P F ACULTIES VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS ADMISSION CONDITIONS SCHOLARSHI Maritime Management Vocational School of Health Services 50% tonal Students Maritime Management 4 Medical Imaging Techniques (**) 2 on tuton fee for Interna One or more of the followng certfi cates and dplomas are requred n order to make Maritime Studies Physiotherapy (**) 2 an applcaton: Maritime Transportation Management Engineering 4 First and Emergency Aid (**) 2 Marine Engineering 4 Operating Room Services (**) 2 Hgh School Dploma For applcaton Dentistry Anesthesia (**) 2 Hgher Secondary Certfi cate process, please check Dentistry (Turkish) 5 Oral and Dental Health (**) 2 Dentistry (English) 5 Electroneurophysiology (**) 2 Internatonal Baccalaureate (IB), GCSE, IGCSE Exam results www.aday.kyrena.edu.tr Education Elderly Care (**) 2 ACT, SAT, WAEC, NECO, GAOKAO Exam Results Psychological Counselling and Guidance (**) 4 Dental Prosthetics Technology (**) 2 ACSEE Exam Results (For Tanzanan Students) Turkish Language Teaching (**) 4 Vocational School of Aviation Special Education Teaching (**) 4 Civil Aviation Cabin Services 2 AGCSE (A2) Exam Results (For Rwandan Students) English Language Teaching (**) 4 Civil Air Transportation Management 2 BACCALAUREATE Exam Results (For Lebanese, Iraq And Syran Students) Arts And Sciences Maritime Vocational School CERTIFICATE OF SUCCESS (Attestaton De Reustte) (For Students from D.R. Of Congo) Psychology (**) 4 Underwater Technologies (**) 2 Aviation and Space Sciences Maritime Transportation Management 2 DIPLOMA DEBIRESTAN Exam Results (For Iranan Students) Maritime Management and Operations 2 Vst our Webste and choose the program Aeronautical Engineering 4 Hgher Secondary Certfi cate Exam Results (Pakstan, Indan And Bangladesh) Ship Machinery https://kyrena.edu.tr/ Pilotage – Professional Pilot Training 4 2 KCSE Exam Results (For Kenyan Students) Aviation Management 4 Vocational School of Technical Sciences Send your academc documents to Law Computer Programming (**) 2 TAWJIHI Exam Results (For Jordanan And Palestnan Students) [email protected] Environmental Protection and Control (**) 2 Law (Turkish) 4 UACE Exam Results (For Ugandan Students) ...to new hizons Vocational School of Foreign Languages Law (English) 4 The Admsson Staff wll evaluate t Applied English – Turkish Translation 2 Economics and Administrative Sciences Hgh School Dploma (For All Other Overseas Students) Issue the Condtonal Acceptance Vocational School of Justice Business Administration 4 Justice(**) 2 Transfer the Intal Payment International Relations 4 2021 - 2022 Vocational School of Foreign Languages Issue the Fnal Acceptance Banking and Finance 4 Applied English - Turkish Translation 2 FACILITIES Fly to us for Regstraton and Tourism and Hotel Management 4 School of Foreign Languages ACADEMIC YEAR start your program Logistics Management 4 English Preparatory School Internatonal Dploma Grand Lbrary Marne Safety Tranng Center Architecture Aeronautical Engineering and Pilotage English Preparatory School Fully Equpped Hosptal Cafetera Shp Smulaton Labs Architecture (**) 4 Foundation Programme Fully Equpped Dental Hosptal Whatsapp Number E-mail Tel /No Interior Architecture (**) 4 Statonery Store - Copy Center Laboratores (Basc Scences, Engineering POST GRADUATE PROGRAMS Tranng Hotel Near East Bank Branch, ATM Dentstry, Medcne, Computer, General Inqury [email protected] Mechanical Engineering 4 etc.) +90 392 650 26 00 / 4400 Graduate School of Applied Sciences Two Tranng Planes Computer Engineering 4 Accommodaton (*) Rectorate [email protected] Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering (PhD ) 3 Flght Smulaton Tranng Devce Electrical and Electronic Engineering 4 Internatonal Offce (Onlne Applcatons) 0548 841 12 16 +90 392 650 26 00 / 4165 Civil Engineering 4 Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering English 2 Two Tranng And Research Vessels [email protected] Software Engineering 4 Big Data Analytics 2 Internatonal Offce (Internatonal Offce) behnaz.ntoff[email protected] pembe.ntoff[email protected] Pharmacy Graduate School of Social Sciences (*) Unversty of Kyrena provdes accommodaton wth Park Palace Resdence and Near East Unversty (NEU) +90 392 650 26 00 / 4400 Pharmacy 5 Business Administration (English) 2 dormtores located n NEU Campus n Ncosa. NEU dormtores have economc, standard, luxury, apart and Communcaton and Corporate Relatons Offce Health Sciences [email protected] Business Administration (Turkish) 2 resdence type of rooms. Park Palace Resdence whch s wthn 5 mnutes walkng dstance from unversty (Prospectve Studentswho are ctzens of the 0548 856 26 00 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (**) 4 +90 392 650 26 00 / 1044 Aviation Sciences 2 campus has been open to servce. Turksh Republc) Nursing (Turkish) 4 Banking and Finance (***) 2 Communcaton and Corporate Relatons Offce Nursing (English) +90 392 650 26 00 / 4938 4 (Prospectve Students who are ctzens of the 0542 880 26 00 [email protected] Nutrition And Dietetics (**) 4 International Relations (***) 2 Turksh Republc) Medicine Graduate School of Health Sciences Gommuncaton and Corporate Relatons Offce +90 392 650 26 00 / 4130 Medicine (Turkish) 6 Clinical Embryology (Turkish) 2 (TRNC Prospectve Students) 0548 841 12 17 [email protected] Medicine (English) 6 Clinical Embryology (English) 2 0548 841 12 18 (*) Prospective students are obliged to take the English Prociency Test. Depending on their score F: +90 392 650 26 50 Student Affars Offce +90 392 650 26 00 / 4401- 4402 they may be required to study the English Foundation program at Prep School, which an additional year Immunology-Allergy (PhD) 3 [email protected] will be added to complete their education. studentaff[email protected] (**) Medium of instruction is Turkish only. (***) These programs are offered with without thesis and with thesis options . QUALITY MANAGEMENT SOCIAL LIFE & UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES UNIVERSITY OF KYRENIA Our programs are approved by local and nternatonal authortes and regular nspectons are Besde ts hstorc stes and natural beautes, Northern Cyprus offers opportuntes for students carred out. to mprove themselves and become more socal wth alternatves such as paragldng, campng, hkng routes and cultural festvals. ABOUT US The majorty of the Unversty’s Martme programs are mplemented n full complance wth the Unversty of Kyrena, establshed n 2013, s one of the fastest regulatons and standards lad down by the Internatonal Martme Organzaton (IMO) and the Our unversty organzes varety of student actvtes throughout the year: Orentaton programs growng unverstes n Cyprus wth ts; Mnstry of Transport, Martme Affars and Communcaton of the Republc of Turkey. for freshers, Internatonal Students Day, Whte Coat Ceremones, Career Days, Marne Programs Unform Transton Days, Sprng Festval, varous events, conferences, semnars, etc. Student-centered nnovatve and partcpatory learnng approach; Unversty of Kyrena Flght Tranng Organsaton (FTO) s approved by the Turksh Cvlan Avaton Authorty (TCAA) Drectorate of General Cvlan Avaton (DGCA), wth the certfi caton number ‘TR- Facultes of Medcne and Dentstry provde well-rounded educaton havng all the benefi ts FTO (A)-32’. Inspectons, as part of the qualty assurance process, are carred out by the DGCA and SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CLUBS of the unversty’s hosptal and dental hosptal, whch are equpped wth latest technology Internal Qualty Management Team n accordance wth Internatonal Cvl Avaton Organzaton The objectves of the student clubs afflated wth Unversty of Kyrena, Health, Culture and Sports Department; to educate students nfrastructure, medcal laboratores and magng equpments; (ICAO) and European Avaton Safety Agency (EASA) regulatons and requrements. who can take ntatve, have strong socal and cultural aspects, are actve, have a sense of soldarty, can work ndvdually and n teams. As well as gvng mportance to qualty educaton, many actvtes are organzed at the Unversty of Kyrena to renforce ths objectve. Professonal Plot Tranng Department under Faculty of Avaton and Space Scences provdes New actvtes and facltes are provded every year n lne wth the demands of the students. We have 23 clubs and 8 teams under the roof of Health, Culture and Sports Department wthn our unversty. Our unversty, whch s located very close to Kyrena cty center, practcal tranng wth the Flght Smulaton Tranng Devce and the Unversty’s two tranng also uses ths advantage n ts socal and cultural actvtes. planes; Facultes, Academy and Vocatonal School programs specalzed n Martme and Martme Management subjects provdes tranng wth advanced shp smulaton rooms, two tranng SHARED FACILITIES WITH NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY and research vessels; Programs talored to meet the nternatonal qualty level of publc and prvate sectors; Workng wth the best n class academc and admnstratve staff; Opportunty to access and use resources, nfrastructure and 30 years of ndustry experence of sster unversty - Near East Unversty (NEU); Modern campus stuated along the seashore, at a safe locaton and near the cty center; Unversty of Kyrena has a total of 46 programs wth 13 Facultes, 1 Academy, 6 Vocatonal Unversty of Kyrena has a total of 46 programs wth 13 Facultes, 1 Academy, 6 Vocatonal Schools and 9 Postgraduate Programs. Schools and 9 Postgraduate Programs. All programs are approved by YODAK/YOK. Medum of nstructon s both n Englsh and Turksh. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Unversty of Kyrena offers varous scholarshp opportuntes: 50% scholarshp for all nternatonal VISION students for selected programs. Sports scholarshp, Specal Package Offers, Sblng Dscount,
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