
U1 ANNUAL REPORT 2009/2010 The Aspen Institute Germany U2 Dr. Kevin Hasset, Senior Fellow, Director of Economic Policy Studies, The American Enterprise Institute Annual Report AsPEN INsTITUTE 2009/2010 GERMANY 1 CONTENTs Preface 3 About Aspen 6 Board of Trustees 15 Management Board 25 Benefactors 28 Financial Results 30 Policy Program 34 Leadership Program 54 Aspen Public Program 63 Key staff 90 Tentative Program 2011 94 How You Can support Aspen 96 2 Charles King Mallory IV, Executive Director The Aspen Institute Germany Annual Report AsPEN INsTITUTE 2009/2010 GERMANY 3 PREFACE DEAR FRIEND OF THE AsPEN INsTITUTE, United States and the German Federal Foreign Of- fice, Aspen Germany’s Leadership Program con- The following report provides a financial and sub- vened eight European foreign ministers in Berlin – stantive accounting for the Aspen Institute Ger- the third such meeting that the institute has organ- many’s activities during 2009-2010; it describes ized in the last three years. German Federal Foreign what Aspen has achieved thanks to your financial Minister Dr. Guido Westerwelle and his Austrian support and demonstrates in black, white and tech- counterpart Dr. Michael Spindelegger opened the nicolor how Aspen creates value for Germany, for conference by participating in a panel discussion the United States of America and for the interna- co-hosted with the Embassy of the Republic of tional community. Austria in Berlin. Over two hundred international diplomats, decision makers and experts partici- In March 2011, shortly after the end of the period pated as the Political Director General of the Ger- covered in this report, Aspen Germany’s Policy man Federal Foreign Office Dr. Emily Haber Program gained international recognition due to a moderated a public conversation between the min- confidential, unofficial “Track II” dialogue that isters. At a closed-door conference the following Aspen was requested to organize in Germany be- day, the ministers continued their previous informal tween official representatives of the People’s Dem- and off-the-record discussions of prospects for rec- ocratic Republic of Korea (“North Korea”) and onciliation, integration and integration into NATO former senior decision makers and policy experts and the EU in Southeastern Europe. This event too from the United States of America. At these first received considerable media attention. With the talks that were held at the semi-official level in two support of the German Federal Ministry for Econ- years, constructive exchanges took place on nu- omy and Technology, Aspen continued a very suc- clear and conventional disarmament, economic co- cessful series of subcabinet meetings between operation, normalization of DPRK-U.S. relations leaders from Southeastern Europe, Germany and and the possibility of concluding a peace treaty to the United States. Your support of Aspen has con- end the Korean War. Thanks to your support, a tributed to the stabilization and integration of a re- grant from an anonymous donor and assistance gion that remains critical to the future of from Bayerische Motorenwerke AG, participants in transatlantic and European security. the Aspen DPRK-USA Dialogue departed with re- newed hope that future military clashes and casu- In September 2010, the Aspen European Strategy alties might be avoided on and around the Korean Forum, funded by the Robert-Bosch-Stiftung, Eu- Peninsula and that positive movement might now ropean Aeronautic Defence and Space Company take place between the DPRK and USA in official (EADS) and the Friends of the Aspen Institute con- channels. News of the Aspen meeting was carried vened its third annual meeting. Top European, in over 1,600 media outlets in Asia, Europe and the North American and Middle Eastern policy makers United States (for a sample see www.aspeninsti- and experts met to discuss “The Strategic Implica- tute.de/news). tions of the Iranian Nuclear Program”. Participants analyzed the way in which a nuclear Iran might In December 2010, with your help, and funding change the regional and global strategic balance. provided by the German Marshall Fund of the While such a development is fraught with potential AsPEN INsTITUTE Annual Report 4 GERMANY 2009/2010 danger, experts pointed out that the Islamic Repub- tical recommendations to policy makers on both lic of Iran had encountered a number of setbacks sides of the Atlantic. Your support of Aspen pro- to its enrichment program. Consequently, more vided concrete help in better integrating the Russ- time was available for continuing attempts at nego- ian Federation into a new, post Cold War tiation with Iran than was widely thought at the transatlantic security architecture. time of the event. Throughout 2010, a mounting crescendo of international media reports had been In September of 2009, Aspen also wrapped up a preparing the public for an unleashing of the dogs three-year series of conferences sponsored by the of war in response to the Iranian nuclear program. U.S. Department of State aimed a promoting Your support of the Aspen European Strategy greater political participation in the Near and Mid- Forum helped clarify that matters were not yet crit- dle East. In September, June, April and February ical – that time remained for last stabs at diplo- 2009, Aspen convened the last of a series of thir- macy. The conference report (parts of which are teen conferences between experts and activists available at www.aspeninstitute.de/publication) from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iranian Di- will soon appear in bookstores via Routledge pub- aspora, the Muslim world, the Middle and Near lishers. East, Europe and the United States. Focusing on digital media and women’s rights, Aspen organized In November 2009, twenty years after the fall of support networks and practical training for two the Berlin Wall, Aspen chose to celebrate this his- groups of activists that subsequently played critical toric turning point by convening an event of sub- roles in highlighting the shortcomings of the dis- stance that focused on the largest remaining open puted June 2009 Presidential elections in Iran. issue in European security since the fall of the wall. Aspen also concluded similar programs directed at At a conference that took place at the Brandenburg expanding the space for democratic participation Gate premises of Commerzbank AG, former Italian in the Syrian Arab Republic and Lebanon. Your Prime Minister Giuliano Amato, presented the final contribution to Aspen helped provide ordinary cit- report of a group of experts that had been at work izens in the Middle East with a greater voice in throughout the year that was ending. Guided by shaping their own and their children’s future (fur- Horst Teltschik, former Foreign and Security Policy ther information is available at www.aspeninsti- Advisor to German Federal Chancellor Helmut tute.de/publication). Kohl, Russian Federation Permanent Representa- tive to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization With your support, and that of the Shepard Stone Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin, and Minister of State Foundation, Aspen also organized a series of lec- in the German Federal Chancellery Eckardt von tures by high-level speakers. Aspen’s Public Pro- Klaeden, a series of meetings between Americans, gram of Events targets the German public and and East and West Europeans in Washington and potential future members of the Friends of the Berlin produced a report on “Russia and the West: Aspen Institute. Over the last two years, Aspen wel- How to Restart a Constructive Relationship”. The comed Dr. Josef Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche report, prepared as a product of the 2009 Aspen Eu- Bank, HSH Prince Hans Adam II, Reigning Prince ropean Strategy Forum and generously funded by of Liechtenstein, Yoram Ben-Zeev, Ambassador of the Robert-Bosch-Stiftung, provides concrete prac- the State of Israel to the Federal Republic of Ger- Annual Report AsPEN INsTITUTE 2009/2010 GERMANY 5 many, Dr. Bernhard Reutersberg, CEO of E.ON named and named throughout this report for their Ruhrgas AG, Roland Koch, Premier of the German financial and material support of the Aspen Insti- Federal State of Hessen, Lt. General Roland tute Germany over the last two years. Particular Kather, Commander, Allied Land Component Hei- thanks go to the members of the Friends of the delberg, Dr Manfred Bischoff, Chairman of the Su- Aspen Institute. I believe that this report demon- pervisory Board of Daimler AG, Bill Schneider of strates the value of the work that you support. CNN, Bruce Hoffman of Georgetown University, former German Federal Minister Brigitte Zypries, Best regards, and former German Bundesbank Board Member Thilo Sarrazin—to name but a few. Members of the Friends of the Aspen Institute and select guests continued to be able to mingle and converse exten- Charles King Mallory IV, sively with these speakers during a series of small Executive Director & CEO evening lecture events that Aspen organizes Aspen Institute Deutschland e.V. throughout the working year. Such conversations provide Aspen’s members with opportunities to ex- change and glean insights from prominent decision makers and experts in a manner that is simply not possible at larger-scale, more impersonal events. Unlike a significant number of other, larger organ- izations based in Berlin, Aspen Germany’s core op- erating costs are not subsidized by the public purse in any way. Each year, in order to fulfill its mission, the institute has to prove itself again through the quality of its work in order to find funding for proj- ect opportunities of the type described above and below. To cover its core operating costs, Aspen re- lies in large part on the private, charitable member- ship contributions of the members of the Friends of the Aspen Institute. If you find the mission of the institute and the activities it undertakes in sup- port of its mission convincing, perhaps you too will consider becoming a corporate, private or junior member of the Friends of the Aspen Institute.
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