'VOLUME 1, NUMBER 6 APRIL-MAY-JUNE 1988 TABLE UP CONTENlS EDITORIAL BOARD ***EDITOR, MAILING LIST*** ***TILE SCHEME OF TttlNGS*** Mary S. Van Deusen Will Clinger IBM Watson Research Semantic Microsystems, Inc. P.O. Box 704 4470 SW Hall Blvd, Suite 340 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Beaverton, OR 97005 (914) 789-7845 (503) 643-4539 (914) 232-7490 wiUc%tekchips.tek.com at tektronix.es.net (617) 384-2526 [email protected] ***QUERY-IO*** Patrick Dussud ***LISP IMPLEMENTATIONS*** Texas Instruments Walter van Roggen 12501 Research Boulevard DEC AITG MS 2201 290 Donald Lynch Blvd. Austin, TX 78759 DLB5-2/B I0 (512) 250-7483 Marlboro, MA 01752 dussud%jenner%ti-csl.csnet@csnet-relay (617) 490-8012 vanroggen @hudson.dec.corn ***INT'L NEWS*** Christian Queinnec ***X3JI3*** LITP Robert F. Mathis 4 Place Jussieu 9712 Ceralene Drive F-75252, Paris Cedex 05 Fairfax, VA 22032 FRANCE (703) 425-5923 tel: +33 (1) 43 36 25 25 x 5251 [email protected] UUCP: ..!seismo !mcvax!infia!queinnec INTERNET: queinnec @infia.inria.fr ***TECHNICAL ARTICLES*** JonL White ***ALGORITIIMS*** Lucid, Inc. Pavel Curtis 707 Laurel Street Xerox AIS Menlo Park, CA 94025 3333 Coyote Hill Rd. (415) 329-8400 Palo Alto, CA 94304 [email protected] ***PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENTS*** John Foderaro Franz Inc. 1995 University Avenue #275 Berkeley, Ca. 94704 (415) 548-3600 jkf%franz.uucp @berkeley .edu This issue Of the Lisp Pointers newsletter has been funded by I.N.R.I.A. and The Mitre Corporation. Neither corporation has directed or controlled its publication. The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the authors, editors, publisher and other contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of I.N.R.I.A or The Mitre Corporation or the opinions of companies affiliated with individuals involved with this effort. Dear Colleague, Here we are again, blooming along with the lilacs. Although Christian Quiennec and Patrick Dussud are taking a rest from their departments this issue, you'll still find them represented with a puzzle and a technical article. We've added a new section this issue. Pavel Curtis is joining us with a department describing (Algorithms). This is in answer to all those who claim that Lispers don't write, they just code. Now none of you can escape us as potential contributors. You might also notice that I've started a news column. Cyril Alberga came up with the name. Dribble File. Blame him. Contributions, however, should come to me. We're always looking for frier items, art, cartoons, etc. There are few things as threatening a.~ an entire page of white. It occurs to me that reviews of video tapes of Lisp, Scheme, AI, or expert systems might also fit within our purview. I am especially reminded of a video done at MIT showing the solution to the Towers of llanoi problem. A professor was intercut with students in saffron robes moving very large disks. At the end of his leclure, the professor described the legend behind the tower and said that the monks believed that the world would end when the last disk was moved. As he was saying this, the video went back to the students laying the last disk and the screen suddenly went black. Wonderful video! Our thanks to Mitre Corporation and I.N.R.I.A. for sponsoring this issue. There is a call for sponsors for future issues (starting with July-August-September). I.N.R.I.A. has been kind enough to sponsor all non-US mailings. This means that we only need sponsorship for the US mailings. The bottom line for those who don't want to read the page of text is that you can work out the costs of sponsorship for US subscribers by looking at what it costs your duplicating department to make 1300 copies of this issue and what it costs your mail room to mail I100 copies. Contact me if you have any additional questions. Sincerely, Mary S. Van Deusen, Editor LP I-6.1 DRIBBLE FILE Scheme Release Notes The MIT AI Lab is sponsoring a series of notes on Scheme. The first one describes the "Avail- ability of the Scheme Programming Language." For further information, contact: Scheme Development Team c/o MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139 AI Conference The International Computer Science Conference '88 will be held in |Iong Kong, December 19-21, 1988. The topic will be "Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications." The conference is sponsored by the Computer Society of the IEEE, llong Kong Chapter. Paper submissions are due June 15, 1988. For submission information, contact: Jean-Louis Lassez IBM Watson Research PO Box 704 (ttI-AI2) Yorktown tteights, NY 10598 For conference information, contact: Computer Society of IEEE, ttong Kong Chapter G.P.O. Box 5318 Hong Kong Lisp Puzzles Christian Queinnec J~r6me Chailloux April 16, 1988 1 First Puzzle J~rSme and I asked our students at ]~cole Polytechnique to program the following function (xpl '(a b c d)) --~ ((a) (a b) (a b c) (a b c d)) Given a list, xpl returns the list of all its initial segments ordered by increasing length. We got seven different solutions, more than expected. We propose you to program xpl and compare, elsewhere in this issue, your own solution with ours. Good luck !!! LP 1-6.2 1988 ACM Conference on LISP AND FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Snowbird, Utah, July 25-27, 1988 The 1988 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming is the fifth in a series of biennial conferences devoted to the theory, design, and implementation of programming languages and systems that support symbolic computation. The conference is jointly sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, SIGACT, and SIGART. The major topics that have been addressed at previous conferences include: 1) programming language concepts and facilities 2) implementation methods 3) machine architectures 4) semantic foundations 5) programming logics 6) program development environments 7) applications of symbolic computation The conference ~ite at Snowbird, Utah is a resort located in the rugged Wasatch mountain range approximately 35 miles from Salt Lake City. Summer activities include hiking, climbing, swimming, tennis, and wildflower photography. Program Committee Chairman Program Committee Robert (Corky) Cartwfight llarold Abelson, MIT Attn: LFP 88 Richard Bird, Oxford University Rice University Luca Cardelli, DEC Systems Res. Ctr. Department of Computer Science Robert Cartwright, Rice University P. O. Box 1892 Richard Gabriel, Lucid Inc. Houston, TX 77251-1892 Christopher ttaynes, Indiana University (713) 527-4834 Gerard ltuet, INRIA Rocquencourt [email protected] Gilles Kahn, INRIA Sophia Antipolis David Moon, Symbolics Inc. Guy Steele, Thinking Machines Corp. Carolyn Talcott, Stanford University General Chairman Local Arrangements Chairman Jerome Chailloux Robert Kessler INRIA University of Utah Domaine de Voluceau-Rocquencourt Department of Computer Science B.P. 105 3190 M.E.B. Le Chesnay Cedex Salt l_xtke City, Utah 84112 France [email protected] chaillou @inria.inria.fr LP I-6.30 SPONSORSHIP OF LISP POINTERS Lisp Pointers is a non-profit publication created by the Lisp community for the Lisp community. Currently, Lisp Pointers is not affilated with any organization. For this reason, it is dependent upon the sponsorship of companies interested in l,isp for its publication. The following companies have in the past, or are currently, sponsoring Lisp Pointers: IBM Thomas J. Watson Research lnstitut National De Rechere En hfformatique Et En Automatique (I.N.R.I.A.) Xerox Pare Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) Texas Instruments Digital Equipment Corporation Mitre Corporation Lisp Pointers is a newsletter, that is, it contains technical articles which are not refereed and which, therefore, may be republished in other technically refereed journals later. Lisp Pointers is a forum for preliminary papers, as well as for the fast interchange of ideas. As well as technical articles, Lisp Pointers contains columns and departments, such as the following: Query IO - The Scheme of Things - International News - Programming Environments Book Reviews - Lisp Implementations - ((lambda (discussions) (report on X3JI3))) Sponsors are permanently listed on the back cover of Lisp Pointers. We do this to thank those companies who have joined us in producing a publication which we think is both needed and wanted by this important research and production community. Because no organization is involved, the board running Lisp Pointers tends to be very conservative both legally and financially. A disclaimer for a sponsor company appears on the inside front cover. The disclaimer for the first issue reads as follows: This issue of the Lisp Pointers newsletter has been funded by the IBM Corporation. The IBM Corporation has not directed or controlled its publication. The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the authors, editors, publisher and other contribu- tors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the sponsoring company, the IBM Corporation, or the opinions of companies affiliated with individuals involved with this effort. Sponsorship involves the commitment to cover cost and work involved in the printing and dis- tribution of a single issue of Lisp Pointers. The editor creates a camera-ready copy which is sent to the sponsoring company. The sponsor arranges for the duplication and mailing of the issue. Cost to the sponsoring company is dependent upon the size of the mailing list, which will increase over time, the access to in.house duplication facilities, the size of the issue, and the cost of mailing to subscribers within the US. INRIA has accepted permanent sponsorship of all non-US subscribers. The number of US subscribers has grown from 500 to approximately 1100 over six issues and it can be assumed that that growth will continue for at least the next year. In addition to the number printed and mailed, the sponsor is asked to print an additional 150-200 copies which are used to satisfy requests for backorders.
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