St Andrew Dung Lac St. Catherine of Alexandria Bl. Pier Giorgio Blessed Anacleto Gonzalez Flores Bl. Jerzy Popieluszco St. Charles Lwanga St. John Fisher St. John the Baptist Bl. Jose Sanchez del Rio St. John Paul 2 St. Paul Miki and Companions St. Paul St Peter St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross St . Thomas Becket St. Thomas More St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church · 10700 Aboite Center Road · 260-432-0268 · www.seasfw.org Our Parish Community Parish Activities of the Week Monday, July 3 Parish OfLice Closed Tuesday, July 4 Building Closed after Mass Independence Day Holiday Wednesday, July 5 While many of us may enjoy this Independence day 6:45 am Morning Men’s Group, Parish Hall holiday with family, there are parishioners whose 7:00 pm HS Youth Group Bible Study, Fr. Solanus loved ones are far away, serving our country in foreign Thursday, July 6 lands. Thanks to their service, we are able to enjoy this 3:30 pm HS Open Youth Room, Youth Room great gift of freedom. Please keep them and their fami- Saturday, July 8 2:00 pm Feichter-Johnson Wedding, Church lies in prayer. If you have someone serving in the mili- Sunday, July 9 tary overseas, please call the office to let us know. 8:30 am Coffee and Donuts, Parish Hall US MARINE CORPS US ARMY 10:30 am Catholic Information Session, Fr. Solanus Capt. Rodd V. Chin Pvt. Matthew Rich 12:45 pm Baptisms, Church LCpl. Derrek Valimont SSgt. Kevin O’Brien PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Sgt. Troy Stemen AIR FORCE th Due to the Fourth of July holiday, the parish office will be The 76 Infantry closed Monday and Tuesday, July 3 and 4. Regular hours Charles Davis Brigade will resume Wednesday, July 5. Marissa Davis PFC Andy Maher Sgt. Kyle McKee DAILY MASS CHANGES Spec. Allison Macke There will be NO 6:30 am Mass offered on Inde- pendence Day, Tuesday, July 4. Instead, please join us for 9:00 am Mass to pray for our Nation! PRAY FOR OUR NATIONFORTNIGHT FOR FREEDOM Please join us in praying for our Nation during SETONFEST VOLUNTEERS! this fortnight for freedom recommended by our Are you a middle school or high school student in need of US bishops, by joining in a day of prayer with service hours? Join the fun on Saturday, August 5 by sign- Eucharistic Exposition on Monday, July 3, from ing up to volunteer at SetonFest! We are in need of dozens 9:30 am-6:30 pm in the daily Mass chapel. of volunteers of all ages! Volunteer shifts are only two There will be no all day Eucharistic Exposition on Tuesday, hours and can count towards required service hours for July 4, due to the holiday. However, please join us for Mass students. Shifts available for games, food tent, bingo, water at 9:00 am, followed by an hour of Eucharistic Exposition in slide, euchre tournament and more. So, join us by signing the Church from 9:30-10:30 am. up on our Parish website at www.seasfw.org. Have ques- tions? Please contact Erin Arnold at 260-438-6415. JOB OPENINGS AT SEAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School is in need of sev- SETONFEST RAFFLE TIC eral part-time positions for the 2017-2018 school year. They Check your mailbox for your SetonFest Raffle tickets. If you are in need of teacher assistants, an IT specialist, Test Co- were unable to pick them up the past three weekends, your ordinator specialist, and a school nurse. For more infor- raffle tickets were mailed to your home. We are asking mation or to submit a resume, please contact Greg Slee at each Parish family to be responsible for selling or purchas- [email protected] or Lois Widner [email protected]. ing three tickets for $10 each. Please return your complet- ed ticket stub along with cash or check to the Parish Office by August 4. Don’t miss your chance to win $1,250! For more information, visit our Parish website at www.seasfw.org. Indiana Raffle License #142514 We offer our condolences to the family SETON MIRACLE MILES! and friends of parishioner Ben Bowdon SetonFest kicks off with out Seton Miracle Miles 5K Run/ who recently passed away. May his Walk coming up on Saturday, August 5. This annual family soul, and all the souls of all the faithful departed, -friendly event starts at 8:00 am. All monetary proceeds through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen from the Run/Walk benefit St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen. Regis- tration forms are available in the gathering area behind the Welcome Center, on the parish website, or you can register 2│ JULY 2, 2017 · THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME online through www.getmeregistered.com. NBTP >KA NLQBP COLJ FO. D>SB Mass Intentions This Tuesday, July 4, is the final day for this year's Monday, July 3 St. Thomas, Apostle Fortnight for Freedom, joining with our US Bishops - Eph 2:19-22/Ps 117:1bc-2/Jn 20:24-29 praying for the Religious Freedom to speak the 9:00 am Anthony Scatena Truth of Jesus Christ in the public square. 6:30 pm Special Intention (Marielle Cabe) Tuesday, July 4 Independence Day (Bl. Pier Giorgio) Pray for our Nation Gn 19:15-29/Ps 26:2-3, 9-12/Mt 8:23-27 Pray for our Nation 9:00 am Special Intention (C.D.) Pray for our Nation Wednesday, July 5 Sts. Anthony Zaccaria & Elizabeth Bishop Rhoades and our U.S. Bishops encourage: of Portugal - Rosary daily Gn 21:5, 8-20a/Ps 34:7-8, 10-13/Mt 8:28-34 - Holy Hour weekly* 9:00 am Joe Tubbs - No Meat on Fridays Thursday, July 6 - Fast one (1) day a week* Gn 22:1b-19/Ps 115:1-6, 8-9/Mt 9:1-8 - Offer daily a Prayer for our Nation 6:30 pm Marie Ciesla Friday, July 7 St. Maria Goretti *A Holy Hour is normally seen as spending an hour in prayer before the Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67/Ps 106:1b-5/Mt 9:9-13 Blessed Sacrament (a Catholic Church/Chapel). A suggested Holy Hour 6:30 am Christy Landrigan could be made up of the following: 9:00 am Grace Mastrangelo - Rosary Saturday, July 8 - Writing a Renewal Note of Life to God Gn 27:1-5, 15-29/Ps 135:1b-6/Mt 9:14-17 - A bit of Spiritual Reading 9:00 am Charlotte Perlich - Sitting quietly with God - listening 4:30 pm Louis and Agnes Sobasky - Reading Gospels Sunday, July 9 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time *Fasting can be done in many ways. I try (emphasis on "try"), to have no Zec 9:9-10/Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14/Rom 8:9, 11-13/Mt food intake until 4:00 pm on a particular day. Others cut back on food intake. 11:25-30 Others may have just "bread" on their fast day. The main thought is to cut 7:30 am Marilyn Trahin back on food (safely), in some way. 9:30 am Ann Koontz Go to www.usccb.org and click "fortnight for freedom". 11:30 am For the People of the Parish 4:30 pm Joseph Denzel Special Prayer Activity here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION Praying for our Nation Sacrament of Confession Monday, JULY 3 Mondays and Thursdays* 9:30 am-6:30 pm 5:45-6:15 pm* Tuesday, JULY 4 Saturdays 9:30-10:30 am 9:30-10:30 am To: Pro-Life Committee *Last Confession will be heard at 6:10 pm Thanks for putting the sign up near the Mary's Grotto. It helps us know what the crosses stand for (sadly). Eucharistic Exposition Red Cross Blood Drive Eucharistic Adoration with Exposition of the The need is so great. THANK YOU to all who gave blood along with all who Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance made this Parish outreach possible. Monday, July 3 Youth Trip to Detroit 9:30 am-6:30 pm, Daily Mass Chapel They should be returning by the time you read this. Thanks for your prayers Tuesday—NO ALL DAY EXPOSITION JULY 4 9:30-10:30 am, Church for our youth - as they reached out to help the less fortunate. Daily Exposition Alerts available by joining the Additional day of Eucharistic Exposition group “Holy Hours” on app.flocknote.com/ Please be on the lookout for a Flocknote poll being sent to your e-mail in the SEASFW next couple weeks. We would like to add a monthly day of Exposition to pray for vocations and want your input. Thank you! Wisdom from the Saints Appreciation Dinner Update not - God bless ALL who make our Parish great. I am truly thank- “Freedom consists in doing what we like, ful for so many "hands" which help bring God's love, support, but in having the right to do what we ought.” guidance, and Truth to our Parish. God is honored by every- one's outreach. St. John Paul II -There has been a "change" in this year's Parish Appreciation dinner. I no- tice though that I have run out of room for my column this week. More infor- mation next week!! God bless YOU. ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC CHURCH │ 3 ORO P>OFPE SQBT>OAPEFM AARIQ SMFOFQR>IFQV >KA EAR@>QFLK Last Week’s Contributions Carole Yaney [email protected] 432-0268 x107 Adult and loose .......................................
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