Bon't Fbrclt a Gang of Juvenile Thieves Was Un­ Been Peculiarly Fortunate in Tho Char­ • 'To Hormninen

Bon't Fbrclt a Gang of Juvenile Thieves Was Un­ Been Peculiarly Fortunate in Tho Char­ • 'To Hormninen

"m^ cento per day for one penon, and about THE GBEAT CELESTIAL EVENT. MASON MARKETS. Medical. Legal.; { ^gti^jl»^ 2S cehraa'meal at the dining ball or at Cnrenilly Corrortod IJ|i to Thnrndny: the boarding cottases. A season ticket No one event has ever shown the Noon of Kiioli Woek. STATE OK OKO. W. DUTLEK, J)E- to the lectures andlessons costs $1.50; a ICnawesBWil mrNwe* ' E ceuaod. Stale ofMlclilKan, CDiiiitr oMnKlmui, growth of American science more dis­ OKAi:f. or Iiu.lnuiM,wciiikr 1 BH. At n Dcniiloii or tbo prolmle cnurt for the coun­ day ticket 25 cents, and a single lecture r man of liit- ty or Ingham, holdeii at the prnliute nlHce, In the Thnnday, July 7» 1881.' tinctly than the interest iieople have WHEAT, I 01@l 10 ened by Ihs •train o( 1 •cntolllnKonrni 10 cents. Of course a number of jieo- your dutiv. aTola nlKlit work, to roi. city of Mnaon, on the 2!)il day of Jiiiio, in the pie clubbiug together, and renting a taken in the present great comet. The COBN, fiiUiooiir, Jior biwliel 2.5(31 2R iitlmnlrtnUand ui* . tort* hrain ofrvoaud year one thousand ol^dit liinidreil mid elubty-oiio. rNADILLA.X OATS, white, per liusliol 83® 4D Hop Mittara. I waatu, UM> Hop •• Present, Gun. K. Glllum, JudRo nfiirabnto. tent or moms, could do their own fact that its discovery was made by It]rau*ra]raanft>adl 1 auirarinf f ram any is. OATS, mixed, por bUMltol iSi® SO In the matter or the eiilHte orOoo. W. Bntler, cooking and live still more cheaply, or dlKcrotlun ur dlMp*! Itloni ir jmu aro mat* deceased. A «ood Cllb^WMMtMl, More Conatn- private citizens and with the naked TIMOTHY SEKUHOIIH ut ®.-| 20 rtoil or •invlii, oldorl 'ouna, (Uif»rlii« f rqni one could board aiid room at the hotel goorU«lu."M«^^uiJ On rondlnp and flilns the iietltloD. duly Torlflod, blea, Ele. eye, and by many hundreds in allCLOVE n SEED, (old) ®i) UO .iBIttar* fJ!i(..*>o • . tixl et •*«• or Isnuc llutlcr, prayiuR timt administration or Unadllla is in want of more consta­ for $2.00 per day. Whoofur jn«»r«, "" ouaandidia an. said estate may he granted to William VanVrao- I wish I could meet at Lakeside ]>arts of the land at about the same MISCEIiI-ANKOVS. I wti.nuTiir !•>«'"' I I nuailTtrom aouia ken, or suiiio othemultalile poraon. bles. We bad use for one a few days that your .ywni I every Sunday school teacher, every time, proves that ])eople do search and SALT, Sngiunw, per barrel 1 2>@1 So ' iw.ia.'.lc»ii«liijf,{un.' Ula«aM tbat imifLin, Tlierciipun It Is ordered, tliut the ;)d day or ago to impannel a jury on adltcb, and BEANS, white, per biiHhol 1 ra@i 25 lux or atitniilatlnv, have ti'Hili iiroTi'litcd AuKUHl, at ton o'clock In the ribrenoon, be as' J • 1 VOL. XXnL~NO. 28. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY U, 1881. member of C. L, S. C, and many study the skies, and take nn interest in wlthmit(ii('>x(i.«(rilj, I ra tlinuly vnuot sljfiied (or the heurlni; or snld petition ,,, i -bi-.i'.i,;:';!-.. 'j :--:<r:::-i :iil -rt. ,:'••-{-'• y''\'.l-'-:':'. • 'bad to Import one from the town of POTATOES, (now) per bUHliel ftO® GO Putnam. other friends from Mason. the heavenly bodies. Few things con­ taku Hop HepBlttors and that the helm at law or said decoaaed, and EGOS, froali, per dozen 10@ • Ittor*. all other persone lulvrunted in »»id estate are re- ' Wm. Westfnll of Stockbrldge shenr- tribute more toward the cxj)ansion of L.VKD, per pound S@ 10 quired toappcnrat aeos.sionorsaidcourt.thcnto TEXAS limB, NO. 8. Hare yon il»».. be holdeii at the proliote olHee, ana iibow Oh! let up,^ Vennbr, let up! PEBSONALS. ' Bert Squiem, a ten year old 'son 'Of , The special committee ou McRobert' ed 50 sheep that cut lOj imunds per IIUTTER, per pound 12® man into the great things of life than tyntrtnai'i/enni'W . o. I. e. cause, ir any there he, why the prayer or the V^*-'' Geo. Wiiliania, our redoubtable dray- J. C. Squlers, met within accident, street grade ask' more.time and:on mo^i •^:::Bv;spnEBS:'LpcA^ . bead, The whole clip brought him nUTTEIt, eholco tub, per pound IS® tttaint, eiHOwsl ||i «ii abHoIuto petllloner should not bo uranti^u: And It Is Mrs. Will H. ^rdncr, of Stanton, Texas has Increased in population thoughts upon the immensity of the liirtherordered, thntnald pelltlonurKlvo notice to Wednesday. He lias a; great liking tiou the same was granted, until. iiext Locos, Hosiery and all kinds 6r Goods at very nearly $300. This is well done for APl'LES, Brcon, per barrel I 000 lit tha nlomaeS,^ Haiiil lrruHl.ttu> maii is laid up with in carbuncle ou his and wealth during the lost ten years biiteeln, btoitit.f lllilti euro for the persons inlercHted In said estate, or the pen­ FCBI,tilRXn EVEBY THVBaDAY, BY.i is visiting at E; F.Meach's, meeting of the council: the town of Stockbrldge. universe, and the advance of civiliza­ APPIJE.S, dried, perponnd ® S liter oriurvn ft HOP l|ilruiiktjnituH3| dency ursuid petition, and the hcarins tliereolhy ann. for horses and is never' so happy as .Kord'a'5'i'106t.'Ba«aar.''''')>:'-i.:^':.;.'.i'.''' 'mt • fasterthan any other state in the Union. lluau uf upiuiUi The cominittee to whoni was referred Mason may bo ahead in having ladies tion is marked more clearly in this CHEUUIIiM, dried, per pound © 8 rou will noi htobiiuoui or causlni; a co|iy or this order to be puhllshcd in the • ( V. J. TEPPT. Geo. S. Clapp, on attorney of St. when leading, riding or driving one. the i)etition of F. W. Webb and 82 Sootlbn knives and .rivets for all'kln^a of In 1850, her population was 212,502; cured iryoiluuE lluArcotlc*. iNiiiiAM CnuA'TV NKWS, a newspaper printed and . Quite a itumber of our oitizona atten­ teach for notliing and pay a bonus be­ in 1800,004,215: in 1870,818,579; and in respect than In almost any other. The PEACHES, dried, per pound 8® 10 circulated In said county orlneham, rorthreo suc­ Joseph, has been visiting Prof. D. P. At the time of the accident he was others, ask that the petition be laid on mowers and reapers,'at' CANNON'J: DtrBois. Hop Btttoral , RoltlttydrufT- cessive weeks prcviuns to said day orheorinf;. ded Barnum's circus at Lansing, Wed­ sides, but district No. 1, (the Bird 1880, 1,-502,574. present comet, from careful views se­ ONIONS, perbiiHlicl SO@l 00 ltyausr«iilm;| Oat yaar, $1.50; (i. meiilliii 7S nalii Mr.* Siiiioions. the table and the committee discharged • ,•'.'..' aibn«jr",to'lo«»,.';'."-'^., • nii>tn. Huudfur nesday. leading a horse outof the barn of Win. district) of Unadilltt, has an enviable The taxable property of the state lu cured at the Warner observatory, LAND PLA.STI.:il, per Inn ,•; 00®,') 56 ily weak andl, NEVER Circular. (A true copy.) OEO. F. OII.LAM, fflonlht, 40 etnti—la adMaM. from farther duty: upon same, .On by the Bodl Estate Agent,' JOHNDITN^BAOK.' . WOOL, per pound SOraittJ^j fawiitiriU'd.tryl; "llwl JndBeori'robato. Mrs. Lewis, nee Evu Moody, return­ H. Clark, wbpii'''tho librsb stepped on motion the request:of.tlic committee reputation for marrying ma'ams, for 1850 was $52,740,473 ; in 1800, $207,702.- it I It mityll Hopunms ADVERTISINQ RATCt. The street commissioner is graveling scarcely a lady teaches this school but Rochester, N. Y., proves to be a most I,IVK .STOCK .\SI> MKATS. • aveyourl: •TU CO., ed to her home in Colwell, Montcalm the little too of Bert's left foot, limpu- wos>grantedi) -, ,., -• ,•.,.•; .;•;., •••.-,•/-'' .'::;.'i rnraliarel'^ FarM'llavet.i ". 335, and has since then kept ]>aco with llfo- . Itlhoal j FAILI OTICK TO VACATK AM.EV. — CITY Our odvertliiliiR rate* made known aloflloo, MoRobcrtstreet wliicli has been recent^ i.By buying Amiiture' or mn,''parties are sure goes directly to the stateof matrimony. the increase of population. During marvelous one. Its tail proper, strange C.VTTLE, per UK) poun(l.i S 50(5H 00 •nved hun- IMtlmttr, A* f• Clerk's Olllce. Mason, Mich., June 7lh 1881. Buslne88carda$lallnepei|year. ; Co., this morning. tating the same as completely and well UNFINIflHED BUSINESS. ' ' The present teacher, judging from BEEF, dressed, per lOn pouniN 5 OogiT 00 drada. A Toronto, Out. Notice is hercliy itiven that ut a incctiuijortbe BuslnoaglocalaUvocoutaperllneeach and ly graded. to get nni>8oo;da as IidonptkoepseooBil band. the past few years theannual value of a to say curved originally in nn ojjposite euinmon cuiincll or the city orMnaua, helantthe as'a surgeon could have done. The By Aid. Williams: ... : \':i looks, will soon be going to the above HOGS, per 100 pounil.s I OOilHn 00 everyInaertlon. -.-..t •:.,. •:.;;•. ,,/. Mrs. D. Wright, of Yevay, started I .'sell new rurnltufe cheaper than, can' be few of her leading articles of export direction to that most common with cduucll rooms or snld city, on Holiday evening, IklnrrlAKe, birtli, nnd death notlcos tree. The new side walk oh the south side little fellow ran home without assist­ Jiuolvea, Thatnsldewalkbe ordered to be laid bouglit at any.oUibr store Iii the'coiinty,'' Ex- hained state. has been as follows: cotton, $30,(100,- POIIK, dressed, per 100 pounds 0 '5@7 00 il niie II, l.S8l,t he rollowini; preamble and resolution Obituary notlcos, reaolutlona (if reapoct, on the iilghtof the 4th of July for on the west aide or McKobert strect.ln rtont or- comets, became suddenly obsorbed by SlI0ULr>EU."3, per pound @ fi I was adopted: cardaortlinukSiOto., AvooentsaUne; ' of east Asli street lately ordered Ijy the ance and when his too was broiight to bniine tiie'qiiality of niy goo^^^iind got prices.

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