31 August 1989 Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 50(1): 1-242 (1989) ISSN 0814-1827 https://doi.org/10.24199/j.mmv.1989.50.01 DEMOSPONGIAE (PORIFERA) FROM NORTHERN BASS STRAIT, SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA By Felix Wiedenmayer Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Museum of Victoria, Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia Present address: Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Agustinergasse 2, 4001 Basel, Switzerland Abstract Wiedenmayer, F., 1989. Demospongiae from northern Bass Strait, southern Australia. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 50(1): 1-242. Eighty-four species (in 47 genera) in the Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, are described and illustrated. Of these, 21 species are described as new: Ancorina repens, A. suina, Stelletta arenitecta, Rhabdastrella cordata, R. intermedia, Tetilla praecipua, Latrunculia hallmanni, Pseudaxinella decipiens, Reniochalina sectilis, Rhaphoxya felina, Clathria wilsoni, Echinoclathria egena, Psammoclema bitextum, P. fissuratum, P. goniodes, P. radiatum, P. stipitatum, P. van- soesti, Callyspongia persculpta, C. toxifera, and Thorecta glomerosus. Eighteen records are new for the Maugean province, and three (Phorbas tenacior, Darwinella gardineri, and Gel- liodes incrustans) are new for the Australian fauna. The following revisions depart from those adopted in Wiedenmayer et al. (in press). The family Desmacididae is divided into Desmacidi- nae and Stylotellinae, and the genera Stylotella ( = Batzella), Phoriospongia ( = Chondropsis), and Psammoclema ( = Psammopemma, Sarcocornea) are assigned to the latter. Dactylia, Chalinopsilla and Arenosclera are synonymised with Callyspongia. Thorectandra is synonymised with Thorecta. Dendrilla cactos (Selenka) is a senior synonym of D. rosea Lendenfeld. The composition of this collection is even, with respect to the known demosponge fauna of Victoria and Tasmania. Its zoogeographic affinity is essentially Indo-West Pacific and relictic Tethyan, its provincial endemism high, and its overlap with the Antarctic/Subantarctic fauna almost nil. Contents Abstract j Introduction 5 Collections 6 List of collecting stations 6 Taxonomic procedure g Terminology and glossary ] j Size of specimens and its gradation , 12 Abbreviations 12 Class Demospongiae Sollas, 1885 13 Subclass Homoscleromorpha Levi, 1953 13 Order Homosclerophorida Dendy, 1905 13 Plakinidae Schulze, 1880 ...Ill ......... 13 Corticium Schmidt, 1 862 13 Corticium candelabrum Schmidt 13 Subclass Tetractinomorpha Levi, 1953 14 Order Astrophorida Sollas, 1887 14 Ancorinidae Schmidt, 1870 14 Ancorina Schmidt, 1862 14 Ancorina geodides Carter 14 Ancorina repens sp. nov lg Ancorina robusta Carter 17 Ancorina suina sp. nov 1 g Stelletta Schmidt, 1862 , . \9 Stelletta arenitecta sp. nov 20 1 F. WIEDENMAYER 2{ Rhabdastrella Thiele, 1903 2 ' Rhabdastrella cordatu sp. nov Rhabdastrella intermedia sp. nov Geodiidae Gray, 1 867 ^3 Geodia Lamarck, 1815 Subgenus Geodia 24 Geodia (Geodia) punctata Hentschel 26 Coppatiidae Topsent, 1898 26 Jaspis Gray, 1867 26 Jaspis stellifera (Carter) Order Spirophorida Brien, 1968 28 28 Tetillidae Sollas, 1886 28 Tetilla Schmidt, 1 868 28 Tetilla praecipua sp. nov Order Hadromerida Topsent, 1894 29 Tethyidae Gray, 1867 29 Tethya Lamarck, 1814 29 Tethya ingalli Bowerbank 29 Polymastiidae Gray, 1867 32 Polymastia Bowerbank, 1863 32 Polymastia crassa Carter 32 Spirastrellidae Ridley and Dendy, 1886 34 Spirastrella Schmidt, 1868 34 Spirastrella papillosa Ridley and Dendy 35 Chondrillidae Gray, 1872 36 Chondrosia Nardo, 1 847 36 Chondrosia reticulata (Carter) 36 Latrunculiidae Topsent, 1922 37 Latrunculia Bocage, 1 869 40 Lutrunculia conulosa Hallmann 40 Latrunculia hallmanni sp. nov 41 Order Axinellida Levi, 1955 47 Axinellidae Ridley and Dendy, 1887 47 Pseudaxinella Schmidt, 1875 47 Pseudaxinella decipiens sp. nov 47 Reniochalina Lendenfeld, 1 888 48 Reniochalina sectilis sp. nov 49 Rhaphoxya Hallmann, 1917 50 Rhuphoxya cactiformis (Carter) 50 Rhaphoxya felina sp. nov 52 Trachycladidae Hallmann, 1917 53 Trachycladus Carter, 1 879 53 Trachycladus laevispirulifer Carter 53 Raspailiidae Hentschel, 1923 54 Clathriodendron Lendenfeld, 1888 55 Clathriodendren cacticutis (Carter) 55 Subclass Ceractinomorpha Levi, 1953 56 Order Poecilosclerida Topsent, 1928 56 Microcionidae Carter, 1875 .56 SPONGES FROM BASS STRAIT Clathria Schmidt, 1862 56 Clathria transiens Hallmann 57 Clathria wilsoni sp. nov 57 Echinoclathria Carter, 1885 58 Echinoclathria carteri Ridley and Dendy 59 Echinoclathria favus Carter 59 Echinoclathria laminaefavosa (Carter) 60 Echinoclathria leporina (Lamarck) 61 Echinoclathria globosa (Lendenfeld) 63 Echinoclathria egena sp. nov 64 Echinoclathria tubulosa (Hallmann) 66 Desmacididae Schmidt, 1870 66 Desmacidinae 67 Strongylacidon Lendenfeld, 1897 67 Strongylacidon stelliderma (Carter) 68 Stylotellinae Lendenfeld, 1888 69 Stylotella Lendenfeld, 1888 69 Stylotella inaequalis (Hentschel) 69 71 Phoriospongia Marshall, 1 880 Phoriospongia argentea (Marshall) 72 Phoriospongia carcinophila (Lendenfeld) 72 Phoriospongia kirki (Bowerbank) 73 Psammoclema Marshall, 1880 75 Psammoclema bitextum sp. nov 75 Psammoclema callosum (Marshall) 76 Psammoclema densum (Marshall) 76 Psammoclema fissuratum sp. nov 77 Psammoclema goniodes sp. nov 78 Psammoclema nodosum (Carter) 79 Psammoclema radiatum sp. nov 80 Psammoclema ramosum Marshall 80 Psammoclema siipitatum sp. nov 81 Psammoclema vansoesti sp. nov 82 Mycalidae Lundbeck, 1905, sensu van Soest, 1984 83 Mycale Gray, 1867 83 Subgenus Arenochalina Lendenfeld, 1887 84 Mycale (Arenochalina) mirabilis Lendenfeld 84 Tedaniidae Ridley and Dendy, 1886 87 Tedania Gray, 1867 87 Tedania anhelans (Lieberkuhn) 87 92 Forcepia Carter, 1874 93 Forcepia biceps (Carter) 94 Lissodendoryx Topsent, 1 892 Lissodendoryx isodictyalis (Carter) 98 Ectyodoryx Lundbeck, 1909 J°0 Ectyodoryx maculata Hentschel I0° Anchinoidae Topsent, 1928 102 Phorbas Duchassaing and Michelotti, 1864 102 102 Phorbas cf. tenacior (Topsent) Order Haplosclerida Topsent, 1928 '03 103 Callyspongiidae de Laubenfels, 1936 103 Callyspongia Duchassaing and Michelotti, 1864 F. WIEDENMAYER Callyspongia asparagus (Lamarck) 106 Callyspongia bilamellata (Lamarck) 106 Callyspongia diffusa (Ridley) 1 08 Callyspongia pergamentacea (Ridley) 109 Callyspongia persculpta sp. nov 110 Callyspongia ramosa (Gray) 112 Callyspongia serpentina (Lamarck) 115 Callyspongia toxifera sp. nov 117 Niphatidae van Soest, 1980 117 Gelliodes Ridley, 1884 117 Gelliodes incrustans Dendy 118 Oceanapiidae van Soest, 1980 119 Oceanapia Norman, 1869 120 Oceanapia putridosa (Lamarck) 120 Order Dictyoceratida Minchin, 1900 121 Spongiidae Gray, 1867 121 Spongia Linne, 1759 121 Spongia hispida Lamarck 121 Carteriospongia Hyatt, 1 877 123 Carteriospongia caliciformis Carter 124 Carteriospongia silicata (Lendenfeld) 126 Carteriospongia cf. vermicularis (Lendenfeld) 127 Coscinoderma Carter, 1883 128 Coscinoderma pesleonis (Lamarck) 128 Leiosella Lendenfeld, 1 888 1 30 Leiosella caliculata Lendenfeld 130 Leiosella levis (Lendenfeld) 132 Thorectidae Bergquist, 1978 134 ' Ircinia Nardo, 1 833 j 34 Ircinia caliculata Lendenfeld 135 Thorecta Lendenfeld, 1888 137 Thorecta choanoides (Bowerbank) 137 Thorecta glomerosus sp. nov 139 Thorecta tuberculatus (Carter) 140 Fasciospongia Burton, 1934 [ i 4 j Fasciospongia rimosa (Lamarck) \ \A\ Dysideidae Gray, 1867 144 Dysidea Johnston, 1842 ' 144 Dysidea avara (Schmidt) 144 Order Dendroceratida Minchin, 19 j 46 Darwinellidae Merejkowsky, 1879 \<\6 Aplysilla Schulze, 1878 145 Aplysilla rosea (Barrois) ] \A6 Darwinella Miiller, 1865 \\\ \Al Darwinella australiensis Carter \\\ 147 Darwinella gardineri Topsent ' ,[ 14 o Dendrilla Lendenfeld, 1883 /' ' ' 152 Dendrilla cactos (Selenka) " ,„ Order Verongiida Bergquist, 1978 ]54 Aplysinidae Hyatt, 1875 ' 154 SPONGES FROM BASS STRAIT Aplysina Nardo, 1834 ]54 Aplysina ianthelliformis (Lendenfeld) 154 Aplysina lendenfeldi Bergquist 155 Druinellidae Lendenfeld, 1889 156 Pseudoceratina Carter, 1885 \%6 Pseudoceratina durissima Carter \S6 Druinella Lendenfeld, 1889 158 Druinella rotunda Lendenfeld 158 Notes on ecology j ^q Taxonomic diversity I ^q Zoogeography 163 Acknowledgements 1 70 References , 1 7 j Plates ' 1 g j '.'. '. '.'. '. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '. ' Index '. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. 225 Introduction in concepts of genera and families, by authors In the initial stages of research on taxonomy, unfamiliar with the southern Australian fauna ecology and zoogeography of sponges inhabiting (except, after 1920, Bergquist, Burton, Dendy, Levi the continental shelf of southern Australia, at the et al., Topsent) has largely failed to incorporate this Museum of Victoria (Melbourne, 1981-1985), it important fauna. became apparent that the basis for meaningful tax- To bring the literature up to date an annotated onomic work was very tenuous. The quality of bibliography and checklist of marine sponges of most published records of Australian species is Australia has been compiled (Wiedenmayer et al., inadequate for confident identifications, and the in press). The Bibliography contains 1520 anno- lack of illustrations and type data is almost general. tated references. The Checklist, which also covers For demosponges of the Maugean and Peronian Australia's overseas coasts and adjacent waters C provinces (Knox, 1960; defined for littoral faunas (Antarctica between 45 E and 160°E, including the of Victoria/Tasmania and New South Wales, French Adelie Coast; Heard and Macquarie respectively, here extended to the sublittoral fauna), Islands; Christmas Island) includes 1 173
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