GAFFERS LOG ISSUE NO. 92 NOVEMBER 2016 In this Issue: AGM, 14January 2017 OGACeltic Cruise Maritime Heritage Trust OGAAnnual Race reports Brest & DouarnenezFestivals NEWSLETTER OF THE ASSOCIA TION FOR GAFF RIG SAILING GAFFERS LOGNOVEMBER2016 CONTENTS Foreword 3 Foreword Celtic waters and down to Brest with representatives from almost all OGA Areas.Both Cruises are 4 FromtheQuarterdeck featured with contributions from severalparticipating 5 OGAAGM:14January, 2017 skippers, crews and at least one new member. 6 Maritime Heritage Trust:a message fromtheOGATrustee The Annual Race is an important event for each 7 Lookingahead:2017and2018 OGA Area.The new Log schedule has allowed these reports to be gathered together to illustrate the wide 8 OGAAreaRace: reports fromaroundtheAreas variety of what goes on across the Association in our 12 CruisinginCompany1:ʻBrest orBustʼ Area races. Publishing layouts for Area reports have ISSUE 92 |NOVEMBER2016 reports fromOGAskippers &crews also been re-structured to better utilise the format. 19 TrailerSection:UllswaterRally,2016 I’veoften thought of publishing ‘Lettersto the Editor: Beverley Daley-Yates After a glorious summer, winter is setting in with Editor’, but most correspondence is an exchange of OGAPhotographycompetition: 2016 +44(0)797 0943135 22 dark evenings and hard frosts. Why not make use of email or text messages,which doesn’t warrant space [email protected] 23 OGADinghyProposal this time to sort out your photos and enter the OGA in the Log. However, I’m pleased to publish extracts Please submitmaterial forthe 24 RaidEngland (inScotland): reportbyGeoffProbertwith ʻMollyʼ Photography Competition (p.22). from a handwritten letter receivedfrom Honorary March issue by24 February 2017 Life Member, Bill Gale in Australia (p.39). 10thTraditionalSail Festival,Holyhead This is the final issue of my term of office, but I have GENERALOG MANAGEMENTCOMMITTEE(GMC) 26 decided to stand for re-election as both Gaffers Log It’s interesting to reflect on the variety represented President:Sean Walsh East CoastOGAAnnualAugustCruise: 27 Editor and OGA Editor (Online). I look forward by the OGA fleet: hull construction, age, sizeand, [email protected] reports anda gallery ofphotographs to continuing for three yearsmore, if elected at the indeed, rig as we do welcome Bermudan as well as L Secretary: SueLewis 30 EastandWestwiththeTrailerSection: AGM, 2017, and look forward to meeting many of gaff, lug and spritsail rig boats. OGA President, Sean [email protected] NorfolkBroads, RutlandWater andtheRiver Dart you there at the new venue in January. Walsh, notes this diversity enriches the Association. Treasurer: TonyKiddle 32 FromScotland toBrest,andback: It is reflected in reports and photographs selected for [email protected] There has been plenty of activity to report on in publication in Gaffers Log and on the OGA website. ʻNaiadʼ was awardeda prizeforthefurthest boattravelled this issue, in particular the two OGA Cruises in Membership:Alistair Randall Company. More than 50 boats took part sailingthe Beverley Daley-Yates,Editor (Logandonline) [email protected] 33 CruisinginCompany2:OGACeltic Cruise Sailing CommitteeChair: Pete Thomas reports fromOGAskippers &crews [email protected] 39 LettertotheEditor:fromBill Gale,Sydney,Australia ‘Tis the season ... to stock up AREASECRETARIES 40 NOGnote:ʻGuidingStarʼ byPaulEedle with our NEW gorgeousand Contact details in 2016Yearbook 41 WelcomeAboard! gafferish Christmas cards. OGABOATREGISTER 42 ʻZebʼ:part 2of PaulBakerʼstransatlanticdeliverypassage Twoeach offour designs byfellow member Boat Register Editor: Pat Dawson Claudia Myatt, only£5including UKpostage. [email protected] 45 PlymouthClassicBoatRally report,2016 See p.57fordetails ofhowtoorder orvisit GAFFERS LOGPRODUCTION 46 AreaReports:briefupdatesfromaroundtheAreas the OGAShop onthe website: Graphic design: Steve Daley-Yates TalesfromtheBoatyards: threeboatslaunchedin2016 www.oga.org.uk/shop Print andfulfilment: Northend 50 Noticeboard MERCHANDISE 54 MarionShirley: [email protected] 56 OGAmerchandise +44(0)2381 787148 or 58 Membersʼblogs:rebuilds and cruising +44(0)774 821 8444 www.oga.org.uk/shop 59 Membersʼdiscounts:BloomsburyPublishing,Ratsey &Lapthorn, Practical Boat Owner,LodestarBooksand Classic Sailor AFFERS Coverphoto:Essex smackʻSallieʼ, CK224 61 Membersʼadverts www.oga.org.uk/boat/sallie Photo: Steve Daley-Yates 67 OGAOnline Boat Register update OGA,TheDolphinHouse7,G Church Street, Harwich, CO123DS 3 GAFFERS LOGNOVEMBER2016 GAFFERS LOGNOVEMBER2016 Fromthe Quarterdeck OGAAGM:Saturday 14 January 2017 We are at season’send once again, our vesselsare laid- Venue &discounted hotel offer 2017 AGM AGENDA up, with engines winterised, covers on with sails folded and bagged. Time now to attend our AreaAGMs, an Wetherspoons,The Ledger Building, 1. President’sWelcome opportunity to get involved,volunteer for Committee, turn 4Hertsmere Rd, LondonE14 4AL 2. Apologies up, speak up, let your Officers know what you want and give NearestDLRstation:Westferry 3. Approvalof minutes of the last thanks for their hard work. Meeting 4pmfollowed by meeting (March 2016 GaffersLog p.6) self-order bar anddinner I’vesaid it before, but it merits another mention, our 4. Matters arising from the minutes of the beloved OGA will alwaysbenefit from change: new blood, For information aboutbookingyour last meeting new ideas,new hands on tillers. During our DBOGA overnighthotelatExcel, with an 5. Treasurer’sreport: Regatta this season I arranged for my sons to race ‘Tir na OGAdiscount, visit the OGAwebsite: presentation of accounts www.oga.org.uk/events/association-agm-2017 n’Og’ for me. I crewed, hauled sheets when bidden and 6. Review of subscription charges watched with increasing delight as they dealt with the fresh ProposedRule changes 7. Secretary’s report conditions, made the right calls and sailed a terrific race. It Pickering Amendmentto Rule 4membership: new 8. Membership Secretary’sreport was wonderful to see how well they fared, and much they paragraphtobeaddedas follows: had enjoyed themselves. I’ll treasure that day’smemory 9. Report on Boat Register forever and look forward eagerlyto our next sail together. Photo:Tony 4(b)Use ofpersonal data 10. ‘S by SW 2017’ and 55th Anniversary MembershipoftheAssociation andacceptance event 2018 If we can all manage a similar handover, our dear old OGA Your GMC has researched an exciting new of these Rules bya memberwill be deemed 11. Report on proposed OGA class dinghy (and our vessels)will be in good hands with an assured OGA gaff rigged dinghy design from Andrew toconstitute consent tothe holdingofrelevant future under newer, younger skippers, just what is needed. Wolsternholme for home build. Something personal data for the purposeofthe DataProtection 12. Vote on Rule changes: see panel Our Youth SailingProgramme is gaining momentum with for Dad and the young ones to build Act 1998 or any statutory amendmentfor the time 13. Election of Officers (nominations below) many more boys and girls experiencing what its like to sail beingin force, for the publication of amemberʼs together. It looks terrific, with a pretty sheer 14. Members’questions on a Gaffer, and I can attest that they all seem to love it. address andother contact details in theYearbook, and a sporty gaff rig, which promises good andalso for the use of the memberʼsemail address performance. Just the ticket to encourage for communicationsonAssociation business from Thisends theformal business ofthe meeting,followed by: Sea CadetsjoinSean aboard ʻTirna nʼOgʼat HolyheadFestival, 2016 more young sailors into Gaff rig (p.23). timetotime. Amemberwhowishes anyof his or 1. Results of OGA Photography Competition Photo:RichardBurnell You will hear more about it at our AGM in her data notso to be published or used mustnotify January, 2017. theMembershipSecretary in writing. 2. Presentation of Association Trophies Proposed:Alistair Randall 3. Brief illustrated report: I was reflecting the other day on how diverse Seconded: Sue Lewis OGA at Brest 2016 we are in the OGA, this is mostly down to the wisdom of our founding fathers. We AmendmenttoRule 8Racing Rules: revere and promote the gaff rig above all, Current wording: Election ofOfficers yet we have alwayswelcomed other rigs into Wherepossible at least onerace forgaff rigged Use image ‘Sean-quarterdeck’in Images our fellowship. We are inclusive, and not boatsshall beheld in each Area each year under Nominations received for Officers of the Association folder exclusive. We warmly welcome members theRacing Rules ofSailing (2009-2012)or subsequent amendmentsthereto or replacements President: Alistair Randall who own no vessels,members with gaffers, Caption: ‘Tir na n’Og’ with two SeaCadets thereof,AssociationPrescriptions andLocal Area Proposed: Sean Walsh (Dublin Bay) spritsail or luggers, members with motor aboard during the parade of sail at the Race Instructions. Seconded: Gary Lyons (N Ireland) boats and members with Bermudan rigs. This Holyhead Traditional Sail Festival,2016 by diversity enriches us all. Tobe amended to: Richard Burnell Gaffers Log Editor: Beverley Daley-Yates Wherepossible at least onerace forgaff rigged Proposed: Ben Collins (Solent) Make a plan to join us at the OGA AGM on boatsshall beheld in each Area each year under Seconded: Jim Bell (North West) 14 January, 2017. It’s alwaysa treat to greet theprevailing versionof Racing Rules ofSailing or members from all Areas and I look forward subsequent amendmentsthereto or replacements
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