VOL. XXVI. NO. 5* MATAWAN, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1804. $I.2E * YEAR. 3 CENTS SINGLE COPy. ALL OYER THE COUNTY. thorn hi ag!r»aouHe iu tho Loug Brauoh STATE I’lllSON STATISTICS. (iolssonhniner Twice Ileateu. Cut Three Per*em Witk • B uar. Towu Hull for puBlic iuapeotion, Last Sunday morniDg tBe peace and Inltir«aUng Inrurinatiun ubout llm I’I aru - A W ashington dispatch to tBo New­ ontiunna IT *MM T A K E N n o n quietado of Midway Green waa dis­ A content of a recent school election Tlio Farole I.nw n (luoil One. a rk JSnmlng ATcwe of July 23 shows 01TB XZOHAKOU. in Neptuno townaliip is to Bo mado By that Congressman OiewesBoiner ia op­ turBed By a good-tized row in one ot L *wirnci tr The report of tlio Inspectors of tho 1. I, Bedle’. Bouaea, occupied By a re- f t. iMpMioot K«*nU n.ppMilni H h. Claude V, Guerin, who alleges that New Jersey Stnto Prison for tho fiscal posed to rcatrictifig immigration to n n v . d it t o *. spootaBle colored family, named Evana, v B m a r . U«|iro4itoMl liar* In » Cu«* votes wero cast By women and non­ year was sont to the Governor and it this country. As uiany of our readers Tho cause of it all was John Daria, F o n u . residents. Tho question will eomo Bo­ contniuod somo interesting informa­ arc intcrcstod in this suBject wa quote foro the Supreme Court in Novoml.er. colored, who used a razor in a manner tion. The State's ponal institution tBo entire artiolo: JCHU r. AmUATK, At tBo WriRBt Memorial Home for that tBreo persona wero cut very Beri- Mutildn Noy, n sorvnutgirl at AnBury iu point of| population, would mnka a "Ropresontfltiro GeUsculisinUr had Frleudleu CLililrcu atOoossiiort there ously. From the story toldns itietma t l N U R U U * , Park, tried five different times on Snu- good-sizod towu, thero Being 088 con­ Bn amnsing trick played on him on are 128 children. thnt DaviH formerly worked for a Mr. IbMW**. ■, *. day to end hor llfo By throwing her- victs thoro nt the dnte of tlio report. Friday last By a Brother Congressman, Freehold haa tuned 281) pormitB (nr Wnrno iu Madison towmBip and fre­ wolf in front oftho cloctrie oars. Each This isun increase of 21 ovcj Inst yenr. W. A. Htono of Pennsylvania, who w a te r, 2 T> of vliioli Bavo Bcuu iaaucd piitthroughsn immigration Bill making quently camo to Matawan. He 1>«- timo nho tvas frustrated, tlio lust timo Last yoar 471 prisoners wero reooived, ilnoe January 1. csmo acquainted with the Kvana family CNRV «. TCRHUM, Boing taken in ohargu By hor employ­ and tho numBer discharged By remit­ radical changes in tho administration and wna a frequent viiitor at tBeir II Delinquent internal rovonuo tAxen er. tance of senteuco wns 351, Tlioro of tho pronont laws—a matter in whioh home. On OctoBer 10 laat Ba made • a t t o w t a id ootnwiixo* at u w , UD|iaid on July 91 will havo 60 por A lire tvnn started in nomo railroad wero twelve pardoned during tBo year GoiKHonBuincr rh olmirmau ot tho Houso Committee ou Immigration is natur­ distnrBaneo in the Berean Baptiat HtM M UiumawM iti aent added to them, ticH at Point Pleasant on Monday after­ a n d <12 paroled under tho law ot 1 H02. ally much interested. Ohuroh, wliioli rcmlteil in e warrant ■ m n n iu o , Oeorgo S, Holuirt of Marl horn linn noon ami Boforo it waa put out aliout Tlioro wero 17 doaths, “ It happens in thin way: Mr. Htono luilug isauutl for Bia arreai Be eould MM, la WNiWM aoqeisft IH* > *M»- entorod tha Uw oflloo of Frederick 10 ,0 00 or 12 ,0 0 0 were Burned, 'l'ho Thor aro ft prisoners in tho institu­ had introduced a Bill providing that uaver Bo found when tBo officer aearched Parker at Freehold, round hoitao anil other property woro tion for life, H for 80 yenrs, anti 2 fo r nil intending immigrants to the United for him But when the January term ot threatened, But waa saved By the Mnnii- 21 year*, Also 21) who will liavo to re- pHDIRICK fARUR, Tho votermis of tlio 2flth liogimont, Htates should appear Before tho Con­ Court waa in aoiuloa tho complainant N. J. Vol., will Bold a renuiun at Ah- squnn lire department. maiu 20 yenrs, 21 for 15 years, 107 for sul nhrond and receive ii eertitlcate of ont lielore the grand jury and an in­ W ork ou tho notv irou Bridge uorons 10 yonrs, ISO for 4 years, 120 for D Bury Park ou Bc|)toniBor 1 , their eligiBility oh Immigrants under dictment was found. Ho waa never. m w Lioiiiut, yonrs, 170 for 2 years and a 131 under Thern in oxoollent fltBinf; iu Unrue- tho ShrewsBury ltiver at lted llank this country's present lawn. Tho Bill apprehended, although Be waa In M .ta- a o n e y e a r sentence, gat Day, Dine and wo»k flaB aroBoiug Bus Been postponed to OetoBer 1, in waa referred te the Committee ou Im­ wan in April laal. Hinoe that tlm* Be Ol tlio wholo numBer of prisoner! But oaught In largo quantitioi. dofcrono»,to the wishes of tlio farmers, migration aa n ninttor of oourao, and a haa kept away until laat Sunday. 22 aro In for murder. There are lint 8 who would Be greatly Inoouvciiiouatid day waa fixed fnr a hearing for Mr, On iliat morulug lie waa aaea ap* Frank Ilanoo of Hoolxivvlllo Hold $ 1 ,­ for passing counterfeit money, 1 fo r had it Beeu Begun on SeptemBer 1, its Htous. Hut in tha meantime tho preaching tho Evaua homo anil it ia 300 worth of Mparaft»a lulu year from perjury und four for polygamy. Tlio W. AMOWIMTH, the contract oxpreascil. iid tho doiira wero looked tn keap him olght aorvi of ground to a finrewtBury youngest prisoner in tlio Institution ia Pennsylvania Cntigrusaiuan learned, E. A now passenger nnd freight lino is or thought ho Imd learned, that tlio out. llo dcmauded admiasion But It o au u e r, But fonrtwn years old, und tho oldest oxpoeted to Be put in operation Bu- oommitteo wns uol favoraBle to Ilia bill waa denied him, whereupon lie entered i n o w n *t law. Hov. S. 0. Cliattiu lm« Iwon eleoted is o v e r e ig h ty years, Jliit II5!t o f tB o twueu Perth AmBoy and Now York through a window. Dnvi* waa aoiue- linmiilonl nf tlio Iiakowond llonrd of Prisoners nro Jomeymen, M2 are New and tlmt under tlm Intlnimco of the early next spring. It is tho intention whnt tirtink, ao it la aaid, aud ha lm- Education nnd Jfr». K. (!. Hovoy din- Yorkers and (10 nro I’ennsylviiiilaiir. steumBout companies which of ctiurio to stop at tim priuulpnl plaeea along wuro opposed tn n restrictive measure, metliatoly Began lo quarrol with Mra. tiiot olerk. ’ Twenty-seven oilier lilntes are repre­ faaaama, a. I. Htnton Island Hound, '(lie projeot is au unfavoraBle report would Iin made Uvans, Hhe oBjected to hia actlona sented" nt the prison, and ID foreign Mra. Cart 1’, l’oturnou of Ooeiiniu Banked By Kastvrn capitalists, and Miggestetl lhat another day than countries, including fnr Norway, tlio nnd tho measure killed, sn ho had tho jyjIM KAN, N. I. L, A. T. 0. Bai Boon iirtmontcd witli n Imudxnma Bill taken away from tlm Immigration Hnnday would lm more appropriate to Frank 11, Hutphlii, tliu AnBury l'nrk Went Indies, Finland nud Austria. tuilot mit By a ninmBor of hor I i i i h - (lomiulttcu early nun morning and re­ discuss tlui runstma why lie waa not K k t VIEW HOIMI, KEfVOKr. milk dealer whoao milk waa found to Germany leads lu the list, with IW of Baud'aoBnruli. ferred to the Judiciary ('oniuilttoc, of wanted there, Dav la did not take the Bu Below test By tlio Htato authorities, the Kmperor'ssiilijeet, anil Ireland fol­ Oonnimlwr (ImlMta .nd InVotM. V»H*nlt» Fri'oholdor J. 10. I'owrlHiiii of Now which he was n memBer. It was nt wime view oi It and ho iMieame vory (fevtiaokl*. had n trial lioforo a July on Tuesday, lows wlili IM and Italy with ft. F.ng- llrmmwtok ia niontioimd an a ouiididatti once reported nnd placed on thn calen­ Boistnriina, llnnlly drawing e rautl Pl.ii., Oma, IUIl»a Mil rnark VenltMlloa, Ills evidence allowed thul tlio milk was laml Is represented By 20 anil Hootlund lluiuM f, UMtaUsyoliil, d u n , ru«*«. for Oouuty Olork of Mtddloaux Vounty. from a b e lt anil la y lu g o| hiii Mra, Kuna' watered Before ho Bought It aiul the Bad It). The oldest prisoner uow in dar. When Mr. (lelmienlmlner learned Hu ia a l(u|itihlloau. wlmt Bail happened he made up lila olieek, When hor aona, Cltarlee anil nt'DiMT* nm H iiu ron m itiiUTioas, jury Brought in a vordlot In Bis favor. th e in s titu tio n wns rece iv ed iu 18(17. mind tu kill thu hill. ■lames, caiiio to her assistance hn used Julili Floining, iiniiirietur of a low- Freeholder James M. ParsolisofNew I'lvory prisoner iu tho Institution oan ^ I F R C U to aLUM S, K "Ililt lie did tint keep n close the ru/or on chcIi of them, lln uavn prloud moat ahni> In Hoiitli Amliuy, la llruustvlok Is talked of for the Domo- road, although many of them eould not Charles n Imd gash in thn hand Aid ra|H>rti'd to liavo aliaooudtid, Icuvinjt a eratle nomination for Htnto Hutuitor to enough eye on Mr.
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