Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine Arkansas Baptist History 7-20-1961 July 20, 1961 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews Part of the Christianity Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "July 20, 1961" (1961). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine. 96. https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews/96 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arkansas Baptist History at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ARKANSAS J;}xecutive Board 'Missing 'Faces' Problem Solved 750/o is too much BY GEORGE HARMON W H AT could Arkansas Baptist Churches do with $35,141,214? The 301,- Religion Editor, Jacksonville (Fla.) Journal 435 Baptist church members in Arkan­ sas withheld t h a t E'very extension member gets at much of their tithes ELDERLY people who are bed- least one visit each month. The from . the churches ridden, or too feeble to leave home extension visitors stay at a home last year. Think of often, pose a special problem to from 10 minutes to one hour . it, 75 percent of the tithe in Baptist pock­ churches. They read and discuss the ets. So do "Sunday workers" - week;s Sunday school lesson, pray, Still we · hear over policemen, firemen, . waitresses, deliver messages from other and over again, "Our church is a giving service station operators, and em- church members and distribute church - the major­ ployees of firms that stay open on Home Life, a monthly magazine ity of the members the Sabbath. ' published by' the Southern Baptist tithe." · Without some sYstem of keeping Sunday School Board in Nashville. DR. DOUGLAS This is a local church problem. The denominatien can these people in contact with their The extension visitors also dig offer suggestions, formulate plans, and churches, their names would soon into their own pockets to pay for offer help, but thr. solution to the prob­ fade from the membership rolls. "special kindness" gift's for the at- lem must (as in every other phase of Many churches are solving the home members. Baptist life) always come from the church. ' problem of "the missing faces" ~ Among Trevine's staff 0f visitors There are many things that produced through their extension depart- ,is the church secretary, who also this situation. For instance, not long ments. And the extension depa-rt- is an expert at rearranging the ago we noticed an usher helping pass ment at Jacksonville's First Bap- church's flowers after Sunday the plate at a Sunday morning service who would not ever turn his head to tist Church is believed to be the night services and distributing watch the plate. He walked dow11- the largest in Florida. - them to homes of extension me~- aisle from seat r6w to seat row with Joe C. Trevine, a retired Naval bers. head erect, eyes forward. As the plate was pa!i)sed to the last person on each Air Station aircraft mechanic and Another visitor's specialty in of the pews, that individual had to lit­ deacon at First Baptist, has been the "special kindness" department erally shove the plate into the usher's superintendent of the extension are the pecan cakes which she hand. This church servant no doubt, had department 14 years. bakes at home, while still another heard that he must ·help fulfill the scrip­ ture, "Let not thy left hand know what "We've got an . enrollment of visitor is an expert with home- thy right hand doeth." 230 members -91 at-home mem- made candy. This, and other attitudes toward bers, and 139 Sunday workers such One of the most active workers money have helped to grow . some of the as nurses, doctors, and telephone is an 81-year old visitor. And a most careless, indifferent, and critical church members that any age ever pro­ · operators," he said. husband-wife team has been de- duced. "The elderly people are 110 longer voting ·at least twd days weekly Christian advance all over the world able to attend Sunday school or as church visitors for five years. depends upon the Christian stewardship church regularly, but they were A 93-year-old-timer at First of local church members. Then that once the backbone of our church. Baptist receives the regular visits member keeps 75 percent of the tithe in his pocket. "Through our extensio:p. depart- from extension workers. A retired (Continued on page 19) ment, they realize tha:t people are railroader, he has been a member still thinking of them. They no of the church_ since 1906. longer think the world is through Trevine has four associate sup- "ARKANSAS' with them." erintendents in the extension de- LARGEST Trevine has 45 specially trained partment. He summed up the RELIGIOUS chul'ch members on his staff of work of the department this way: WEEKLY" visitors. They make more than "When people can't get to S)Jnday 401 WEST CAPiroL 300 visits monthl'y to homes of School, 'we take Sunday School to . , liTTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Official Pub.ication of the p'eople on the extension roll. them." Arkansas Baptist State Convention ERW IN l. McDONALD, litt.D. ____ __ Edltor New Arkansas Baptist subscribers MRS. E. F. STOKES. .Associate Editor MRS .. HARRY GIBERSON ____Secretary to Editor MRS. GARY laRUE________ .... Mail ( Jerk Church Association Pastor Published weekly except on July 4 and December 25. New btldget: · Second-class postage paid aT Little Rock, Arkansas. Individual subscriptions; $2.25 p.er year. Church Keiser, New Bethel Mississippi County Robert H. Moon Budget 14 cents per month or $1.68 per year per church' family, Club plan (10 or more paid annually (After 3-month free offer for new church) : in advance) $1.75 per year. Subscriptions to foreign address, $3.75 per year. Advertising rates on req uest. Fayetteville, Ridgeview Washington-Madison Pastorless; Doyle The cost of cuts cannot be borne by the paper ex­ Magu~re, cept those it has made for its individoal use. treasurer Articles carrying the author's by-line do not .neces· ·(After 1-month free offer): sari ly reflect the editori al policy of the paper. Abbreviations used in crediting news items: Vine Chapel Greene County George McGhehey . BP Baptist Press; CB church bulletin; DP Daily press, •EP Evange lical Press.· One-month free trial offer : Jonesboro, New Hope Mt. Zion Max L. Taylor July 20, 1961 yolum·e.60, Number 28 1. _Page T.w o ARKANSAS BAPTIST The Cover Christian answers to family problems "CHRISTIAN Answers to Fam­ selling for the Midwest Christian ily Pro)Jlems" is the theme of the Counselling Center, Kansas City. Christian Life Commission's Glor­ The Ridgecrest conferences, Aug. ieta and Ridgecrest conferences to 24-30, will be led by Dr. 0. T. Bink­ be held in August. ley and Dr. David R. Mace. Dr. Specific subjects are: "Biblical Binkley is professor of Christian Foundations for Responsible Fam­ Ethics and dean of the facuity at ily Living," "The Church and the Southeastern Seminary and Dr. Family: Competitors or Col­ Mace, one of the world's foremost leagues?", "Teen-Age Marriages," authorities on family life, is execu­ "Birth Control and Planned Parent­ tive director of the American As­ hood," "The Churches Face the Di­ sociation of Marriage Counselors, vorce Problem," "Inter-faith Mar­ with offices in New York. riages," 1'Working Wives and Mo­ Those wishing to attend either of thers" and "The Christian Family these conferences should make res­ and Its Aged Members." ervations with the Glorieta or The conferences will feature a Ridg~crest encampment managers. message on ·each of ·these subjects At both encampments the Christian and each message will be followed Life conferences will coincide with -Photo by Erw.in L.· McDonald by an informal di'scussion period. the annual Bible conferences. Foy Valentine, executive secre­ The Glorieta ·conferences, Aug. '3fl~ fle41t4 '3fla.t~d tary of the Christian Life Commis­ 10-16, will be led by Dr. T. B. Mas­ sion, said the Commission is hope­ ton and Dr. Lofton Hudson. Dr. BusiNESS is conducted as usual ful that these special conferences in this scene taken recently on a, Maston is professor of Christian Ethics at Southwestern Seminary for leaders will lielp in strengthen­ clo1Vn-town s t r e e t in N aza1·eth, ing the fibre of Christian family and Dr. Hudson is director of coun- whe1·e J es~~s grew to manhood. • life among Southern Baptists. Oppose racing extension METROPOLITAN Little Rock Coronation pictures not want~d Association of Free Ministers has J:Y~.emorialized Governor Faubus to THE editors regret that it is g9ing to be necessary to rule include in his call for a special ses­ out the use of Girls' Auxiliary Coronation pictures. We are re­ sion of the legislature the recom­ mended repeal of the 12-day exten­ ceiving so many and each one takes up so much space that we sion of the horse-racing season in are having to make this new policy in the interest of a more Hot Springs. In action taken July 10, the as­ readable paper. sociation called attention to "con­ siderable opposition . : . voiced to In the matter of groundbreaking pictures; le_t us suggest the recently proposed $60 million­ that the center of interest for the photograph be someone break­ dollar bond issue ... on the ground that it was to be financed in part hag ground with not more than two or three others in the picture by a 12-day extension of the horse­ proper.
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