2304 CONGRESSIONAL" RECORD::,;; HOUSE March 25 Brig. Gen. Robert Hunter Clarkson, Brig. Gen. Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf. of his secretaries, who also 'informed the 0495357. 0190484. House that on the following dates the Brig. Gen. Robert Wesley Colglazier, Jr., Brig. Gen. Harry Hodges Semmes, 0900733. President approved and signed bills of 0223635. Brig. Gen. Henry Alden Shaw, 0166022. Brig. Gen. James Alexander Crothers, Brig. Gen. John Henry Sherburne, 0156904. the House of the following titles: 0189962. Brig. Gen. Conrad Sdwin Snow, 0400511. On March 14, 1953: Brig. Gen. Edward Courtney Bullock Dan­ Brig. Gen. Oscar Nathaniel Solbert, H. R. 2332. An act to place temporary limi­ forth, Jr., 0234688. 0224371. tations on tl).e number of officers serving on Brig. Gen. Carlton Spencer Dargusch, Brig. Gen. Albert Hummel Stackpole, active duty in the Armed Forces, and for 0246180. 0103158. other purposes. Brig. Gen. Robert Charles Dean, 0327502. Brig. Gen. Carl Ferinand Steinhoff, On March 23, 1953: ;Brig. Gen. John Ross Delafield, 0134416. 0245045. H. R. 2466. An act to amend the act of July Brig. Gen. Brice Pursell Disque, 0161274. Brig. Gen. Arthur Elsworth Stoddard, 12, 1950 (ch. 460, 64 Stat. 336), as amended Brig. Gen. Georges Frederic Doriot, 0371507. which authorizes free postage for member~ 0423479. Brig. Gen. William Miles Stokes, Jr., of the Armed FQrces of the United States in Brig. Gen. Henry Russell Drowne, Jr., 0166391. specified areas. 0136725. Brig. Gen. Frederick Smith Strong, Jr., Brig. Gen. John Bettes Dunlap, 0301107. 0414433. Brig. Gen. Ken Reed Dyke, 0510143. Brig. Gen. Carl Thomas . Sutherland, SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRI­ Brig. Gen. Daniel Collier Elkin, 0397970. 0258676. Brig. Gen. Edward Arthur Evans, 0122172. Brig. Gen. John Thomas Taylor, 0114805. ATION BILL, 1953 Brig. Gen. Charles Birdsall Ferris, 0213192. Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor, 0918566. The SPEAKER laid before the IJouse Brig. Gen. Charles Lyn Fox, 0154765. Brig. Gen. Samuel Morgan Thomas, the following communication from the Brig. Gen. James Calvin Frank, 0289883. 0230963. Clerk of the House of Representatives: Brig. Gen. Michael Joseph Galvin, 0279304. Brig. Gen. Lamar Tooze, 0107927. Brig. Gen. Robert Joshua Glll, 0501560. Brig. Gen. Kenneth Castle Townson~ MARCH 24, 1953. Brig. Gen. Thomas Rodman Goethals, 0163716. The honorable the SPEAKER, 0219439. Brig. Gen. Thomas Edison Troland, House of Representatives. Brig. Gen. Harold Leroy Goss~ 0201505. 0115989. Sm: Pursuant to authority granted on Brig. Gen. Edward samuel Greenbaum, Brig. Gen. Morris Carlton Troper, 0902843. March 23, 1953, the Clerk yesterday received 0132915. Brig. Gen. Alfred Girard Tuckerman, from the Secretary of the Senate a message Brig. Gen. Robert Dinwiddie Groves, 0181648. reflecting the action taken by that body on 0129915. Brig. Gen. Elbert Parr Tuttle, 0135785. the bill (H. R. 3053) entitled '.'An act making Brig. Gen. Clement Bates Ellery Harts, Brig. Gen. Herbert Harold Vreeland, Jr., supplemental appropriations for the fiscal 0241711. 0115042. year ending June 30, 1953, and for other pur­ Brig. Gen. Ernest Henry Hawkwood, Brig. Gen. Frederick Marshall Warren, 0266247. poses," and amendments thereto, which mes­ 0218920. sage is attached herewith. Brig. Gen. John David Higgins, 0152349. Brig. Gen. Arthur Pope Watson, 0181573. Brig. Gen. Maurice Hirsch, 0554761. Brig. Gen. Richard Seabury Whitcomb, Very truly yours, Brig. Gen. Gordon Cloyd Hollar, 0245649. 0164276. LYLE . 0. SNADER, Brig. Gen. Julius Cecil Holmes, 0107660. Brig. Gen. Lawrence Harley Whiting, Clerk of the House of Representatives. Brig.· Gen. Whitfield Jack, 0267915. 0207522. Brig. Gen. Ephraim Franklin Jeffe, 0138243. Brig. Gen. L. Kemper Wllliams, 0125140. Brig. Gen. William Rodes Jesse, 0190287. Brig. Gen. William James Williamson, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Brig. Gen. Bernhard Alfred Johnson, 0911246. 0166223. Brig. Gen. Thomas Bayne Wilson, 0900244. The message announced that the Sen­ Brig. Gen. Edwin Whiting Jones, 0105161. ate agrees to the report of the commit­ Brig. Gen. Kenneth Barnard Keating, tee of conference on the disagreeing votes 0901848. of the two Houses on the amendments :Brig. Gen. Henry Kirksey Kellogg, 0286132. Brig. Gen. Francis Rusher Kerr, 0232181. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Senate to the bill <H. R. 3053) Brig. Gen. John Reed Kilpatrick, 0167001. entitled "An act making S\.\.9Plemental Brig. Gen. Rudolph Charles Kuldell, VVEDNESDAY, ~ARCH 25, 1953 appropriations for the fiscal J:ear end­ 0900427. ing June 30, 1953, and for other pur­ Brig. Gen. Norman Miller Lack, 0163445. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. poses." Brig. Gen. Andrew Frank Mcintyre, The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, 0271317. D. D., o1Iered the following prayer: Resolved, That the Senate agrees to the Brig. Gen. Ralph Hendricks McKee, amendments of the House of Representatives 0234931. Almighty God, whose blessed Son to Senate amendments numbered 24 and 27; Brig. Gen. Hugh Stanford McLeod, 0143285. identified for us the true way of life and be it further Brig. Gen. Richard Leeson McNelly, always walked in it, inspire us daily with Resolved, That the Senate recedes from 0256304. the urge, the .faith, and the courage to amendment numbered 33 to the above-e~­ Brig. Gen. Willlam Claire Menninger, follow and walk in that same way. titled bill. 0503932. Brig. Gen. Hugh Meglone Milton II, Grant that we may be ready to chal­ 0154541. lenge, with the inexhaustible and in­ ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Brig. Ge_n. John Williams Morgan, 0140899. vincible resources of Thy divine wisdom Mr. LECOMPTE, from the Committee Brig. Gen. William Robert Clayton Morri- and strength, every difficult human prob­ son, 0322448. lem which we may encounter. on House Administration, reported that Brig. Gen. Harry Paul Newton, 0123053. May we be numbered among those that committee had e:x:amined and found Brig. Gen. Henry Carlton Ne'wton, 0104029. courageous souls who fear man and cir­ truly enrolled bills of the House of the Brig. Gen. John Joseph O'Brien, 0430087. following tities: Brig. Gen. George Hamden Olmsted, cumstances and hard experiences so lit· 1362. 0199581. tle because they :fear God so much. H. R. An act for the relief of Rose Brig. Gen. Frederick Henry Osborn, Show us how we may hasten the com­ Martin; and 0426878. ing of that glorious day when every knee H. R. 3053. An act making supplemental Brig. Gen. Ralph Albert . Palladino, shall bow and every tongue confess that appropriations for the fiscal year ending 0232912. the Christ is the Lord to the glory of June 30, 1953, and for other purposes. Brig. Gen. Washington Platt, 0139395. Brig. · Gen. Russell Archibald Ramsey, God. Give us the assurance that noth­ The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to 0215598. ing can ever separate us from Thy love. announce that pursuant to the authority Brig. Gen. Isidor Schwaner Ravdin, Heal' us in His name. Amen. granted him on Monday, March 23, he 0399712. signed the following enrolled bills of the Brig. Gen. Francis J. Reichmann, 0219282. The Journal of the proceedings of Brig. Gen. Henry Joseph Reilly, 0103718. Monday, March 23, 1953, was read and House: Brig. Gen. Benjamin Franklin Riter, approved. On March 23, 1953: 0189468. H. R. 1362. An act for the relief of Rose Brig Gen. James Thomas Roberts, 0220864. MESSAGE ' FROM THE PRESIDENT Martin. Brig. Gen. Francis Willard Rollins, 0165029. On March 24, 1953 : Brig. Gen. Charles Eskridge Saltzman, A message in writing from the Presi­ H. R. 3053. An act making supplemen_tal 0275984. dent of the United States was commu­ appropriations for the fiscal year ending June Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff, 0208338. nicated to the House by Mr. Hawks, one 30, 19'53, ·an'd for other purposes. 1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 2305 REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 2-MES­ ecutive Branch of the Government; the efficient and economical operation of SAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF Congress approved, in 1949 and 1950 a the Department. THE UNITED STATES (H. DOC. ·series of statutes and reorganization The Secretary of Agriculture has ad­ NO. 111) plans which applied that policy to all vised me that the two new offices of The SPEAKER laid before the House the executive departments except the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, and the following message from the President Department of Defense and the Depart­ the one new office of Administrative As­ of the United States, which was read ment of Agriculture. While some laws s~stant Se~retary of Agriculture, pro­ and, together with the ·accompanying vest important functions directly in the VI~ed for m the reorganization plan, Secretary of Agriculture, others place Will merely replace existing positions in papers, referred to the Committee on major functions in subordinate officers Government Operations and ordered to the Department, and that hence the be printed: and agencies of the Department. By creation of these offices will not result transferring to the Secretary the latter ~n any net increase in the personnel To the Congress of the United States: functions, with certatn exceptions the m the Department of Agriculture. He I transmit herewith Reorganization reorganization plan corrects the pr~sent has further advised me that both the patchwork assignment of statutory func- Plan No: 2 of 1953, prepared in accord~ number of officers and employees in the ance with the Reorganization Act of tions in the Department. - Office of the Secretary and the aggre­ 1949,. as amended, and providing for re­ The functions excepted from transfer gate of their salaries will be less than organizations in the Department of Agri­ to the Secretary are the functions of those existing prior to January 1, 1953. culture. J::learing examiners under the Adminis­ The Se?retary of Agriculture, aided by Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1953 is trative Procedure Act; of the corpora­ th.e Intenm Agricultural Advisory·Com­ designed to make it possible for the Sec­ tions of the Department, including their mittee, has been studying the organiza­ retary of Agriculture to simplify and im­ boards of directors and officers; of the tion and functions of the Department of prove the internal organization of the Advisory Board of the Commodity Credit Agric~lture.
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