strathnairnnews Strathnairn Community Newsletter Issue 103, April 2019 Cuairt-Litir Shrath Narann www.strathnairn.org.uk INSIDE THIS ISSUE BUILDING WORK COMPLETE AT FARR HALL SSEN UPDATE HIGHLAND COUNTRY DIAIRES DRIVING ON SINGLE TRACK ROADS LOCAL WALKS strathnairn news • issue 103 SPONSORED BY AB HomeworX are a Restoration & Building Company based in Farr. Specialising in: ▪ Restoration projects ▪ Re-configurations ▪ Extensions ▪ New Builds Tel: 01808 595033/ Mob: 07732 211968 Web: www.abhomeworx.co.uk Follow us on Facebook 2 Print: Speedprint, Inverness www.speedprintdigital.co.uk strathnairn news • issue 103 CONTENTS Your Community Council ________________ 4 Farr Baby & Toddler Group ______________ 19 What’s On ___________________________ 5 Dunlichity Graveyard __________________ 20 Minutes Of Strathnairn Fearnag Growers _____________________ 20 Community Council ____________________ 6 Farr Primary School ___________________ 20 Mobile Library _______________________ 13 Neil Mackenzie Trust __________________ 21 Farr Hall News - Building Work Complete! __ 13 Daviot Primary School _________________ 22 Prescription Delivery Service ____________ 14 Driving on Single Track Roads ___________ 23 Care in Strathnairn ___________________ 14 Highland Country Diaries _______________ 24 Strathnairn’s Little Silver Bus ___________ 15 Local Walks _________________________ 25 St Paul’s Church ______________________ 16 Regular Activites at Farr Hall ____________ 26 Regular Activities at Daviot Hall __________ 16 SCBF ______________________________ 26 SSEN Update ________________________ 17 Featured Recipes _____________________ 28 Daviot & Dunlichity Church _____________ 18 Strathnairn 55+ Lunch Club News ________ 29 EDITOR’S NOTE Welcome to the latest issue of Strathnairn News – our community magazine! We are keen to ensure that the contents refl ect what you would like to read, so if there is anything that you would like to write for us, or send in for inclusion, please contact me on the details below. If you would like to receive your copy of the newsletter electronically, please email me your postal address details, so that we can remove you from the mailing list, and your email address. The newsletter is also available online at www.strathnairn.org.uk Please be aware that due to the increased amount of content going in to each issue of the newsletter we are changing the deadline to the last Monday of month. This will give us more time to put each issue together without changing distribution too much. Next newsletter deadline – Monday 27th May 2019 Please contact Caroline Tucker on 01808 521464 or email [email protected] Please note all dates and times published are correct at time of going to print, and please ensure all submissions are non-political and unlikely to offend. Front Cover Photograph: Loch Duntelchaig The Cameron’s Tea Room & Farm Shop Glenlia Farm, Foyers Open all year round 7 days a week 9-5 Lovely Homemade Food And Local Produce For more information like us on Facebook, email Morag on [email protected] or phone 01456 486572. 3 strathnairn news • issue 103 YOUR COMMUNITY COUNCIL The Community has a website – www.strathnairn.org.uk where full details are available. There is also a closed group <Strathnairn> on Facebook where useful day to day information is posted. As a closed group access is restricted to locals and once you have visited the page you will need to ask to join. That way your Facebook page will enable you to be notifi ed of any disruptions and late news. Anyone wishing to raise any matter with the Community Council can contact one of our elected Councillors below. James Murray, Chairperson 01808 521205 [email protected] Peter Christie, Hon. Secretary 01808 521257 [email protected] Bea Wallace, Treasurer 01463 772378 [email protected] Douglas Henderson 01808 521323 [email protected] Ian Hunt 01463 772094 [email protected] Isobel McQueer 01808 521474 [email protected] Sally Moore 01463 772234 [email protected] Gillian Haston, Minute Sec [email protected] YOUR HIGHLAND COUNCILLORS Strathnairn is part of Highland Council Wards 12 (Aird and Loch Ness) & Ward 19 (Inverness South). Addresses & telephone numbers are available at www.highland.gov.uk WARD 12 AIRD AND LOCH NESS Cllr Helen Carmichael [email protected] Cllr Margaret Davidson [email protected] Cllr George Cruickshank [email protected] Cllr Emma Knox [email protected] WARD 19 INVERNESS SOUTH Cllr Carolyn Caddick [email protected] Cllr Ken Gowans [email protected] Cllr Andrew Jarvie [email protected] Cllr Duncan MacPherson [email protected] OTHER USEFUL CONTACTS: Community Police Offi cer, PC Cathy McGibbon 101 Daviot Primary School 01463 772226 Farr Primary School 01808 521246 Daviot Hall booking 01463 772228 Farr Hall booking 01808 521346 SCATA Bus booking 01808 521321 NHS 24 111 Police - Non-Emergency 101 SCBF 07858 688355 www.strathnairncbf.com [email protected] Care in Strathnairn: Kathy Collins (Chair) [email protected] Derek Rose (Community Contact Offi cer) 07800 796106 / 01463 772240 Strathnairn Community Website Strathnairn Community Benefi t Fund Website www.strathnairn.org.uk www.strathnairncbf.com 4 strathnairn news • issue 103 APR ‘19 – MAY ‘19 STRATHNAIRN HALL STRATHNAIRN MUSIC INITIATIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE SHOWCASE CONCERT AGM SATURDAY 18TH MAY, 10.30AM MONDAY 13TH MAY, – 12.30PM AT FARR HALL 7.30PM AT DAVIOT HALL This meeting is open to the public FARR HALL COMMITTEE AGM NEW AT FARR HALL SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING! 21ST MAY, 7.30PM EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY, 7-8.30PM AT FARR HALL NEXT SESSION 24TH APRIL All welcome COMING SOON AT NORTH GATEWAY, DAVIOT WOODS STARTING MID APRIL WALKING GROUPS AND PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS For more information please contact Val Rose at v.rosefi [email protected] INVERARNIE STORES CONVENIENCE STORE GROCERIES AND FROZEN FOODS, HARRY GOW BAKERY, DUNCAN FRASER BUTCHERS, ICE CREAM NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, SECOND HAND BOOKS, CIGARETTES, TOBACCO CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS, WRAPPING PAPER, GIFT BAGS FLO GAS, SMALL BAGS OF COAL, KINDLERS REPEAT PRESCRIPTION COLLECTION POINT RECYCLING, PUBLIC NOTICEBOARD, COLLECTION POINT FOR FARR HALL KEY OPEN LOCAL HOLIDAYS CLOSE TO FARR & DAVIOT SCHOOLS OPENING HOURS Mon - Fri 7am - 6pm • Saturday 8am - 5pm • Sunday 9am - 2pm Inverness IV2 6XA Pop along and say hello! 5 strathnairn news • issue 103 STRATHNAIRN COMMUNITY COUNCIL GENERAL MEETING NO. 268 FARR COMMUNITY HALL • MONDAY 18th MARCH 2019 at 7.30pm DRAFT MINUTES SCC MEMBERS PRESENT James Murray (Chair) [JM], Peter Christie (Hon. Sec) [PC], Ian Hunt [IH], Bea Wallace [BW], Sally Moore [SM] (left at 9pm), Isobel MacQueer [IM], Douglas Henderson [DH] HIGHLAND COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT Cllr Caddick [CC], Cllr MacPherson [DM] MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PRESENT PC McGibbon + 2 members of the public (one left part way through the meeting). MINUTES GH 1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Cllr Knox, Cllr Gowans, Cllr Davidson and Cllr Jarvie. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTE 19 18TH FEBRUARY 2019 There was a discussion about the spelling of Inverernie/Inverarnie, initiated by a member of the public and it was explained that the spelling of Inverernie was introduced at the request of Strathnairn Heritage Association [See http://www.strathnairnheritage.org. uk], all comments over the name should be directed to that organisation. Proposed IH Seconded BW 3. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS IH advised the CC that as Chair of the Community Benefi t Fund he would not take part in discussions relating to the SCBF, unless he deemed it appropriate to do so. 4. COMMUNITY POLICING REPORT PC McGibbon spoke to her report covering the period from 18th February to 18th March 2019. Of note were 9 reports of hazards on the A9, 2 reports of driver behaviour on the A9 and 3 reports about an abandoned car which was actually a break down. PC McGibbon had had some contact with Cllr Jarvie and the CC regarding the ROCK vehicles and had discussed with a sergeant in the road traffi c division as well as representatives from ROCK. It was noted that tractors only require to have a registration 6 strathnairn news • issue 103 number at the back of the vehicle, not at the front. It was also noted that the ROCK vehicles are being driven legally in relation to use of the road and that the sign on the road is advisory only, not legally enforceable. The ROCK vehicles could only be stopped from using the road if a 7.5 tonne restriction was placed on it but this could cause diffi culties for residents and other road users. Cllr Caddick advised that the sign could only be put up if the road was unsuitable for heavy use and undertook to report back on the defi nition of unsuitable, having conferred with the roads department. Action: CC 5. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTE Items from previous matters: • Item 2 from the February 2019 minute – Aberarder Windfarm – this is on the agenda under item 7b. • Item 4 from January 2019 minute – ROCK vehicles – Covered under the Community Policing Report. • Item 12 from May minute – Red Squirrel Kill on Balnafoich Road – JM had tried to make contact with Strathdearn CC to gain their experience about insurance and maintenance of the rope bridge, but so far had been unable to make contact with the right person. SSE had offered to help with supply and placing of poles if suitable trees could not be found. PC had also tried to make contact with Highland Council but had not received a response to date. Cllr Macpherson offered to follow up. Action: DM • Item 7c from the August minute – Red John – Cllr Jarvie was not present to update on whether he had approached Highland Council to pursue a contribution from Intelligent Land Investments towards roads improvements. Action: AJ • Item 13b from the August minute – restrictions on travel times for logging lorries – Cllr Gowans was not present to update on contact with Highland Council regarding lorries using verges and whether Forestry commission make a contribution to roads.
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