DIRECTORY•] HERTFORDSHIRE. BENNINGTO:Y. 49 Bradbrook John, farm bailiff to E. Cheek William, farrier Laird James, Bayford HaJI farm H. Carlile esq. M.P. Ponsbourne Childs Fredk. farmer, Newpond farm Love John, farmer, Bayford place Park farm Crumplin James, head gardener to Reed WaIter, farmer, How Claypits Brooks Amelia (Miss), farmer, Ep. Rev. C. A. Hornby M.A., J.P. Waddington Alfred, farmer. Bayford- ping green Ashendene bury farm Catling Owen, head gardener to H. Durgan Walter, sub-postmaster Woods Arthur, police constable W. C. Baker esq. J.P. Bayfordbury BEDMONT, see Abbot's Langley. BENGEO (Rural) is a parish, just above the river WATERFORD is a hamlet, a mile and a half north­ Beane and separated from the parish of Ware by the west from the parish church. The district church of river Rib, one mile north from Hertford and 2 west St. Michael and All Angels is a building of Kentish rag­ from Ware, in the Eastern division of the county, hun- stone, in the Decorated style, erected in the year 187~ dIed, petty sessional diTision, union and county court at the expense of the late Robert Smith esq. of Gold­ district of Hertford, and comprises the hamlets of ings, and consisting of chancel, nave, vestry, south Tonwell, Ohapmore End and Waterford, beyond the porch and a western tower with broach spire: in the municipal borough of Hertford, and in the rural deanery nave is a memorial window to the Rev. Charles Deedes of Hertford and archdeaconry and diocese of St. Albans. M.A. a former rector, d. 25 Dec. 1875, and others to 'l'he Hertford County Reformatory near Ohapmore Miss Emmeline C. Smith, erected in 1890, and Robert End, built by the late Albel Smith eliq. and certified Smith esq. erected in 1895: some fine mosaic decorative November 10, 1857, was enlarged in 1900, and is now work was given by the late Reginald A. Smith esq. (1908) capable of holding 80 boys, who are educated and The Rev. Harry Charles Orpwood M.A. of Pembroke em~loyed in cu~ti~ating 67 acres of ground; it was Oollege, Oxford, has been curate in charge since 1903. regIstered as a limIted company under the name of the The population in 1901 was 236. "Hertford Reformatory Limited," 29 Jan. 1904, and is I Sexton, George Bygrave. supported by a grant, payments from the local authorities TUNWELL is a hamlet 2! miles north from the sendi~~g boy.s,. and the labour of the inmates. The church, on the road from Ware to Stevenage, and has ohantles, arlsmg from 4 acres of ~and left ~y ~an~ and A~n a ehapel of ease erected, together with the school adjoin­ Shaw, amount to /,8 yearl~, .whlc~ sum IS .dls~nbuted ID ing, by the late Abel Smith esq. in 1857. The popula­ b~ead among the wldo,,:s resldmg . m the p~rlsh, th~re are tion in 1901 was 264. SIX almshouses for SIX poor Widows Without chIldren. The Lammas land belonging to the parish, consisting CHAPMORE END IS a hamlet, 2 mIles north from the of 20a. 31'. 28p. yields £30 yearly, which is divided among church.· Letter~ for Tunwell and Chapmore End the householders. At ·Waterford Marsh are 26a. 3r . 30P. throu¥,h Ware arrIve at 7 and 10.20 a.m of land, free to all the inhabitants of the parish to graze ParIsh Clerk, Arthur George. horses and cows. The late Captain William Rayner Best Post Office, :unwell. John Wrlght, sUb-postm~st~r. H.E.I.M.S. left by will, dated Jan. 16, 1869, £200 New Letters receIved through ~are 6·55 &; IO:I0 a.m, ~lS- £3 per Cent. Consols, the dividends of which, after neces- patched 3·2~ &; 7..10 p.m;, no sunday delivery. HIgh- sary repairs to the testator's tomb, are to be applied to cross, 2~ mIles dIstant, IS the nearest money order &; the relief of the poor at the discretion of the rector and ~elegraph office churchwardens. Goldings, the seat of the Hon. Mrs. Post. Office, Waterford.---:Mrs. Kate Sharpe, sub-post- Reginald A.. Smith, is a fine mansion of red brick with mistress. Letters r~ceIved through Hertford at 7.40 stone dressings; the grounds are about 200 acres in a.m. &; 3.15 p..m.; ~spatc~ed at II·55 a.m. &; 7 p.m. extent. Abel Henry Smith esq. M.P. of Woodhall Park, Btmgeo, 11 mIles dIstant, IS the nearest money order Ware, is lord of the manor of Waterford Hall. William .&; telegraph office Francis Parker esq. of Ware Park, who is lord of the Pillar Letter Box, Ch,ap~ore End. Letters collected 1 &; manor, and Abel Henry Smith esq. M.P. are the chief 6.15 p.m.; no col.echon on sund'ays landowners. The soil is gravel, with a subsoil of clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. Reformatory Institution, Chapmore End, Ishmael A. Under the provisions of the "Local Government Act, Fish, superintendent; Mrs. Webber, matron 1894," Bengeo old parish has been divided into two­ Public Elementary Schools. Urban and Rural-the former being the portion within TUm'l'ell, built in 1857, by the late Abel Smith esq. for th3 Hertford municipal borough. The area of the Rural 60 children; average atten.dance, 44; Mrs. Frances parish is 2,759 acres of land and 19 of water; rateable Kemp, mistress value, £3,380; the population in 1901 was 500, includ­ Waterford, formerly used as a chapel, for 102 children; ing 82 in the Herts Reformatory. average attendance, 48; Mrs. Martha Ryle, mistress (For the remainder of names see Hert- Chaffer Rev. William M.A. (curate), Scott Daniel, market gardener ford.) The Parsonage I White Thomas, Three Harts P.H. WATERFORD. Sworder Oapt. Frederick Robt. Fair-. Stony Hills Curtis Thos. Reginald, Waterford ho man (adjutant Herts Batt. Terri- Duranty ehas. A. F. The Parsonage torial Force), Oakcroft TUNWELL. Orpwood Rev. Harry Charles M.A. COMMERCIAL. COMMERCIAL. (curate-in-charge), The Parsonage C:"mpkm Albert John, farmer Smith Hon. Mrs. Reginald A. Goldings FIsh Is~ael A. supt. of Refo~matorYI Broad Trefry Nanscawen, farmer, COMMERCIAL Gee Wilham Roger, beer retailer Burr's Green farm Morgan WaIter John f~rmer Water- Hammond Agnes (Miss), dress maker ChalkIer ~h1lll", blacksmith &; fiy .ford hall ', Hertford. Reformatory Lim. (Ish~ael! proprietor. Sharpe Kate (Mrs.), grocer, Post office A. FIsh, supt.; Mrs. Harrrett Hartley Em.ily (Mrs), miller Wells Sidney James beer retailer Webber, matron) IInns Jereilllah, Robm Hood P.R , Odell Alfred G. frmr. Rickneys farm IReed Charles, farmer, Chelsings farm CHAPMORE END. Pearman William, farm bailiff to wm. 1Smeeth In. frmr. Bengeo Temple fann Bolt Miss, Bleak house Baker esq 1 Wright John, grocer, Post office BENNINGTON is a village and parish, 4~ miles north- the tenor wei~hs 14 cwt.: the chancel has triple sedilia east from Knebworth station and 6 south-east from I and choir stalls of carved oak, and is separated froIn the Stevenage station, both on the main line of the Great I nave by a lofty oak screen, surmounted by a cross: in Northern railway, 8 north from Hertford, and 8 north- I the east wall of the chapel is a piscina and in the porch north-west from Ware, in the Northern division of thp the remains of a holy water stoup: in a niche over the county. Broadwater hundred. Stevenage petty sessional south porch is the mutilated figure of the patron saint: division, Hertford union and county court district, and in in the chancel is an altar tomb adorned. with the arms of the rural deanery of Benningt-on and archdeaconry anrl Benstede and Moyne and bearing effigies of a knight in dioce~e of St. .Albans. The river Beane forms part of the 'I' armour of the Benstede family and his wife: nnder the WE'~tpl'D boundary of the parish. The church of St. Petpr, easternm.ost arch is a similar tomb with effigies, pro­ standing on a fine plevation commanding an extensive view. bably representing Sir John de Benstede, and Joan hit' of the surrounding country, appears to date from the early wife, 1432: there are various memorials to the families part of thp qth century, and consists of a long and naTrOW of Cresar, 1622-61: the carved oak pulpit and some other chancel with chapel on the north side, wide clerestoried fittings were presented by relatives of the rector: on the nave, south porch and an embattled western tower con- I north nave wall are brass inscriptions to WilIiam, fourth taining a clock and a fine peal of 8 bells, dated respee- son of George Clarke, ob. May 23, IS91; and to John tively J838 (I and 2), 1793, 1853, 1630, 1777, 1696,1721; I Clarke, of Bennington, councillor-at-law, ob. June II, BERT~. 4.
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