UBILàltY ÂECJ3TVEE [DISTRIBUTED 1924. to THE COUNCIL AND THE League of Nations C 460. M.186. members o f THE LEAGUE.] G e n e v a , Septem ber 4 th , 1924. S ubject L ist N o. 40 OF DOCUMENTS distributed t o t h e c o u n c i l a n d t h e m e m b e r s o f t h e l e a g u e DURING AUGUST 1924. (Prepared by the Distribution Branch.) Armaments, Reduction of (continued) Arms, Private Manufacture of and Traffic in (contd.) Convention (draft) for the control of private manu­ facture of arms Principles submitted July 1924 by majority of members of Temporary Mixed Commission, as a basis for ma A. 16. 1924. IX amomic and Financial Assistance Adviser, Financial Report dated July 30, 1924 by majority of Contract with Albanian Government of members of Temporary Mixed Commission Letter dated April 22, 1924 from Netherlands subm itting Government (M. van Troostwijk) expressing A. 16. 1924. IX hope that Council will carefully examine reasons which led Albanian Government to cancel Report dated July 30, 1924 by minority of members of Temporary Mixed Commission Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 7, Annex 653 (a) giving their reasons for not being able to (C. 234. 1924. V II) accept text of Letter dated May 13, 1924 from M. Hunger A. 16. 1924. IX submitting observations on Albanian Govern­ ment’s letter of A pril 13, 1924 giving its List drawn up May 1924 by Permanent Advisory reasons for termination of Commission (14th Session) of arms and munitions Official Journal, 5th Y ear, No. 7, A nnex 653 of war and of all other kinds of arms and munitions (C. 235. 1924. VII) Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 7, A nnex 641 aments. Reduction of (C. 221. 1924, A nnex I) gréements, Regional, for Opinion expressed Ju ly 1924 by T em porary Mixed Guaraitee, Mutual Commission to 5th Assembly on this question to Treaty (draft) of Mutual Assistance submitted Hie effect th a t a special recommendation on its September 1923 by 3rd Committee to 4th Assem­ part would serve no practical purpose bly (C. 659. M. 262. 1923) A. 16. 1924. IX Letter dated October 25, 1923 from Secretarv- General to States Members forwarding, for ms, Private Manufacture of and Traffic in observations (C. L. 105. 1923) Convention concluded September 1919 at St. ermain-en-Laye, for th e control of trad e in arm s Replies from the following countries : Convention to supersede A ustralia Report dated May 1924 by Permanent Advisory C. 3 9 4 - M. 1 4 5 - 1924. IV Commission (14th Session) on draft conven­ (C. T. A. 451) tion framed by Temporary Mixed Commis­ China sion, annexing the reservations made by C. 375. M. 137. 1924. IX razilian Delegation (C. T. A. 4 4 7 ) Official Journal, 5th Y ear, No. 7, A nnex 641 Czechoslovakia (C. 221. 1924) C. 424. M. 161. 1924. IX su b m itte d July 1924 by Temporary France • wed Commission to 5th Assembly of C. 422. M. 160. 1924. IX (C. T. A. 459) A. 16. 1924. IX Greece C. 436. M. 166. 1924. IX ^ePor* dated July 30, 1924 by Temporary (C. T. A. 464) ixed Commission to 5th Assembly sub­ Italy m itting C. 433. M. 164. 1924. IX A. 16. 1924. IX (C, T. A. 462) Uii. 1,5 (F.i + '2 5 ( A .1 9/24 linn Armaments, Reduction of (continued) Armaments, Reduction of (continued) Guarantee, Mutual (continued) Permanent Advisory Commission (continued) Treaty (draft) of Mutual Assistance, etc. (contd.) 14th Session, May 1924, Paris Letter dated October 25, 1923, etc. (continued) Report dated May 20, 1924 of Replies from the following countries (contd.) : Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 4, Annex! (C. 221. 1924 and C. 236.1924J Lithuania C. 434. M. 165. 1924. IX Letter dated M ay 20, 1924 from Fermai (C. T. A. 463) Advisory Commission (Mr. Tweedie) forwl Netherlands ing above-mentioned report and six anneJ C. 377. M. 138. 1924. IX Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 7, Annex | (C. T. A. 448) (C. 221. 1924. IX Norway (C. 236. 1924.1)1 C. 406 (1). M. 151 (1). 1924. IX (C. T. A 45 5 ) (I)- Report dated June 1924 by Czechoslol Poland Representative (M. Benes), adopted Junel C. 419. M. 157. 1924. IX 1924 by 29th Council Session, prop (C. T. A. 457) adoption of Rules of Procedure annexa above-mentioned report Portugal C. 392. M. 143. 1924. IX Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 7, Annexl (C. 284. 1924. I* (C. T. A. 449) Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom Report dated July 30, 1924 by Temporary 111 Commission to 5th Assembly on its work sincej C. 393. M. 144. 1924. IV 4th Assembly on A. 16. 1924.1| (C. T. A. 450) Spain Statistical Enquiry' C. 420. M. 158. 1924. IX (C. T. A. 458) Expenditure, national, for 1924 and following jl Sweden Letter dated June 27, 1924 from Secrel C. 432. M. 163. 1924. IX General to States Members of the Lea (C. T. A. 461) quoting relative resolutions of 4th Assea and 29th Council Session a n d requesting il mation as to what action Governments prd Permanent Advisory Commission to take with regard to recommendation | tained therein Co-ordination of work of Temporary Mixed Commis­ sion and of Replies from the following countries to Opinion given July 1924 by Temporary Mixed Czechoslovakia Commission expressing satisfaction with system C. 405. M. 150. 1924- of co-ordination in force (C.T.A.4I A. 16. 1924. IX Esthonia C. 403. M. i 48- W Rules of Procedure of (C. T. A. 4I Great Britain Text (revised) adopted May 20, 1924 by Perma­ C. 416. M. r.55. I9J4'| nent Advisory Commission (14th Session) of (C. T. A. :| Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 7, Annex 640 (a) Latvia (C. 236. 1924) C. 400. M. 147- W 'L (C. P. C. 48 (1). 1924) (C. T.A.-fl Roumania C. 37°- M- ^ Letter dated May 20, 1924 from Permanent (C.T.A.. Advisory Commission (Mr. Tweedie) submit­ ting to Council text of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Kingdom Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 7, Annex 641 (C. 236. 1924) (C. 221. 1924) Spain Report dated June 1924 by Czechoslovak Representative (M. Benes), adopted June 14, Temporary Mixed Commission 1924 by 29th Council Session, summarising amendments of previous text contained in Report dated July 30, 1924 by Te!”£°w k| above-mentioned text and proposing adoption Commission to 5th Assembly 011 of the 4th Assembly a 16. Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 7, Annex 640 (C. 284. 1924. IX) * Annexes 2, 3 and 4 not 1Deluded in Official - 3 - ents, Reduction of (continued) Buildings, League (continued) atv concluded February 6, 1922 at Washington Conference Hall (continued) between United States of America, B ritish Em pire, Report dated June 1924 by Uruguayan Represen­ ranee, Italy and Japan limiting naval armaments tative (Dr. Guani) and resolution adopted June 12, xtension to non-signatory Powers of principles of rg24 by 29th Council Session, noting Secretarv- Report dated February 25, 1924 by Naval Sub- General’s memorandum on erection of this Hall, Committee of Permanent Advisory Commission expressing its agreement with part of plan refer­ on its session held in collaboration with experts ring to improvement in accommodation for Council of certain countries to consider extension of its meetings and authorising Secretary-General to original schem e to States non-signatory, Non- submit his memorandum together with this Members of th e League (C. 76. 1924) resolution to 5th Assembly Observations of F in la n d on Official Journal, 5th Y ear, No. 7, A nnex 634 (C. 266. 1924) C. 379. M. 139. 1924. IX (C. P. C. 68) Report dated June 1924 by Czechoslovak Repre­ sentative (M. Benes) announcing existence of two points of view, am ong S tates represented at Rome Conference, as to principles and proce­ c dure to be followed, and resolution subm itted June 16, 1924 to 29th Council Session, proposing submission of this report to States Members Council, League and reference of th e question to 5th Assem bly Position with regard to Article 104 of Treaty of Neuilly, to enable it to define principles on which this Article 159 of Treaty of St. Germain, Article 143 extension should be based of Treaty of Trianon and Article 213 of Treaty of Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 7, Annex 646 Versailles, of (C. 299. 1924. IX) Memorandum dated June 3, 1924 by Secretary- are, Chemical and Bacteriological General quoting various resolutions adopted by eport dated July 1924 by Committee appointed Council and opinions given by Permanent Advi­ by Temporary Mixed Commission to study sory Commission regarding question of Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 7, Annex 650 A. 16. 1924. IX (C. 239. 1924. IX) My, League 29th Session, June 1924, Geneva Session, Septembei ,924, Geneva M inutes of Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 7 Agenda for Text issued August 8, 1924 of 30th Session, August-September 1924, Geneva A. 3 (1). 1924 A genda for Text issued August 6, 1924, together with list ot fflcial situation of rapporteurs eport dated June 16, 1924 by Finance Committee C. 373. M. 135. 1924 sad Commissioner-General on A ustrian G overn­ ment s letter of March 10, 1924 regarding th e level Text issued August 28, 1924, together with list at which the budget equilibrium should be sought of rapporteurs and the utilisation of any ioan surplus to meet C .
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