CRYSTALLINE COHOMOLOGY 07GI Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Divided power envelope 2 3. Some explicit divided power thickenings 6 4. Compatibility 8 5. Affine crystalline site 8 6. Module of differentials 11 7. Divided power schemes 16 8. The big crystalline site 17 9. The crystalline site 20 10. Sheaves on the crystalline site 23 11. Crystals in modules 24 12. Sheaf of differentials 25 13. Two universal thickenings 27 14. The de Rham complex 28 15. Connections 29 16. Cosimplicial algebra 30 17. Crystals in quasi-coherent modules 31 18. General remarks on cohomology 36 19. Cosimplicial preparations 38 20. Divided power Poincaré lemma 40 21. Cohomology in the affine case 41 22. Two counter examples 44 23. Applications 46 24. Some further results 47 25. Pulling back along purely inseparable maps 53 26. Frobenius action on crystalline cohomology 58 27. Other chapters 60 References 61 1. Introduction 07GJ This chapter is based on a lecture series given by Johan de Jong held in 2012 at Columbia University. The goals of this chapter are to give a quick introduction to crystalline cohomology. A reference is the book [Ber74]. This is a chapter of the Stacks Project, version 77243390, compiled on Sep 28, 2021. 1 CRYSTALLINE COHOMOLOGY 2 We have moved the more elementary purely algebraic discussion of divided power rings to a preliminary chapter as it is also useful in discussing Tate resolutions in commutative algebra. Please see Divided Power Algebra, Section 1. 2. Divided power envelope 07H7 The construction of the following lemma will be dubbed the divided power envelope. It will play an important role later. 07H8 Lemma 2.1. Let (A, I, γ) be a divided power ring. Let A → B be a ring map. Let J ⊂ B be an ideal with IB ⊂ J. There exists a homomorphism of divided power rings (A, I, γ) −→ (D, J,¯ γ¯) such that ¯ Hom(A,I,γ)((D, J, γ¯), (C, K, δ)) = Hom(A,I)((B, J), (C, K)) functorially in the divided power algebra (C, K, δ) over (A, I, γ). Here the LHS is morphisms of divided power rings over (A, I, γ) and the RHS is morphisms of (ring, ideal) pairs over (A, I). Proof. Denote C the category of divided power rings (C, K, δ). Consider the func- tor F : C −→ Sets defined by ϕ :(A, I, γ) → (C, K, δ) homomorphism of divided power rings F (C, K, δ) = (ϕ, ψ) ψ :(B, J) → (C, K) an A-algebra homomorphism with ψ(J) ⊂ K We will show that Divided Power Algebra, Lemma 3.3 applies to this functor which will prove the lemma. Suppose that (ϕ, ψ) ∈ F (C, K, δ). Let C0 ⊂ C be the subring 0 0 generated by ϕ(A), ψ(B), and δn(ψ(f)) for all f ∈ J. Let K ⊂ K ∩ C be the 0 0 0 ideal of C generated by ϕ(I) and δn(ψ(f)) for f ∈ J. Then (C ,K , δ|K0 ) is a divided power ring and C0 has cardinality bounded by the cardinal κ = |A| ⊗ |B|ℵ0 . Moreover, ϕ factors as A → C0 → C and ψ factors as B → C0 → C. This proves assumption (1) of Divided Power Algebra, Lemma 3.3 holds. Assumption (2) is clear as limits in the category of divided power rings commute with the forgetful functor (C, K, δ) 7→ (C, K), see Divided Power Algebra, Lemma 3.2 and its proof. 07H9Definition 2.2. Let (A, I, γ) be a divided power ring. Let A → B be a ring map. Let J ⊂ B be an ideal with IB ⊂ J. The divided power algebra (D, J,¯ γ¯) constructed in Lemma 2.1 is called the divided power envelope of J in B relative to (A, I, γ) and is denoted DB(J) or DB,γ (J). Let (A, I, γ) → (C, K, δ) be a homomorphism of divided power rings. The universal property of DB,γ (J) = (D, J,¯ γ¯) is ring maps B → C divided power homomorphisms ←→ which map J into K (D, J,¯ γ¯) → (C, K, δ) and the correspondence is given by precomposing with the map B → D which corresponds to idD. Here are some properties of (D, J,¯ γ¯) which follow directly from the universal property. There are A-algebra maps (2.2.1)07HA B −→ D −→ B/J The first arrow maps J into J¯ and J¯ is the kernel of the second arrow. The elements γ¯n(x) where n > 0 and x is an element in the image of J → D generate J¯ as an ideal in D and generate D as a B-algebra. CRYSTALLINE COHOMOLOGY 3 07HB Lemma 2.3. Let (A, I, γ) be a divided power ring. Let ϕ : B0 → B be a surjection of A-algebras with kernel K. Let IB ⊂ J ⊂ B be an ideal. Let J 0 ⊂ B0 be the inverse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 image of J. Write DB0,γ (J ) = (D , J¯ , γ¯). Then DB,γ (J) = (D /K , J¯ /K , γ¯) 0 where K is the ideal generated by the elements γ¯n(k) for n ≥ 1 and k ∈ K. 0 Proof. Write DB,γ (J) = (D, J,¯ γ¯). The universal property of D gives us a homo- morphism D0 → D of divided power algebras. As B0 → B and J 0 → J are surjec- 0 tive, we see that D → D is surjective (see remarks above). It is clear that γ¯n(k) is in the kernel for n ≥ 1 and k ∈ K, i.e., we obtain a homomorphism D0/K0 → D. Conversely, there exists a divided power structure on J¯0/K0 ⊂ D0/K0, see Divided Power Algebra, Lemma 4.3. Hence the universal property of D gives an inverse 0 0 D → D /K and we win. In the situation of Definition 2.2 we can choose a surjection P → B where P is a polynomial algebra over A and let J 0 ⊂ P be the inverse image of J. The 0 previous lemma describes DB,γ (J) in terms of DP,γ (J ). Note that γ extends to a divided power structure γ0 on IP by Divided Power Algebra, Lemma 4.2. Hence 0 0 DP,γ (J ) = DP,γ0 (J ) is an example of a special case of divided power envelopes we describe in the following lemma. 07HC Lemma 2.4. Let (B, I, γ) be a divided power algebra. Let I ⊂ J ⊂ B be an ideal. Let (D, J,¯ γ¯) be the divided power envelope of J relative to γ. Choose elements ft ∈ J, t ∈ T such that J = I + (ft). Then there exists a surjection Ψ: Bhxti −→ D of divided power rings mapping xt to the image of ft in D. The kernel of Ψ is generated by the elements xt − ft and all X δn rtxt − r0 P whenever rtft = r0 in B for some rt ∈ B, r0 ∈ I. Proof. In the statement of the lemma we think of Bhxti as a divided power ring 0 with ideal J = IBhxti + Bhxti+, see Divided Power Algebra, Remark 5.2. The existence of Ψ follows from the universal property of divided power polynomial rings. Surjectivity of Ψ follows from the fact that its image is a divided power subring of D, hence equal to D by the universal property of D. It is clear that xt − ft is in the kernel. Set M X R = {(r0, rt) ∈ I ⊕ B | rtft = r0 in B} t∈T P If (r0, rt) ∈ R then it is clear that rtxt − r0 is in the kernel. As Ψ is a homomor- P 0 P phism of divided power rings and rtxt − r0 ∈ J it follows that δn( rtxt − r0) is in the kernel as well. Let K ⊂ Bhxti be the ideal generated by xt − ft and the P elements δn( rtxt − r0) for (r0, rt) ∈ R. To show that K = Ker(Ψ) it suffices to show that δ extends to Bhxti/K. Namely, if so the universal property of D 0 gives a map D → Bhxti/K inverse to Ψ. Hence we have to show that K ∩ J is 0 preserved by δn, see Divided Power Algebra, Lemma 4.3. Let K ⊂ Bhxti be the ideal generated by the elements P (1) δm( rtxt − r0) where m > 0 and (r0, rt) ∈ R, [m] 0 (2) xt0 (xt − ft) where m > 0 and t , t ∈ I. CRYSTALLINE COHOMOLOGY 4 0 0 0 We claim that K = K ∩J . The claim proves that K ∩J is preserved by δn, n > 0 by the criterion of Divided Power Algebra, Lemma 4.3 (2)(c) and a computation of δn of the elements listed which we leave to the reader. To prove the claim note that K0 ⊂ K ∩ J 0. Conversely, if h ∈ K ∩ J 0 then, modulo K0 we can write X h = rt(xt − ft) 0 0 P for some rt ∈ B. As h ∈ K ∩ J ⊂ J we see that r0 = rtft ∈ I. Hence (r0, rt) ∈ R and we see that X h = rtxt − r0 0 is in K as desired. 07KE Lemma 2.5. Let (A, I, γ) be a divided power ring. Let B be an A-algebra and IB ⊂ J ⊂ B an ideal. Let xi be a set of variables. Then DB[xi],γ (JB[xi] + (xi)) = DB,γ (J)hxii Proof. One possible proof is to deduce this from Lemma 2.4 as any relation be- tween xi in B[xi] is trivial. On the other hand, the lemma follows from the universal property of the divided power polynomial algebra and the universal property of di- vided power envelopes.
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