6/Ia ^ 1 NATO Warns Russia Against Warlike Acts

6/Ia ^ 1 NATO Warns Russia Against Warlike Acts

>■■ '^- ■ ■ ■ FBIDAY, NOVISMBER 1^ 1 9 tS -V • ' • • 7 V ■ caoody wMi TWEMIT-FOUS inatutr^at^r lEttcttinQ ^traUi and Sunday. Oveaalght RonMd D. Romlord, aon of Cub Scout Pack B> of Coventry Dystrophy Drive ■ '15,834-' .f Abrat Town Sir. aad MM. Bfhraid D. Rum- deQ School wUI meft tonight Memthe^er— A City o f ViUage Chmrm had of log Sycamore Lana, la h«m 7 to S:46 at the aehool Junior Women Begiiis Sunday' „ ___aerelng wtO» th e Ftoat MHMary auditorium . PhMl Nwl MANCfiiBSrrKR, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEHBBR lA IMS an PURe S) P R IC K T E N CENTS on TMaday d » BattoMon of the U.S. Ma- R aise 1250 litter The annusi March oA Mosou- fOL. UtXXVHL NO. 41 (TWiBLyE PAGO—TV SNCaiON) poft haena w bM ^ Loghfte Oom- I tu n b m ot tba MMiobMtM- lar Dystroilhy win begin Ut the - _ maml hi SodMi Vlalnam. N ew eotnm Club d the TWCA Iha OcveuUy Junior Wom- Manchester area Sunday whan Wodtand to Oto NOT. g aattonal ahetlon. ___ plaimiii( to dibMMl l^Ulgiite en'a Club ratoad more ftnn S290 more than 800 JlaiTy L tida- W ; ^ ^ Hia Junior High group of PUarie a t th« UOotm yti RboO» with m pie aale and oanfty aale unteen will oanvaea for funge Nhom Borrows The Oaaiaollrd Panne M ot- o,ntor Coi^fragattanal Church M u d AmUmU game am aaked taft month. The funde wlU aid to oontlnue the medie^ >if ojuniiis , Air Foree One . era neeat Bungay at 2:00 wM meet totnortow at 0:20 p.m. to m eet Umiorrmr a t 11 :M a.m . projacta eponeored by the eearoh and petlentrservlooa prd< at the Bftty-Jaaa IMner ^ ^ chnroh to go on a hay- In trait of tba Hartlocd National group. HIAMI. i k (AP)— Presl- gram of the Muscular Oyatote denbdaot RlidMlfd M. Maon I of Danoe, 40 Oak Bt Don tn gj. loddto Tpke. For The dub wU lame a booth at phy Associations Of Amstloa • 1^ of Tock Otty ouMto 7 and S yoiaig people. tnfonnatlon, oontaot Pat- the GHeaner'a HoBday Ihtr to­ and tto Hartford area oh^pter. took hto OOT flEht Briday NATO Warns Russia am toahh a aaaalan of ballet ___ night on an attptone that la riok Oonnoci, >2 Croft Dr. morrow. Tha booth's theme le The Hartford area chapter #trM a ----- The monthly meeting of Cub aetyathls: AfrFPQMOiia. “Made ShpeotoBy for You" and makee available a number ^ , Tadndbeto, it Od aet baar M m ftAtognoo. aon ot Mr. g^oBt Pack 47 of South Motho- R obert Atim WhMieiiead, eon the booth wlU feature toys, eervloes Co peraone rdfUoted with ■ 'i! and Mrs. Gerard Roland d’AeIg- cSkiroh haa baen canceled of Mr. and MM. R. A. WMte- iui that daa^Mien baoattaa (ha Chriatmaa decorations and a variety of forms of muscular | Praaidant wan not M e e i . non of 178 Doamey Dr., and a toMgfat and irtB be held bead of 8» Richard Rd., waa n- ggta for the bnoe, all made by dyatrofriiy, such as clinic and aentor at tba Ihitoantty ot Var- gg^t Fihtoy. Nov. 22, at 7 p.m. oenUy elected to the IMabibu But fho aUvor and Mua four- mamhem. Proueede ftran the therapy care, purchase of sup­ aiRliia Jat la tha ana which moot hi Burtfaigten, haa been g|^ ohimih. Boya between executive oounotl at Mnlty boofti wUl btonOt tha Coven­ Antl-litter poster by Teddy Garrity, portive and orthopedic equip­ Choeen Cor B» lOtO editlan of egee ot 8 and 10 wUhlng College, Hartford. aormony oairiaa Praddant WhCa Who Among Studenfain ^gin mgy.do ao by attending ----- try Student Loan Fund.' Grade 6, Waddell School ment, and the payment ot fees Johnaon. Prauumably, it waa The M r to from 9:80 am. to tor such recreational activities uaed wMh Johnaon’a permla- Against Warlike Acts Amerlo u OoOagea and tMvei^ hm ^dth a pmnt. Lanoe Opi. Oeouge W. Waeh- as summer camping. fthae. ___ bum, aon ot MM. JeaneUe 4 pm. at the Beoond Oongre- anne Murray and Karin Tor- aien for Nixon'a bight from gattonai Churdi on Bt. 44A. ^eriH zatibn Naw York to MUml. ----- A aatback tounwment for WaaUruni of 85 Pleaannt SL, la gWMU. BRUSSELS (AP) — Hie The eimual HCIMay Bataar Mnnrheeter Senior dtiaans wffl eerving with the Marine Air Studenta In Omda 7 reodv- Healing Topic 15 nations of the North At- wm be held at Oanbar Congre- be hrid tonight fmm 7 to 10 at Base Squadron-12, a unit of the Honors Listed tag bonorp wem Loria Durand, lan ^ Alliance warned the gathmal Church tomomur IMm frr-*^ outer, n iifa wtU be Fliwt Marine Atrcraft Wing in Jolm Carabta DIaae Haalay. A public tiaailng on poaalble Homemade Soviet Union today any 10 a.m . to 0 p.m. Parking will g^^uiSed and them la no admle- Vielinam. John Lagier, Beth Murray, revlalon of the state law ooo- Strikes Mark be avaSaUe at the eaat an- ----- At Assumption Lhida Spinnato, Cbitotlna Tier­ cemlng eterilliaUon has been further aggression m Ikh trance to the duach and In the ___ Staff Sgt. Cheater O. L«wla ney and Stanley Zatkowaid. scheduled for Monday a t U a.m. rope or the Mediterraiieeii rear of the Mnnlotpal BulUUng. ijf,g Maiuhnatie Square Danoe Jr., eon of Mr. and MM. CJiaater AaaumpUon Junior Hlgb w ^d “provoke an intemar SdtoDl'anoounoed that 28 alu- EkgMh giadeM reoetring In the. Judiciary Boom of ttn Power Fight ----- dub wHl aponaor u open danoe Lewie Sr. of 198 McKee St., la henora were Sandra Baker. State CapItoL RAVIOLI tional crisiB of grave eatt- The Itov, BSmeft 8. Harris of ^qj. area aquam dance chib eerving with the Fint Marine derihi received bonota and one Student raoeived high benore Lawrence Oagtonello, Thereaa The hearing will be conducted aequfflices.’’ Second Congregatlanal Church menibeie tomocraw at 8 p.m. at Aircraft Wing In Vietnam. for the firat maridng period. CeftiMielkN Regina A w jftta, by the Oommleelan to Revtoe H. PASQUAUNI The warning to Moscow win oondnot a aerrioe Sunday wadddl School. Kart Johnaton ----- in Prague Jeonea Mhriho, Giade 7, re- Peggy OenMtag, Darcy Bs- the Criminal Statutee ot the m m was endorsed oy all mem­ at 8-.1& a.m. on radto atatlan wUl be the caller and Mr. and Sunaet Rebekah Lodge wU Unger, Diane Farley, Roeemary State of Connecticut. MS Avery Bb. Wapplng WINF. The pmginm la span- RMaOB White will cue the meet Monday at 7 pm. at Odd oalved high honors. Thcae in II TopBlMBODMl! PRAGUE (AP)—Protest bers of ^ e North Atiantlc Ctaade 6 vnotM ag bononi are Hannon, Maureen Lynch, Jo- The commissiem’s chainnan la strikea were reported in Treaty Organiiatloii, in­ acred Jointly by the M uchoatar roimd. CommltteeB am Mr. and FeHowe Hall. After the maet- Mew. MacdDonnld, Kim Nowak, Robert Teato of Bridgeport, CouncO of ChurdMB and the k ,* Joaeph Morin, door duty; teg. the group wM vtott Plh»- Nbitna Audette, Cheryl Oan- TEL6W4M auboihan Prague and in cluding France. traft Joyce Oaren, Thomaa carol O’Toole and ly n Or- apeaker of the State House of Tlio twiMlty lUiiNng oP "—Manoheaber------------------ Clergy--------------- Aaaodallan. and Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Mdse- oeae Rebekah Lodge In Hart- Repreeentattves. lOito 99c Obmouc, central Moravia, ner, Mr. and Mra. DonaUl Rob- ford. L aurie MoBMerty, Jo ­ kiwricL Drlgodo Bosch, a ndlitAnt anti-Castroite, yens “Vic­ as Ciechoalovakia’s Com­ oouooS of tha aSSanoa aodsd The Lwdtee Bttile Claae of th e ___ __________________ with BuhRoallDa o< tha oounm- btaa, and Mr. and MM. Bdward ___ __ ____________________ tory for Cuban UberatiiHt’’ after he waa found munist leaders waged a iftluK Fwteh appaoMl was tak- Church of Cbrtat wlU continue gaundetw. nhm tonuts.. power struggle with pro- th e study of Old Testam ent Ms- __ DtFFOMU guilty yesteniay of conspiring to hlaat ships of for­ Soviet hardiners behind tote okwad lexfta wMl Ra aOtoa TeUow, or H indi eign countries which trade with Cifb& Boech wae closed dooTB. foOowtog On Sovtet ouiwgaften the study, there wffl be a salad Oub wlH have * ocavicted along with eight other Cuban refuge n waa not immediately of CbaotaMkivalria. and deaeert haicfaecn. tomonww wttfa dtamr at leanied what action. If any au- •nw ocmimaDlqaa said: pjn. followed by denolng at the 10 M391 in Federal Court at Miami, Fla!. (AP Photofax) thortUea phumad to take. The “(Mambon of ttw aUtoUM tro ---------------------------------------- clubhouee. Daley Rd., Cor»- ^ovemment hae banned demon­ gerttly torito Ilia Sovlot Ttofoa to strations to try and maintain the totarert of wortd paooa to oalm during a erudal party Mfieto Bran utitog foeosaarttn- SAVE A BUCK ~ areat Booha Dteousricn Oentoal Oommlttoa meeting, (Mverttag la the aflrtro of ctoar Qraip win meet Wedoaaday cnoGus now In Me eeoand day. f*r-\ ototee teoalvsd to aafsgnardtoa 9 Cuban Exiles Oaechoolovak military poUoe- M A N C H eS T E R at 8 p.m. at WMton library. anaadom and todapaadMMS of Plato’a "Pbeedrua** wffl be dla- 6 / i a ^ men wMh submaoUna guns pa­ STA'i tS thakr oounfry. Thiy (NATO n cuseed. New memlwHi are wel­ 10 n>r 3Sc trolled PMgue atraeto and In- aaambera) could art reaaato to- flr come. Guilty in Plots tormante said the Ckechoakivak dMIsTCrit to any KNOWN FOR VALUES armYa 8,(XK>-niaa Progue garri- wMrii would The Dembeiwtte Woman’e mAND HERB SPMCIALI aon waa alerted and all laavea ouriky. Where the action is! lOAMI, H a.

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