The Archivist Volumt Meeting are held evay fourth Monday of the month (except holidays Englewood announce the 1999 Annual Conference. Topic: "Old Places - New and December). The meeting start promptly at 7 p.m. at the Midland Tools" Held at the Dwight Morrow Hi& School, Englewood,NJ Speaker will be Park Library, Godwin Avenue, Midland Park NJ. Please park your Roberta Brandes Gratz. Registration fee $25. More information contact (609) 984-0543 car in the municipal lot behind the Library (access and driveway April 17.1999 ROOTS XV Seminar. Sponsored by the Huntington Historical on Highland Avenue around the corner). The Librarythanks you Society. Held at Five Towns College, Dix Hills, NY 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m. Sdledule of for your amperation - s&als lo be mound. For nmre kfonna?im &ad Roots XV Semhar, 209 February 22,1999 - Maria Hopper will discuss "Researching Bergen County Ancestors" Main St, Huntington, NY 11743. March 25-27.1999 Lancaster Family Hiiory Conference. Co-sponsored by the March 22,1999 - Ludwig Metzger. Topic: "An Arnatuer' s Search of a Family Tree" Lancaster County Historical Soeiety and Laneester Mennonite Historical Soci- ety. For more informaiton contact (717) 393-9745 Keynote speaker John T April 26,1999 - Bette Marie Epstien. Topic: "The New Jasey State Ar&ivesn Humphey, Washington, DC. May 12-15,1999 National Genealogical Society Conference, Ridmond, Va. May 24,1999 - Frank Poole will speak on the topic of "Emmigration For mformatim and listing of seminars call (703) 525-0050 or (800) 473-0060. from Getmany". June3-5,1999 National Palatines of America Conference, Ohio State June 28,1999 - Ken Franz Topic:'Tuming Oral Tradition into University, Columbus, Ohio. Family History" August 11-14, 1999 Federation of Genealogical Societies and the St Louis July 26,1999 Workshop and open meeting. - Genealogical Society in St Louis, MO. August, 1999 - We are looking forward to holding our Second An- February 13,1999 Monmouth County Genealogy Soeiety presents "Ethnic Work- nual Picnic. Don't miss it this year. shm Exchange: 9 a.m. - 12 noon. United Methodist Church. Broad St Red Bank NJ Ridgewood Historical Society, Inc. Februarv 15,1999 The 49th Annual Heritage Show . To be held from For more information contact: (973) 538-3473 by April 1,1999. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Special Exhibit: Fashions ofthe 1950's & 1960's. April 13,1999 Speaker Bogat Holly, Topic "Joining Her- Societies". Me&- March 19, 1999 8 pm General Meeting "Historic New Bridge ing held at the Morristown -Morris Township Library. 7 p.m. Landing: Bergen County's Newest State Park" Tim Adriance of the Bergen County Historical Society Friends of Historic New Bridge Landing. All meeting are held in the Februaw 14,1999 Washington's Birthday Celebration at New Bridge Landing in Education Building of the Old Paramus Reformed Church next door to honor of the General. All three houses will be open and staffed. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. the Schoolhouse Museum at 650 East Glen Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ Sponsored by the Bergen County Historical Society. 07450 February 18,1999 "Palisades Amusement Park: A cmtury of fond memories." Westchester County Gene Society Ledure by Vicne Gargiulo. To be held at Second Reformed Church, comer of February 13,1999 Jeanne Sutherland, "Columbo makes it looks so Anderson and Union Streets, Hackensack, NJ. 8 p.m. easy! or Tips on solving genealogical mysteaies when you have the March 18,1999 "Skunk Hollow Revisited." Ledure by Dr. Joan Geismar, information but not the answer." archiologist. To be held at Second Reformed Church, comer of Anderson and Union March 13, 1999 Laura A DeGrazia "A detailed look at m's StreHackensack, NJ. 8 p.m. Primary Valuation" Meetings begm at 10 am at Aldersgate Memorial April 15, 1999 "Sterling: A History of Early Imn Manufacturing in the Hudson Methodist Church, 600 Main Street, Dobbs Fary, NY. Valley." Lareby Ken Rose, of the Orange County (NY) Historical Society. To be April 10, 1999 Wdester County Genealogical Society speaker held at Second Reformed Church, corner of Anderson and Union Stre&, Hackensack, Cathy Horn. Topic " Using the Internet for Genalogical Rd; NJ. 8 p.m. Speaker David Kleinman and Cathy Horn. Topics" Desi~ingand Passaic County Genealogical Society Planning Your Own Web Page" and " Creating Your Web Page.Time February 13, 1999 Ledure by Mr. John Sass. Topic "Genealogical Research in 10 a.m. at the Aldersgate Memorial Methodist Church, 600 Main St, New Jersey". Sponsored by the Passaic Cou ty Genealogy Club. 10 a.m. to be held at Dobbs Ferry, NY. the Louis Bay I1 Library, 345 Lafayette Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ. Morris Area Genealogical Society Monmouth County Gene. Soc & Gene Society of New Jersey. April 17,1999 Sp~gSeminar. Held at United Methodist Church of Red Bank, 247 Broad St, Red Bank, NJ. Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, CGRS, FUGA is the featured -Morris Townshi Libra speaker.Topics include: "Flesh on the Bones: Putting your Ancerotrs into Historical Perspective", 'The Silent Woman: Bringing a Name to Life", and "The Immigrant Experience: From Steerage to Ellis Island". Fee $20 Contad S. Numberg (609)45 1 2848 The Archivist, a quarterly publication of the Genealogical Society of Bergen County, New Jersey P.O. Box 432, Midland Park, New Jersey 07432 A renaval of membership was received by Frank Poole fiom Mrs. WiedK&oe Scherb. Mrs. Scherb also enclosed the following offer: " ... Have you seen m or around Hackensack a citation given my great-grandfather after the close of the Civil War ... making him Cap- tam K&oe and simed by Abraham Lincoln. It last hung m th living room of a distant relative - Maggie Ka- vanaugh (now deceased) and was roughly 18" x 20" fiamed. I will pay $1,000 forthis citation of my great grandfather. Wmitied Kehoe S&erb 77-15th St #2 Hermosa Beach, Ca 90254" New member 2.Q sti~~~~irs:;;w;*>~~~m~~.t!~ Kathleen B. QUACKENBUSH SASSO, 551 Cliffst, Ridgewood, NJ 07450. Names research'i are: QUACKENBUSH, SASO. GOR- DON, BOYLE, LETTIERL those rntLxt.Ad m genealogy Annual ' dues are Sl2 (Indiv~dtiambdtp), d '314 (Fam~lymunhcdtp), and SI 5 ILibrary Acquisitions for 1998 - 8 (Outsldc ofthe t 'S) % ~%WPW&~%~~X&'~~WL~P~:*%~L>F~F~%~.%PCF~~~~ The Genealogical Societyof Bergen Cavn~.is a taxexempt organization as The librruy ofthe Genealogical Society of Bergen County has been reopened since November 1,1998. A society meetings kbedm s&ions 501 (c) (3) and librarian staffs it on Mondays &om 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. It is also open before and after when possi- Because Library, Li- ' 509 (a) (2) of the Internal Revarue ble. of the renovation at the Midland Park there were no purchases made for our Society's brary m 1998. However we would like to thank Ethel Konighq Joan Hagel, Famk Poole, Marion Armstrong, and Code, &quests, legacies, devises, traders or &tot he Society are Tom Wicks for the followmgtheir generous donations of material and time: dedudble for federal incomemeee, 1. and gill tax purposes as probided by "Annals ofthe Classis of Bergen ofthe Refmed Dutch Church" by B. Taylor the I.R.C. 2. ''Camp Merritt" by H. Rose 3. "Historic Homes m CLoster" ed. J. Gumee TheAmkrwst is published four 4. "The Hackensack Wata Company 1869-1969" by Adrian Leiby times a year and mailed to members 5. "Remebering Lyndhurst 1917-1992" by P Guida aboutthe 15th of February, may, Au- 6. "Map of Maywah 1709-1876" annp. C. Tholl gu4 & Novemk. Manbas are en- cauraged in SUMpais, articles, 7. "Midland Park, The First Century of an American Community" comp. hints, suggetiqetc. for publicatim. 8. "Map of Wyckoffto 1876: C Tholl 9. "List of Passsengers 1654-1664 to New N&erlands fromthe 1902 Holland Society Yearbook. The deadline forwmis the 10. Muster and Pay Rolls fo the War ofthe Revolution 1775-1783 from Colledions ofthe New York 25th of the month preceding publtca- Historical Society 1914 & 1915 tion. Send matmiat to: 11. "The Olympia Settlemart in Early Brooklyn, NY" by Armbruster Gglealogi0.1 Society of 12. "All-Name Index to the 1860 Gazetteer of New York State. J3WP-y 13. Additions to a cqy ofthe original records to Airmcmt Lutheran Church Records, 1872-1975 m PO Box 432 Suffem, Rockland Cty, NY Midiand Park, NJ 07432 14. "British Frigins of American Colonists 1629-1775" by W Dollarhide. 15. " Understanding and Usmg Ekpt~smalRecords" By J. Humphrey Wiwestrive for aocuraacy,the 16. "America's Best Genealogy Resource Caters " by J. Dollahide and Bremer Societv assumes no resrxnsibilitvfor typos, errors of fact, or opinim ex- As you may or may not have heard, Marion Armstrong has el& to step down as our Librarian and Library Co- ordinator. Marion has serve of Society well over the years and we could never say "Thank you" enough for her time and mcientiousless paid our library. She has been the stabilizing force behind our efforts to maintain an excellent colledion. It is with deep regret we see Marion leavethis position but we wish her well. Several people have volmteaed to take on some ofthe duties Marion did. Nancy Groo will be coiodmatingthe volunteers m the library. Carol Tynan will respond to any donationstothe library. Carolyn Smith has expressed an interest m the Acquisition Canrmitteeto purchasenew materials. We welcome anyone who would either liketo &air a commit- tee or assist to contad Lucille Siebold or the person mentioned above. Volume XXVI. No. 1. Februaw 1999 ISSN 0275-0309 Page 2 The Archivist, a quarterly publication of the Genealogical Society of Bergen County, New Jersey P.O. Box 432, Midland Park, New Jersey 07432 Cornelia DEGRAUW-3457: c 5 Jan 1707 Hackensack, Magdaleena BANTA-1493: c 3 1 Od 1736 Tappan, Rockland, Bergen, Dutch RefCh.,NJ.
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