I Him moor Parade Marks Squad's 25th Anniversary Marine Court P.T.A. Names Wednei TABLE PADS 100 Groups To March Committee Heads RE! In Middletown MATAWAN — Committee chair- In Matawan Parade MIDDLETOWN—Regular >es- men of the township high school slons of New Jersey marine navi- Parent-Teacher association were gation court have been scheduled elected at a meeting in the home 100 organizations will send march- through the summer In township of the president, Mrs. George H. ers into the parade Saturday that hall here, Joseph E. McLean, Ritter, Thursday night. Vigdortz Named will highlight this week's town- state commissioner of conserva- Mrs. Vernon Ellison will head :he Ladles' ship centennial celebration. Out tion and economic development, the program committee; Mrs. Jght post, front will be the 40-piece Mltchel has announced. Frederick Mauer, membership; bserved MD Chairman Air Force base band. Mrs. Biagio Maccla, hospitality; ng last wc The unique court was set upMrs, Hugh Boyle, budget and fi- ASBURY PARK — Louis T. The anniversary events began in 3955 to relieve the problem Legion hall Monday and the pace of activities nance; Mrs. Calfin Pearce, class B»yer, Mrs. Wigdortz, Asbury Park pcstmas- of Jurisdiction uncertainties when representative; Mrs. Alhert Da- ter, has accepted the general will be stepped up on the Inde- violations occur on the water- Elizabeth pendence day holiday tomorrow, vlson, reading and library serv- Lecser. Mrs. l»cirMIIJA chairmanship of the Monmouth ways. It Is often difficult, Com- ice, Mrs. Channing Clapp, ex- SIGNIN& County Muscular Dystrophy ap- with a 10 a. m. baseball game missioner McLean explained, to Mrs. Donald f • • • between the township school team ceptional child, and Mrs. Hans Henrietta KiiATORS peal. establish the exact place - and WoUf, international relations. 01 11 and the Cliffwood Royals in Cliff- therefore the local jurisdiction— chairman, was' " Vanltories wood; the "Miss Matawan" beau of waterways violations. The Mrs. Clapp reported on the Mrs. Stephen-LING * ty contest at the Cliffwood Beach court makes it possible to tryJune 25 meeting of the Monmouth Icanlsm chal- tennis courts at 2 p. m. and t violations on any waterway, re- county council in the home of display of "T CENTER block dance on the North Con gardless of where they occur. Mrs. Frank Yapps in Freehold. was far ICC9 course at 8 p. m. Mrs, Ritter reported on the or- The court Is scheduled to meet ganizational group meeting of the years. ShtW The dance Is being sponsored in Middletown on alternate Fri- Matawan Citizens committee for lags to din Hedden'i Cornar by Guadalcanal Post, Veterans of days. Two sessions were sched- public schools. hOlldank) Foreign Wars. uled for June. Subsequent ses- Mrs. Karl Smith, treasurer, re- Mrs. Friday's feature'will be a ba- sions are set for July 12 and 26; Aug. 9 and 23. and Sept. 6 and 20. ported the receipt of $40 to date islatlon chalrro by contest, for a king and queen (or the cakeless cake sale. and their attendants, at the Mata- Frank V. Walsh, Jr., Trenton, tin in regard wan-Keyport Recreation center* presides as judge of the marine Walter 1 Maple pi., here at 10 a. m. Se- navigation court. Clerk of theBUB Line Changes urged mem lection will be based on appear- tidewater area, or part II of the to writ eto t ance, personality and cuteness. court, Is Eugene H. Mulvey, To Summer Schedule senator to n This event will be followed by Trenton. Mrs. Falle recreation program for children KEANSBURG — The New by-laws chair,.in at the Little League baseball York-Keansburg-Long Branch Ing of the conw' club. It will start at 1 p. m. and Bus line has announced change several change! include a' ball game. There will Registered in over to Its summer schedule of wilt be held In I be another block dance at Oak hourly service. Mrs. Harry * Shades fire house at 9 p. m. Swim Program Tho buses start from Ocean chairman, repo ave., Long Branch, move north poppy sale drh The Saturday parade will start RIVER PLAZA — Registered along the oceanfront and baymember- s whd at Atlantic ave., cross rt. 35 at from this place for the swimming shore area to Keansburg, and drive. Six Corners, proceed down Broad- program being sponsored by the from there make express sched- Mrs. Faller, way, turn left on Amboy rd., pass Louis T, Wlgdortz River Plaza Daycamp Commit- ules via the New Jersey Turn- man, read a : along Prospect ave. to Prospect tee, Inc. and the Red Cross atpike to the New York Port au- from Miss Shi... St., go on South Concourse and He announced that canisters Kepwell park were Michael and thority terminal at Times Square delegate to Jersey" Cliffwood ave., recross rt. 35 and Phyllis AltonbUrg, James, Mary are being placed in moat of the disband at the Little league field, Schedules also have been In- Mrs. Heliker re, communities from Keypott to Ann and Kathy Bender, Kenneth creased on the Newark run and Mrs. Jamea Ft. Myrtle ave., where refreshments Brltt, Ronald Breen, Janet, Paul Brlelle during July and August, will be served. Those buses oporato from Mon- man of the local 19S to see whether the canister Intake and William Buchanan, William mouth Beach along the ocean- drive, attended «..lun will be Increased through the In- A centennial pageant will be Castleman, Joseph Cavalerl, Ran- front and rt. 36 to the Keyport- 20. i^>. dl Sue Cavanaugh, Jean Clark, flux of summer visitors. held at 7:30 p'. m. Saturday in Rarltan township boundary, then Mrs. France, P. the high school auditorium, under Walter Dawson, Grace, Jean and to tho Public Service lermlna" nounced that seven, Other plans, he said, call for a John DeMarla, Alan and Jean Dl- klckoff dinner In mid-October— the direction of the school drama- In Newark. Routing has been and post members at tic teacher, Mrs. Herbert Git- Sciullo, Joanne and Susan Drey- transferred to the turnpike. annual past presidents1 hen special gifts will be solicit- er, David Farrell. ed—and the annual March on tens. A big fireworks display— Round-trip and 10-trlp com- the Ladies' auxiliary of lomes In November, when can- the area's largest ever—will take muter fares have been inaugu- Beach American Lectori John Fenton, Michael and Pat- rated. Steamboat service be- iters will be distributed in towns place at Cliffwood beach at 10 tl Ferguson, Glen Fontaine, Den- 22. ,it covered during the summer, p. m. tween Keansburg and the Bat Mrs. Ernest Noeren nis, Laurie and Michael Fox, Rob- tery, New York, now Is operated and projects chairmen will Made ready for the centennla ert Frake, Ann Fritz, Lawrence celved a special gI(t/Attendl: announced later, Mr. Wlgdortz was a book on the history of the dally. Bus tickets are honored on were Mrs. Prance, Mra. Hell Gersten, Joan Gllsey, Janice the steamboats for those who (led. township and souvenir plates and Guest, Bert, James and John Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Cora wish to make part of the trip to Bien, Mrs. Faller, Mra. Noe: Canisters are being distributed glasses. Homes, public buildings Hatner, Patricia Hansen, Rlcki New York by boat. the Road Knights, a local au- and the parade reviewing stand Henchen, Robert Hughes, Diane burg, Ijlrs. Al Adams, Mrs. lle club, under the chair- are decorated with flags, bunting Johnson, Feather Lacy, Marilyn er, MrA William Fuchs, Mrs. ship of Its adviser, Bobert and lights. Being displayed are Lawley, Dnnicl Layton, Charles Clayton G. Slarr mlc Bomandettl, Mrs. Hut] , Idreth. the maroon, gold and White town- Lloyd, Bill Long, Bruce MacLeod, O'Nell, Strs. Joseph Grasso, Also assisting in canister flls- ship colors and crest. KEANSBURG—Three of the Trophies for the best-appearing township, bast-appearing ambu- Marilyn MacStudy, Paul, Donna Promoted by Army Victor Rossotti. Mrs./Do: bution are John H. Hyer, Key- 50 units that took part In thesquad and the most men In thelance; Verona, best-appearing and Valerie Makely, Donald Ma- Leeser, Mrs. McCann, Mrs, Krai Keansburg first aid squad's 25th cellum, Dennis McCabe. Jamea GERMANY — Clayton G. Starr, Remington, Mrs, .George Seloh, ; Mayor Joseph Sholei, Un- line of march went to the Free- rescue truck; Bound Brook, best whose wlfo Patricia, lives at li r Beach; Michael J. Gormley, anniversary parade Saturday, hold first aid unit. The Spring equipped rescue truck. and John McConnell, Bert and Mrs. Andrew Sorber, Mra.:K pass the reviewing stand In pho- Lake squad won the trophy foe William McKlnnon, Main St., Port Monmouth, N. J. ney, Mrs. Jack Krelgt fanaburg; Spencer Hoos, Port 19 Drivers Pay The host squad served refresh- recently was promoted to special mmouth; Josephine Fapa, At- tos above. the best-equipped ambulance. ments after the parade on tho Lillian Cahlll, Mrs. StellaWfones, illc Highlands; Mrs. Michael At top Is the Keansburg squad, There were 36 squads from all school,grounds and at the head- Robert McKeon, James McLar- 1st second class In Germany, Mrs. Daniel Rahm, Mrs; 'Ruth, mak and Mrs. Charles Klnney, which was organized in 1932. In parts of the state in the parade. quarters on Carr aVe. en, Pamela and Shirley More- where he Is a member of theWest, and Mrs. Hubbard Stiles.' in Fines house, Lynne Morris, Donald 11th Alrborno division's 511th Sig- Ighlands; .Leonard Charnack, center photo is the string band The Spring Lake squad ai30 In the line of march, in addi- Tho Twlnilght auxiliary lea Bright; Mrs. Otto Havens, HIGHLANDS — Nineteen per- of Crescent Temple Shrine, Tren- won the prize for the best float.
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