M M E R M u s t a n g 1 9 1 6 . L ":al.ifc:)Rn iA pc')Ly t e c h n ic : state u n iv e r s it y )07 vf >.----------------------------------Full-pad contact “Richard III,” practice underway “The Taming of the for Mustang football Shrew” at outdoor Shakespeare festival IN SPORTS, 8 IN ARTS, 4 ¿ a g r . Volume LXXI, Number 8 Thursday, August 16, 2007 www.mustangdaily.net Supervisors want more Bringing up babycontrol over Jennifer Ingan along am I?” and “Am I going to have to Education and the National Center for Edu­ MUSTANf; HAILY drop out of school?” cation Statistics and Condition of Education speed limits Immediately after she found out that she Reports, parents are in fact one of the most When Cerra Himle of Atascadero was 13 was with child, Himle told the unexpected populous demographic subgroups of students years old, she had appendicitis and needed to news to her boyfriend of two years. To Him- in post-secondary educational programs. Laura Kasavan get one ovary and fallopian tube removed. le’s surprise, her boyfriend, Logan Brown, 20, More than 5 million parents are currently MUSTANl. DAIIY Her remaining ovary was very damaged, and calmly said,“I could deal with that.” enrolled in formal post-secondary degree her doctors told her the chances of her con­ Six months later, in June 2007, Himle programs, and 27 percent of all college un­ San Luis Obispo Caiunty supervi­ ceiving a child were slim to none. gave birth to a baby girl, Lilli, in San Luis dergraduates and 34 percent of all graduate sors want increased control over the But in December 2(K)6, a miracle was dis­ Obispo. students have children. As a group, student speed limits of rural county roads. covered. Himle, 20, a liberal studies junior at “I had to balance school, work and stay­ parents tend to be older than traditional “We are trying to allow local Cal Poly, was shocked to find out that she ing healthy while limiting stress,” Himle said. students — the average age is 29 years old for government to change their own speed limits. We think that there was pregnant. She cried hysterically, and “I was afraid school would interfere with single parents and 36 years old for married ought to be some judgment or dis­ mixed feelings and thoughts raced through my pregnancy and vice versa. It’s hard to eat parents. O f the student parent population, 65 cretion allowed,” 3rd District Su­ her head. She was in a state of confusion, healthy as a college student because you’re percent are female, 66 percent attend school pervisor jerry Lenthall said. and happiness but she also couldn’t help but always on the go.” part time while working tiill time, and about Last w'eek, supervisors approved a question,“How did it happen?”“How far Himle saw a doctor once a month, and half are single parents. 40 mph speed limit for South Oak- because she’s vegetarian, she also consulted a “We certainly welcome students who are glen Avenue in Nipomo and signs nutritionist and dietician to come up with a parents,” said Elie Axelroth, the interim head were posted along the road to notify healthy meal plan to ensure of counseling at Cal Poly. drivers of the new' limit. proper nourishment “It’s challenging to balance school, work South Oakglen Avenue is a of her growing and family. Children need a lot of time and roughly paved road without side­ baby. attention. It’s also challenging financially — walks and has private residences "N. Himle is many student parents take out student loans, spread out on either side. far from be­ need to find a place to live and pay child ex­ However, supervisors said the ing alone. penses.” speed limit should be lowered fur­ According Axelroth has been the interim head of ther, and wanted to post a 25 mph to data counseling at Cal Poly for more than 20 speed limit on the street. I compiled years. She said that they see student parents The road is home to a Cdiristmas 0/ from the with relationship problems due to the tree farm and the pavement turns to U n it e d stress of school and work. She also said dirt at the Dana Adobe. States that student parents who have peers with Supervisors said that the street D e p a r t ­ more freedom can cause stress. Since Cal has heavy traffic during the holiday ment of see Parents, page 2 season and when the Dana Adobe holds events. • V COURTESY PHOTO Dave Flynn, county traffic engi­ Cerra Himle (left) and her daughter Lilli, shown here the neer, said that the state vehicle code dayLilli came home from the hospital» on July22. allows the county to set speed lim­ its between 25 and 55 mph. Posted speed limits can only be reduced by 5 mph following a thorough engi­ neering and traffic survey. Elderly man robbed at gunpoint Speed limits in rural areas can only be reduced once an area is defined as a business or residential Jennifer Ingan early 2(K, slender, and wearing light-col- district. MIATAN«. IHMIY orod clothing, accoaiing to Lt. Bill Proll of In a business or residential dis­ the San Luis Obispo Rilice Department. arinMloiciitor trict, the speed limit is set at 25 mph An 87-year-old nun was robbed and ass.uilted in He was also wearing a white baseball cap but South Oakglen Avenue quali­ his home last Friday, according to police.The perpe­ with st>me sort of scarf or bandana. 400 Block fied as neither because the homes trator is still on the loose. “Thea* are no significant updates on Lemon St. and businesses on the road are too Retired Cal Poly physics profes,sor Arthur Rosen the investigition at this time,” PaslI said. S«n Lull Ob)i|>e spread out. was home alone at the 4(K) bkx k of Lemon Street “We are ulking to neighbors, but we have Flynn said that the speed limit when a lone male walked through Rosen’s un- not identified a suspect.” for South C^akglen Avenue was Kx'ked dtxir around 1:45 p.m. Robberies at gunpoint do not happen originally set at 55 mph, and a C'al- The suspect displayed a handgun and demand­ often in this county. Paill said. trans study said the prevailing speed ed money from Rosen, accoixling to C'apt. 1 )aniel The last home-invasion robbery was of drivers on the road is 45 mph. Blanke of the San Luis C')bispo Police 1 )epartment. a*ported shortly before midnight on Aug. “We established a speed limit at Rosen gave the suspect an undisclosed amount 7 in Cirover Beach. The suspect got away 40 mph based on the criteria that of cash and then the suspect struck Rosen in the with some cash and two computers. could be applied,” Flynn said. “I head and Hed in an unknown diroction, acconling Anyone with inftirmation rogaaling think the board would say that 30 to to police. this robbery is urged to contact the San 35 mph would be a more desirable Rosen was troated at SierraVisti Regional Med­ Luis Obispo Police Department at (80.5) speed limit for a residential area, but ical (. Center for non-life-threatening facial injuries. 781-7317, or Oitne Stoppers at (805) LAUREN RABAINO mustang oaily The robber is described as a Hispanic male in his 549-STC3P. see Limits, page 2 News editors: Sara Hamilton, Ciiana Magnoli mustangdailynew’sfa gmail.com M u s t a n g D a il y riiursday, August 16,2007 www.niustangdaily.net : News : Parents Bridge safety questioned cnutunu’fi from fui^e / l’ol\ li.is ,1 ivlati\cl\ \oimg fH)pulatioM, oKlcr stu­ Huira Kurtziiian tiiives ('.ilitoriii.i to el.issih bridges .i' dent parents nia\ teel out ot s\ iie and that tliey don't ASMH lAIII) "structuralK deficient,” even w hen quite ht m with vounger students. they have superticial problems lik' It was ditheult tor Himle to “take it easy” wliile SACdfAMLNK > — 1 k-mocnit- peeling paint. pregnant. Site is a selt-proelaiined overaehiever. 1 )ur- K Sen. Barb.ir.i Boxer c.illcd Wcdiics- Clalitornia h.is l.()2<> state bridges ing spring qu.irter slie took IS units wliile working da\ oil state otheials to pnn ide better deemed structur.illy deficient, tli. J.T hours a week at the Sierr.i Vista hudoseopv Cwni- iiitormatioii about the true state of same designation gi\en to the sp .ii ter She was also an aetise ineinber ot the (California ('aliforiiia’s bridges, w hile the speaker of Interstate .VS, which collapse«! into Students leaehers Association. of the state Assembly pressed the need the Mississippi Kiver during the eu‘ While pregnant, there were iiianv activities Hini- tor more thorough iiispectioiis. ning commute. Nine people h.iv« le had to stop doing. She loves tattoos and h.is two tit Boxer, who ch.nrs a U.S. Senate been continued dead and four .ire COl’Rl hSV PHOTO them, hut her pregnancy prevented her troiii getting committee that oversees infrastruc­ Liberal studies junior and student parent Cerra still missing. .mother tme. She also stopped playing soccer and ture, made the remarks after ,i capital 1 )espite being given the same fed­ Himle feeds her newborn daughter Lilli, who was dveiiig her hair, and no |acu/?i time for her.
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