"Explorers Cloth" ~Or COMFORT ON THE J' SKI TRAIL Wind and Showerpraaf; made originally for the Scott Expedition to the South Pole in 1910. A favourite in England for many years. NEW SWAGGER STYLE- RAGLAN or PLAIN SHOULDERS-Full Zipper; Dol.ble Yolk; Pleated Bock. FOUR SHADES: Sand; Fawn; Bronze and NaYy. If QJr dealer does not carry this garment write direct to * Woods Manufacturing Co., Limited SKI JACKETS OTTAWA, ONT. HEADQUARTERS FOR SKI TOGS New New Materials Style. "Grenfell" Cloth Sport Bock Ski Jackets • • Hastings Parkas Melton • Ski Shirts • • Blanket Cloth Slacks and Plus Six Frieze Racing Slacks • • Norwegian Style Gotineou Cops • • Gaberdine ltiDII:A\J & SUSS EX Ski Mitts • • Fairway Smart Ski Cloth Sock-ettes • • Suede Ski Boots r-T_R_A_C_K_! -===I "TRACK ! " is a magazine devoted to ski-ing in the Ottawa and Gatineau Valleys­ the G;1tineau Zone of the Canadian Amateur Ski Association. It is the official organ of the Ottawa Ski Club and of all other ski clubs in the Zone that wish to make free use of its pages for the publication of club news and announcements. The editors welcome contriQ\ltions, submitted gratuitously, of articles, short stories and sketches, poetry, photographs, cartoons and descriptions of new ski equjpment-of interest to skiers . Editor . R. G. LEWIS Associate Editors . C. E. MonTUREUX and HERBERT MARSHALL ./Jusiness and Advertising Manager DoN RUNGE VOLUME ONE OTTaWa, DECEMBER, 1936 NUMBER OlfE .. TRACK!" Replaces The Ottawa Ski Club News OR AI,MOST fifteen years the Ottawa Ski influence far beyond the immediate vici.Dity Club has published a weekly magazine of the Capital. F devoted to Club news and announcements Most of us have been in the habit of tp,king and well provided with general material of in­ "The Ottawa Ski Club News" as a matter of terest to sk\ers. As a magazine "The Ottawa Ski form. Few of us have realized just how much ClubNews"isnow being replaced by"TRACK", effort has been required to keep it going and the new official organ of the Ottawa Club and still fewer of us have known anything about its other clubs in the Gatineau Zone, but this article is history. not to be considered as an obituary, in any "The Ottawa Ski Club News" made its sense of the word. The News still lives and first appearance as a weekly on November 80th, thrives bui under a new name and with a new 1922. There had been odd circulars before that, purpose. The Club will still continue to to urge the recruiti11g of members, announce circularize its members by means of brief, competitions or the opening of new trails or new mimeographed bulletins containing information lodges, but no attempt at a regular publication of interest to Club members only. had been made before that year. The opening The editor of "The Ottawa Ski Club N ews" paragraph of the new circular was so daring and from its inception to the present day was revolutionary that it was reproduced in most of Charles E. Mortureux, President of the Ottawa the dailies of the time. Instead of shedding a Club. In his own inimitable style, scintillating tear, as had been the immemorial custom, over with wit, bubbling with humor and weighted the passing of the "Good old summer time.", with wisdom, "Mort." produced a quality of the editor greeted the coming of the winter in ski news unparalled in any contemporary effort. this fashion: · It would be a matter of deep regret were these "Tpe long summer is over at last, and contributions to the literature of ski-ing in things are fast coming to life again under the Ottawa to be at an end. invigorating influence of the blasts from the Fortunately this is not the case. North . The rough surfaces of the land will "TRACK!" represents an effort to enlarge the soon disappear under a smooth covering of scope of "The Ottawa Club News" as well as to snow and we can once more enjoy gliding relieve "Mort." of some of the burden which he swiftly over the hills ... has so unselfishly borne in the past. "The " What a change our glorious sport of ski­ News" widens the scope of its vision to take in ing has wrought! Far from restricting our activities and ski-ing enthusiasm in the whole activities as ·in the past, the first snows bring Gatineau Zone taking for a new title the term to us unlimited freedom; they open the way to common to all skiers: "TRACK!". The new the Great Outdoors, to a wondrous fairyland, enterprise starts with the mutual advantage of practically inaccessible at any other time of the having Mr. Mortureux on its editorial staff thus year, to a fountain of perpetual youth and ensuring continuity with the past in an outflow happiness. The winter is no longer the end of of ski news which has created for itself a field of things, but the beginning of all things. Continued on page J "Track!" THE MAGAZINE FOR SKIERS The Ottawa Ski Club's the "Trail of the Morning After", starting from the Top of the World and going down an easy Programme valley to join the last slopes of Switzerland. HE FIRST item on the programme is · to Hill development work is the next item on make it easier for average skiers or be­ the programme. New practice grounds, offering T ginners to get to places. like Camp all sorts of slopes, have been made by thinning Fortune, where they can find hills and fresh a part of the bush near the main lodge of Camp snow and_ lots of good clean rolling bush ground Fortune: the entrance to this new skiers' para­ to roam around in, under shelter from the cold dise is about a couple of hundred yards south­ winds. T~ speytd a couple of hours there, sliding west of the Camp. These grounds will be under the pines, in the bright sunshine is gradually enlarged. The Slalom hill has been heavenly, but if one has -to risk life or limb to widened to provide more leg room and elbow get there-either be engulfed in the sinister room for skiers. jaws of the Canyon or shaken to pieces over the The executive is planning to give every one bumps of Little Switzerland and do a lot of in the Club, from six-year-old tots to non­ painful climbing and more perilous ski-ing to agenarians, a chance to learn the rudiments of get back home, then the game is hardly worth ski-ing, so that they may, from the start, enjoy the candle. One does not mind having to ski their outings, and gradually become real good a mile or so to get there however, if the going is skiers. This is not difficult, it is merely a enjoyable and safe. matter of acquiring the proper balance, of There are about two hundred excellent ski learning to check, to turn, etc. This instruct­ riders in the Club, who can take any hill, no tion will be given by experts on Dome hill at matter how steep or bumpy, and enjoy it. Ironsides on Saturday afternoons and also at There are five or six hundred others who are Camp Fortune. This matter is dealt with at getting to that stage, but are still a bit shy; greater length in another part of this magazine. there are thousands of others, non-members, There will be competitions every week-end who would gladly join the Club to-morrow if at Camp Fortune-Slalom racing, downhill safe and easy trails could be offered to them. racing, cross country, jumping, etc., and the Some of these trails have been made; others are prizes will be given to the winners on the spot, in the making. The trail of the Rising Sun, i=ediately after the contest. It had been starting from the Meach Lake road, near customary in the past to wait until the end of Dunlop's, is one of the best for begip.ners or the season to distribute the prizes, but this is people who are in a hurry to get there; it offers not satisfactory. a very easy gradient and is only about a mile and a quarter long. The trip to the Camp can Night hikes.-The Thursday night hikes be made in about twenty-five minutes' easy will be revived, starting early in January. The ski-ing, and the return trip, to the Meach Lake night hikes were at one time one of the most road, in about ten or fifteen. popular outings of the Club, and there is a general request from members to have them Those coming from Kingsmcre will have reorganized. two easy ways at their disposal: the Pleasant Valley trail, inaugurated last year, but vastly Long distance trips.-The Club will try to improved, with the sharp curves taken out, and arrange a few long distance trips later in the season; these trips will be advertised in the newspapers, and any one who cares to join will The Trail Leads be welcome. Straight to Visits to other Clubs.-A. close contact will Murphy-Gamble's be maintained with other clubs in our zone, for Ski Togs such as the Seigniory Club, Buckingham, Hawkesbury and Renfrew. It is hoped that excursions at a reduced rate may be arranged from time to time. From the newest in suits to the best in boots, from Lastly, it is hoped that the whole Club will caps that cover your ears to undies that cover your go to the Dominion Championship at Banff, on ankles ..
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