E890 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 Adam Moore, Christian Josue Morales, recipient of the President’s ‘‘E Star’’ Award for of the sea caused others in the landing crafts Lisdeth Morales, Paul Nosegbe, Julius Osei Exports. to become violently seasick. Finally, the Rang- Nyanin, Andrez Obando, Jacob Olave, Alex- Ocean Spray Cranberries has played a piv- ers reached the eastern side of the Pointe, ander Parada, Lisa Vianey Perez, Richard otal role in forwarding U.S. exports abroad their new designated landing spot. It was now Reese, Edward Robinson, Adriana Roca, through its innovative, multi-tiered marketing 7:10 am The battle had just begun, and the Ivonne Aracely Rojas-Telleria, Elijah Jeremiah strategies. The team at Ocean Spray Cran- odds were stacking up against Rudder’s suc- Scott, Javil Glendon Zanniek Seaton, Billy berries has worked extensively with non-profits cess. Gene Sims, Gregory Sorbara, Peter Jordan to expand U.S. agricultural exports. In this The Rangers were miserable, cold, wet and Stefanov, Philip Suarez, Samuel Crawford way, Ocean Spray Cranberries has been a seasick; some bleeding from injury but none Taylor, Avery Tillman, Mark Tull, Elliot Wood, leader in the global promotion of exports in wavered. Their mission: to conquer the cliffs at Stephen Wooldrige, Edwin Xicotencatl, Clem- American agriculture and serves as a model Pointe-du-Hoc and find the big German guns. ent Yeboah. for other domestic exporters. Their achieve- The guns could reap havoc on later landings. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ments have also enabled Ocean Spray Cran- No longer was the weather their only in applauding the courage and dedication of berries to employ many Americans, including enemy. As the first shoe print was made in the these graduates and in assuring them and many Massachusetts cranberry growers, pro- wet sand of Normandy, the Rangers came their families that the full support and re- viding valid solutions to the issue of national under brutal fire from atop the cliffs as the sources of the U.S. Congress and the Amer- unemployment. Ocean Spray has long been enemy chunked grenades down at them. The ican people will be behind them on every step vital to the Commonwealth’s community and men had to resist the urge to take out the ma- of their journey in defense our nation’s free- region’s economy. chine guns because the primary mission was dom. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize to climb. Fifteen men were already lost in the f Ocean Spray Cranberries for receiving the crossing of the beach. Divided into three units, President’s ‘‘E Star’’ Award for Exports. I ask Lt. Col. Rudder prepared to lead the Provi- HONORING THE 60TH ANNIVER- that my colleagues join me in offering con- sional Rangers, task force A of 250 men up SARY OF JOE AND FLO HALL gratulations. the cliffs. They moved quickly with precision f and expertise. They shifted through the chaos HON. RANDY K. WEBER, SR. that ensued around them all while operating OF TEXAS TEXAN COL. RUDDER’S BOYS OF soaking wet equipment. (The ropes attached IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PONTE-DU-HOC to the grappling hooks were heavy with water Friday, May 30, 2014 and thus could not reach the top of the cliffs Mr. WEBER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, it gives HON. TED POE when launched from a mortar.) OF TEXAS The Rangers used rope ladders, a few dry me great pleasure to rise today to congratu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grappling hooks and steel ladders to scale the late Joe and Flo Hall, of Lake Jackson, Texas, cliffs. Their machine guns were clogged with on the celebration of their 60th Anniversary Friday, May 30, 2014 mud. Amidst enemy fire and malfunctioning this month. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, it was rain- equipment, the Rangers were flung back and Mr. Joe Hall married Ms. Flo Broussard on ing as the English Channel churned and May 1, 1954. Though they both grew up in the forth climbing the wet ropes. tossed the Americans in the landing craft. The While some Rangers provided cover on the Lake Jackson area, they did not go on their sun was coming up over the horizon, but no beach, amazingly, the first ones to the top, first date until after Joe returned from World one could see it through the gray clouds. conquered the cliff in 10 minutes. They in turn War II, serving our country in the United Thousands of teenage liberators stared into provided covering fire for the ones still on the States Army. It was true love. the distance to see the high cliffs of Nor- After they were wed, their marriage was beach. mandy, France. It was D-Day, June 6, 1944— As soon as the Rangers pulled themselves blessed with three adopted children that they 70 years ago. over the cliff, snipers immediately fired. Fortu- raised while living throughout the United Expecting to land on Omaha Beach at 6:30 nately, the heaving bombing the Americans States. Now that they have settled back in am ahead of other Allied Forces, Texan Lt. had done to the island in the days beforehand Lake Jackson, Texas, they get to spend well- Col. James Earl Rudder led the United States had created large craters in earth. This al- deserved time with their six grandchildren, Army Rangers’ 2nd Ranger Battalion into what lowed the Rangers to hide themselves from great-grandchild, and the many children that seemed like an impossible feat. the enemy fire. are lovingly entrusted to their care by friends. As the treacherous weather conjured crash- Within half an hour, the remaining task Mr. Speaker, 60 years is a long time, and this ing waves five to six feet tall, a shifting wind forces had made it up the tall cliffs. Rudder, truly is a Diamond Anniversary. To share tossed the Rangers off course. The mist, bleeding from two gunshot wounds, never let these many years with the love of your life is clouds and smoke obscured the navigation, his focus waver or his determination grow a tremendous blessing. making it hard to locate Pointe-du-Hoc from a weary. He discovered quickly that the Ger- Mr. Speaker, the institution of marriage pro- mile out at sea. Their landing was delayed by mans had left wooden decoys in the gun vides the strength that holds our communities forty minutes. Already, the mission seemed casements. Exhausted, wounded and bewil- together. Maintaining a marriage requires sac- doomed. This navigational error meant two dered, Rudder kept pushing the Rangers in- rifice, understanding, patience and sometimes things: They would have to sail parallel to the land. They had to find the big guns. Around forgiveness by both husband and wife. Mark- coast facing intense enemy fire. It gave the 8:00 am small patrols were sent south to lo- ing the 60th anniversary of a marriage is a enemy time to recover and prepare for the cate the missing guns. By 9:00 am, their sec- very special occasion for not only the couple, next assault. ond goal completed. Now, they had to take but also for the family, friends and community For almost half an hour, the Rangers rode them out. they have touched. along the coast as bullets were flying all The Rangers had located the missing guns Mr. Speaker, Joe and Flo’s lives and love around them. Some Rangers were hit by 600 yards south of the Pointe. The Nazis had have been a model of excellence and are an enemy fire. But bleeding or not, still they hidden the guns back from the beach to pro- inspiration to us all. I ask my colleagues to pushed forward. tect them from Allied air strikes and naval join me in celebrating 60 years of happiness They battled the wind as the pelting rain bombardment. and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hall all the best in blurred their vision and soaked their climbing Rudders’ Rangers took out the emplace- the future. equipment. They were exhausted and tense. ments using thermite grenades and eliminated f The landing crafts that brought the GIs to the enemy protecting them. IN RECOGNITION OF OCEAN SPRAY shore were beginning to take on water, pre- The mission though completed in spite of CRANBERRIES senting yet another obstacle for Rudder’s the horrific obstacles was not without cost. Rangers. Water began to leak in through the Rudder’s Rangers had over 50 percent cas- HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING front ramp of the landing crafts, so the Rang- ualties. Some Rangers gave their lives that ers ripped up the floorboards and used their summer morning conquering the cliffs. OF MASSACHUSETTS As American blood was shed on the French IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES helmets to bail out the alarming amount of water rushing in all while the Nazis fired down beaches and cliffs, General Rudder had se- Friday, May 30, 2014 at them atop the cliffs. cured the beachhead for later Allied Forces Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to One of the landing crafts sunk from the coming ashore. This paved the way to even- congratulate Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc., weather and enemy fire. The brutal conditions tual victory. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E891 In the months leading up to the Normandy FIT FOR LIFE INTRODUCTION degree in elementary education and her mas- Invasion, Rudder’s elite group of Army Rang- ter’s degree in educational administration, both ers underwent rigorous training in preparation HON.
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