AIX tb« NEWS of SECTION BED BANK and Surrounding Town* Told VeartoMly and Without BIM RED BANK REGISTER ONE VOLUME LXIII, NO. 14. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1940. PAGES 1 TO 16. Red Bank Woman Metcalf Donates Takes Lease Option Sea Bright Seeks Local Market To On Jones' Stations A Proclamation LaBoyteauxs Hold Honored By State $2,500 Gold Cup An option to lease three of the Wil- WPA Project To Inaugurate Cash By the Mayor of Red Bank. liam Jones service stations at Red Setting Aside Sunday, Sep- Insurance Women For Race Meet Bank fur ten years has been record- Build Bulkhead And Carry System tember 29th, as a Day of Prayer Luncheon For Friends ed at Freehold by the Standard Oil to be known as "Great Britain company of New Jersey. The sta- Sunday." Mitt Dorothy M. Schlict- Other Events Listed tions are located at Maple avenue Residents of North Schneider's Market to Whereas, the governors of and Bergen place, East Front street many of our 48 states and the 250 Atlantic, Holmdel Neighbors ing Educational Director for October 19 Meet •nd Spring street and Bridge avenue Beach Appeal to Meet Present Day Con- mayors of many of our leading and Rector place. These three sta- cities are joining in proclaiming of State-Wide Group on Haakell Estate tions are handling Standard oil Mayor and Council ditions Starting Monday Sunday, September 29th, as a Gather At Harvest Home Festival products. Day of Prayer to be known as Mr. Jones' fourth station on the "Gjcat Britain Sunday"; and The Insurance Women of New Jer- With a new gold cup valued at A WPA project will be sought by j Beginning next Monday, October northwest corner of Maple avenue the mayor and council of Sea Whereas, the people of Great More than 250 Atlantis and Holm- sey, an organization of women deal- $2,500, and generous purses, the 15th and Bergen place Is not involved In 11, Charles G. Schneider, proprietor annual race meeting of the Mon- Bright for the construction of a I of Schneider's Market at 21 West Britain are suffering daily the del township neighbors of Mr. an4 ing; In Insurance in thlj state has the option. This station does notbulkhead 500 feet long along the horrors of a total war in which Rotarians Will Mrs. William H. LaBoyteaux, ownen mouth County Hunt Racing associa- handle Standard oil products, j Front street, will discontinue operat- tion will take place Saturday, Octo- riverfront at North Beach. The ! ing a delivery system and extend- their cities are bombed and laid of Hop Creek farms, Atlantic town- Tho stations mentioned above in council's decision to apply to th|e ing credit as has been customary waste without mercy; and i.-ihip, were guests at a harvest-homa ber 19, at Woodland Farms, the pic- Hear Former luncheon served on the lawn of their turesque estate of Mr. and Mra. the 10-year lease will be sublet by I WI,A aftcr a lequeal for the river- ' since he opened his place of bu«l- Whereas. Great Britain, the Amory L. Haskell, In Middletown the Standard Oil company to Inde- front improvement was made by • ness several years ago and will op- last great democracy remaining Greenfields estate Saturday after- township. Manton B. Metcalf, Jr., pendent lessees who will continue to David Sullivan, representing a group erate the market on a strictly "cash in the Old World, appears in im- Member Today noon. treasurer of the association, has handle Standard Oil Company prod- of North Beach residents. He told and carry" system. minent danger of invasion by Three times since moving from donated a new trophy to take the ucts at these respective locations. the officials that the present bulk- I In recent years, practically since the armed forces of totalitarian- • Rumson to Atlantic township several place of the Monmouth County Gold head was a Are hazard and was j almost every family has one or ism; and Glenn P. Wishard to years ago have the LaBoyteauxs en- Cup, retired In 1939 by Allison Stern. causing a loss in ratables to thie more automobiles, there has been a Whereas, the sympathies of tertained their neighbors at similar This event will be known as the borough. The proposed improve- tendency for the housewife to come the people of the United Stales Speak on "Life in affairs. The first was In 1934 at th« Monmouth County Hunt Gold Cup Red Bank Pastor ment is in the area which includes I into town to do her buying and to are always with a free people , Schanck farm, where they resided race, and will he held over a 2',4-mllc Willow way, Shrewsbury way and j take hciiu! with her the purchases, defending their freedom and the Philippines" • prior to their moving to Greenfields, brush bourse, instead of timber as In thereby doing away with much of i their homeland; and across the road. Three years ago, To Lead State Allunllc way. Mayor Waller J. aftcr previous years. A purse of $1,000 the doninnd for a delivery service. ) Whereas, tho democratic in- The members and guests ,,f the ! construction wort their new Sweeney nnd Councilman Sol J. nome was added Is offered, of which $150 goes Nelmark will take up the matter Many of these housewives have stitutions for which our ances- Red Bartk Rotary club at today's | completed, they cnter- to second, $75 to third, and $25 toYouth Assembly with WPA officials. felt that as they ore carrying on tors fought and died on many a menttng at the Molly Pitcher hotel! tained the neighborhood at a house- fourth horse. This race is open to Several letters received by Mayor their own "delivery system" tha* battlefield, and which we Amer- will he given a real treat. They will i warming. amateur riders only. Sweeney from Robert Allen, state there should be some recompense icans hold so sacred today, may Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ely of Holm- Other events are the Monmouth Rev. Charles A. Thunn WPA director, relative to other pro- for the reduction of expense of this be endangered if Great Britain del made arrangements for Satur- County Hunt cup, for 4-ycar-olda and jects, were read. Mr. Allen advised service on the palt of the store falls before the armed might of days luncheon. Caterers served the upward, about three miles over tim- to Have Charge of Mayor Sweeney that the street sur- keeper and that this saving should the forces of totalitarianism; meal in four courses. ber, purse, $1,000; tho Holmdel, for vey was being Investigated by be made possible to them in a and Mr. and Mrs. LaBoyteaux ex- 3-year-olds and upward, about two Devotional Sessions Arthur H. Redding and that a lower price for merchandise. Whereas, Great Britain is de- plained after the affair, as they did miles over brush, purse $350; the building revaluation project has Mr. .Schneider has been endeavor- fending the Ideals and the way after the previous two luncheons, Middletown, for 3-year-olds and up- Rev. Charles A. Thunn, pastor of been referred to Joseph Malanka ing to cater to both classes of pa- of living which we Americans "lhat the harvest home luncheons re- ward, about l'/i miles on the flat, tha First Baptist church of Red for Investigation. trons for a long time and it was also hold most dear; and sult, from a desire to become better purse $300; the Navcnlnk, for 3- On motion by Councilman Victor not \intil lately that he has con- Whereas, tho people of the acquainted with their neighbors." year-olds and upward, seven fur- Perottl exempt papers will be pre-vinced himself that the "cash and United States arc anxious to ex- Highlighting the afternoon's activi- MISS DOROTHY M. SCHLICTING. longs, purac $200; the Farmers' race, pared for all exempt firemen. carry" system Is the fairest to all. tend to the Old World's last ties was an address by Mr. LaBoy- A very courteous circular letter great democracy all the aid we tnaux, at the Introduction of which again conforrod an honor upon Miss open to all work horses owned by A resolution was adopted changing he sketched his early life. Now vic« Dorothy M. Schllchting of Red Bank, bona fide farmers or Monmoutn $16,000 In registered bonds to* cou- ! has been prepared which Mr. Schnei- can without violating our neu- y | der will mail to his patrons this trality or Involving our own president of Johnson & Hlgglns, New - - • county over whose land the Mon- pon bonds at the request and ex- York city insurance firm, Mr. LaBoy- trading as (he C. Irving Patterson mouth County hounds hunt, about Mi pense of the bond holders. It was j week setting forth the "cash and country ln war; and Agency, with office Ht fiO Broad carry" plan of Schneider's Market Whereas, from its beginnings teaux was born, in the South, where, mile on the HHI, purse $50, and the stated that the change docs not en- he said, "to be a Republican was con- street. Pleasant Valley cup, open to any tall any expense to the borough or ' which should he of great Interest to America has been a religious Minn KchlichtinK was .State Chair- ! those who receive this communlca- nation, believing in the omnip- sidered a disgrace." His entire busi- horse owned by a bona fide farmer affect the bond Issue in any way. ness experience has been in the met- man of Legislation for the organlaa- Mayor Sweeney stated the elec- ! tlon.
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