INDEX Abercromby, James,402 Allen, Richard, 63 Abraham Went Out: A Biography of A.J. Allen, William, 505-507, 515-516, 518, Muste, by Jo Ann Ooiman Robinson, rev 520, 528, Quakers and politics, 547, 552, 323-324 554y556y55Sy575 Academy of Music, Philadelphia, 427 Allison, Emma, 123-124 Acker man, Gerald, 461 Alloway,John, 590 Ackworth School, England, 13 Allston, Washington, 648-649 Acosta, Jose de, 238 Almy, Mary Gould, 25 Activism* Abraham Went Out: A biography ofAmalgamated Textile Workers, 323 A.J. Muste, by Jo Ann Ooiman Robinson, American Federation of Labor, 327 rev., 323, 324, Breaking Bread: The Cath-The American Inquisition: Justice and Injustice olic Worker and the Origin of Catholic Rad- m the Cold War, by Stanley I. Kutler, rev., icalism in America, by Mel Piehl, rev., 486-487 326-328 American Literary Association, 196 Adams, Abigail, 645 American Museum, 151 Adams, Charles Francis, 153, 645-646 American Pageant Association, 444 Adams, George Washington, 646 American Philosophical Society, 87, 200, Adams, Henry, 645 211,443,615-616 Adams, John, 148, 399, 641, and Alexander American Revolution, Standards and Colors of Hamilton, 308-309, Descent from Glory- the American Revolution, by Edward W Four Generations of the John Adams Family, Richardson, rev., 305-306 by Paul C. Nagel, rev., 645-646, Diary of American Woman Suffrage Association, 120, John Adams. Volume I, November 1779- 129 March 1786, Volume 2, March 1786-De- American Workers Party, 323 cember 1788, David Grayson Allen et al America's Valley Forges and Valley Furnaces, by (eds.), rev., 153-155 J. Lawrence Pool, rev., 637-639 Adams, John Quincy, 645 Ames, Herman V., 210 Adams, Nabby, 646 Anglican Church See Church of England Adams, Samuel, 383, 388, 641 Anna (ship), 33 Addison, Joseph, 220, 224 Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of Affairs of Party: The Political Culture of Delaware, 1609-82, 195, 198 Northern Democrats m the Mid-NineteenthAnnals of Philadelphia (1830), 87 Century, by Jean H. Baker, rev., 650-651 Anne, Queen of England, 254 Agriculture, maple sugar and Henry Drink- Anthony, Susan B., 130-131 er's Union Farm, 607-629 Antifederalism "The Origins of the Nation- Albert, Peter J.. See Hoffman, Ronald alist Movement of 1780-1783 Congres- Alcoholic beverages and Indians, 610-612 sional Administration and the Continental Alcott, Bronson, 155 Army," by E. Wayne Carp, 363-92, Rural Aldndge, A. Owen, 149 Politics and the Collapse of Pennsylvania Alexander family, 416 Federalism, by Kenneth W. Keller, rev. Alexander Hamilton: A Biography, by Jacob 468-469 Ernest Cooke, rev.,308-310 The Anti-Masonic Party m the United States, Allen, David Grayson, Robert J. Taylor, 1826-1843, by William Preston Vaughn, Marc Friedlaender, and Celeste Walker rev., 646-648 (eds.), Diary of John Adams. Volume I, Antis, Frederick, 520 November 1779-March 1786, Volume 2, Archdeacon, Thomas, 492 March 1786-December 1788, rev., 153- Armstrong, Edward, 202, 214 155 Armstrong, John, 505-506 657 658 Arnold, Benedict, 371 Bassett, John Spencer, 204 Arson, 18th century Pennsylvania, 23-24 Batt, Jasper, 590-591 Art, "Thomas Eakins Reconsidered," essay Baughman, Peter, 526 review by Kathleen A. Foster of Thomas Bauman, John, rev. of Pennsylvania's Little Eakins, by Lloyd Goodrich, and Thomas New Deal, by Richard C. Keller, 159-160 Eakins: Arttst of Philadelphia, by Darrell Baumann, Roland M., 170, rev. of Letters of Sewell, 457-462 Delegates of Congress, 1774-1789, Vols Arthur, Abigail (Mrs Ebenezer Hazard), VI-VIII, Paul H. Smith etal. (eds ), 300- 195 302, "Samuel Hazard Editor and Archiv- Ashbndge, Aaron, 568 ist for the Keystone State," 195-215 Ashbndge, George, 568 Bayard, James, 651 Association of Catholic Trade Unions, 326- Baylor, Ronald, 636 327 Beard, Mary R., 321-322 Atkinson, Lydia, 17-18, 28 Beck, James W., 444 Atsion, New Jersey, iron works, 6, 609, Becker, Laura, 145 611-613,617 Beecher, Henry Ward, 137, 139 The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. A Belknap, Jeremy, 199 Genetic Text, J.A. Leo LeMay and Paul Bellah, Robert, 470 M. Zall(eds.), rev , 150-153 Bellomont, Lord, 412-413 Ayres, Mr., 345 Belmont, August, 651 Benezet, Anthony, 12, 64, 87, 98, 565, 571 Benson, Lee, 534 Berger, Raoul, 470 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 150-151 Berks County, "The Court Records of Phila- Bache, Henry W., 435 delphia, Bucks, and Berks Counties in the Bailis, Stanley, 636 Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, by Baker, Jean H., Affairs of Party. The Political Marylynn Salmon, 249-291 Culture of Northern Democrats m the Mid- Bernard, "Clyde Bernard" (Joseph Condor), Ntneteenth Century, rev., 650-651 350-358 Baker, William, 303-304 Bess (slave), 49-50 Baldwin Locomotive Works, 449, 454 Besse, Joseph, 597 Baltimore • The Nineteenth Century Black Cap- Beth, Loren, 293 ital, by Leroy Graham, rev., 479-480 Betten, Neil, 326 Baltzell, E. Digby, 466 Betterton, Martha (Mrs. Thomas Chalkley), Bancroft, George, 204, 650-651 217-218,231 Bankers Securities Corporation, 187-188 Betty (slave), 49-50, 53, 59-61 Barbadoes Packet (ship), 218 Bevin, Patrick, 29 Barber Elinor, 43 Bibliography of German Culture in America to Barber, Francis, 644 1940, by Henry A. Pochman and Arthur Barclay, Robert, 220, 589 R. Schultz, rev., 485-486 Barrjohn, 523, 528 Bicentennial Association of Pennsylvania, Barralet, John James, 303 426-427 Barton, Thomas, 526 Bicentennial Celebration of Pennsylvania, Bartram, John, "Telling a Wonder Dialectic 444 in the Writings of John Bartram," by Bicentennial of Pennsylvania, 1882, 426, William J Scheick, 235-248 428,432,436 Bartram, William, 240 Biddle, Edward, 508 Baruch, Bernard, 636 Biddle, Grace, 19,44 Basch, Norma, In the Eyes of the Law Women, Bigelow, John, 152 Marriage, and Property m Nineteenth-Cen- Bingham, Alfred 475 tury New York, rev. ,321-323. Bingham family, Fathers and Sons The Bing- Bashore, Ralph, 335 ham Family and the American Mission, by Bass, Herbert J., rev of Boss Rule in the Char Miller, rev., 475-477 Gilded Age: Matt Quay of Pennsylvania, by Bingham, Hiram, 475-476 James A Kehl, 483-485 Bingham, Hiram II, 476 659 Bingham, Hiram III, 475-476 Braude, Beatrice, 486-487 Bingham, Stephen, 475-476 Bray's Associates school, 64 Bining, Arthur C , 638 Breaking Bread: The Catholic Worker and the Black, Charles A., 205 Origin of Catholic Radicalism in America, by Blackshaw, Randolph, 34 MelPiehl, rev ,326-328 Blackstone, William 321 Bregler, Charles, 458 Blackwell, Antoinette Brown, 120 Brentall, Joseph, 153 Blaine, Ephraim, 366 Bridges, Harry, 486 Bland, Larry I. and Sharon R Ritenour Bnnghurst, John, 224 (eds.), The Papers of George Catlett Marsh- Bnnton, George, 66 all: Volume I, The Soldierly Spirit, Decem- Bnnton, Howard, 233 ber 1880-June 1939, rev. 160-162 Broades, Arthur, 39 Bland, Theodonck, 383 Brodhead, John, 199 Blankenburg, Rudolph, 174, 326, 440, 442- Bnnner, Edwin B., 263, 465 443 Brook Farm, Transcendentalist movement, Bloch, Herman D., 319 156 Bloomfield, Joseph, Citizen Soldier. The Rev- Brookhouse, Mary, 34-35, 43 olutionary War Journal of Joseph Bloomfield, Brookwood Labor College, 323 Mark E. Lender and James Kirby Martin Brouwer, Merle G., 56 (eds.), rev , 643-644 Brown, George, 67 Blunston, Samuel, 498, 500, 506 Brown, Martha (Mrs. Thomas Chalkley), Board of Motion Picture Censors (Pennsyl- 218 vania), 444 Brown, S.C ,315 Bockelman, Wayne, 493 Brown, William, 549, 561 Bodle, Wayne, 145 Browne, William, 147 Bodnar, John, Workers' World. Kinship, Com- Brownson, Orestes, 155 munity, and Protest m an Industrial Society, Brumbaugh, Martin G., 436, 444 1900-1940, rev, 481-483, with Roger Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, Mission for Life, The Simon and Michael P. Weber, Lives of Story of the Family of Adomram Judson, The Their Own: Blacks, Italians, and Poles in Dramatic Events of the First American For- Pittsburgh, 1900-1960, rev , 481-483 eign Missions, and the Course of Evangelical Bok, Curtis, 183, 188, photo, 181 Religion m the Nineteenth Century, essay re- Bolton, Mr., 64 view, 139-141 Bonafair, Morris, 335 Bruno, Alfred, 335 Bonnat, Leon, 461 Bruno, Anthony, 345 Boon, Gerrit, 626 Bruno, Arthur, 333-335 Bork, Robert, 470 Bruno, Frank, 345-346, 351 Bosinger, Carolina, 39 Bruno, Fred, 357 Boss Rule m the Gilded Age Matt Quay of Bruno, James, 332-333, 335, 345, 351 Pennsylvania, by James A. Kehl, rev , Bruno, Joe, 332-336, 348-352, 354-361 483-485 Bruno, Lewis, 345 Boston Convention, 1780,378-379 Bruno, Louis, 346, 348-349, 355 Bouquet, Henry, The Papers of Henry Bou- Bruno, Paul, 332-333,335 quet. Volume 4, September 1, 1759-August Bruno, Peter, 345,351 31, 1760, rev., 639-640 Bruno, Phil, 334-336, 348-349, 354 Bovanko, Michael (Larry), 333, 359 Bucks County, "The Court Records of Phila- Bowgh, Mary, 45 delphia, Bucks, and Berks Counties in the Bowne, Robert, 621 Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries," by Boyd, Julian, 154 Marylynn Salmon, 249-291 Bradbury, Eleanor, 33-34 Budd, Rebecca, 13 Bradbury, Roger, 34 Budd, Thomas, 591-592 Braddock, James, 505 Buhle, Man Jo, 113-114, 121 Bradshaw, John, 147 Bunker Hill, village, 340 Brady, Alice, 47 Burge, Betty, 34, 43 Brant, Sally, 19,37,40-42 Burgh, James, 310 660 Burgoyne, John, 301 Centennial celebration of 1876, 425, 428- Burke, Thomas, 301, 382 429, "Towards A New Century Women Burnaby, Andrew, 401 and the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibi- Burnett, Edmund C , 301 tion, 1876," by Mary Frances Cordato, Burnyeat, John, 224 113-135 Burr, Aaron, 309, 609 "Centennial Inauguration March," 117 Bur rage, Elizabeth, 47 Century Magazine, 431 Burt, Nathaniel, 192,465 Cerullo, John, 330, and Gennaro, Delena, Business
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