THE WEATHER NEWS STALLS Yesterday's Temperatures Hotel; Kabul Hotel: Shar--Na- w Max. 27C. Minimum 4C. Kjkknl Son sets today at 5.58 p.m. near Park Cinessa; Sun rises tomorrow at 6.2 am. International Airport. Tomorrow's Outlook: Clear TMMES Kabul Times Is arailabJe at: KABUL Khyber Forecast by Air Authority Restaurant; Spinsar VOL. m, NO. 176 KABUL. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1964, (MIZAN 41. 1343, S.H.) PRICE Af. 2 Non-Aligne- d F. Ministers Children's Day Observed In Afghanistan Agree On Summit Agenda CAIRO, October, 3, (AP). FOREIGN Ministers of the World's non-aligne- d Nations Friday .. ,1 AB. 41,. fni4k nntninrr cumtnit 1T71 Mn. ference The Foreign Ministers ended a The Foreign Ministers evident- three hour closed session by ad- ly decided privately pot to oppose opting a series of measures and the arrival here of Prime Minis- ter Moise Tshombe of the Congo, y then left it up to secretaries and the conference secretariat to sort scheduled Saturday. .f - 'rV ' out what was agreed. The ministers also set up two A secretariat spokesman said committees dealing with econo this may take several hours. The mic and political questions which technical staff has to replay a re- will continue to sit while the cording of the entire three hour summit is in session. These com session before a text of the agenda mittees will work out the actual will be available, the spokesman wording of resolutions agreed in said. principle at summit level The agenda will be passed on While the official version of the to a ful conference which meets agenda was still being pondered October 5. by the secretariat, the spokesman The first of the world's non- - gave newsmen an unofficial ver- : aligned leaders began arriving in sion listing five main points and A' V.,v .... Cairo Friday headed by India's enough subheadings which, if dis- Prime Minister Lai Bahadur cussed in detail could keep the Shastri and Cuba's President Os-val- conference in session far longer Dorticos, in lieu of Fidel than the week now hoped for. Castro. The agenda includes discussion The final agenda, although still of "peaceful and in doubC will be patterned on the codifications of its principles". earlier agreement reached in the ' "prohi-bitati- non-align- preparatory confer- Another agenda item on on ence in Ceylon last March. This of all nuclear weapons lists such predictable topics as fo- tests." While most of the world reign bases, colonialism and rights has signed the treaty bannifcg of people surface and atmospheric tests, KABUL, Oct. 3. Children's were seated in tbe Royal Pavil- Chief of the Children's Wel- However, the Foreign Ministers France and People's Republic of Day was celebrated in Kabul ion while thousands of man, fare Institute presented to brought considerable changes in China are notable abstainers and, and the provinces of Afghanis- women and children watched His Royal Highness Prince the original document and ad- according to U.S. Secretary of tan with special ceremonies the show from the terraced Ahmad Shah and Their Royal ded some new items. State Dean Rusk, the Chinese yesterday. The displays and steps. The celebrations began Highness Prince Mir Wais The Foreign Ministers also could their first atomic de- ceremonies, which began at with national dancing by and Khatoul, those groups test 3-- p.m. non-align- Ghazi Stadium at small Afghan children and of children who had taken voted to give membership before ed dele- full vice the yesterday, were attended by thosebelonging to the friend- part in the various exhi- status to Northern Rhodesia gates leave Cairo. Royal Highness indepen- expected, agenda also His Prince ly countries, followed with bitions. Newspapers publish- which will soon become As the Ahmad Shah, His Roal High- display by 6 teams Afghan ed capital spe- dent as the Nation of Zambia, and emphasises the trade conflicts of in the carried underdeveloped ness Prince Mir Wais, Her and 4 of foreign children. cial and instructive articles which previously had been accor- between the Royal Highness Khatoul, Dr. Children from Hamid Kin- and photographs of children. ded observer status. world and the industrial states. Abdul Zahir, the Deputy dergarten drew a likeness of The decision to give Zambia These discussions will be pegged Prime Minister and Minister the national flag of Afghanis- The main thoroughfares in 47 Kabul were na- member status brings to the to the recent Geneva conference of Public Health, certain Ca- tan and march-- decorated with then followed a flags number of states which will be on Trade and Development, at binet Ministers, Mr. Ali Mo- past, dancing, sports, songs tional and illuminated represented as members, includ- which the underdeveloped nations hammad, the Minister of and gymnastics by Afghan, in the evening. Picture shows ing the Congo Leopoldville re- unsuccessfully sought world wide Court, high-rankin- g civil and Indian, Soviet and American HRH Prince Ahmad Shah re- gime. (Contd. on page 4) military officials and members children. At the end of the ceiving a group of children of the Diplomatic Corps toge- display, Dr. , Abdul Ghaffar, after their performance. Dr. Yousuf Leaves For Cairo Summit ther with their- - wives, who Royal Audience T Home Says US, Britain Agree KABUL, Oct. 3. An announce- ment from the Department of Ro- On yal Protocol says that His Majes- Treaty To Stop Spread ty the King granted audience to the following during the week OfNiiclearWeaponsTo Others ending October 1st: LONDON, Mr. Abdul Hadi Dawi, Chair- October, 3. (Renter). man of the Senate, General Khan JOVIET Union will "have a look" at Anglo-America- n proposals Mohammad, Minister of National for a treaty to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, as Defence, Mr. Abdulla Yaftali, Mi- announced by the British Prime Minister, Sir Alec Douglas-Hom- e, nister of Planning, Engineer Mo- (Friday). py Masa, f hammad Hussain Minister Informed Paris sources said of Mines and Industries, Mr. Mo- France approved the aim but did hammad Kassim Sharif, former Dr. Abdul Zahir not favour presenting it in treaty Afghan Ambassador in Jeddah, form. - . Lt. General Khan Mohammad, Reuter correspondents , N His Majesty's Ambassador desig- Is Introduced To in the ; ir J key capitals reported: Moscow: : I ii nate to Saudi Arabia, Professor i Mohammad Asghar, the Mayor of Official Soviet sources Friday de- Cabinet Members clared to comment on the Anglo-Americ- an Kabul, Dr. Abdul Ghafour Rawan treaty halting Director-Gener- al Po- KABUL, draft the Ferhadi, of Oct. 3. Df. Abdul spread litical Affairs in the Ministry of Zahir, the Minister of Public of nuclear weapons. " iriiininiiinm . 1 official i iuttammmuitimmm ...... Zj"i'"rnwiiitiiriM nfiiiiiiiiiniiiMWi'iiw Foreign Affairs, Mr. Qiyamuddin Health and Deputy Prime Mini- One said he could not Chief-Edit- comment until Khadim, or of Heywad, ster was introduced by Prime M- the Soviet Union Mr. All Mohammad, the Minister of Court bidding farewell and Mr. Abdullah Breshna, Chief inister Dr. Mohammad Yousuf to had had a chance to study the to Dr. Mohammad Yousuf. of Town-Planni- in the Ministry other members of the Cabinet on draft, but he added that "every proposal is worth KABUL, Oct. 3. Prime Minis- of the diplomatic corps in the of Public Works. Thursday. studying.. .we were air- shall have a look at it". ter Dr. Mohammad Yousuf left Court of Kabul at the Soviet reaction to for Cairo this morning to take port. USA Sets OffUnderground The Prime Minister congratu- the proposal Dr. is likely to depend on western non-align- ed Minister inspected a lated Abdul Zahir on his new part in the nations The Prime Atomic Device moves towards a NATO summit due to begin Monday. guard of honour, while he was Nuclear post and expressed his pleasure mixed of WASHINGTON, Oct. 3, AP). at Dr. Zahir's inclusion in the Ca- manned fleet. Minister was given accompanied by the Minister Sir Alec The Prime National Defence. Dr. Yousuf left A nuclear test blast was set off binet; he wished him success. announcing the draft rousing send-o- ff Kabul In- treaty at a at by a special Ariana Afghan Air- underground Friday at the US Dr. Abdul Zahir in reply offer- Manchester said he con- ternational Airport. Dr. Abdul Atomic Energy Commission's ed his thanks to the Prime Minis- sidered the Soviets were "not in Deputy Prime Mi- lines aircraft. mood" Zahir, the Members of the Afghan delega- (AEC) Nevada test site. ter for his goodwill and to His the for an agreement at nister, who will, according to a weapons-relate- Majesty the moment. tion to Cairo summit are: Mr. It was the 16th d the King for the trust Royal decree, also discharge the test to be announced this year. placed in his person. The Soviet Union has warned Minister while, Sayyed Kasim Rishtya, Minister the west in duties of Prime of Finance and Acting Minister of The announcement said only Geneva that it must Dr. Yousuf is abroad, Mr. Ali that it was of low intermediate He hoped that he himself and choose between the NATO fleet of Court, Press and Information, Mr. Abdul and an agreement Mohammad, the Minister Afghan Per-- yield, meaning it had a blast force all servants of the state would banning the cabinet ministers, high ranking Rahman Pazhwak, of between 20 and 200 kilotons of serve their King and people to spreading of nuclear weapons. military and civil officials, heads (Contd. on page 4) TNT. their best ability. (Contd. on page 4) PAGE 2 ' KABUL TIMES OCTOBER 3, 1964 KABUL TIMES THE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF AFGHANS At a Published By: PRESS Glance BAKHTAR NEWS Our foreign policy which BY S HA FIE RAIIEL do not think that such a thing nt current of mysticism by the help could be done in a perfect man- AGENCY is based on neutralism and All premier dailies carried on Editor-in-Chi- ef is an ideal for which of time demands introduces new ner.
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