July 15, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4931 Whereas, every July, people challenge rendition of ‘‘Summertime’’, a bluesy record African-American students receive any kind themselves to reduce their plastic footprint accompanied by melodic vocals; of arts education; through ‘‘Plastics Free July’’; Whereas Natalie Cole, the daughter of Na- Whereas African-American students scored Whereas, during the International Coastal thaniel Adams Coles, achieved musical suc- the lowest of all ethnicities in the most re- Cleanup in 2020, nearly 950,000 people across cess in the mid-1970s as a rhythm and blues cent National Assessment for Educational the globe cleaned up over 10,000 tons of plas- artist with the hits ‘‘This Will Be’’ and ‘‘Un- Progress arts assessment; tic from beaches; forgettable’’; Whereas students who are eligible for the Whereas switching to reusable items in- Whereas, in the 1940s, bebop evolved school lunch program established under the stead of single-use items can prevent waste, through jam sessions, which included trum- Richard B. Russell National School Lunch save water, and reduce litter; and peter Dizzy Gillespie and the alto saxo- Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.) have significantly Whereas July 2021 is an appropriate month phonist Charlie Parker, that were held at lower scores on the music portion of the Na- to designate as Plastic Pollution Action clubs in Harlem, New York, such as Minton’s tional Assessment for Educational Progress Month to recommit to taking action, indi- Playhouse; arts assessment than students who are ineli- vidually and as a country, to reduce plastic Whereas earlier classical singers such as gible for that program, which suggests that pollution: Now, therefore, be it Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield, one of the first students in low-income families are dis- Resolved, That the Senate— widely known African-American vocalists, advantaged in the subject of music; (1) designates July 2021 as ‘‘Plastic Pollu- and other early African-American singing Whereas a recent study found that— tion Action Month’’; pioneers, including Nellie Mitchell Brown, (1) nearly 2⁄3 of music ensemble students (2) recognizes the dangers to human health Marie Selika Williams, Rachel Walker Tur- were White and middle class, and only 15 per- and the environment posed by plastic pollu- ner, Marian Anderson, and Flora Batson Ber- cent of those students were African-Amer- tion; and gen, paved the way for the female African- ican; and (3) encourages all individuals in the United American concert singers who have achieved (2) only 7 percent of music teacher licen- States to protect, conserve, maintain, and great popularity during the last 50 years; sure candidates were African American; and rebuild the environment by responsibly par- Whereas the term ‘‘rhythm and blues’’ Whereas students of color face many bar- ticipating in activities to reduce plastic pol- originated in the late 1940s as a way to de- riers to accessing music education and train- lution in July 2021 and year-round. scribe recordings marketed to African Amer- ing, especially students in large urban public icans and replaced the term ‘‘race music’’; f schools: Now, therefore, be it Whereas lyrical themes in rhythm and Resolved, That the Senate— SENATE RESOLUTION 305—RECOG- blues often encapsulate the African-Amer- (1) recognizes— NIZING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ican experience of pain, the quest for free- (A) the contributions of African Americans AFRICAN AMERICANS TO THE dom, joy, triumphs and failures, relation- to the musical heritage of the United States; MUSICAL HERITAGE OF THE ships, economics, and aspiration and were (B) the wide array of talented and popular popularized by artists such as Ray Charles, UNITED STATES AND THE NEED African-American musical artists, com- Ruth Brown, Etta James, and Otis Redding; posers, songwriters, and musicians who are FOR GREATER ACCESS TO MUSIC Whereas soul music originated in the Afri- EDUCATION FOR AFRICAN- underrecognized for contributions to music; can-American community in the late 1950s (C) the achievements, talent, and hard and early 1960s, combines elements of Afri- AMERICAN STUDENTS AND DES- work of African-American pioneer artists can-American gospel music, rhythm and IGNATING JUNE 2021 AS AFRI- and the obstacles that those artists over- blues, and jazz, and was popularized by art- CAN-AMERICAN MUSIC APPRE- came to gain recognition; ists such as Aretha Franklin, James Brown, CIATION MONTH (D) the need for African-American students Ray Charles, Sam Cooke, Bill Withers, and to have greater access to, and participation Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Mr. DUR- Jackie Wilson; in, music education in schools across the BIN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. BROWN, and Whereas Motown, founded as a record label United States; and in 1959, evolved into a distinctive style Ms. KLOBUCHAR) submitted the fol- (E) Black History Month and African- known for the ‘‘Motown Sound’’, a blend of lowing resolution; which was referred American Music Appreciation Month as an to the Committee on the Judiciary: pop and soul musical stylings made popular by prominent Black artists such as Marvin important time— S. RES. 305 Gaye, James Mason, and Mary Wells; (i) to celebrate the impact of the African- Whereas spirituals, ragtime, blues, jazz, Whereas, in the early 1970s, the musical American musical heritage on the musical gospel, classical composition, and countless style of disco emerged and was popularized heritage of the United States; and other categories of music have been created by programs such as Soul Train and by art- (ii) to encourage greater access to music or enhanced by African Americans and are ists such as Donna Summer; education so that the next generation may etched into the history and culture of the Whereas reggae is a genre of music that continue to greatly contribute to the musi- United States; originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s and cal heritage of the United States; and Whereas the first Africans transported to incorporates some of the musical elements of (2) designates June 2021 as ‘‘African-Amer- the United States came from a variety of rhythm and blues, jazz, mento, calypso, and ican Music Appreciation Month’’. ethnic groups with a long history of distinct African music, and was popularized by art- f and cultivated musical traditions, brought ists such as Bob Marley; musical instruments with them, and built Whereas rock and roll was developed from SENATE RESOLUTION 306—TO AU- new musical instruments in the United African-American musical styles such as THORIZE REPRESENTATION BY States; gospel and rhythm and blues and was popu- THE SENATE LEGAL COUNSEL IN Whereas spirituals were a distinct response larized by artists such as Chuck Berry, Bo THE CASE OF JENNIFER to the conditions of African slavery in the Diddley, Little Richard, and Jimi Hendrix; GRAPPELL V. ALBERTO M. United States and expressed the longing of Whereas rap, arguably the most complex slaves for spiritual and bodily freedom, for and influential form of hip-hop culture, com- CARVALHO, ET AL safety from harm and evil, and for relief bines blues, jazz, and soul and elements of Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and Mr. from the hardships of slavery; the African-American musical tradition with MCCONNELL) submitted the following Whereas jazz, arguably the most creative Caribbean calypso, dub, and dance hall resolution; which was considered and and complex music that the United States reggae; agreed to: has produced, combines the musical tradi- Whereas the development and popularity of tions of African Americans in New Orleans old-style rap combined confident beats with S. RES. 306 with the creative flexibility of blues music; wordplay and storytelling, highlighting the Whereas, Senator Marco Rubio has been Whereas masterful trumpeters Louis Arm- struggle of African-American youth growing named as a defendant in the case of Jennifer strong and Miles Davis achieved national up in underresourced neighborhoods; Grappell v. Alberto M. Carvalho, et al., Case and international recognition with the suc- Whereas contemporary rhythm and blues, No. 21–cv–22016, currently pending in the cess of ‘‘West End Blues’’ by Louis Arm- which originated in the late 1970s and com- United States District Court for the South- strong in the 1920s and ‘‘So What’’ by Miles bines elements of pop, rhythm and blues, ern District of Florida; Davis in the late 1950s; soul, funk, hip hop, gospel, and electronic Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and Whereas Thomas Dorsey, the father of gos- dance music, was popularized by artists such 704(a)(1) of the Ethics in Government Act of pel music, used his composing talents to as Whitney Houston and Aaliyah; 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(1), the merge sacred and secular styles that created Whereas Prince Rogers Nelson, who was Senate may direct its counsel to defend a revolution in music; known for electric performances and a wide Members of the Senate in civil actions relat- Whereas talented jazz pianist and vocalist vocal range, pioneered music that integrated ing to their official responsibilities: Now Nathaniel Adams Coles recorded more than a wide variety of styles, including funk, therefore, be it 150 singles and sold more than 50,000,000 rock, contemporary rhythm and blues, new Resolved, That the Senate Legal Counsel records; wave, soul, psychedelia, and pop; is authorized to represent Senator Rubio in Whereas the talent of Ella Fitzgerald, a Whereas a recent study by the Department the case of Jennifer Grappell v. Alberto M. winner of 13 Grammys, is epitomized by a of Education found that only 28 percent of Carvalho, et al. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:45 Jul 16, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15JY6.029 S15JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 15, 2021 Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, on be- of the Senate on Thursday, July 15, (2) the terms ‘‘cybersecurity risk’’ and ‘‘in- half of myself and the distinguished 2021, at 9 a.m., to conduct a hearing on cident’’ have the meanings given those terms Republican leader, Mr.
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