E1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2006 have been identified and nominated by edu- Dr. Hallion graduated from the University of founding meeting at Columbia University on cators. Maryland in 1970, and completed the Kennedy April 27, 1964, followed by a large student Mr. Speaker, I would like to join in paying School of Government’s National Security demonstration four days later on the Soviet tribute to Christopher Tantillo, and wish him Studies Program in 1993. His career spanned holiday May Day in front of the Soviet UN Mis- the best in all his future endeavors. a variety of offices, including the working at sion. The authoritative Center for Jewish His- f the Air Force Flight Test Center, Andrews Air tory has listed the demonstration as the begin- Force Base, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, ning of the public struggle for Soviet Jewry. HONORING GUY GABALDON the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, Mr. Birnbaum named the new organization the Air Force Centennial Flight Office, and the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry (SSSJ). HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD National Air and Space Museum. His experi- Throughout the rest of the 1960s, under his OF CALIFORNIA ence and education has afforded him the op- direction, the Student Struggle continued IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES portunity to author numerous articles and working full time in response to the oppression of Soviet Jewry. Friday, September 29, 2006 books on the evolution and history of airborne warfare. Tirelessly, Dr. Hallion continues to As we know, the Bolshevik Revolution in Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, on be- write to this day. Russia led to the imprisonment of Soviet Jews half of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, I Dr. Hallion has been recognized numerous behind the Iron Curtain. Jewish culture, Jewish rise today to pay tribute to all U.S. service times for his hard work and dedication to mili- religion and Jewish communal life were forc- members and veterans for their service and tary aviation. In 2005, he received the Annual ibly extinguished under the Soviet regime, dedication to our Nation. During Hispanic Her- Award of the Conference of Historic Aviation which also indulged in numerous anti-Semitic itage Month, we would like to pay special trib- Writers, and was recognized as a Distin- manifestations. Even after Stalin’s death, the ute to service members and veterans of His- guished Lecturer and Associate Fellow of the Soviet kingdom of fear abated only slightly. panic decent who have served with pride, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro- The Cold War effectively continued to cut off valor and distinction since the revolutionary nautics. He has received similar recognition the Jews of Russia and Eastern Europe from war. from the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, their co-religionists in the West. In particular, we want to recognize World the Aviation Space Writers Association, the Air Nevertheless, expressions of outrage began War II veteran Guy Gabaldon, who passed Force Association and the Air Force Systems to accumulate in the early 1960s, with a few away recently. Born in Los Angeles, California Command. pioneers leading the way. In April, 1964 the on March, 22, 1926, Mr. Gabaldon grew up in His contributions to the Air Force will be major Jewish organizations met in Wash- Boyle Heights. He died on August 31, 2006 in missed as he moves on to new and exciting ington, DC and an American Conference on Old Town, Florida. Mr. Gabaldon is an excel- opportunities. I ask my colleagues to join me Soviet Jewry was established. The same lent example of the dedication that Latinos in in congratulating Dr. Richard P. Hallion and month, Mr. Birnbaum created the Student uniform have demonstrated while providing the wish him all the best in his future endeavors. Struggle for Soviet Jewry for the purpose of highest service to our country. f fashioning a student spearhead to ‘‘mobilize a As a child, Marine Private First Class Guy tidal wave of public opinion.’’ (First SSSJ ‘‘Gabby’’ Gabaldon, befriended and eventually INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION TO Handbook) moved in with a Japanese American family. HONOR JACOB BIRNBAUM After the mass arrests of young Jewish dis- When the U.S. entered WWII, Gabaldon sidents on June 15, 1970, and after the Lenin- joined the Marines, and served as a mortar HON. JERROLD NADLER grad Trial of December 1970 with its death crewman and scout observer. Through his fa- OF NEW YORK sentences, the National Conference on Soviet miliarity with the Japanese language and cul- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jewry was created. The Greater New York ture, Mr. Gabaldon gained the distinction of Conference, under the direction of the young Friday, September 29, 2006 capturing more enemy soldiers than anyone activist Malcolm Hoenlein, initiated the pro- else in the history of U.S. military conflicts. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, with the ap- foundly important Solidarity Day marches, While serving in Saipan, he received a Sil- proach of International Human Rights Day on modeled after Birnbaum’s Jericho, Redemp- ver Star for obtaining vital information and December 10, I would like to take this oppor- tion, and Exodus Marches and rallies of the capturing more than 1,000 enemy personnel in tunity to chronicle for the national record the 1960s. Mr. Hoenlein is now the Executive Vice the face of direct fire. PFC Gabaldon was able life and work of a remarkable human rights ac- Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of to persuade the weakened Japanese soldiers tivist, Jacob Birnbaum of New York. It is inter- Major American Jewish Organizations. Of to surrender, in spite of their orders to fight. esting to note that he was actually born on great significance was the creation in 1970 of His commanding officer and fellow Marines December 10, 1926. As December 10, 2006 the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, a coali- nominated him for the Medal of Honor. He will mark his 80th birthday, it is entirely appro- tion of non-Establishment regional groups, was awarded the Silver Star, which was ele- priate that his work should be portrayed in the under the chairmanship of Dr. Louis vated to a Navy Cross in December of 1960. RECORD of the Congress of the United States. Rosenblum, with whom Mr. Birnbaum had Mr. Gabaldon and the more than one million Jacob Birnbaum’s immediate family fled the worked for many years. Latino service members and veterans deserve Nazis and settled in the United Kingdom. In Mr. Hoenlein has publicly stated that he our gratitude and admiration. They have al- 1946, following the end of World War II, the considers Mr. Birnbaum ‘‘the father of the So- ways been an integral part in the fabric of our 19-year-old Jacob Birnbaum devoted several viet Jewry movement.’’ Similar statements military. I ask my colleagues to join me in pay- years to providing relief for younger survivors have been made by other major public figures ing tribute to Mr. Gabaldon, and all of our na- of the Nazi and Soviet totalitarian systems. such as Dr. Meir Rosenne, who worked close- tion’s Latino service members and veterans. From the young Polish Jews who managed to ly with Mr. Birnbaum in the early formative pe- f exit the USSR after the war, he became famil- riod 1964–1967. Dr. Rosenne later became iar with the iniquities of the Soviet system. Israel’s Ambassador to France and then to the HONORING DR. RICHARD P. This early experience fueled his later passion United States. Sir Martin Gilbert, the official HALLION to mobilize American Jewry in the drive to res- British historian of Winston Churchill, has cue Jews from the oppression they faced in made a similar statement. HON. JAMES P. MORAN the Soviet Union. In May, 1965, Mr. Birnbaum was the first to OF VIRGINIA In the mid-1950s and early 1960s, he be- testify before a Congressional Committee on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES came involved in assisting people from the the importance of utilizing economic leverage disintegrating Jewish communities of North Af- on the Kremlin. When the late Senator Henry Friday, September 29, 2006 rica caught up in the struggles of their host Jackson initiated the legislation which finally Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise countries for independence from France. resulted in the passage of the Jackson-Vanik today to congratulate Dr. Richard P. Hallion, Thereafter, traveling the United States, he Amendment in 1975, Mr. Birnbaum worked who is retiring as Senior Adviser for Air and decided to create a national student spear- closely with the director of Senator Jackson’s Space’ Issues at the Directorate for Security, head to activate the grassroots of American office, Dorothy Fosdick, and, of course, Rich- Counterintelligence and Special Programs Jewry. Settling in New York in 1964, he set up ard Perle, who played a major role in the initi- Oversight at the Pentagon. His distinguished his first student committee; then he con- ation and development of the legislation. career and record of achievement reflects self- centrated on building a student core at Ye- The idea of placing economic pressure on less commitment to our country. shiva University. Finally, he called a national Communist states to increase emigration October 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1975 played a key role in softening up the Kremlin Dr. Louis Rosenblum; and Ambassador Dr. COMMEMORATING THE 275TH ANNI- regimes to make possible the Soviet Jewry Meir Rosenne. VERSARY OF PRINCE WILLIAM demand to ‘‘Let My People Go.’’ For the first Following the collapse of the Soviet regime, COUNTY, VIRGINIA time, there was legislation to put teeth into the Mr.
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