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RENDICONTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO-UNIVERSITÀ E POLITECNICO DI TORINO Università e Politecnico di Torino CONTENTS S. Barbero, U. Cerruti, N. Murru, On Polynomial Solutions of the Diophantine Equation (x + y 1)2 = wxy ........................ 5 − F. Battistoni, Discriminants of number fields and surjectivity of trace homomor- phism on rings of integers .......................... 13 D. Bazzanella and C. Sanna, Least common multiple of polynomial sequences . 21 F. Caldarola, On the maximal finite Iwasawa submodule in Zp-extensions and capitulation of ideals ............................ 27 M. Ceria, T. Mora, M. Sala, Zech tableaux as tools for sparse decoding ..... 43 G. Coppola, Recent results on Ramanujan expansions with applications to cor- relations ................................... 57 M. Elia, Continued Fractions and Factoring ................... 83 E. Tron, The greatest common divisorof linear recurrences ........... 103 Alessandro Gambini, Remis Tonon, Alessandro Zaccagnini, with an addendum by Jacques Benatar and Alon Nishry, Signed harmonic sums of integers with k distinct prime factors ........................ 125 G. Zaghloul, Zeros of generalized Hurwitz zeta functions ............ 143 RENDICONTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO-UNIVERSITÀ E POLITECNICO DI TORINO EXECUTIVE EDITORS Emilio Musso EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Marino Badiale, Elvise Berchio, Cristiana Bertolin, Erika Luciano, Giovanni Manno, Barbara Trivellato, Maria Vallarino, Ezio Venturino, Domenico Zambella MANAGING COMMITTEE Alessandra De Rossi, Stefano Scialó, Marco Scianna, Lea Terracini, Elena Vigna CONSULTING EDITORS Laurent Desvillettes, Michael Ruzhansky Proprietà letteraria riservata Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Torino N. 2962 del 6.VI.1980 DIRETTORE RESPONSABILE Alberto Collino QUESTO FASCICOLO È PRODOTTO CON IL CONTRIBUTO DI: UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO POLITECNICO DI TORINO Rendiconti Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino Vol. 78, 1 (2020), 5 – 12 S. Barbero, U. Cerruti, N. Murru ON POLYNOMIAL SOLUTIONS OF THE DIOPHANTINE EQUATION (X +Y 1)2 = WXY − Abstract. In this paper we consider a particular class of polynomials arising from the solu- tions of the Diophantine equation (x+y 1)2 = wxy. We highlight some interesting aspects, − describing their relationship with many iportant integer sequences and pointing out their con- nection with Dickson and Chebyshev polynomials. We also study their coefficients finding a new identity involving Catalan numbers and proving that they are a Riordan array. 1. A class of polynomials related to integer sequences, Dickson and Chebyshev polynomials In [1], the authors solved the Diophantine equation (1) (x + y 1)2 = wxy, − where w is a given positive integer and x,y are unknown numbers, whose values are to be sought in the set of positive integers. In particular, (x,y) is a solution of the Diophantine equation (1) if and only if (x,y)= +∞ (um+1(w),um(w)), for a given m N, where (un(w)) is the following linear recur- ∈ n=0 rent sequence: u (w)=0, u (w)=1, u (w)=w (2) 0 1 2 !un(w)=(w 1)un 1(w) (w 1)un 2(w)+un 3(w) n 3. − − − − − − ∀ ≥ This polynomial sequence is very interesting. Indeed, for several values of w, the polynomial sequence (un(w)) coincides with some well–known and studied integer 2 sequences. For example, for w = 4, (un(4)) = n , that is the sequence A000290 in OEIS [7]. When w = 5, (un(5)) is the sequence of the alternate Lucas numbers 2 minus 2 (see sequence A004146 in OEIS). If w = 9, (un(9)) = F2n, where (Fn) is the sequence of the Fibonacci numbers. For w = 4,...,20, the sequence (un(w)) ap- pears in OEIS [7]. In Table 1, we summarize sequences un(w) for different values of w. In the following, we prove that polynomials un(w) are related to some well– known and studied polynomials like Chebyshev polynomials of the first and second kind, respectively Tn(x) and Un(x) (see, e.g., [5]), and Dickson polynomials Dn(x) and x En(x)=Un 2 (see, e.g., [3]). Here we define T (x) and U (x) as the n–th element of the linear recurrent sequence " # n n (T (x))+∞ and (U (x))+∞ with characteristic polynomial t2 2xt + 1 and initial con- n n=0 n n=0 − ditions T0(x)=1, T1(x)=x and U0(x)=1, U1(x)=2x, respectively. 5 6 S. Barbero, U. Cerruti, N. Murru +∞ w (un(w))n=0 OEIS reference 2 +∞ 4 0,1,4,9,16,25,... A000290=(n )n=0, 5 0,1,5,16,45,121,... A004146=Alternate Lucas numbers - 2 6 0,1,6,25,96,361,... A092184 7 0,1,7,36,175,841,... A054493 (shifted by one) 8 0,1,8,49,288,1681,... A001108 2 9 0,1,9,64,441,3025,... A049684=F2n (Fn Fibonacci numbers) 10 0,1,10,81,640,5041,..., A095004 (shifted by one) 11 0,1,11,100,891,7921,..., A098296 12 0,1,12,121,1200,11881,... A098297 13 0,1,13,144,1573,17161,... A098298 14 0,1,14,169,2016,24025,... A098299 15 0,1,15,196,2535,32761,... A098300 16 0,1,16,225,3136,43681,... A098301 17 0,1,17,256,3825,57121,... A098302 18 0,1,18,289,4608,73441,... A098303 19 0,1,19,324,5491,93025,... A098304 20 0,1,20,361,6480,116281,... A049683=(L 2)/16 (L Lucas numbers) 6n − n Table 1.1: Sequence un(w) for different values of w We recall that Dickson polynomials are defined as follows: n/2 % & n n i i n 2i D (x)= − ( 1) x − n ∑ n i i − i=0 − $ % and n/2 % & n i i n 2i E (x)= − ( 1) x − . n ∑ i − i=0 $ % We also recall that for Dickson polynomials the following identities hold n+1 (n+1) 1 n n 1 x x− (3) D x + x− = x + x− , E x + x− = − n n x x 1 − − " # " # THEOREM 1. We have w 2 D (w 2) 2 Tn( − ) 1 (4) u (w)= n − − = 2 2 − , n 0 n w 4 w 4 ∀ ≥ − − and in particular for all n 1 ≥ 2 2 w 2 (5) u2n(w)=wEn 1(w 2)=wUn 1 − − − − 2 $ % 2 u2n 1(w)=(En 1(w 2)+En 2(w 2)) = − − − − − (6) w 2 w 2 2 = Un 1 − +Un 2 − − 2 − 2 $ $ % $ %% On Polynomial Solutions of the Diophantine Equation (x + y 1)2 = wxy 7 − Proof. The recurrence relation described in (2) clearly shows that the characteristic polynomial of (un(w)) is x3 (w 1)x2 +(w 1)x 1 =(x 1)(x2 (w 2)x + 1) − − − − − − − w 2 √w2 4w whose zeros are x1 = 1 and x2,3 = − ± 2 − . If we set x2 = ζ we easily observe that x = ζ 1 so that ζ + ζ 1 = w 2 and ζ ζ 1 = √w2 4w. Moreover, using the 3 − − − − − − initial conditions in (2), with standard tecniques we find the following closed form for every element of (un(w)) ζn + ζ n 2 ζn + ζ n 2 (7) u (w)= − − = − − n w 4 ζ + ζ 1 2 − − − . Thanks to the first identity in (3) it is straightforward to observe that D (ζ + ζ 1) 2 D (w 2) 2 (8) u (w)= n − − = n − − . n w 4 w 4 − − 2 w 2 Since x (w 2)x + 1 is the characteristic polynomial of the sequence (T − ), − − n 2 with roots x = ζ and x = ζ 1, and the initial conditions are T w 2 = 1, T w 2 = 2 3 − 0 −2 1 " −2 # w 2 we obtain −2 " # " # w 2 ζn + ζ n D (ζ + ζ 1) D (w 2) (9) T − = − = n − = n − n 2 2 2 2 $ % Thus substituting (9) in (8) we prove equality (4). Now considering the equality (7) and the second identity in (3) we have 2n 2n n n 2 1 2 ζ + ζ− 2 (ζ ζ− ) (ζ ζ− ) 2 u2n(w)= − = − − = w(En 1(w 2)) , ζ + ζ 1 2 (ζ ζ 1)2 ζ + ζ 1 2 − − − − − − − − which proves (5), and 2n 1 2n+1 2n 1 2n+1 1 ζ − + ζ− 2 (ζ − + ζ− 2)(ζ + ζ− + 2) (10) u2n 1(w)= − = − − ζ + ζ 1 2 (ζ ζ 1)2 − − − − where we use the identity 1 2 1 1 (ζ ζ− ) = w(w 4)=(ζ + ζ− + 2)(ζ + ζ− 2).
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