4 THE TEESDALE MERCURY Wednesday, 25th September, 1963, COCKFIELD HOMING SOCIETY Markets Prizewinners at Eggleston Show Letchworth race, 173 birds: J. W. Metcalf and Son, 1037; J. Rutter and Cattle. Half-bred Lambs. — Two fat Elgey. Cauliflower: 1. W. D. H. Rabbits.—English, any colour, Hen Eggs and Dressed Poultry.— wether lambs, any breed or cross: Harrison, Hurworth; 2. R. H. Sis­ adult; 1. C. Bowser, Darlington; 2, White eggs: 1, Mrs L. Wall, Raygill; Son, 1070; T. Peart and Son, 986; Barnard Castle Championships: Shorthorn and 1 and 2, Miss C. M. Verity. Mash- wick. Lartington; 3. T. Walker, Beckwith Bros.. Darlington; 3, G. 2, Mis A. Kidd, Eggleston; 3, Mrs A. '£. Gooding, 984; E. Dent, 991. challenge cup, J. I. Hutchinson, am; 3, J. W. Carr. Consett. Pair of Barningham Onions -foliage attach­ arid J. Coates. Qotherstone. English, W. Forrest, Bowes. Brown eggs: 1, Federation results: Gill Bros., Mk.vu mule gimmer lambs: 1, 2 and 3, ed: 1, S. M. Elgey; 2 and 3, W. D. any colour, under five months: 1, Mrs E. Sowerby, Bowes; 2, Mrs W. 17 dairy cows met a good trade. West House, Langleyd-ale (bull); West Auckland, 1103; Watson and Prizewinners: 1, G. Dent, Larting­ res., J. B. Dent, Raber Fold (heifer J. W. Carr. Pair of half-bred gim­ H. Harrison. Onions grown from Beckwith Bros.; 2 A. Parr, Butter-, Forrest; 3, Miss H. E. Whittaker. mer lambs: 1 arid 2. F. Metcalfe, Tinted eggs: 1, Mrs L. Wall; 2 arid Partners, Even wood, 1090; Bell ton. £83 and £55 I0s.;? 2. L. Guy, in milk). Friesian, overall and sets: 1 R. D. Forrest, Barnard knowle; 3. J. and 1.- Fox, Norton. Leyburn. Pair of half-bred gimmer Castle; 2, R. H. Siswick; 3, T. Walk­ Dutch, any colour, adult: 1, J. Rodg­ 3, Mrs G. Simpson, Westwick. Bros., Evenwood, 1087; H. Peairs Gilmonby, £72.. Others: M. Kellett, challenge cup, T. Carrick, Bolton, lambs, confined to Barnard Castle er. Single eschallots. coloured: ers and Son. Tow Law; 2, J. Bell, Dressed chicken; 1, Miss N. Pye, and Son, Butterknowle, 1049 and Etherley. £70 10s.; L. Walker, Coth­ erstone. £68 10s.; M. Stoddart. £65 Appleby (cow in milk); res., H. B. and Startforth R.C. areas: 1, H. B. I. D. Walton. Frosterley; 2, W. D. Orton; 3. T. Allan, Darlington. Sunniside; 2 and 3, R. P. Eggleston, 1037.2; J. W. Metcalfe and Son, Laws, Newton Morrell (bull, all calf Alderson and Sons. Hill Top, Barn- Appleby. and £60 res.; F. Allinson,- Balders­ H. Harrison; 3, D. Curry. Froster­ Dutch, any colour, under four Cockfield, 1037.2. teeth). Male, and rosette, H. B. ingham. Half-bred gimmer lamb: ley. Single eschallots. white: 1, S. months: 1, J. Bell; 2. J. Rodgers arid dale. £60; J. C. Beil, Cotherstone, I, H. F. and G Dean, Crossthwaite; Forster, Mickleton; 2. W. D. H. Son; 3, T. Allan. Silver, any col­ Jam, Chutney and Mincemeat.— I £59; I. H. Hutchinson arid Sons, Laws; res., M. Hutchinson, Scorton Langleydale. £59; W. T. Wilson (bull, two broad teeth). Female and 2 and 3, F. Metcalfe. Perpetual Harrison. Single Eschallots, straws our; adujt: 1, Wearmouth Bros. Stan­ Jam, other than raspberry or trophy for pen of six half-bred blackcurrant: 1, Mrs F. Stephenson, COCKFIELD WHIPPETS and Sons. Marwpod. £58, £57 and rosette, T. Carrick; res., H. B. Laws dressed: 1. W. D. H. Harrison; 2 hope; 2, G. and J. Coates; 3. H, lambs: .1. H. F. and G. Dean; 2, and 3. D. Walton. Celery: 1, S. M. Coates. Crook. Silver, any colour, Woodland; 2, Mrs E. J. Forrest, £57; W. Bousfield, Stainmore, £56; (cow in milk). Ayrshire, overall F. Metcalf. Elgey; 2 and 3, R. D, Forrest. under five months: 1, Wearmouth Eggleston; 3, Mrs T. Ridley, Eggles­ There was a good attendance at R. Hutchinson, Spital, £54; T. H. and challenge cup and res., Major Round beet: 1, S. Forster; 2. S. Bros.; 2. G. and J. Coates; 3, H. ton. Blackcurrant jam: 1 and 2, Mrs the Welfare Ground, Cockfield, on Dent. Lunedale. £52 10s. and £36; G. Wearmouth. Baldersdale. £46 10s. R. Potts, Barforth (cow in milk and Swaledale Sheep.—Aged tup: 1, Mulley. Startforth; 3, F. Rabbitts, Coates. Any other variety, fancy, G. Simpson; 3, Mrs F. Rabbitts, Saturday when 14 dogs took part in E. E. Iceton. Baldersdale; 2, L. Cotherstone. Long beet: 1 T. any age: 1, K. Pickering, Alston; 2, Cotherstone. Raspberry jam: 1, Miss 33 calves to £15, av. £5 10s. Fat­ heifer in milk). Pedigree female, trials. Mr N. Watson was the judge stock forward: 37 cattle, 630 sheep, Major R. Potts. Overall cattle and Raine. Spital. Shearling tup: 1, W. Walker; 2. P. Gray; 3. S. M. Elgey. R. Siswick. Darlington; 3, C. Bows­ Y. Sultrier, Eggleston; 2, Mrs R. J. Metcalfe, Rosedale; 2 and 3. E. Long carrots: 1, S. M. Elgey; 2 and er. Breeders’ fancy, any age; Moses, Aldbro’ St. John; 3, Mrs A. for the 125 yards handicap, which 46 pigs. Grade 1 cattle.to £7 Ils., rose bowl, Major R. Potts. Y.F.C. Scott. Holwick. Tup lamb: 1 and 2, Bell, Eggleston. Chutney: 1, Mrs F. F. Anderson to W. H. Foster. Bar­ calf: H. Dixon, Nidderdale; res., R. 3. A. Hodgson. Stump-rooted car­ 1. Wearmouth Bros.; 2. J. Rodgers was won by Mr E. Fletcher’s Rip. A. Harker. Punchard; 3. L. Raine. rots: 1, J. Lee; 2, D. Curry. Runner and Son; 3. C. Bowser. Challenge, Rabbitts; 2, Mrs N. W. Walker, nard Castle, and Rov Watson to W. Wall, Raygill. Ewe having reared a lamb this seas­ beans: 1, A. E. Lawson, Darlington; fancy, any age: 1. Wearmouth Bros.; Tow Law; 3, Mrs R. J. Moses. Peat. Barnard Castle, av. £7- Is. on: 1 and 2. A. Harker; 3, L. Raine. Mince meat: 1, Mrs N. W. Walker; Grade 2 cattle to- £7 6s., av. £6 Us. 2. S. Mulley; 3. R. D. Forrest. Kid­ 2, J. Rodgers and Son; 3, C. Bowser. L. Wall; 2, Mrs G. Simpson; 3, Mrs Shorthorn.—Cow in milk, for Gimmer shearling: 1 and 2, A. ney potatoes (white): 1 and 2. W. Rex, any colour, adult; 1 and 2, 2, Mrs R. Craggs, Low Worsall; 3, 6d. Pigs: Porkers 34s. tri' 36s. 6i, dairy purposes: 1, L. Wall, Raygill; Harker; 3, L. Raine.' Gimmer lamb: Mrs L. Wall. Wine: 1 and 2, Mrs B. Plews, Stainton. Article worked av. 35s. 6d.; cutters 32s! 6d. to 36s., D. H. Harrison ;3, R. H. Siswick-. Stanoxer Stud, Stanhope. Rex. any in cross-stitch: 1, Mrs M. Knibbs; 2, J. B. Dent, Raber Fold; 3, J. 1, A. Harker; 2. E. E. Iceton; 3. F. Kidney potatoes (coloured); 1, 2 and colour, under five months: 1, D. R. A. Barnett, Eggleston; 3, Mrs G. av. 34s. 6d. Lambs to 2s. lid., av. Raine. Stanhope Gate. Best male: Simpson. Orange marmalade: 1, 2, Mrs C. M. Makepeace; 3, Miss 2s.; sheep to Is. 10|d., av. Is. lHd. Metcalf, Bolam Grange. Cow in 3. S. M. EJgey. Round potatoes Reid, Darlington; 2 and 3, W. Dodd. M. Thompson. Canvas work: 1, Mrs 1, W. Metcalfe; 1. E. E. Iceton; 3, (white): 1 arid 2, W. D. H. Harrison; New Zealand White, any age: 1 and Mrs R. J. Moses; 2, Mrs A. Ander­ calf, for dairy purposes: 1. I. Allin­ M. Knibbs. Wool rug: 1, Mrs B. MASHAM GIMMER LAMBS TO son-. Bum Foot; 2, J. B. Dent; 3, E. Scott. Best female: 1 and 2, A. 3. R. H. Siswick. Round potatoes 2. J. Masterman, Walkerville; 3. R. son, Eggleston; 3, Mrs R. Craggs. Lemon curd: 1, Miss M. Watson, Plews; 2, Mrs E. 1. Hopper; 3, Mrs Miss M. J. Barley. Ingleton. Heifer Harker; 3. L. Raine. Tup and gim­ (coloured.): 1. T Walker; 2. A. H. Staley, Eggleston. Any variety K. M. Hunter, Ravenstonedale. £17 AT BARNARD CASTLE. in milk! with no more than four mer lamb: 1, A. Harker; 2, F. Hodgson; 3, R. H. Siswick. Pot novice, fur or fancy: 1. J. Bell; 2 Newbiggin; 2, Mrs T. Ridley; 3, Mrs R. A. Barnett; Prodded rug: 1, Mrs F. Allinson; 2 broad teeth: 1. J. B. Dent Heifer Raine; 3. L. Raine. Norman Fie.ld -leeks: 1.’ S. M. Elgey; 2, A. Ward, R. Siswick; 3, Stanoxer Stud. Breed­ and 3, Mrs G. Simpson. Cane work: At the second show and sale of in calf with no more than four cup for five gimmer lambs: 1, T. S. Wolsingham-, 3. R. Mulley, Cother­ ers’ fur. any age: 1 and 3. Stanoxer 1, Miss C. M. Loxley, High Conis- 2,500 Teeswater half-bred (Masham) broad teeth: 1, J. B. Dent'. Heifer Tarn Eggleston; res., J. R. Bayles. stone. Green cabbage (pin head): 1, Stud; 2, D. Reid. Challenge fur, Bread and Cakes.—Milk twist; 1 cliffe; 2, Miss M. Beadle, Egglestone; gimmer lambs, a good trade was under 12 months: 1. L. Wall. Bull District classes: Aged tup: 1, E. E. Rj H. Siswick; 2. T. Walker; 3. R. any age: 1, Stanoxer Stud; 2, I. and 2, Mrs J. G. Alderson, Stain-; 3, Mrs E. M. Tallentire. Woodwork: maintained. Prizewinners: 1. J. T. for dairy purposes with all calf Iceton. Shearling tup: 1 and 2. E. Tiplady, High Startforth. Green Masterman; 3. D. Reid. Grand drop; 3, Mrs N. W. Walker. Brown 1 and 3, Miss M. Beadle; 2, F. Lox­ Guy, Gilmonby, £17; 2, J. Bell, teeth: 1, J. I- Hutchinson. Langley- Scott; 3, E.
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