.00-15.15 Domuztepe: A Mesopotamian Late Neolithic Settlement at Kahramanmara ş Halil TEK İN 15.15-15.25 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Zafer DER İN 15.25-15.40 Kırklareli Mound 2014 Activities Mehmet ÖZDO ĞAN 15.45-16.00 2014 Excavations at Barcın Höyük Fokke GERRITSEN 16.05-16.20 Excavations at Aktopraklık, 2014 Necmi KARUL 16.25-16.40 The Archaeological Excavation of Beycesultan Höyük in 2014 Fulya DEDEO ĞLU 16.40-16.50 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Fokke GERRITSEN 16.50-17.05 Hacılar Büyük Höyük Excavations - 2014 Gülsün UMURTAK 17.10-17.25 The Prehistoric Settlement of İzmir, The Ye şilova Höyük Excavations in 2014 Zafer DER İN 17.30-17.45 Excavation at Ulucak Höyük in 2014 Özlem ÇEV İK 17.45-18.00 Discussion 11 MAY 2015 MONDAY MEETINGS ON THE RESULTS OF EXCAVATIONS C HALL CHAIRPERSON: Harun TA ŞKIRAN 14.00-14.15 Pa şalar Excavation 2014 Berna ALPAGUT 14.20-14.35 Karain Cave Excavations - 2014 Işın YALÇINKAYA 14.40-14.55 Üça ğızlı Cave Excavation, 2014 Erksin GÜLEÇ 15.00-15.15 2014 Çorakyerler Excavation Ayla SEV İM EROL 15.15-15.30 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Cevdet Merih EREK 15.30-15.45 Ürgüp/Sofular Excavations 2014 Ok şan BA ŞOĞLU 15.50-16.05 Gülsehir/Yeniyaylacık Rescue Excavation 2014 Cesur PEHLEVAN 16.10-16.25 Kurutlu Excavation (2014) Ahmet Cem ERKMAN 16.30-16.45 Suluin Excavation-2014 Harun TA ŞKIRAN 16.45-17.00 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Ok şan BA ŞOĞLU 17.00-17.15 Direkli Cave Excavations, 2014 Cevdet Merih EREK 17.20-17.35 Güvercinkayası 2014 Excavation Results Sevil GÜLÇUR 17.40-17.55 The 2014 Season at Çadır Höyük Tevfik Emre ŞER İFO ĞLU 17.55-18.00 Discussion 11 MAY 2015 MONDAY MEETINGS ON THE RESULTS OF SURVEYS B HALL CHAIRPERSON: İsmail BAYKARA 14.00-14.20 Mu ğla and Çanakkale Survey, 2014 İsmail ÖZER 14.25-14.45 Survey of Neogene and Pleistocene Fossil Localities of Burdur-2014 F. Arzu DEM İREL 14.50-15.10 Survey of Kırıkkale and Çorum Provinces in 2014 Mehmet SA ĞIR 15.10-15.20 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Mehmet SA ĞIR 15.20-15.40 Neogene and Pleistocene Survey at Van Province in 2014 İsmail BAYKARA 15.45-16.05 Ardahan Archaeological Survey in 2014 Sami PATACI 16.10-16.30 Survey of Erzincan-Erzurum in 2014 Alpaslan CEYLAN 16.30-16.45 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Alpaslan CEYLAN 16.45-17.05 Şanlıurfa Province, Central District of Neolithic and Early Period Survey, 2014 Bahattin ÇEL İK 17.10-17.30 The 2014 Archaeological Survey of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Periods in Adıyaman Sabahattin EZER 17.35-17.55 Marmora Asiatica 1. Polish Archaeopetrologists in Turkey or the First Season of Fieldwork in Göktepe and Dokimeion Dagmara WIELGOSZ-RONDOLINO 17.55-18.00 Discussion 11 MAY 2015 MONDAY MEETINGS ON THE RESULTS OF ARCHAEOMETRY A HALL CHAIRPERSON: M. I şılay GÜRSU 14.00-14.20 IFEA’s Techniques and Cultures’ Workshops First Outcomes and Coming Programme Martin GODON 14.25-14.45 Land and Sea Communication Routes from the Taurus to Cyprus Éric JEAN 14.50-15.10 Glassmaking and/or Glassworking: Revisiting Scientific and Archaeological Evidence from the Late Bronze Age Anatolia Gonca DARDEN İZ 15.10-15.20 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Éric JEAN 15.20-15.40 Aspendos Sustainable Development and Site Management Project M. I şılay GÜRSU 15.45-16.05 Preliminary Archaeometric Studies of the Wall Paintings from Side Theatre Saadet KAYMAZ 16.10-16.30 Şarhöyük Clay Work (2009-2013) Restoration Practices Hüseyin AKILLI 16.30-16.45 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Gonca DARDEN İZ 16.45-17.05 An Archaeo- Geological Working as Seismicity Research at Ayanis Castle in 2014 Oğuz ARAS 17.10-17.30 The Lichen Biota of Stratonikeia Ancient City Ça ğrı GED İZ 17.35-17.55 XFR Analysis Results of Obsidian Finds from Erzurum and Kars Museums Ay şegül AKIN 17.55-18.00 Discussion 12 MAY 2015 TUESDAY MEETINGS ON THE RESULTS OF EXCAVATIONS MAIN HALL CHAIRPERSON: Tayfun YILDIRIM 9.00-9.15 2014 Excavations at Kanlıta ş Höyük (Eski şehir) Ali Umut TÜRKCAN 9.20-9.35 Seyitömer Höyük Excavation in 2014 A. Nejat B İLGEN 9.40-9.55 Tepecik-Çiftlik Excavations, 2014 Ali Metin BÜYÜKKARAKAYA 09.55-10.05 Interval CHAIRPERSON: A. Nejat B İLGEN 10.05-10.20 The Küllüoba Excavations, 2014 Turan EFE 10.25-10.40 2014 Kültepe-Kanesh Excavations Fikri KULAKO ĞLU 10.45-11.00 Çorum/Resulo ğlu 2014 Season Works Tayfun YILDIRIM 11.00-11.10 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Fikri KULAKO ĞLU 11.10-11.25 Arslantepe 2014: A New Monumental Building in the Core of the 4th Millennium Palace Marcella FRANGIPANE 11.30-11.45 Excavations at Mersin-Yumuktepe Isabella CANEVA 11.50-12.05 Oylum Höyük, 2014 Atilla ENG İN 12.10-12.25 The 2014 Alalakh Excavation Season Results Kutlu Aslıhan YENER 12.25-14.00 INTERVAL CHAIRPERSON: Hayat ERKANAL 14.00-14.15 Gökçeada U ğurlu-Zeytinlik Excavations, 2014 Burçin ERDO ĞU 14.20-14.35 Excavations at Maydos Kilisetepe Höyü ğü 2014 Göksel SAZCI 14.40-14.55 Excavations at Gökçeada-Yenibademli Höyük 2014 Halime HÜRYILMAZ 15.00-15.15 Excavations at Çine-Tepecik, 2014 Campaign Sevinç GÜNEL 15.15-15.25 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Aliye ÖZTAN 15.25-15.40 Excavations at Çe şme – Ba ğlararası, 2014 Vasıf ŞAHO ĞLU 2014 15.45-16.00 Excavation at Panaztepe, 2014 Arma ğan ERKANAL 16.05-16.20 Land and Underwater Excavations at Liman Tepe, 2014 Hayat ERKANAL 16.25-16.40 Excavations at Thyateira (Thyatira) and Hastane Höyük, 2014 Engin AKDEN İZ 16.40-16.50 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Sevinç GÜNEL 16.50-17.05 Yassıhöyük Excavations in 2014 Masako OMURA 17.10-17.25 Kaman-Kalehöyük Excavations in 2014 Sachihiro OMURA 17.30-17.45 Acemhöyük Excavations 2014 Aliye ÖZTAN 17.45-18.00 Discussion 12 MAY 2015 TUESDAY MEETINGS ON THE RESULTS OF EXCAVATIONS C HALL CHAIRPERSON: Andreas SCHACHNER 9.00-9.15 Ovaören 2014 Excavations S. Yücel ŞENYURT 9.20-9.35 Excavation at Çayyolu Höyük in 2014 Gülçin İLGEZD İ BERTRAM 9.40-9.55 Pompeiopolis (Paphlagonia): Results of the Season 2014 Lâtife SUMMERER 09.55-10.05 Interval CHAIRPERSON: K. Serdar G İRG İNER 10.05-10.20 Soli Pompeiopolis Excavations 2014 Remzi YA ĞCI 10.25-10.40 Tarsus-Gözlükule Excavation: 2014 Season Elif ÜNLÜ 10.45-11.00 Misis Höyük Excavations 2014 Anna Lucia D'AGATA 11.00-11.10 Interval CHAIRPERSON: S. Yücel ŞENYURT 11.10-11.25 Tatarlı Höyük Excavation, 2014 K. Serdar G İRG İNER 11.30-11.45 Tepeba ğ Höyük Excavations, 2014-2015 Fatma ŞAH İN 11.50-12.05 Zeyve Höyük - Porsuk 2014 Dominique BEYER 12.10-12.25 The Project Kınık Höyük: Results of the Campaign 2014 Lorenzo D’ALFONSO 12.30-12.45 Hacımusalar Excavations 2014 İlknur ÖZGEN 12.45-14.00 INTERVAL CHAIRPERSON: Kimiyoshi MATSUMURA 14.00-14.15 Alaca Höyük Works in 2014 Aykut ÇINARO ĞLU 14.20-14.35 Eskiyapar 2014 İbrahim Tunç S İPAH İ 14.40-14.55 Excavations at Ortaköy-Sapinuwa in 2014 Aygül SÜEL 15.00-15.15 Restoration and Excavation Work at Hattusa in 2014 Andreas SCHACHNER 15.15-15.25 Interval CHAIRPERSON: İbrahim Tunç S İPAH İ 15.25-15.40 Büklükale Excavations 2014 Kimiyoshi MATSUMURA 15.45-16.00 Kayalıpınar 2014 Vuslat MÜLLER KARPE 16.05-16.20 Uşaklı Höyük 2014 Stefania MAZZONI 16.25-16.40 The 2014 Season at Oluz Höyük Şevket DÖNMEZ 16.40-16.50 Interval CHAIRPERSON: Aygül SÜEL 16.50-17.05 Tell Tayinat Investigations, 2014 Timothy P.
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