The Coast Advertiser Forty-fifth year; No. 37. BELM AR, N. J., FR ID A Y , FEBRU ARY 4, 1938 Single Copy 4 Cents First Count in “Baby Derby ” Saturday S p c / % / % / * / Photo by Kurkjian Studios Photo by Kurkjian Studios Photo by Kurkjian Studios Photo by Kurkjian Studios Photo by Kurkjian Studios Photo by Kurkjian Studios VIRGINIA ANN MEGILL BETTY LACHENAUER CYRIL L. HEYNIGER LAURA ANTONIDES GENE ARNOLD RASMUSSEN MADLYN A. GALLAGHER 1609 River Road. 608 Seventh Avenue 69 Briarwood Road R. D. 1, Belmar 809 F Street 904 Seventeenth Avenue With a twinkle in his eyes that Big blue eyes, light brown hair How can anyone become that The* beauty and winsomeness Proving once again that genuine belies the shy pose, Cyril faced the A very striking pose of a beautiful and weighing 18 pounds, that partly happy in 10 months? It must be so, which stands out in the children en­ good looks are not confined to little describes Madlyn, the six-months- for our camera doesn’t lie, and that camera, and here is the result. A subject is that of Laura, the three- tered in the “Baby Derby” is once girls, this little entrant in the “Ba­ old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James is the age of Virginia, the daughter handsome young fellow having blue year-old daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. again in evidence in Betty, the love­ by Derby” combining unusually good A. Gallagher of Belmar, and the of Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Megill eyes, blonde hair, weighing 32 pounds Ira Antonides. We certainly expect granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pe­ of Belmar. Blue eyes, blonde hair ly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. and “almost” two years old. He is features, hazel eyes and brown hair, Laura to have one of the envious ter Gallagher and Mr. and Mrs. R. and weighing 23 pounds further de­ Lachenauer of R. D. 1, Belmar. We the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hey- is sure to attract many supporters Paternoster of Belmar. Study the scribes this potential little “Baby niger of Belmar. We certainly pre­ positions among the select "20” on just know that her many friends are in the race for the silver loving cup. above picture closely. When you see Derby champion, of whom we ex­ dict an enviable standing for him the first honor roll. She has hazel going to place her very high on the Gene is the three-year-old son of such youthful loveliness you can’t pect great things when the coupons next Monday when the first honor eyes, light brown hair, weighs 32 are counted for the first time Satur­ “honor roll”. Betty will celebrate roll is displayed at the “Baby Derby” Mr. and Mrs. Nils Rasmussen, Bel­ help but realize that the “Baby pounds and is the granddaughter of Derby” in bringing with it these day night. Her proud grandparents her third birthday on February 24. office. His grandparents are Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Antonides of mar, Mrs. Maria Rasmussen of weekly pictures of beautiful chil­ are Mrs. Bertha Bound of Farming- She has blue eyes, brown curly hair, and Mrs. Charles Heyniger of Bel­ Long Branch and Mrs. Madigan of Norway and Mr. and Mrs. Holgerson dren, is winning the hearts of ev­ dale, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kolar- weighs 34 pounds, and has a "mil­ mar, Mr. and Mrs. George Ketcham Belmar. of Sweden are the grandparents. eryone in this section. i*sch of Freehold. lion dollar” smile. of Orange. Height, Roberts on Rev. Atkinson Given Baby Coupons Counted for PINE G R O V E IN N IS Hurley Farm Sold DAMAGED BY FIRE Democratic Ticket Surprise Birthday Party To New York Man A surprise party in honor of the First Honor Roll Tomorrow Fire in a storeroom of the Pine Grove inn, Sixteenth avenue, South Former Sheriff Seeks Second birthday of the Rev. Lawrence G. At­ W ell Known Pond Included kinson, pastor of the First M. E. Belmar, yesterday damaged the room T erm, Incumbent to church, Belmar, was given Saturday Special Cash Prize of 810.00 for Parents of and the adjacent structure. Mr. George in Transaction. Owner evening at the parsonage, D street, Stand for Senate. Belmar. In charge of refreshments Louden, owner of the building, who to Remodel House. were Mrs. John Brandt, Mrs. Frank Leader in First Tabulation. Still Time was at home at the time, knew noth­ Democrats, cheered by the victory of Nichols and Mrs. William Barton. ing of the fire until smoke filled the Sale of the Hurley farm and the well Gov. A. Harry Moore last year, are There were games and music and a to Enter Babies. room of his dwelling. known Hurley’s pond to a manufac­ mapping plans for the 1938 election large birthday cake in honor of the George Kleinkauf, Belmar fire chief turing chemist of New York who campaign and have agreed to support occasion. Also their names will be placed on the who answered with Belmar firemen, plans to remodel the homestead and Sheriff George H. Roberts for state Attending were Mr. and Mrs. John huge honor roll in the Baby Derby of­ was unable at the. time to determine beautify the property was announced senator and Howard Height, Mana- Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomp­ fice window. A special cash prize of the cause of the blaze. South Belmar squan, for sheriff. son, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor, Mr. MORE CONCERNS NOW GIVING $10.00 will be given to the parents of firemen were called by a box alarm. today by the Connelly-Bergen real es­ Sheriff Roberts has not announced and Mrs. Paul Taylor, the Rev. and BABY TICKETS the baby who is No. 1 on this first A roof which was completed Monday tate agency of Belmar. his candidacy, but his friends are cer­ Mrs. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. William honor roll. To those really in earnest had to be broken through in order to The 40-acre property is located on tain he will enter the primary, now Young, Mrs. Stanley Aten, Mrs. Laura Raffetto’s Market .......... 908 F St. about winning a big prize for their reach the blaze and considerable dam­ what is known as the Glendola-Allen- set for September although it is possi­ Davidson, Mrs. Ethel Houtain, Mrs. Weinstein’s Stationery Store, babies we ask them to realize the im­ age was done to the bar and other wood road. A portion of it touches ble the election will be advanced to Roy Chamberlain, Mrs. Frank Nichols, 1605 F St. portance of being on the honor roll in rooms by water. the estate of the late Arthur Brisbane May by the Republican-controlled Mrs. Lewis Thompson, Mrs. Lottie the first count. In this way the public on the north. legislature. Bemell, Mrs. Margaret Robinson, Mrs. More babies are wanted from all will have its first information as to William Connolly, who negotiated Height has remained silent, also, but Roger Conklin, the Misses Emma sections. If you live in Belmar, which babies are being supported in Henry McCarthy Is the sale, said the buyer plans to make it is generally believed he would like Hyer, Catherine Thompson, Abbie South Belmar, West Belmar, Avon, proper fashion by parents, relatives the farm his residence. The unnamed: to seek the shrievalty a second time, White, Permelia Tilton, Mabel Halli- Bradley Beach, Glendola, Neptune and friends. There is no doubt that Fatally Injured purchaser now lives in North Jersey. having won in 1932. Party leaders are mond, Carrie Thompson, Laura Mar­ City, or any of the R. Ds. We placing high in the first honor roll will The seller was Harry W. Hurley, prepared to back him, among them tin, Dorothy Davidson, Belle Greene, want your baby’s picture for pub­ bring many new supporters to any whose family has lived on the farm Undersheriff Carl W. Schroeder, Bel­ and also, John Hurley, George Swain, lication in The Coast Advertiser. baby. The old adage “nothing succeeds Companion Also Hurt as more than 100 years. At one time the mar, who may be the party’s choice the Rev. Swain Houtain, Ray White, like success,” holds true in the Baby property was known as the Brinley for the same office in 1941. Robert White, Donald White, Frank Derby. Car Strikes Couple in Hurley farm. The pond is well known Republicans are also busy with pre­ Hurley. By b o b McCa r t h y to fresh water fishermen and has been (Baby Derby Editor) Mothers and dads, you have from election caucuses, seeking to draft a now until 10:00 p. m. Saturday in Asbury Park. stocked by the state. Mr. Hurley will full ticket well in advance of the cam­ They’re off in the Baby Derby! On retain 60 acres of pasture and wood­ Zoning Commission another’ page in this issue you will find which to round up enough coupons to paign. Assemblyman Joseph Irwin, put your baby on the first honor roll Henry J. McCarthy, 44 years old, land adjoining the property. Red Bank, and Neilson Edwards, listed all babies entered to date, either The sale is the second farm transac­ by parents or friends. and also win the special prize of $10. who was well known in Belmar, was Rumson, are considered congressional Produces Results Many parents have been marking fatally injured Wednesday evening, tion in that area since November. possibilities to oppose the incumbent, There is no doubt that you will find time, feeling that there was no special and his companion, Miss Frances T.
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