The Magazine of the APPLE, KIM, PET and Other Systems NO 12 $1.50 APPLE H/-RES GRAPHICS: The Screen Machine by Softapem Generator b y Bill Oc p c m COPYRIGHT 1979 SOFTAPE* 7 x 8 dot *»trix j or- restart, or backspace character* character* proora* Open the manual and LOAD the cassette. Then get ready to explore The "SCR EEN M ACHINE" gives you the option of saving your the world of Programmable Characters' with the SCREEN MA­ character symbols to disk or tape for later use. There is no compli­ C H IN E™ . You can now create new character sets - foreign alpha­ cated 'patching' needed. The SCREEN MACHINE is transparent to bets, electronic symbols and even Hi-Res playing cards, or, use the your programs. Just print the new character with a basic print state­ standard upper and lower case ASCII character set. ment. The "SCREEN MACHINE” is very easy to use. The "SCREEN M ACHINE" lets you redefine any keyboard character. Included on the cassette are Apple Hi-Res routines in SO FTAPES Just create any symbol using a few easy key strokes and the "SCREEN prefix format. You can use both Apple’s, routines and the SCREEN M ACHINE" will assign that symbol to the key of your choice. For MACHINE to create microcomputing's best graphics. example: create a symbol, an upside down " A " and assign it to the keyboard 'A' key. Now every time you press the 'A' key or when the Apple prints an ’A’ it will appear upside down. Any shape can be Cassette, and Documentation, a complete package . S19.95 assigned to any key! m v m i i i * FORTE * AN INTERPRET1UE HUSICM. LANGUAGE BY GARY J. SHANNON COPYRIGHT tC) 1979 BY SOFTAPE F t'4 Ot'Q By* 6 Fl/8 HY MMC< 13.B 13.11 MICROGAMMON 1.0 Learn, practice and inhance your Backgammon BR IG H T PEN What is the difference between a light and ability with a true competitor.................................................... $14.95 Pen? Intelligent Software and extensive documentation . APPLE-LIS'N ER Voice recognition Software. Create your own pro­ grams which 'listen' and understand 31 spoken words - English or Foreign. No hardware needed....................................................................S19.95 for your ^computer APPLE T A L K E R Your Apple s voice. Create programs which talk to from you in English or Spanish or any language. ......................................$15.95 SOFTAPE JU P ITE R EX P R ESS Command your ship thru the hazards of the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter .................................................$9.95 FO R TE' A music language, written like basic, you use line numbers for your notes. You can trace line numbers or notes. You can even print the words of any song. Save your song to your Disk $19.95 FORTH UC Is the creation of Wm. Graves. This language gives you faster execution of programs than basic and is easier to program than machine language. Our 100 page manual will teach you everything you will need. FO RTH X comes complete with demo programs on one Apple diskette......................................................................................... $49.95 WHERE TO GET IT; Look for the SOFTAPE Software display in your local computer store Apple dealers throughout the United States, Canada, South America, Europe and Australia carry the SO FTAPE Software line of quality products. If your local dealer is sold out of SO FTAPE Software you can order it direct from us by check or Visa/Master Charge. If you have any ques­ tions please call us at: VISA 1-213-985-5763 Q S Or mail your order to the address below. We'll add your name to our mailing list for free literature and announcements of new products. SOFTAPEr 10432 Burbank Blvd. • North Hollywood, CA 91601 s g i i STAFF HAY 1979 Editor/Publisher ISSUE NUMBER TWELVE Robert M. Tripp Business Manager Donna M. Tripp TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Assistant Maggie Fisher MICRO Interrupts 3 Circulation Manager An AIM 65 User's Notes 5 Carol A. Stark by Joe Burnett Distribution S-C Assembler II 9 Eileen M. Enos by Chuck Carpenter Janet Santaguida A PET Hex Dump Program 13 Micro-Systems Lab by Joseph Donato James R. Witt, Jr. Super HI-LO for the SYM-1 17 Stephen L. Allen by John Gieryic Chief Gofer Fred Davis A 100 uS 16 Channel Analog to Digital Converter 25 by J. C. Williams Real-Time Gaines on OSI 31 by David Morganstein ASK the Doctor - Part IV - Good News/ Bad News 35 by Robert M. Tripp MICRO" is published monthly by: MICRO Software Catalog: VIII 37 The COMPUTERIST®, Inc. by Mike Rowe P.O. Box 3 So. Chelmsford, MA 01824 Inside the KIM TTY Service 39 by Ben Doutre Controlled Circulation postage paid at: The Integer BASIC Token System in the Apple II 41 Chelmsford, MA 01824 by Frank Kirschner Publication Number: C0TR 395770 Programming the 6502: by Rodney Zaks 44 Subscription in US: $12.00/12 Issues reviewed by John D. Hirsch Entire contents copyright e 1979 by: Renumber Applesoft 45 by Chuck Carpenter The COMPUTERIST®, Inc. MICRO Index Volume II, Numbers 7 to 12 47 ADVERTISER'S INDEX CAP Electronics 33 Micro Technology Unlimited 22 Connecticut microcomputer 2 Optimal Technology, Inc. 40 C0MPAS Microsystems IBC P.S. Software House 33 Computer Components 34 Plainsman Micro Systems 40 Computer Forum 24 Programma International 8 The COMPUTERIST, Inc. 44 Progressive Software 26 Excert , Inc . 4 RNB Enterprises 16 H. Geller Computer Systems 17 Seawell Marketing 23 Hudson Digital Electronics 30 Softape IFC MICRO 44 Softside Software 12 Speakeasy Software BC Please address all correspondence, subscriptions and address changes to: MICRO, P.O. Box 6502, So. Chelmsford, MA 01824 617/256-5515 CONNECTICUT microCOMPUTER, Inc. J m 150 POCONO ROAD - BROOKFIELD, CONNECTICUT 06804 SYSTEMS (203) 775-9659 PETMOD •TEMPERATURE • VELO CITY • PRESSURE • db • pH • ACCELERATION RS-232 ANAMANl^ ] r • HUMIDITY INTERFACE MODULE In n n n n ^ • LIGHT LEVEL ANALOG • FLUID LEVEL MANIFOLD • ETC... MODULE m r 1 r..1. GPIB H3333 m MOD 1 ( T R S -8 0 MOD MANDIS1 XPANDR1 pTTTTTj HH1 J L GPIB (IEEE-488) T R S -8 0 INTERFACE INTERFACE MODULE n— r r m r ETC. DISPLAY MODULE EXPANDER MODULE DAM S Y S T E M S b y Cn.C A complete swstes of aodules to le i your computer lis te n to the re al world. DAM SYSTEMS PRICE LIST DAM SYSTEMS components KIMMOD - KIM Interface Module *39.95 Gives one application connector port and one DAN SYSTEMS interface port. AIM161 - AnaloS Input Module ■$1.79400 16 8 -bit analog inputs - 100 aicrosecond conversion tiae - CABLE "A" - Interconnect Cables TBA 3 slat* output - muires one 6 -bit cornier mini part Connects coaputer interface to AIHUr MAMDISl) XPAMRli for control and one 8 -bit coaputer input port for data. etc. AIM162 — Analog InFut Module *249 4 00 CABLE A24 - Interconnect Cable *19.95 As above plus! S-ealer accuracy - Sold plated contacts - 24 inch cable with interface connector on one end and an pilot l i * l - switch selectable starti enable and ready OCON eouivalent on Uie other. polarities. MANDIS1 - Manual and D isplay Module TB m PGU1 - Power Module *14.95 Connects between the AINU and the cow ter interface. Supplies powr for one AIHU aodule. Allows aanwal or cornier control of Uie AINU. Displays channel maber and data. ICON - Input Connector * 9 ,9 5 For camccUid analos inputs to Uie AINU - 20 pin card GPIB MOD - GPIB < IEEE-488 ) Interface TBA «tte connector - solder eyelets. Allow the BAN SYSTEMS MODULES to be used with the GPU bus instead of a aaruter's other I/O ports. OCON - Output Connector t9 4 9 5 For connecting the AINU to a coapuler - 20 pin card edfe RS232 MOD - RS232 Interface Module TBA connector - solder eyelets. Allows Uie DAH SYSTEMS MULES to be used with an RS-232 part or torainal. MANMOD1 — M a n i- fo ld M o d u le * 5 9 4 9 5 Use in Place of ICON. Screw tereinal barrier slru>s for XF'ANDRl — Expander Module TBA connecting joustidlsi potofftioaetorsi vollase sources. elc. Allows u p to 128 8-bit analog inputs (8 AINU Modules) to EliaiMtos Uie need for soldering. Pluss into Uie AIHU. be connected to one syslea. ANAMAN1 — Analog M anifold Module TBA Use w Place of ICON. Connects DAM SYSTEMS SENSORS to the DAM S Y S T E M S s e t s AIHU without soldering - sensor cables Just plus in, Plugs into the AMU or the NMN01. AIM161 Starter Set *189.00 SENSORS TBA Includes one AIMlili one POHlr one ICON and one OCON. Sensors for laweratorei pressure, flow, huaiditvi level > fNi astioni elc. AIM162 Starter Set *259.00 Includes one AIMU2. one POUli one ICON and one OCON. COMPUTER INTERFACES TBA 1 Place Fcr the PET• KINi TRS-80 elc. Use in of OCON. F'ETSETla *295.00 EliiiMUs Uie need for soldering or special construction. Includes one PETMOD. one CABLE A24> one AIHUli one POlIl and one HAMD1. PETMOD - PET Interface Module *49.95 Cives two IEEE nrtsi one user port and one BAN SYSTEMS KIMSETls *285.00 interface port. Saves wear and tor on the PET's printed Includes one HMD* one CABLE A24> one AIM1&1. one POM and circuit board. Also called Uie PETSAVR. one NAMD1. MIC R O INTERRUPTS NEXT IN TJI^S ISSUE CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS APPLESEED c/o The Computer Shop While this space is usually used to discuss the 6812 San Pedro contents of the current issue, I would like to San Antonio, TX 78216 use it this month to talk about the exciting new (No information was included on their current changes coming up in the June 1979 issue of meeting dates, nor was there a phone number MICRO.
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