First CTC Brown Bag examines the technical, Page 3 The Chautauquan Daily Seventy-Five Cents Chautauqua, New York The Official Newspaper of Chautauqua Institution | Thursday, June 28, 2012 Volume CXXXVI, Issue 5 Four of all kinds COLLINS R osENBLATT For opening 2012 performance, Chautauqua Dance to put on quartet Renowned poet Collins of ballets ‘entirely different in style, in structure, in every aspect’ RABAB AL-SHARIF joins Rosenblatt, Staff Writer presents for CLSC today t’s nice to be a girl and to be the young, lonely royal turns out to the Chautauqua Dance Salon, is also a JENNIFER SHORE evil for once. be quite callous. She tries to seduce more classically styled piece. The re- Staff Writer North Carolina Dance The- the soldier, but he rejects her. vived work tells a Victorian love story atre dancer Anna Gerberich “It’s not your typical love sto- of two unhappy couples. Billy Collins doesn’t said that, referring to a part ry,” Gerberich said. “This is a little A young married man and care if everybody reads sheI dances in “Queen,” a new work messed up.” woman in the 1890s who are both poetry — he just wants a by rehearsal director Sasha Janes. Playing a cold character is an unhappy with their spouses find lot of people to read his. “Queen” is one of four works, three exciting challenge, Gerberich said. themselves in love with one anoth- Collins, the former of which are new, that will be per- Usually, in classical ballet, the part er in an age when divorce was not U.S. poet laureate, said formed at the annual Chautauqua of an evil witch or queen is played acceptable. people who don’t read Dance Salon at 8:15 p.m. tonight in the by a man en travesti, so the charac- Gerberich dances the part of the poems either stopped Amphitheater. ter looks more powerful, she said. young woman, who is unhappy after high school or Janes’ inspiration for the classi- “I think the evil queen is the with her older husband. never picked it up in cally motivated pas de deux comes most exciting for me because in ev- Although she’s never been a the first place. But af- from an unusual source: a 1980s ery classical ballet I’m the damsel in cheating wife, Gerberich said she ter writing hundreds pop song. distress,” Gerberich said. “I think connects to the part by relating it to of poems and winning Suzanne Vega’s “The Queen and it’s a lot harder to read being evil real-life desires. entific Circle selection. prestigious awards, he’s the Soldier” provides the narrative than being sweet.” “It’s that longing for something He said he knows convinced there’s still for the ballet, Janes said. Although the piece requires else,” she said. where his dialogue will an audience. The story is about a young queen Gerberich and her partner Pete The character confesses her love start and end, but the rest Collins will present a and a soldier who tells her he won’t Walker to do a lot of acting and to the younger man when they find is improvisation based on “reading with commen- fight for her because he doesn’t see mime to tell its story, it is packed themselves alone in a garden, and to the audience’s reactions. tary” of his book, Horo- the point. with difficult technique. her surprise, he shares her feelings. “There are a few scopes for the Dead, at 3:30 In the beginning, it seems the One of the challenges, she said, Gerberich, whose bio on the NCDT kinds of silences — one p.m. today in the Hall of Queen accepts that, Janes said, but is staying in character while per- website says she has never missed an is really bad, and one is Philosophy. He will also forming such technically demand- episode of “The Bold and the Beauti- really good,” the award- appear on the morn- ing material. But acting is one of her ful,” said the piece is like the ballet winning poet said. “I just ing lecture platform as favorite parts of performing. She version of a soap opera. sort of read things with Roger Rosenblatt’s guest even went to see the movie “Snow The younger man’s wife is para- my antenna and shuffle at 10:45 a.m. in the Am- White and the Huntsman” for evil noid and insecure, Diamond said. the playlist around to phitheater. queen inspiration. “But he doesn’t even see her,” he accommodate.” Collins has previ- “It’s fun for me to realize dif- said. “He’s just looking beyond her.” Horoscopes for the ously spoken from the ferent parts of my personal- The piece is subtle and reserved, Dead, like all of Collins’ morning platform, in- ity and bring them out,” Diamond said, reflecting the time poetry, has a reputation cluding as Rosenblatt’s she said. period. The subtlety of the ballet is for being “accessible” — Monday guest during “All for Thee,” a ballet what makes it so powerful, Gerber- a term he grew tired of the first “Roger Rosen- choreographed by Mark ich said. more than a decade ago, blatt and Friends” week Diamond in 1995 for Diamond said he will also pre- according to an inter- in 2008. This is the first miere a work unlike anything he has view from PBS. time his work is a Chau- ever choreographed. tauqua Literary and Sci- See COLLINS, Page 4 See DANCE, Page 4 Spong’s success grounded in deeply committed faith JES S ICA WHITE Staff Writer Eighty-one-year-old John Shelby Spong still runs four miles every day before breakfast. He and his second wife of 23 years, Chris- JEFF CRAVOTTA | Photographer tine, have five children Jamie Dee and Pete Walker will perform a romantic pas de deux in Sasha Janes’ new contemporary ballet “Shelter.” and six grandchildren. The couple lives in New Jersey, and Spong SPONG spends his time lectur- ing, writing, traveling INTERFAITH LECTURES and — most importantly, Spong gives the fourth Opera Young Artists open Artsongs season with love theme he said — being with lecture on “Reclaiming the people he cares about. Bible for a Non-Religious “Love is what music is all Lammermoor and Manon Lescaut. The first and last pieces “It’s been a wonderful LEAH HARRISON World” at 2 p.m. today about,” said soprano Amber The three singers graduated on today’s recital feature the life,” he said. “I’ve had just Staff Writer an incredible experience.” in the Hall of Philosophy. Garrett, soloist in today’s re- this spring — Garrett with a group in ensemble, and both Friends and followers A recap of his Tuesday cital. “No matter what’s hap- master’s degree from The Bos- are musical theater numbers. lecture appears on PAGE 9. At 4 p.m. today in the Hall see the retired Episcopal pening, love or hate, you loved ton Conservatory; baritone Celius Dougherty’s “Love in of Christ, three studio artists bishop as unconditional- something or somebody that Hunter Enoch with a master’s the Dictionary” will open the from Chautauqua Opera Com- ly loving and accepting, even “public enemy No. caused that emotion.” degree from the University afternoon, and bass-baritone both as a person and in pany will trade their boister- Today’s recital will be the of Cincinnati; and tenor Brad 1” — labels that have af- Brad Walker will join in the end his interpretations of the ous, operatic stage presences first of six weekly programs, Raymond with a doctorate fected his personal and for Borodin’s quartet “And This Bible. For those qualities, professional lives. for more intimate personas. each featuring three singers from the University of Texas at Is My Beloved” from Kismet. critics have called Spong The “Artsongs” series opens who are at Chautauqua to sing Austin. Dorothy Randall will SPONG a radical, heretic and See , Page 4 with a love-themed recital. in the featured operas, Lucia di play piano for all the singers. See ARTSONGS, Page 4 Wolitzer Rosenblatt and Spong Bishop’s discusses Spong discuss examines role Garden grows women in grief, ‘Kayak of prophets in history writing Morning’ defining biblical Page 11 Page 7 Page 8 conception of God Page 9 HIGH 85° LOW 70° HIGH 83° LOW 68° HIGH 85° LOW 70° Today’s WeaTHER Rain: 10% FRIDAY Rain: 10% SAU T RDAY Rain: 10% Sunset: 8:59 p.m. Sunrise: 5:44 a.m. Sunset: 8:59 p.m. Sunrise: 5:45 a.m. Sunset: 8:58 p.m. Thoughts on today’s lectures or other Chautauqua programming? Start or join the conversation in the comments section below stories posted to the Daily’s website. www.chqdaily.com Page 2 The Chautauquan Daily Thursday, June 28, 2012 NEWS Briefly NEWS FROM AROUND THE GROUNDS A rtists at the Market Artists at the Market is open 1–4 p.m. today at the Farmers Market. Artists and vendors change daily and weekly. Shirley Lazarus Sunday Speaker Series The Hebrew Congregation presents the Shirley Lazarus Sunday Speaker Series at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Hurlbut Church sanctuary. This week, Mort Slutsky will present “Adventures in Israel.” Refreshments will be served, and bus transportation within the grounds is provided at the end of the evening. Hebrew Congregation Community Shabbat Dinner The Hebrew Congregation will sponsor a community Shabbat dinner at 6:30 p.m. July 6 in the Athenaeum Hotel parlor. Reservations are required. The cost is $30 for adults and $15 for children under 12.
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