Assemblies of God Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center Museum

Assemblies of God Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center Museum

Vol. 20, No . .1 , \\ inter 2000-01 Assemblies of God Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center Museum The Flower Pcntccostall-lcritagc Center Musellm unites past. present, and future Assemblies of God gene rati ons through a gallery of exhibits thai displays the challenges. bless in gs, and development thai our Fel lowship has expe rie nced. E xhibits ot' Inte r est Repl ica of a section of Ambassador I, C-46 airplane which houses an exhibit room on foreign missions. Multimedia C. M. Ward and Rellivallime exhibit. Five digital kiosks featuring video clips of' missionaries, pioneer pastors. old films. and photographs. The E. N. Bell Chapel, which is a recreated storefront church, complete with an upright piano. pulpit and altar. pot-be ll ied stove, and a tin tile ceiling right out of the 1890s, Here visi to rs wi ll see a vi deo abolltthe Assemblies of God past and present. Museum I-lours: Opcn daily. Monday through Friday 8:00 a.l11. 10 4:30 1'.111. Admission: No admission fee. Free parking. Handicap accessible. Tours: Guided tours are available for interested groups. Please conlael us for further information: Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center 1445 Boonville Avenue - Springfield. Missouri 65802 (417) 862-1447 ext. 4400 - E-mail us at [email protected] ( )'ubll~hed lIuat1crl~ b~ The )'II1\ICr l)cnlcco~Ial r ssernblies of God .--\)I~ Ilcnlage Cemer· 144,\ IkO<lnlllle \\C Sprmgflcltt \to MSIl1 r 1-1£ i-U L Vol. 20, No. 4 "- \\'inter 2000-01 I) UBUSI-I ED BY T ilE FLOWER PENT ECOST A L n ERITAGE CI-: NT ER HllIII" Huma I, DITOR i\ \D DIRI,crOR JOl'u'IA'j> \\ hen G\\~n Jone .. arri\ed 11\ Springfield. i\\iSS{)LLrt, til AR( lllVIS'1 19·W. linlc could .. he reali/~ Ihal she \Iould spC'nd 50 )~a1"\ al till" AssC'mbl ics orGod headquarlC' rs. lI er~ i!<t an GII'IJII Goi!r ASS ISTI\ \ T AR(I IIVIST AN D COpy inten iell II jill AIIll~d a 1"lIiott. I DITOR iJn'lI 1'111111 COORDIN HOR 01 A SlOt) from a son'.., pcrspecli1t, or Earl and Ruby \\ -ill..iC' DI(;IT\I pROJI (TS in Iheir plollC'C'ring III 13011lia de,"pllt' pers('cution. pnmill\C' condition ... and I'l!\ olutlon ... "i,\<, Wlilillllil AD\II\ISnnTI\ I B) 0111'11 II ilkie COORDI'-ATOR Ycarly ~Ub~CTI]lIlOn, S 12.50 Llfclnnc ~ub;,(npll()n. 5150 1II'/"II/1~<' I~ mde\ed In Ihe \\ h) Ilouid Walter I-mla leaH' Finland 111 1937 and 1n1\~1 }\Tl.A Religion D" l aba~e. pllbll~hed b) Ihe 10 Bu rma? rodny from hb hOl11e in \\'nshington he \\ 111 Am.::rican Theological I Ibmr) A,,~ociallon. explain that it lIas the call of God on his life. II I~ rurrt'nt 250 S. \\ acker Dr .. 161h FIr .. Chicago. IL 60606, I'-Imul: alia (/ 311;u;:om, \\ \\ W: pastor \\ rites of thosc ) C'ars rC'aching another cultun: II IIh Inlp: 111\\I.alla,com Ihe goWd of Jesus Christ. B) Richard em), Inde\ I~ 1);lfl Of ih.: /\T1.A Religion D al"b;j~('. ;jlail:lblc on \\'il~on ]) I'c O J· The "tory of Daniel A\\ I'C). 11 globe-troning Pentecostal RO!l. I from II. W, \\ tl,on Co. and onll1l<.' \\ ho \\ as bapti/~d in th~ Spirit in I S91. lie 1\ as olle of the I ia Wihonlmc. I3 RS Information Tcchnologlc~, and DI ALOG Inform,lIlon early propon~nh of coop~ration among Penteco!<tlals Scn iec~, II llcrofilm of !I"fila!!./' is \\ orld" id~, !n-ailablc from Thcologie:ll R<.',e:lrch (3 ) G/ellll GollI" I'~ehangc -':cl\lor].. {I RH\ l. 5420 \! I Gll~Ml, Pori land OR 97213_ ( Copynghl :WOO b) The Gencral Council A,~cmbhc~ of God \\IhC'1l Central Bible Insti tute President John \\I, Welch 1445 Boom l11e Alc_ Spnngficld \ 10 began a s~ri~s of lectures 011 the 11 01) Spirit. it l~d ITl to 1I 65R02·1894 r ~1 il al \\ hen classes I\ere suspended for 10 days. Ralph POST\IASTI R Send addrcs~ change 10 \\I. Il arris. a stud~nt at the time. recently pulled these Ikrt/ll~(', 1445 Boom l11e Alc_ e"\ccrplS from his diary, S]lT1Llgficlcl \ 1065801·1894 Heritagc Lcttcr Frum Our RC : Hlcr ~ Photos From Our Past Web Site Comlllcnts Seen ill Prillt Time Frame Arehil'es Al'li"ities CO\'EH : GI\('II J OIl('S a l h('r dl'sk in tILl' SI/IIfIIlY Scholll (iIlIl/H'lIor ()fllct alJoul 11)55. Heritage Letter A Century of Pentecost Our Pcntcco!)tal plOlll:en, ne\ cr subject. thought thc day \\ould come that \\c Before lea\ Ing on a J. \\ ould ob~en c a ccntenlllal ror the da) trip to Kansa .. Cit). modern Pentecostal mo\ cment. That'~ Parham assigned S1l1denl .. In bccau~e the) all belle\ ed that Jesu:. his small J3cthd Bible "ould return early III the 20th century. School to help h1l11 on III~ Blll 100) ear'\ are behind lh, and some biblical re~t:arch, \\hen he 2.500 people gathered at the Kansa'\ returned to Stone\ i\lansion. b,pocentre in Topeka 10 obsene "A hOl11e of Ihe school. the Century of Pentecost"· on December students reponed Ihat 31st. speaking in longues as in B eeau~e m) \\ ire Pal and I \\ ere Acts 2:-1 and other Ihere for Ihe nearly 5·llOur celebration passages seemed 10 point ':::_:-_,-_--,_--' \\hich la:-'lcd into the ne\\ ccntUI). I to\\'ard this nearly forgollcn TII(' StOlI(' " mansion in Topd(a II:IS Ilu' Sill' fur Ih(' \\anl 10 tell yOLI aboul Ihe ~enice. phenomenon as Ihe C01111110n oUlpouring Uflhc Iioly Spiril 011 .IanlJ ; lr~ 1. 19111 . rc\ le\\ a lillie hi,\tory, and louch on the thread for \\ hich the) A Ca lh ulil- Church i, UOII lo{' alcd at 18\h and cry for a IlC\\ oUlpouring or the Spirit searched. S IOIil'. ror thi!) nullt.!llllnlm. Agnes Onnan 10110\\ ed that Allo\\ me 10 gl\e a brief church conclusion \\ ith her famous requcst. 11I'~tor) Ie:-.:-.on \\ Ith apologics to And \\ hen sht, spoke in longues, lien!") Wad .. wonh Longfello\\ : Parham concluded that the e'plan;lIion \\ as simple: she \\ a~ bapli/ed in the UHell 1111 ' children (/1/(/ \'01/ Spirit as the Early Church ~"(jJ/ hcar e;\.perienced in the book or Acts and Of 11t£' lIIidlli$!11f pml'('/" she had c\ cry right 10 claim the same \/i\\ (J=lIIlIIl praycd evidence. Others. inCluding Parham. 011 Ihc/ir.H of./(IIII/arl' 11/ follo\\ed "ilh their o\\n bapti~ms in 191)1 the Spirit. 1/(lI"d/l' (I 111(111 i, I/OII' alil'c II was a relurn to Nc\\ Testallll:nl Wlto remember.1 liIal experiences. and Parham belic\l:d they (illl/OW d(ll' (II/(I rem: \\ere on solid ground \0 call the 1110\e111cnt Apostolic Faith. The narrati\c or former a During the early year» of the 20th .l a n 'd \\ icdml'l". a stall memher of 111(' ~lclhodi'it mini~ter. Charles Fox century. Parham and a fe\\ other Emporia Firsl l\ ssc mbl.\' yo uth group. Parham. ;Ind the 1901 Pcntecostal Pentecostals. belic\ed Ihat thc joill ~ in Ilorship as Ra~' 1\0111. k:l(" in outpouring 1Il Topeka has been told ;11ld speaking in tongue~ \\ ere ""missiona!")' "Our God i ~ :111 AI\ CSO IlU.' God:' retold throughoutlhe past cenlu!"). No. tongues. God·gi\ en to quick I) hardl) a man is no\\ ali\ e \\ ho \\ as e\angeli7e the world. Although their many in other COUlHries. can direCII) or around al thaI lime \\ hen a )Ollllg hearts \\ ere in the righl place. Ihe) indirectly trace their roots right back to \\ oman h) the name of Agnes O.mmn soon di sco\ ered that- except on rare the old mansion that rocked in 1101) asked Parham lola) hands on her and occasions Ihe tongues \\ ere nOI Ghost po\\cr that first \\eek orthe lle\\ pra) that she might recei\c the baptism kno\\ n languages and that missionaries mil1cnni ll111, in the Ii oly Spirit. could nOI giH' up the ditTicult regimen Earl) Assemblies of God leader J. Parham had been researching the necessary to master languages and Ros\\ell Flo\\cr belie\ed thc Onnan Bible at the turn of the century. dialects of their chosen tields. e;\.periellce and Ihat of olhers at Topeka wondering if Ihere \\lIS C0111mon What \\as Ihe significance of the \\as nothing short ofmonUllle111al. ""[I c\ idence In the Ne\\ Teslaml:nt shol1·li\ed Bible school in Topeka? was this decision [accepting speaking experience. lie lwei also \ isitcd sc\cral II is safe to say thaI most in tongues as Ihe inilial phys ical miniSlries to gel Iheir take on the Penlecostals in Nonh America. and e\ idence of the baptism in the Hol y 2 \/G m:nnAGE. \\ I' n It 2000·U I I'Ei'iTECOSTAL Revelers Await Spirit Centennial event Attracts 2,500 To EX l)OCe ntre Il)' PH J L ;\~DER S O~ Tlte Capilll/-Jourl/al B} Iradllion. '\ell Yo.:ar\ I I\! i ... a litH..: for Tt.!'l dcr-. \0 gel drlln)... on di!'lllIcd ~pirib. BUI for 2.500 Chri~tian,>. Sunduy night \\a~" challcl' 10 be Ii lied II Ilh another ),.111<1 of Spiri1. a., they cckbral":u the 100'h anll1Il'r.,ar) Oflhc modern-day I'cntcco,>tal nlO\CIIlI.'IlI\ lope"3 beginning al an \\.,cmblio.:,> 01 God­ '>poll'>OT.:d 0.:\ e11l al the K;lma., I 'pocl!llIr..: Tho,>c in Ihe audience dcmorl'>tr:n..:d a rchglou", thl') ral'>..:d \!\tlocrancc.

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