The March 2019 NEWSLETTER of the WESSEX CENTRE of the MORGAN SPORTS CAR CLUB Greetings fellow Wessex Morganeers he unseasonally early Spring-like weather, which appeared in January and February, brought out a record number of our Morgans. The New Year’s Day meet, and the January and T February Sunday lunches, were greeted with glorious sunshine, and gave many of us the opportunity for a shake-down. Of course, it doesn’t require sunshine for Dave Sapp to put his Series 1 4/4 (‘William’) through its paces, and early in January it was to be seen in Class R of the Exeter Trial. The Wessex Centre AGM was a sociable affair, as usual, and the business of the meeting was constructive. We now have a new Centre Secretary, with John Robinson taking up the reins this year as Neville Lear steps down. The rest of the committee was re-elected, and Rob Pring has taken over responsibility for Regalia. If you want to identify with Wessex then see Rob’s note in the pages ahead. Pete and Jill Turner have put together another superb list of events for us this year, and an outline enclosed with this newsletter will enable you to enter key dates on your personal calendars. From informal meets, lunches and noggins, to treasure hunt and tours, with everything in between including a garage visit, picnics, runs, and shows. Do join the Wessex camaraderie and use your Morgan to the full. There are some motor sport events listed, too, where you may wish to spectate or volunteer to help as a marshal. If you have ideas, or can help to organise something, get in touch with the Event Secretaries. Recent news from the Morgan Motor Company includes a very new Plus Six, and a Plus 4 110 works edition model (limited to 50 vehicles) unveiled at the Geneva International Motor Show. The Plus Six in particular looks an exciting step forward, and the MMC website has lots of detail. Other news, a surprise to many of us, is that an Italian venture capitalist firm is reportedly to take a major stake in the company and we await developments here with considerable interest. I was given a copy of David Wellings’ book (‘Buying and Maintaining a Modern Traditional Morgan’) as a Christmas present, and the warm sunny weather allowed me to take inspiration from it to rectify a couple of niggles on my Plus 4. Firstly, the chromed finish on the door mirrors was corroding, and the mirrors themselves seemed to lack clarity in bright sunshine. I have replaced the mirrors and bases with polished stainless steel ones – a much simpler task than I had anticipated. Secondly, I have now solved the mystery of my whistling Morgan. I do recommend this book! I look forward to seeing you on the road . only 3 weeks now until the clocks go forward. Safe motoring Roger Copy date for the next Morganiser: 18 May 2019 REMINDER: MSCC Wessex Centre membership renewal I am aware that some of you have yet to renew your membership (due January 2019). If this is you, please note that, regrettably, without renewal this will be the last newsletter you receive. Another membership form is included overleaf. Page 1 of 22 The Morganiser March 2019 MORGAN SPORTS CAR CLUB - WESSEX CENTRE Membership form [please print in BLOCK CAPITALS] I enclose cheque for £10 as my subscription for 2019: Yes/No ? delete as appropriate PLEASE INDICATE WITH AN ASTERISK * Any details which are not to be circulated to other members. First Name:- Surname:- Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss or title Partner’s Name:- Surname:- Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss or title Address, including post code:- Home Telephone No.:- Mobile No.:- E-mail address:- Current MSCC Membership Number:- Car Model:- Registration No.:- Year of manufacture:- Basic Colour:- Current Mileage figure:- (needed for the Centre annual mileage award!) Sign here to confirm that any of the above details not asterisked may be circulated to other members:- Member:- Partner:- Date Date Cheques should be made out to “MSCC Wessex Centre” Please return this form and your subscription to:- John Robinson, 51 Shoreditch Road, Taunton, Somerset TA1 3DF Page 2 of 22 The Morganiser March 2019 John` s Jottings … The Centre Secretary`s report for March Well, as winter draws to a close and the days get longer it`s time to fettle our Mogs to enjoy the programme ahead. Pete and Jill have worked hard to produce a full and varied programme, hopefully to suit most members` tastes - details elsewhere. As reported at the well-attended AGM, Wessex centre is well and financially fit. It is good to see so many new faces as well as loyal longstanding friends. A reminder for those handful of members who have still not registered nor paid their subs for 2019. We realise that on occasions other Morganeers may wish to join us, but you should be aware that larger membership means, if we have restricted numbers for events, priority on bookings will be given to registered Wessex members. Our 2019 programme has events to cover motor sport, social events and good get -togethers. Nev and Julia are organising the Wessex contribution to Drive It Day, with Robert and Jane organising Tinney Tribute Tour - always a lovely day out. The Wessex Anniversary Lunch is being revived, and I trust that all support Nick and Kate when details are circulated. This will be a build up to our centre`s 40th birthday in 2021. Just a reminder that if you are supporting an event contact the Wessex organiser/host rather than the venue concerned. This helps us manage numbers and bookings. And talking of anniversaries your Committee agreed Wessex should mark the 110th birthday of the MMC with a memento. We considered various ideas, but the preferred option is a poster-sized collage of Wessex Morgans, with their proud owners off-stage. This celebration is somewhat distracted by breaking news that the MMC itself has just been sold to InvestIndustrial, an Italian investment company with stakes in Aston Martin and Ducati. The Morgan family, as well as management and staff, retain a minority shareholding. We are assured this will bring stability and not a change in direction - that Morgans are recreation and an antidote to modern motoring. Neville`s standing down highlighted the need to ensure continuity and have some overlap on a change of Centre Secretary. Your Committee are therefore recommending the post of Deputy Secretary with the post holder to join in proceedings during the year. Your comments are welcome. Your Committee is also considering enabling members to pay subscriptions on-line in future. We would retain current options of cash and cheque - watch this space! Your ideas and suggestions on centre matters are always welcome - just contact me or one of the Committee members. Sometimes it takes a little time to turn these into events - I recall poor Roger patiently waited 2 or 3 years before we managed Sculptures by the Lakes -but well worth it when the time came! Looking forward to a great Morgan open season – as if there was ever a closed season! John Page 3 of 22 The Morganiser March 2019 Key points from the AGM Thursday 7 February 2019 at The Prince of Wales, Stoke sub Hamdon 35 members attended (a record turnout), and had enjoyed an informal noggin beforehand, with a very good meal. The Centre Secretary reported on a successful and very enjoyable year, and thanked Julia and the Committee for their continuing support. It was noted that there were 43 households on the Centre register, of which 16 still had to renew membership for 2019. The Treasurer reported that the Centre finances were still very healthy, with a slightly increased credit balance, due in no small part to our advertisers and the monthly draws. The Editor was pleased to report that there had been good support for The Morganiser, with copy forthcoming from 14 different members. Items regarding members’ personal activities with their Morgans were always popular, and to be encouraged. The Event Secretary gave a résumé of the many Wessex events during a busy 2018, and the recollection of these was warmly received. For noggins, The Flintlock drew the largest numbers, though the idea of socialising for longer before eating had met with mixed success. The winter Sunday lunches had again proved popular. The summer ‘drink and chat’ evenings at Eli’s had been enjoyed, and will continue. The garage evening with Dave Sapp had been very well supported, and special mention was made of Sue’s cakes. There had been two joint events with Mendip, the Tinney Tribute Tour and the Bristol Classic Car Show, and will again appear in the 2019 programme. The Wessex Centre Constitution received amendment to comply with data protection and privacy, with unanimous support from the membership. Neville Lear was standing down from the role of Centre Secretary after 3 years, and the one nomination that John Robinson be elected to this position was carried unanimously. All other officers were prepared to stand for another year and were unanimously elected en- bloc. The committee for 2019 is shown on the back page of this newsletter. The trophy for ‘Most miles in your Morgan’ during 2018 was won again by Terry and Babs Phelps. A bottle of champagne was awarded to Neville Lear for the best photograph to appear in The Morganiser 2018. The photograph of three Morgan three-wheelers was taken on ‘Drive-it Day’. It was announced that Mike Smith had agreed to be the Centre Archivist.
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