'. Lightning Starts, Stops Fire .. Th. Weather Today STOCKHOLM (IP) - Llchtnin&" struck a house a' Lud­ tempera~· vik. In Sweden, threw a telephone on Ute noor and set Fair today. No decided change in Irs. Anna fire 10 i~ U landed under a chair on wblch a paU of ""a­ ture. High today 75-80. High yesterday 81; IladaYat u was s\.andlnc. Tbls pall was pierced by 'he I~hlnlnc , I~ water ran out and exUDlUished the flrt. No o\her I Funerat owall low 52. 'novan () Umue was done. II Will ~ Ealabliahed 1868-Vol. 80, No. 210-AP News and Witephoto --,.. Iowa City, Iowa. Tuesday, June I, 1948--five Cents ----------------~--------------------------------------------------------~--------------~------~ ,1i~1at IPllil tol_ .Memorial Day Service Honors Unknown Dead la avenUe ' the P'st Czecbai. Floods :Cause 3,500 s COUntr, d, " Va~Sbtk, trandchU. Leonard 32 treat­ ;e I~t- To Flee Two Towns.. (ontinue Hunf II. For Victims In Vanporf \ VANPORT, ORE. {~ - The rampaging flood waters that crush­ ed this city of 18.700 people Uke a cardboard viUage Sunday drove some 3,500 from two Washington towns north of here last night. Jammjng the streets of South Kel 0, 50 milH to the north, the populace raced to higher ground to escape the threatened dikes or the Coweeman river. The dIkes were still holding, however, and officials had hopes they might not go out. S.D.) ~ Waler poured through the Lew­ is river dike yesterday afternoon and surged toward the town of Woodland, 30 miles north or here. The Columbia river dike thai al­ so protects the town was weaken­ ing, and expected to go out dur~ I ing the night. The !Iood walers were expected to rise three or lour feet high In the I,OOO-populotioon town of FIRING A SALUTE to the unknown dead honcireCj at Memorial I by tbe Women's Relief corps at the G.A.R. lo~ In Oakland cemetery. Woodland by late last night. AU the inhabltanta bad fled to satety. CAR OF E CAPING HE IDENTa bOiled down on th~ exit from the nood-wrecked town of Vall­ Day services yesterda.y wa.s a squad from V.F.W. post 3949. ~OUII&'- . (Dally Iowan Photo by JIm howers) port, Ore·, unday (ABOVE). A wall of water wept Into the town without wamlnr durin&' the arter· Biers ca.n be seen 'covering their ears. The service wa.s sponsored The ample warnings in both noon and many lives were feared 10 t, I'e terdn bOI'" manned by soldiers searched the ruin of the South Kelso and Woodland lore­ city lor bodies or victim., (BELOW). Van port, with populallon of 18,'110, was Ore(on' second IarI'M~ stalled a l'Cpetilion of the Ilood town. (AP WIRErnOTOS) Thornton Asks U. S. ,Government Sends that crashed without warning Mundi, (ommunrist- Disagree through II dike to destroy t)lls city ----........ • Sunday afternoon, To Insure Peace in Total War Primer Amazingly, not a single body has b n found In the ten to 15 Ieet On Aim 01 Mundl~ Nixon Bill of water that is stlll swirllol Memorial Address To Factory Owners through what was the city of Van~ NEW YORK (JP) -Rep. Kad E. MundL (R-S.D.) and WiUiam Z. porI. "All ot us on lhis earth are on Foster, American Communisl leader, disagreed in a radio debate last WASHINGTON (IP) - An indus­ Hope that the Vanport disaster pne common ship, which, if it ex- night as to whether lhe Communist party would be outlll\wccl. under trial primer £or lolal war i. AlQin !'lId not cllused a malor losa of ' plodes, may destroy us all," Pm!. the Mundt-Nixon bill. out to Cactory OWllers. life rose last night as rescue boat.! Harri son J. Thornlon told a Mem- Mundt, co-aulhor of the measure, claimed its' aim was not to oul­ The defense department's muni­ finished a full day of scarch with­ orial Day crowd o[ about 300 yes- law Communists but to "drive them from the dark into the open and Uons board. which prepal'ed the out finding I victim amid 1he terday morning. from the face of the earth." text, laid ilq emphasis ycslrcday shattered houses and submerged Tilornton gave the prinCipal ad- Foster, national chairman of the Communist party, declared the bill on tWI) points: streets. But much of the wreckage drcss or the concluding service in "aims to outJ~ tbe Communist 1. How induslry ("an plan now Joy buried too deep to be Invest­ Oakland ccmetcry. Calling on party" but thaL "actually the activity. for tu riling out thc weapons n cd­ Igated. the United Slales 10 Insure world Communists are only the scconday Mundt posed two qucstions to cd ill cas of Will'. The Red Cross was slowly shor­ peace, Thornton said, "Let us take ' objective," He said its real pur­ Fosler which the Communist lead­ 2. A strong lllnl that unless buch tening tile missing reports last heart for the future and never fail pose was a "deadly blow to the er left unanswered. plans arc ready for quick wal' pL'O­ night, as families separated in the ill this great divine commission," labor and progressive movement, "Name one opposition leader in duction the plant may stu I've ror {light from the flooded town were It is a "sad thing to confess," he American democracy and world Russia," he said, "who in the last lack of materials and labor. l'e-united. The number who escap­ said,. "that many times in our his- peace." 10 years has· •• criticized the BoaI'll Chairman Thomas J, llal'­ ed sately was called "almost tOry we have had to call upon our Mundt and Fosler debated tile government. • • and lived 10 gravc, ill announcing to a new!! tnlraculous" by rescue workers. mCII of valor" to lake part in bill-now before the senate-over tell his story. confcrenc the handbook for No one knew how many of Van­ wars. the ABC network, Foster spoke "Name one instance," he add d, "joint Industl'y-mllilary procure­ porVs 18,700 residents had perish­ Sketching early U. S. history, from New York and Mundt from "when the Communist party In the ment planning," also J)l'esented lhe ed in thc !lood that broke through Thornton said wars were under- Yanklon, S.D. The Communist United States has critized the for­ laies~ record on the government's a dike Sunduy afternoon and taken "10 secure our land, to win leagel' had challenged Mundt to eign policy and actions of Russia," own slake in industrial facilities. roared through the town, swcep­ our illdependence and. establish discuss the measure. In addition Lo requiring Comm­ It showed lhal the government ing houses, cars, and people before ourselves as a nation and to secure Mundt, asserting that "Foster unist registration, Mundt said, the it. Sixty injured were in PorUand our union." presently owns 01' lIas a right to can't refer you to any similar de­ blll rules that "no Communist can recall to war Pl'oduction 405 of hospiLais. "Now there liaS come another bate in Russia," said the bill "only work lor the federal government." century-our century-the 20th the 3.500 plants it buill during the requires Commlmisls to TCgister war to produce guns, airplanes. cenlury," he deClared, and two in the open." ~ ' more wars have been ,undertaken tanks and a multilude of other Truman Authorizes "10 challenge and check Ule march He said it provides a jail pun­ 344 Killed Dudng weapons. of tyranny through the earUl and ishment only for persons who Of thes indus 'ial reserve Flood Area Relief also to make secure our liberty." try to establish "a totalllarian plants, 151 are relawed by the ... ,. govel'lllDent here controlled from Three-Day Holiday The SUI history professor trac­ B1 THE ASSOCJATED pB.n army, navy or airforce. Thirty­ WASlllNGTON (IP)-President ed U. S, foreign relations through abroacl" At least 344 persons died In ac­ seven lire sUIl in government pro­ Truman yesterday authorized use Dr. Miller To Advise Arabs Claim Encircling Move the colonial years to the close of Mundt said that if Foster believ­ cidents over the three-day Mem­ duction. Thirly-one have been of wal' surplus property for relief the Revolutionary war and then ed the Communist party would be orial observance. The figure does sold under a clause which pre­ and rehabilitation in the !lood sec­ New Health Division • .• i on through the middle period to outlawed he "admits the Comm­ not include the unknown dead in serves their basic function of pro­ tions of the northwest, declal'lng the Civil war. UJtis\s party qualifies" as an or­ the Van port, Ore., flood. duclng WBI' material, and 53 have the territory a "disaster area." DES MOINES (IP}-Dr. Waller On Tel AVIV r Israeh (apllal Since the Civil war, we bave ganization seeking to overthrow More than hall Ole Ilumber died been leased under similar guard­ He directed Raymond M. Foley, L. Bierdng, st.ate commissioner Qr "gone lhrough a transformation in the government by foreign direct­ tn automobile accidents. ing claur.e. director of the federal housing and health, reported yesterday that thu By THE ASSOCIATED PRES re~tion s with the rest of the ion. The traffic death toU reached Hargrave said the Ilew guide~ home finance administration to in­ state healtb department soon will Arab armies claimed last night to be encircling Tel Aviv, th~ world," he said. "The Uniled Foster deparled from his pre­ 184 compared with the 225 that book i<; not a complete blue print vestigate the possible availablHty be operating a new divisioll-8 capital and army headquarters of Israel.
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